Code Geass is a complex anime about an anti-hero, Lelouch. His intelligence is beyond compare, and he hopes to take over a country he is actually a prince of, Britannia. It's essentially about him starting a terrorist organization with a group of Japanese (or Elevens, as the Britannians call them). He goes by the name Zero, wearing a mask and cloak to shield his identity. Lelouch is actually a student--vice president of the student council at his school (lots of adventures come out of that, too).
We last left off in the first season with him being almost overthrown by the people he was fighting to
Apr 26, 2008
FAKE is possibly the most romantic series--shounen-ai or not--I have ever read.
The story is pretty much two NYC cops falling in love...not much to it. They go on cases, chill after work, etc. Some of the cases themselves get pretty intense, though. Sanami Matoh's art takes awhile to get used to; many characters look alike and the older characters are drawn very rough. But aside from that, her art is unique and her characters are really very beautifully drawn--not scrawny or pretty boy-esque like your typical manga protagonists. The characters are what really got to me--you can't get much more real than them. Dee and ... |