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Aug 18, 2019
As a disclaimer, I dropped this series chapter 74, so as I write this review, I've only read about 30% of this series. Whether you choose to value my criticisms or dismiss them based on how much I read, just know I'm only speaking about what I have saw.
First, allow me to soothe your mind and soul by talking about the good, that is, before I put on my apron, grab my knife, and butcher this series. Sasuga's art is consistently good. I don't think I read a chapter where I had any complaints with how it was drawn, so you can bank on this
series looking visually appealing. Occasionally, you'll get a great double spread that will raise the ceiling for the artwork in the manga. If you can count on Domestic Girlfriend to deliver on one aspect, it would definitely be the art.
In addition, the comedy can be good, albeit sometimes for the wrong reasons. Whether this series entertains you by design or with it's ineptitude, if you walk away with at least a chuckle, then that should be viewed as a positive.
My last bit of praise will go to the fan service. Fan service can sometimes show a lack of confidence in one's writing by leaning on T&A to please the readers, but it isn't inherently bad. In this series fan service is par for the course, and as a self proclaimed, "man of fan service", I refuse to avert my eyes to panels of Hina's breast, I stare at them head on, I dream about them vividly, for what man could I be, to shun a divine blessing? I dare not find the answer.
As for the bad, honestly, I have no idea where to begin. There is so much wrong in Domestic Girlfriend, I'm struggling to focus on which issue I should tackle first, but I suppose I'll start with the premise. I dubbed this series "Heterosexual Citrus" when I first heard about the plot, and it's not hard to make the connection. A high schooler wants to bang his step sister and with that, a lot of drama befalls the characters. However, unlike Citrus, instead of lusting over one step sister, the main character lusts over TWO step sisters, double the incest, double the xp. Now the way I look at it, the pseudo incest alone isn't the only con dragging down this series, it's the multitude of hurdles that plague Hina and Natsuo's relationship. Hina is the stepsister of Natsuo, is 6 years older than him (at the time Natsuo was a minor), and is the teacher of Natsuo. The facts scream with a megaphone, that Natsuo should not pursue this relationship, that Natsuo should find someone else, that Natsuo should not even think of Hina as a romantic partner, but alas, Natsuo is deaf. Maybe, just maybe though, that's the point of this series, Natsuo is deaf to bad signs, Rui is numb to feelings, and Hina is blind to all good decisions.
Transitioning into the characters of Domestic Girlfriend, as a unit they are mediocre at best. On paper you would think Natsuo is a good character, he's smart, diligent, and a decent individual but he is insufferable to watch. Natsuo's indecisiveness will drive you up the wall and sure, you can somewhat defend it since he is a high schooler, but he's more fickle than a newborn. Chapter 7 Natsuo might like Rui, chapter 12 Natsuo might fancy Hina, it's a back and forth seesaw of "who should I be with." Rui is a more likeable character but even then I feel like her stoic personality is a tad bit overdone. Rui is so clueless, she doesn't even understand the concept of love, so much so, that she decides to have sex with a guy she literally meet within a hour. I think in writing Rui the way that she's written, she has potential for a ton of development but ultimately, her development amounts to realizing she wants to bang her stepbrother and that's just...yeah. The worst of them all though, without a doubt, has to be Hina. Unlike Natsuo, Hina doesn't have the excuse of being a horny teenager, she is a fully grown adult who jeopardizes her livelihood, all for a minor who also happens to be her stepbrother. Hina is supposed to be one of the most responsible characters in this series, yet she makes some of the most mind boggling decisions, that will leave you in awe, and not in a good way. If you're looking at a dilemma in Domestic Girlfriend and you think of a couple of smart routes to maneuver out of it, expect Hina to take a complete detour and take you places, devoid of logic and reasoning. The side characters are a plus though, in fact they're better than the main cast. It's very sad when a cafe owner and a high school girl, who has had more sexual partners than there are hours in a day, are leagues better than the likes of Natsuo and Hina.
