(EDIT PART) This week I found out that Given is a Haikyu! DJ so I take out everything I said before because you can see the author obscenely stole the character's design and personality.
Given is a BL(boys love) manga adaptation that for this summer. I think most people who watched were definitely people who read the manga and has I watched the anime I too read the manga foresee the backstory and the overall plot and I must say is no worth the hype people are putting it just because this story isn't good I see many flaws in the writing and when started I
Sep 14, 2019
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.
This anime is just a mess, the story, the character, the art is a feeling mess! the color theory on this anime is throw out of the windows ( i thought it was my notebook but no) the story is so cringed the way the characters are set you have no real background story, there is no way a normal human girl would act like that I felt like was a 30 year old woman who never go to high school and maybe she never did for the one we see today. The love triangle and how one of the characters betray their friends, the
Aug 7, 2019
Unlucky Mansion
The art is amazing to make me drool, the only thing is I'm stuck in chapter 44.5 cause the author hunted down everybody, the last updated for this was 2 years ago so my heart can only live in the past memories.
. . . Overall the story from where I read was good the characters were not pushed, the plot was not something to stand out but is enough for not be cringe, some point in the story is weak but the art pay for the rest and make all the read fun and light. Art is outstanding is something that makes you remember an old childhood movie ... Jun 2, 2019
Kuzu no Honkai
I think this anime cath me up with mixed feeling because the moment she said ''I love my brother'' I was like ''this is hentai/incents af'' but it wasnt...many people felt uncomfortable with this anime but i didn't just because it shows the human nature and i not saying all is involved with sex but a great part it is... is an ugly anime showing the characters ugliest sides they are not people for you to like and after all I don't have a fav because it doesn't suppose to be like this you must felt hate towards them and make question about their acts