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You Should Read This Manga My MALentine Story
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Mar 29, 2024
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun season 2 had a huge falloff from season 1 because it was engaging enough since season 2 was just a loop for 13 episodes.
In season 1 we really he tomozaki develop from being a bum to a regular person but in season 2 now that he starts off as a regular person it feels a bit odd that hes still doing tasks for someone whos a little bit higher on the social hierachy then him. the interactions he has in season 2 are almost completely normal and that made the plot really hard to drag on because he really cant grow or
evolve out of how he ended from season 1. I think a cause of this is the lack of new ideas and characters in season 2 as they really don't have any new additions and just rub on the relationship between the already existing circle.
Another problem I have is how they pace the episodes. The first half of the story was just 6 episodes of completing random tasks which actually wasnt too bad to watch but the last 7 episodes, tomozaki plans a school festival play in which this girl kikuchi writes the story and he assists her to create the story with the play. my personal opinion is that this is where it just goes downhill because the long ass dialogue between them about the story she was for me was all yap. I know some people love dialouge like this but me personally I actually couldn't care less. Yes it did build the relationship beteen the 2 characters but I really dont need a entire narrative spoken to me to understand that they have the same interest and are getting closer. listening to them talk was actually brainrot and i got bored almost instantly and it made me wanna drop this so bad but i persevered.
Some ups were that the art and audio were kept up to standard like season 1 but i cant say much else
overall, season 2 is pretty bland and half of season 2 is getting a fucking book read to me. I get the appeal but me personally this anime was just super boring to sit through but if you like these kinds of narratives and yap be my guest.
TLDR: No new content, half of the season is just yap
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 31, 2024
Chained soldier is a really bad ecchi with terrible story development.
For the characters, your MC is just an average virgin loser with barley any character to himself, his personality is probally the blandest and mundane of all and it just makes him super boring and painstaking to watch, the girls in Chained solider are just walking fan service, they also have a really average and weak background of "No one believed in me so I'm going to become super strong".
The animation is also hot trash in which for a 2024 anime adaptation is NOT good looks.
The fighting scenes of this anime aren't really immersive,
it feels like the same thing over again and it's so poorly animated and you can tell at this pace it's going nowhere aswell.
Chained solider was just a cheap ecchi where you see a boy get bitched around by 4 other girls, the story is weak and the art is ass. It only took me 3 episodes to realise this and I don't even know how I got through the first two...
I'm assuming the only reason why someone would even watch this anime is because they had high hopes from the manga or they want their brain dilluted with over 15 minutes of fanservice in episode 2.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 16, 2024
Don't watch this content around other people or with anyone; treat it like any other Ecchi!
"No Game No Life" is an Isekai where a brother and sister, absolute nerds in video games, find themselves transported into a world where everything is determined by games. Disputes, wealth, war, and territory are all settled through various games governed by the 10 commandments or rules:
All murder, war, and robbery are forbidden in this world.
All conflicts will be resolved through games.
In games, each player bets something of equal value.
Anything may be bet and any game may be played as long as it doesn't violate rule three.
The challenged party decides the rules of the game.
Bets made in accordance with the pledges must be upheld.
Conflicts between groups are conducted by designated representatives with absolute authority.
Cheating during a game results in an instant loss.
The rules may never be changed.
Let's all have fun and play together!
The brother-sister duo, highly intelligent, rise to power and become the kings of the Imanity race, the weakest among the 16 races in the world. They adopt the name "The Blank," signifying their vow to never lose a game. With their newfound position, they aim to unite all races and challenge the god who introduced them to this world.
Story [10]:
"No Game No Life" is an adaptation of its light novel, which I haven't read because I'm not a nerd. However, it's reassuring to know that there's a well-thought-out plot underlying the anime. The unique Isekai concept, with the world governed by 10 rules, sets it apart. I appreciate the distinctiveness of the storyline. Bless this story!
Art [8]:
The animation is vibrant and beautiful, with a colorful world that activated my dopamine receptors. The landscapes and characters are neatly drawn, and the bright vibrance of the world is truly immaculate. Considering this anime is from 2014, it marked a significant step up in the animation industry.
Enjoyment [10]:
I binge-watched all 12 episodes in one sitting without any issues. It felt like the fastest three hours of my life. I was deeply invested in the anime, and even if there were 100 episodes, I would probably still watch it. The art contributes to the enjoyment, as the vibrant world is simply gorgeous to look at.
