Love After World Domination is a very good show, it isn’t that deep or takes itself that seriously, but it doesn’t need to because the comedy is very good and its overall just a fun show. At times it
The characters Fudo and Desumi are both fun characters. Fudo does not have much to him besides being the typical strong thick headed buy, but he is serviceable as a secondary main character Desumi on the other hand I think is a well written character whose is just a lot of fun to follow she has family struggles and trys to live up to them
Jun 22, 2022
Komi san season 2 was a disappointment for me I enjoyed the first season quite a bit, but after 12 episodes it started to get somewhat stale. I hoped they would improve upon things for season 2 maybe switch things up maybe focus a bit more on the characters at hand, but alas it was the the same old formula. The main premise of the show is what i think works against it, but i will say it is not a lost cause of a show and I think that it has it's redeeming quality and has a decent joke or character every so often.
The ... Jan 24, 2022
Sabikui Bisco
I was already pretty hyped for Sabukui Bisco before the anime started cause i had seen the trailer and the anime has definitely met those expectations. The thing that i love the most so far about this anime is not the fights or cool characters, but the amazing world building that makes me feel like i'm there. It has one of the coolest worlds ive seen so far in anime thats also pretty original too and i think that if the world building continues the way it is this will be an amazing world worth analyzing and exploring.
So far these first 3 episodes have definitely ... Nov 28, 2021
Ok where to start, well first of all I never really enjoyed the movie outside of the Akaza fight it was all just well badly written and this is basically the same thing i know what they added the 70 new cuts and scenes or what not but I couldn't tell the difference it all looked the same to me besides that first episode which was boring and nearly put me to sleep it was exactly the same.
Its not like I didn't like it all there were some things that i did enjoy as in the Akaza fight and Enmus power was acually really cool ... |