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Jan 20, 2023
This manga's plot it's really something unexpected, but it's so wholesome and enjoyable.
I like pretty much evry piece of media of Sadako interacting with people and doing everyday things.
At the same time I like a lot the premisse of her waking up in the end of the world, realising that there isn't pretty much no one left to kill or watch her tape.
And it's pretty enjoyable watching her looking around the world with the two kids, finding things from the fallen society.
Weird how the entries related to Sadako that aren't horror are all just neat.
It's really short and it's worth the reading.
Jan 20, 2023
Trivia fact: Sadako DOES have a channel on youtube, look it up, it's really good and wholesome, love it.
And I couldn't be more happy to say the same about this manga.
I really didn't like the 2019 "Sadako" movie, but liked all the marketing campaign around it.
The story is pretty straight foward, Sadako and her reincarnation, a child, decide to open a youtube channel, and evry once in a while ask Kazuma's advice, one of the protagonists of the movie.
It's just Sadako looking for things to do with her kid, while she also struggles with modern technology.
It's a pretty short reading, and pretty enjoyable. This is ...
Jan 20, 2023
Ring 2 (Manga) add
If you know me in person, you pretty much know how I dislike Hideo Nakata as a whole, specially for his work being overastimated, not only on 1998's "Ringu", but pretty much all his other movies I've seen so far.
With that being said, it's also so ironic how my favorite horror entrie in the franchise it's a movie directed by him, 1999's "Ringu 2".
I have some regards for little things on the movie, but them being put aside easily, it's a really enjoyable movie, with decent horror elements, and an engaging story.
Still, with those problems, for no reason, the mangas' reading, for this movie ...
Jan 19, 2023
Mixed Feelings
Pretty hard to say something about this. Not a fan of the book, much less of the movie, even less of the TV series, it's unlikely that a manga adapting the same story would fall to my taste. With that being said, along with the movie, probably cuts down a lot of unecessary parts, and gets to the point really quickly, only 6 chapters, that's a really short reading. The art it's as good as the first Ringu's manga series, it works for what it wants to do, but not really something special.
So, the story is the same. Weird plot, ridiculous ending and lack of ...
Jan 19, 2023
The Ring (Manga) add
Well, along with "Ringu Kanzenban", I really feel like this is one of the worth adaptations for someone to approach the "Ring" story.
The art itself is pretty decent, it works for a horror/investigation manga, at least on my opinion. The bits of the story mixes the book with some ideas of the Hideo Nakata's first movie. I think is for the best, in the end the story is consistent with the book, some uniteresting bits are replaced with the movie's content, specially Ryuji's character, his personality being from the books, but his story being based on the movie, and in the end I think the ...
Jan 19, 2023
Well, being just straight:
The art is actually good for what this thing is aiming for...but...
I don't know, it's just another reading of Sadako's lore, except pretty much every human being looks like a zombie (I understand Sadako, but danm, is really like, EVRYONE). In addition, it's so short, if I didn't knew what Sadako's deal was all about, this manga wouldn't make a lit bit of sense to me. So it's for her fans, right? Don't really know, didn't feel like reading the other Ring's mangas, following bits of the book, instead I don't know if this follows the books or the movies... It looks ...
Jun 23, 2022
Heard what happened and the conditions of how this was finished.
I really liked the story, unlike a lot of yuri mangas and manhua stories I read isn't really about erotism or anything like that, and feels more compeling. It really feels like a story about two women engaging in a healthy relationship and learning how to like eachother and how one can help the other in the small things in their lives.
The saddest part about all this: The more I look into reasons why I like this so much, the more sad I feel about how, for all the effects, it's a unfinished and shut ...

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