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Jan 4, 2024
This show misses the mark just about everywhere:
I wanted to like this show given it's strange premise. The themes are there to make an amazing show, but Multi hit mom fails at all of them. I'll break down the themes I saw and what I thought they could have done with it juxtaposed to what's in this show.
Family Matters?:
The biggest theme in Multi-hit Mom is of course the relationship between mothers and their children. The main characters, Masato and Mamako Oosuki are said example where a kid is embarrassed by his mom's affection. Mamako in turn is very forward, more so than most mothers to
their children. There are other example thorough the show of even more dysfunctional families, mostly Daughter and mother with the main cast. Where I take offense to all this is that all of these characters are unlikeable. To write a good story, you really have to pick a side and make the audience root for said character. Masato is not such character, his brash personality and attitude up to mid episode 12 is just unlikeable. He tries to salvage it and saves the day in the end anyways, but his actions and sometimes lack of actions for a teen boy are down right despicable.
Animation? What's That?
This show's 'animation' if you can even call it that is less than subpar. 40% of the time your looking at just 2 frames and the A-1 smile. The A-1 smile never bothered me too much, but when the shot lingers on the face from time to time. The fight animation should have been the saving grace, but it's a let down too. The designs are your template anime characters, Ie despite Mamako having a teenage son, often times she looks like a teenager. This becomes apparent when she literally wears a school uniform in the 'School Episode'.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 10, 2022
To Your Eternity (TYE) is lost,
What do I mean? Well TYE is a show about many things; too many things if you ask me. The show can't decide what they want their watchers to feel. Is this show a comedy? Is this show a drama? Is this show a slice of life? Is the show an action Shounen? It can be made into a way that these themes could work together, but TYE doesn't.
The shifting setting is annoying.
It doesn't give us the time to feel for the characters before they are killed and replaced by a new cast. It's cool to meet new
characters, especially in the fantasy setting of TYE. However, after the second time of Fushi picking up his life and moving on, it get's old fast.
Fushi never grows.
While the mc learns to speak do things, he continues to act a lot like the wolf he first inherited. He fails to protect almost everyone he meets and it's just so frustrating. Imagine that scene from amazing spiderman 2 where peter fails to save gwen. Although, that's unfair to peters character because he at least tried to save her; Fushi never tries. How can one of the most powerful beings be beaten by mere humans?
Nothing is explained.
Who created Fushi? Who are the knockers? What are their goals? These questions are asked in the series but there is conflicting information about all of it (If it was provided at all).
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 21, 2021
Railfans quintessential anime
Let me preface this review by saying I am first and foremost a railfan, meaning I will stand out by the train tracks with a camera and film a train going by. That being said, I'm also an Anime fan, and Rail wars are one of the great anime centered around trains. While the Story and characters aren't as strong as other action anime, I believe they do the story justice supported by excellently accurate art and sound design.
Not for everyone
Trust me this entry isn't for everyone, the amount of Fanservice may make non-casuals uncomfortable but the amount of railway knowledge may make
non-railfans confused; However, if you're a bit of both like me, then picking this show up is a must-watch. Thanks for reading my brief review
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 21, 2021
Underrated Horror Icon
Let me preface this review by saying that I've been a Corpse Party fan since as early as 2014. While I watched this little OVA that long ago as well, Corpse Party: Tortured Souls (CP: TS) has remained firmly in my memory as one of the greatest works of gore to come out of Japan. That being said, CP: TS is in effect a retelling of Corpse Party: Blood Covered (CP: BC). Let me take you back to the height of CP from 2008 to 2014.
Corpse Party's peak
In 2008, Makoto Kedōin, creator of Corpse Party since 1996 was ready to release his commercial
copy of Corpse Party in Japan; later receiving a worldwide release in 2011. In this imminent growth of his domain, he began making manga and other media to expand upon the universe; one of these was a Manga by the name of Corpse Party: Musume. Apart from being set in the same universe, Corpse Party: Musume takes the characters he created and twist their roles. For example, Yoshiki turns from this active hero archetype to this creep that scares Ayumi and so on. That being said, the scene was set for CP: TS to tell its own rendition of Corpse Party.