Briefly, I want to pile on by pointing out the forced drama that this series tries to dish out chapter to chapter. When you see Domestic Girlfriend going in a direction where the plot seems to have mellowed out, prepare for drama to hit like an anime vechile. Out of nowhere, no matter if it makes sense or not narratively, there will be a "plot twist" soley for the purpose of keeping the attention of readers, and not to progress any real story elements. I won't go into detail but you'll start to see the pattern, drama happens, characters deal with said drama in various stupid ways, the drama ceases to exist, the characters pretend to have gained some newfound knowledge from their experience, rinse and repeat.
To conclude this mess of a review, I will say that Domestic Girlfriend is a trainwreck happening over and over. Sure, it may be fun to watch a trainwreck go down now and again, but once disaster becomes the norm and bad becomes the status quo, it transforms from entertainment to tragedy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 9, 2018
I've come to a point where I have little to no patience for sitting through mediocre anime anymore, why? Simply because there is a vast ocean of other series that I could be watching that are actually good. I don't have to waste my time trudging in the filth that is produced season to season by the anime industry.
The question I ask myself today is, how in the hell did this anime manage to hook me in for nine episodes with my current mindset!? Maybe it was the pretty colors, maybe it was my blind faith in P.A. Works, maybe it was my want to
fill a vacancy for the anime I was watching at the time, I have no clue. What I do know is that Irozuku is not good, it doesn't warrant your time nor patience, and you can find plenty of anime better than it without much effort.
Now, I want to say that Irozuku isn't horrible. If it caters to your likes then there may be a chance that you actually enjoy this series. But then I would have to ask, what exactly are your likes? Is it a mundane cast of characters? Spearheaded by the MC, Hitomi Tsukishiro, who is a walking Shrinking Violet trope? What about the uninspired character designs that would make stick figures look like masterpieces in comparison? Oh, I know!!! It's those mesmerizing rainbow colors that put you in a trance. Well..... wake up and smell the coffee!!! You have been bamboozled, swindled, fooled by the "feels" and by the potential of this series that seems more nonexistent the more episodes you watch.
So, I read the synopsis and seeing that magic was normal in the world of Irozuku, I was intrigued and eager to see what that would lead to. Long story short, it led to nothing, at least up till episode nine. Magic in this world is nothing more than a gimmick. While magic is kinda necessary given the fact that Hitomi is sent 60 years in the past, the concept of magic could have been written out of the story with not much changing. I'm not mad that magic is in the series, I'm just disappointed that it didn't enhance anything when it had the promise to.
Getting into the main plot of Irozuku, we are supposed to be following Hitomi and her growth as a individual. Hitomi is crippling shy, so the mission is to break Hitomi out of her shell so she can get out there and make friends. Being an introvert myself (albeit not to the same degree), I kinda relate to Hitomi. As a character, Hitomi starting where she was makes sense because it leaves room to grow, but mannnn is she boring. Sure, you can argue that Hitomi is a realistic character but that doesn't make her journey any less dull. Pair that with the show's sluggish pace and it makes Hitomi's uneventful adventure (Jojo reference) more apparent. It also doesn't help that the supporting characters can't disguise Hitomi's blandness since, they themselves are pretty bland as well, excluding Kohaku. Going back to Hitomi, I feel like the growth for her character is there, but it's happening too gradually. Yes, it is better to ease into development than to rush it, but considering that this series is only 13 episodes, and the fact that it's suffering because of this almost hesitant maturation, I say hit the gas and let's get rolling. There is also needless drama in this show but because I risk spoiling part of the series by expanding on this, I will refrain from talking about specifics. Let's just say that the romance triangles, squares, and pentagons, are played out.
As I said before this series is not horrible, I save that label for shows that are practically torture to watch which Irozuku isn't. This series had it's good moments, maybe even a good episode. I joked about it, but this series is visually appealing (character designs are a different story). The contrast of the monochrome seen through Hitomi and the myriad of the colors that this series throws at you make for a good combination aesthetically. This series lives up to the name "The World in Colors." I also found some of the club member's interactions pretty funny when they went on trips, it's a shame that we didn't have more of that. The last thought I want to add is that I enjoyed Kohaku. I thought it was cool that Hitomi's future grandmother was the catalyst for Hitomi's growth and that she would give advice from the perspective of a 17 year old, while still being wise and helpful.
