This is a short surreal film, probably inspired by stream of consciousness. I can't say this is for everyone, taking into account a number of different factors, despite its style and age.
The film illustrates what can only be described as the alcohol and heat-induced nightmare of a sun-bather, who is overwhelmed by phenomena occurring on the beach around him, namely naval carriers and aircraft.
Judging by the soundtrack, if you couldn't discern anything from the overt symbolism, one can concluded improvisation and is the driving force behind the film. Because of this method of story-telling, there is not much be said about the character
Sep 7, 2009
Life no Color
Link to Youtube:
"Life no color" plays with no dialogue against a sparse IDM soundtrack, opening with a boy who is being put-down by a group of his peers. It is about 4:00 and worth watching twice, if you appreciate it. I think the film did a great job of placing you immediately in a real world situation with a character that was accessible. I also thought the cell shading of the carousel and the choice of background art, and how it ties into the character and back-story, was smart, impeccable and interesting, enriching the "contained" environment. I enjoyed the metaphor for return and meetings with ... Jul 7, 2009
"If it aint broke, don't try to fix it."
Of course you've read how this movie completely distorts, if not entirely rapes, the beauty and subtle complexity of the series. I too feel betrayed to some degree. I'm writing this review to suggest a reason why this was done. If you are new to the story you'll find it CONFUSING BEYOND COMPREHENSION. But if you liked the series, you probably aren't going to enjoy this beyond the animation. The producers' changes, I believe are an effort to "condense" the symbolism and themes of the series for a new audience. Taking the central themes and characters and turning ... Jul 4, 2009
Memories Magnetic Rose is about a lone astronaut, who finds himself in an astro-relic.
Whats unique about this piece is how many levels of mystery it contains, the and nostalgia it employs, while being essentially a sci-fi piece. The movie does well to captivate its audience similarly to live action classics like 2001, using the space itself as a theme as well as further developing the theme of imperfect technology, by exploring the idea of the mortality/obsolescence of technology. This is a RIVETING and PROVOCATIVE piece. A must see for anyone who calls themselves a love of sci-fi, and a necessary primer for all cyber-punk appreciators ... Jul 4, 2009
Vexille: 2077 Nihon Sakoku
If you enjoyed the visuals and sound design of Appleseed and Appleseed Saga Ex Machina, then you will enjoy Vexille. Indeed TBS has stolen alot from the Sega produced Shirow classic.
Alot of the mechanical design and environment design is clearly a Shirow knock-off, but it is executed fairly well. I did appreciate the thought put into the explanation behind alot of the technology represented in the movie, since technology is rather central to the plot. But the plot was exactly the problem in this movie. Specifically around character development and motive. While the outside story resembles a crossbred of Appleseed and I-Robot and does ... |