Tortured Souls
So what about this anime, Well apart from the fact that this story is a brief retelling of Corpse Party Blood Covered, CP: TS must condense a 10-hour game into just 2; Dose it succeed? Well Yes and No. Yes because it depicts Corpse Party as we've never seen it before. The animation on par with other gory anime at the time like 'Another' really immerses the watcher into the world of Heavenly Host.
Why no?
The shortcomings of CP: TS are in the abbreviated style of storytelling. While Chapters 1 and 2 were easily condensed into the first 2 episodes, the remaining story is rushed and lacks context. Likewise, the Characters, while supported by the supplement of the games do not get the chance to flesh out by themselves here. That being said, there is a way to get the most enjoyment out of watching CP: TS.
What I wish to convey here is CP: TS is best enjoyed AFTER completing the main game. Here in 2021, there is a multitude of ways to play CP: BC including a recent release on PS4 and Nintendo Switch. If you're on the fence about this series, hold off on it until you've really experienced the Corpse Party story; You'll find more enjoyment out of CP: TS when you treat it as a supplement to the games. That's all I have to say for now, thanks for reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 22, 2021
Before I began, I have not played the Visual Novel Maitetsu, however, this doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the 'series.'
As an avid railfan and buff, this cute little digestible show gives neat little tidbits about different railways and trains in Japan, China, and even Russia. Now as a 'series' as I keep putting in quotations, there isn't much here to digest. Each episode is just 3 minutes long and is usually about 2 or more of the girls at the railway summit to find a way to attract more passengers.
My major problem with the series is that it is so short. All in
all the 'series' is about 36 minutes not including opening and closing. Now that the series is over, it's easy to watch but If you really want a train-centered anime, I recommend Rail Wars.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 14, 2020
Japan Sinks:2020
My lord, I've never seen such a promising idea muddled so much to the point I even hated it. Watching the trailer, I assumed I'd be seeing an anime version of 2012 or some action drama of similar nature and for the first few episodes, it dose. Sure a few characters die here and there but that's to be expected in a disaster movie.
Where it really lost me was when the main cast stumbles on a cult city that worships a medium (which they doubt in the end anyway) and the story falls into this whole thing about drugs, rape, and some whole
family thing that made zero sense. When the story FINALLY picks up, it just stumbles around from place to place and plot point to plot point; the cohesive story sinks like Japan dose; Even the ending (which is dumb and brings characters back to life like wtf) is just a massive mishmash of photos and events that occur seemingly at random.
On a tangent, the art style here is garbage; I understand that this anime was probably interrupted by the international pandemic but that leaves little excuse in terms of the story, which, aside from what I've already, makes no sense and is poorly paced.
To conclude my review, I would like to make a suggestion. If this were a movie, cutting out the cult crap and spending more time heading to an end goal; this could have been a great story despite the Disjointed animation.
My advice, if you're the casual viewer, you're okay skipping this one, you're saving yourself the time and effort. But, if you're a writer and want to see exactly what NOT to do; skip this as well, Go watch a good disaster flick like 10.5; it's better than this Netflix garbage and I hope this sinks beneath the waves 3/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 24, 2019
Great Premise, poor execution; mostly in the editing
This type of anime has been done before many times in the past, However, After Lost is one of the worst most forgettable executions of this decade. There is good to it though so let me tell you what I liked about this before I go into the bad.
The Good
The premise is really great, not gonna lie. There are several underlying themes about coping, loss, understanding, and forgiveness. Underneath a few good episodes sprinkled throughout the series; I'm sad to say that's pretty much where the praise ends.
The Bad
The series feels empty, what I mean is the series
has a hard time finding it's footing. For example, a few episodes start about like 15 minutes in so they had had to run those 15 minutes in this annoying grainy flashback. There are multiple times the series thinks it wants to drive but that only really happens for one episode. On top of that, we're expected to feel for characters we just meet and have very little investment in. This get's better near the end but it's a little late to do that in the series. The art is passible but the Animation is so lazy, I thought a production as high as this one would at least reanimate a scene if they are going to show it again. Speaking of showing it again, this series love to reiterate by showing the same twice in basically 10 minutes apart from eachother.
After lost is a mess of show that could benefit from better editing and maybe a rewrite or two but if you want to give a try, you're very much welcome to. Anyhow, thanks for reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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