To close this review out, I want to say, make your own decision on whether or not you watch this show. Make your own decision on whether or not you like this show, just be prepared for a slow burn, that may not have a grand reward at the end. Not every rainbow has a pot of gold at the end. (I'm sorry but I couldn't resist not making a rainbow joke, I'll leave now).
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 10, 2017
A lot of times when people try to persuade someone to watch/read series the first thing we tend to do is cover up or separate our bias towards the series. Obviously if you're a fanboy or a hater, your opinion towards a series will lose some credibility. With that being said I will not hide the fact that I love Attack on Titan and consider myself a big fan of the series, so whether your take my review on the show serious or not is absolutely your choice, as I attempt to convince you that the second season of Shingeki no Kyojin is phenomenal.
a manga reader of this series, and if you haven't read the manga, minor spoiler alert; the art is at times very average. There were times in the manga where it was hard to tell what character was being drawn, which Isayama has gotten better with as of late, so when I seethe anime counterpart I'm astonished as to how great the anime looks compared to the manga. Even compared to other top notch animated series Attack on Titan is one of the best, and I have to say Wit Studio is doing a hell of a job.
On to the sound, I'm usually never paying attention to the background music when it come to short running shows, but this time the music captured me/ A beautiful soundtrack would be paired with an epic moment, and make that moment even more memorable. The opening is also one of the favorites and every time I hear it I find myself screaming SASAGEYO!!!!!
Now as for the characters, I will admit that this was a weak point in this season since he didn't get much character development for our main cast of characters. The focus of characterization went to other characters that were not at all focused on in the first season, so the people might say "uh who the hell are these guys" when the see them being the topic of the episode.
Another aspect of this show that made season 1 great was the mystery, and in season 2 we get answers to some question we might have had, while it still builds on even more mystery. The show does a great job of giving you clues and answers without giving you all the puzzle pieces to keep you guessing.
All in all, regardless if I considered a fanboy you giving this show a 10, I care very little for. It truly was a fantastic sophomore season and I'll be awaiting another great season, so I hope I can convince some people to start watching, it's worth your time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 26, 2016
Durarara!!x2 Ketsu, which I will shorten to DRRR Ketsu, for laziness reasons, was just a bundle of crazy, all over the wall fun. If you have seen Baccano, then would know the same writer of this series Ryogo Narita loves his stories with, no main characters, no real plot, and no real ending; but with that being said we still have major and minor characters, a story that makes senses, and a ending that resolves the book left open.
i found that the story effectively intertwined the characters in Celty's literal and figurative spider web, most of the characters were either connected directly to Celty or
influenced by Celty's unnatural presence, which I found to be very cool. However there are so many motivation and plots they are really easy to lose if you don't pay attention, so you have to be on alert when watching DRRR Ketsu, (Actually all DRRR's).
The art and sound, looked and sounded the same from the other Durarara series, which is not a bad thing at all, aside from the the opening which I really enjoyed, but I've enjoyed almost all the DRRR openings.
The characters are very diverse, edgy, cool, and very plentiful, but the problem is they are a much too plentiful. i honestly become lost with which character was who and who did what, and why he or she was here or there. The over abundance of characters was too much, but the major major ones I kept track of.
I can say I've really enjoyed the ride Durarara has taken me on, and Ketsu did justice to close DRRR out and give the fans a proper not so end, ending. Very happy with DRRR Ketsu and would recommend this anime to anyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 26, 2016
Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi, also known as Erased follows Satoru Fujinuma who is an average 29 year old with the not so average ability he names, "revival", that would allow Satoru to go back in time to prevent a tragedy from occurring. However when a certain tragedy occurs Satoru is brought back drastically in time in 1988.