"No Game No Life" stands out among other Isekai. The story is easy to get attached to, and the characters, although not delved into deeply in this review, are engaging. The beautiful art makes the world bright and full of color, creating a smooth and enjoyable viewing experience—perfect for kicking back and taking it easy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 14, 2024
This anime is so plain, Project No.9 has yet to drop a banger and this anime just proves my point.
Otonari starts off where the main character, Shiina is sitting in the rain and magical Fujimaya is here to save the day with his umbrella. Shiina finds out Fujimaya lives in a shithole and offers to cook dinner for him as payment as to escorting her home with cover. The 2 personalities of the 2 characters are quickly figured out as they both contradict each other. Shinna is a beautiful popular smart athletics whatever girl while Fujimaya is a fat stinky ugly no friends loser. Wow!
I have never seen this plot before! This is totally original! Not like the anime is totally clique and recycles the same ideas!
Anyway, I'm not here to give you a summary so here are the problems I had with Otonari follows
Originality: This show is just so basic man, the main setting of average highschool loser being blessed up with a totally perfect baddie. Ive seen like 100 other romance's with the same idea. The fact that they are neighbors really can't justify the anime being something different, it progresses like any other anime with them getting closer and closer each episode by interacting yada yada. There is no twist, there is no drama, there is nothing that gives a interesting kick in the story. Every episode is literally on a loop for 3 hours but something with barley any importance pops up like a random holiday, in which they just keeping on yapping.
Boring romance: The romance in this anime was just a linear line. Completely undisturbed with no roadblocks or speedbumps. Lowkey you can have a happy anime and all but Otonari just made it boring. Otonari has such a predictable romance, since in every episode its pretty obvious they get closer and closer and everything that happens is just so predictable. Maybe throw in something fun once in awhile? I know it might be me petty yapping about how its boring and it has no drama since the title isn't even on there, it's just flat boring. No exciting events in particular have you on ur feet when you watch this. Me personally I don't fw how steady and average that romance is.
Art: Im convinced the animators really need a bipolarity test, even with little and no unique setting, they do a fine job animating it. Problem is they do fuck up on the characters, for example why the fuck was Shinnas head so big bro???? Made her look goofy asf and it just made it even harder to watch.
Small rant: In most episodes, the 2 talk about like the exact same thing over and over in each episode, which is the fact that:
"Im such a loser omg they cant see you with me"
"No omg I feel so comfy around you"
Is this guy really a fucking pick me or what???? I'm exaggerating it but it made me annoyed at times.
In all, Otonari is the most average and predictable romance you'll ever see and if you even dare watch this, watch tiktok or instagram reels while watching, it'll help pass time and skip all the yappa yappa.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 19, 2023
This anime is TRASH. This shits the worst 2023 anime ive seen and everyone is just a huge FRAUD.
Main Story [1] This story was the most predictable worst paced romcom I've ever seen. The first 2 episodes is him realizing that hes a annoying cuck so he backs off Aika, then around 8 episodes of I kid you not FILLER in a 12 episode anime happens. Stupid shit like going to the beach with a random MIDDLE SCHOOLER??? The people who made the story had to label the girl as a middle schooler cuz they were so shit on idea
on how to drop the romantic connections between Sasaki and Sajou. Then the last 2 episodes, wow I wonder what's gonna happen? It's so horribly paced and awfully written if you watched only episodes 1,2 & 11 and 12 you could probally understand the whole anime from there.
Art [4] The art in this story is just a basic modern style, since this is 2023 expectation of art are already pretty high, this hits the mark but there really isn't anything unique to it compared to other 2023 art styles.
Characters [5] The characters actually had some sort of personality which made it remotely interesting, my favorite being Ashida, who just bothers the 2 for most of the time. Problem for me was side characters probally got more screen time then Aika herself, which the fucking 8 episodes of filler really helped contribute yet. The MC has a pretty straight forward mentality though, and it pretty much is static until the end of the story which is kind of lame.
I do not recommend this anime, it's a huge waste of time since you will probally go to sleep in the middle of the anime anyway. The plot is super predictable, the characters don't have anything unique about it and the art is fairly average.
P.S: I was BAKED while writing this gone asf
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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