Jul 26, 2018
So I'm somewhat conflicted on this anime. Its everything you've ever seen in the sense that it's the guy that gets brought over to another world with all of the powers that his character had, but on the other hand you can tell that the studio animating it was trying to animate above their skill level. Because a lot of times when a studio is not as skilled they will focus pretty much from the waist up because its hard to animate leg movement, not this studio. The quality of the anime itself (art wise) does drop a little when their is a lot of
Apr 26, 2018
Megalo Box
I thought I'd throw in my two bits of info. Megalo Box is set in kind of this steampunk futuristic type setting where boxing apparently is still big...of all things. We've got our run of the mill down-and-out character who just wants to have a good fight. You might be thinking "Boxing? Eh, not really my thing." To be honest, boxing isn't really my thing either. BUT, the character writing in this story is very well done. The animation is well done. Voice acting, at least right now, is believable. You might stray away from it because of how the art looks but don't let
Mar 23, 2018
Sword Gai The Animation
So in case you're wondering, this is a Netflix series. One of the bunch that they have been spitting out since the beginning of 2018. I would honestly give this anime more of a 7.5 rather than a 7 but I don't want to give it an 8. Any "spoilers" I mention are either in the synopsis or you find out in the first episode. So there are demon swords (so...refreshing) and when a human combines with them they either turn into a demon or control it and use its power...sorta. The twist is that if you use the power too much then it will