I want to say before getting in depth that when shows like Erased are presented to me, one's that have rise in MAL's ranking high and fast, I try my best to avoid the unpredictable hype train. This show was already, in a lot of people minds, top
anime material in only 5 episodes. So with the popularity of the show, I knew I had to at least check it out. And before I knew it not only was I aboard the hype train, I was the co-conductor of it, telling others to hop on for the ride, within about 5 episodes or 6 episodes. By the end of the show the hype train I foolish hopped on, looked more like a roller coaster of bad plot twist and turns in this anime, that I tried really hard to love.
The story was part of the hook that caught me, it reminded me so much of Steins;gate, that I knew Erased was going to be a show I had to watch, purely on the idea or premise of the show. It wasn't very revolutionary, but time travel is always interesting, but it is a concept that can go horribly wrong at times, luckily that wasn't the case for Erased but it could have did much better in this aspect.
The art wasn't anything very special at least to me, it had it's moments but for the most part it didn't do too much to dazzle anyone, it was steady and reliable.
Now the opening for Erased, I found to be absolutely fantastic, and I never found my self trying to skip it, as a matter of fact, sometimes I had to replay it because it was that great. As for the soundtrack, I must admit I never pay much attention to Ost's but I think the sound vibed with the tone of the show for the most part, nothing seemed out of place.
The characters had to be the biggest problem of all problems in this anime. We never get much development with characters aside for really, one person, and that person wasn't even the main character. Also some characters are basically set aside after centering on them for about 1/3 or the show, which is very confusing, and it just seemed as though the show didn't really want to make the character's development a priority, which is understandable since the show is only 13 episode, but it's still no excuse.
Overall i would say that for the first half of the show I really, really enjoyed it, but the second half became a gradually downfall, that couldn't be redeemed in the end. i would like to say that if this anime could have been longer, let's say 22 or even 24 episodes, it could have been very great, but alas, that was not the case, and the potential was not realized to the fullest. Even despite the flaws I think people should watch this show, but I would say don't go in to it expecting top anime material because Erased is just not that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 4, 2016
All hail Madhouse! All hail Madhouse! The best studio as far as I'm concerned took another leap in the anime world with adding Death Parade to its resume. Death Parade had the potential to be the ANIME OF THE YEAR in 2015, until Saitama one-punched the shit out of that hope (another Madhouse production). but with further ado let's review Death Parade.
The story was unique and captivating on all aspects that it flashed. The story in 13 episodes raised so many interesting questions, and the premise of these arbiters judging where humans end up in afterlife was thrilling to say the least. The story didn't
stray or falter not once in my eyes, it stayed true to the beginning and end.
The art of this show was beautiful, and I can't say enough about the opening of Death Parade it is AMAZING, and it is kind of needed because this show can be dark when it wants to, so the upbeat music plays off the serious theme of the show.
The characters aren't much to brag about the arbiters are devoid of human emotion, and the humans that are in the show aren't there for long, so you don't get the luxury of getting much character development.
All in all this show is worthy of an anime of the year tag, so it's not much else to say other than, if you haven't seen this anime by 2016, gets to it, it's never too late to witness greatness.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 4, 2016
Angel Beats was one of the earlier shows that I've watched over my ongoing anime viewing days. Angel Beats was one of the shows that I've always seen floating around in recommendations of watch anime to watch but me being very judgmental by anime titles, I avoided Angel Beats because I was never a fan of musical focused anime. With that being said I'm very happy that I got over my anime title phobia and picked up Angel Beats, because it was not what I expected, and overall was a good series to watch.
The story although interesting, never drew me into the show as I
watched episode by episode. The focus of the show is really foggy and direction veers at times, but the upside is this is really the only weak part of this show and only gets better from here.
I've never payed much attention to detail when it came it sound but the opening is really amazing to listen to, and it's rare for me not to skip a opening after seeing it, but this show caught me with that, and as for the soundtrack throughout the show, the one's I remember fit in with thee vibe of the series.
The characters were pretty solid in terms of just pure enjoyment. It would be pretty hard to have watched this show without having one or two characters you really enjoyed regardless of any preferences to personalities you may have.
I have to say I am fond of Angel Beats, it was hilarious, it was sad. it was a great view, and a great introduction into the world of anime, the rewatch value is high and not much negative can be said about this series as a whole.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 26, 2015
Nana is a show where love is used in every way, shape, and form. Love is used in a manner of romantics, friendship, lust, security, and companionship. Of course with every love story their are breakups, betrayals, and distance between people. Nana does a great job of illustrating this as the story unfolds.
Nana Komatsu (who will be referred to as Hachi) and Nana Osaki are both aboard a train where their path cross and cross again later and they eventually decide to live with each other as fate seems to push them together.
The genre of this anime is slice of life so as the genre
entails the story revolves around the everyday life of Hachi and Nana, as well as their lovers and friends that we meet along the way.
The art is a nice element to this show as their is great lighting then the bands perform and the characters look more realistic is terms of other anime out there.
Not much needs to be said about the sound because the opening of the show does a great job to set the tone of the quality of sounds views were going to be hearing in the show which obviously was very well received by viewers.
You fall in love with the main characters, Hachi and Nana very easily due to their cat and dog relationship which is warm and friendly and makes the viewers feel good when they interact with each other. The supporting characters are also great as the band Blast, feel like a dysfunctional family that are meant for each other.
The characters and the story of Nana was its strongest element of the series but at some point the story seems to go downhill as love is often repetitively misplaced and the distance of some characters becomes to far to be repaired.
Overall i thoroughly enjoyed this series and if you're into slice of life, kick ass bands, and a lot of romance then this is the show for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 31, 2015
Code Geass from top to bottom passed all check marks that make up not just a great anime but a masterpiece.
The goal was simple. Avenge mother and create world peace for the sake of your sister, only it's never that simple. Along the quest for world peace there was a lot of manipulation, deception, twist, and turns that leave you in awe every step of the path.
We have our main protagonist Lelouch Vi Britannia the teenager with the power of geass who plans to overturn Britannia's rule over the Japanese even though Lelouch himself is Britannia. This is what makes the characters so complex, they
all have incredible drive to do what they feel is right no matter the hardship they face. The Black Knights the supposed "bad guy terrorists" will have you rooting for them every step of the way, making you decipher what side of justice you are on and how to obtain it.
The sound just like the visuals were works of art. The soundtracks fit into all of the situations needed;
Fans: "We need a kickass soundtrack for the fighting"
Creator: "Here you go"
Fans: "We need a crazy soundtrack for the epicness "
Creator: "Here you go"
Fans: "We need a soundtrack for the sad moments"
Creator: "Here you go"
Fans:........Damn you're good
As stated previously this anime is a masterpiece of a show not just an anime, and is considered a must watch for any who have not bear witness to it. I'd advise you to get off this site and watch it NOW!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 22, 2015
Out of all slice of life genre anime out there Kokoro Connect has to be one of the best I've ever seen. Having a blend of supernatural elements in a normal everyday life was done uniquely and interesting, and that's why I rated this show so high.
The story is about five friends just living your typical high school life until the antagonist Heartseed appears to intervene in their life of stability. Their friendships are put to the test as their thoughts, actions, and even their bodies are no longer in their control as Heartseed manipulates them for entertainment. This story instantly pulled me in because
I've never seen anything like it before and the story unfolded nicely episode after episode.
All of the visuals looked good and although the soundtracks played throughout the show weren't all that worthy of remembering, i enjoyed the opening theme song as well as the art.
The characters were done well in the show as they were portrayed as being real-life people. The characters in the showed genuine emotion and all of them developed in just 13 episodes by the end of Kokoro Connect, and again in just 13 episodes i felt attached to the characters at the end.
All in all I judge a show by the originality of the story, the characters of the show, and the impact it leaves on me after I've finished it, and Kokoro Connect didn't not disappoint in any category and is a must watch especially if you enjoy the Slice of life genre.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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