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Jun 10, 2022
Initially watched this because I was looking for similar shows to Beyblade and... yeah, it sorta fits the bill, I suppose.
Enjoyable show with decent characters that's held back by a bad English dub (couldn't find the full set of episodes in Japanese, so settled with it) (and my tolerance to English dubs is actually pretty good, so that's how you know it's pretty bad). Yeah there's a lot of awkward moments in there such as awkward pauses, awkward voice acting, dialogue said twice in a row occasionally, dialogue being changed with flashbacks, etc etc. Also kinda held back by the fact it's an anime
from 1997/8, so the animation could've been better. If there was a remake today it'd probably be way more enjoyable honestly, but hey. Still enjoyed it for what it was, fun YoYo anime actually.
Lame ending though and there could've easily been a season 2 for this show, but it wasn't meant to be, which is a shame.
Oh yeah and there was also this super irrelvant filler episode in the middle of the show with aliens that were never touched upon again afterwards. Hate the fact it even exists tbh. This show could've easily been like 20 episodes max, but oh well.
I know the review says I gave this a 6, but it's more a 5.5. Just the site doesn't do .5s, so I rounded it up.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 18, 2022
Felt like I should actually make a quick review for this one, since it's the finale of the Burst anime and all, and it just ended. Yeah... I'm still pretty emotional over it inside tbh, it's been quite the ride. Really wish there was a season 7 coming, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. May as well go over each thing quickly...
No comment. It's just the Beyblade Burst art; nothing bad, nothing special.
My second least favourite Japanese Burst opening personally (that's not to say I don't like it, because I do honestly), only beaten out by GT's (rewatched a bit of that season not too long ago and still hate that theme... luckily the English dub one is an absolute banger). Nothing really else to comment on OST wise really... can't even remember if there is much else in relation, but it's just basic background stuff if so really.
(New) Characters:
Bell is honestly a pretty loveable MC imo. Defintely a huge improvement over the Asahi twins, that's for sure. He just likes his fun, and seems like a cool dude to hang out with. Really like his growth and development throughout the season tbh, feels kinda more realistic the route they went with it, over him winning everything. Well... his win/loss ratio is kinda all over the place, let's just say. And I know it's easy to hate on the MC losing a lot but... yeah (I admit even I got frustrated sometimes, but hey, it's less cliche). You get used to it. And hey, as long as the battles are entertaining, right?
Basara: Cool character, cool friend to Bell. Just wish he didn't get the short end of the stick with Bahamut... Seems like that's always been the case with Bahamut users though, except maybe... Blind from season 4 (yes, he lost everytime, but at least he was skilled). Cool design I guess too.
Ranzo: AMIGO! Just another Kiyama brother. Lame battler, but I found him to be a cool dude. Way better than Ranjiro imo at least.
Illya... I remember being really excited for when she was first introduced, but she turned out to be quite the cocky one, which was kinda annoying at points. Didn't really have many battles after the Lui arc either (and then mostly lost anyway), which was a bit of a waste. DID really like her design, however, looks pretty nice. I just wish she was an actual strong and maybe nicer personality wise blader, tbh (or at least from the start... took her until like 2/3 way through the show to mature). Oh yeah, and I definitely ship her with Basara (you'll see why later on).
Rashad: A DECENT final antagonist, I suppose (though not really a villain). Found the Valkrie copy stuff a bit lame at times tbh, but kinda got used to it. Felt better once he actually got his own Bey though later on. Seems like a really cool dude to hang out with. Could've been written off a little better at the end though imo, but I won't complain, since it didn't affect me that much.
Phenomeno: Final villain of the series and was wasted imo. Watch and you'll see why, but UGH... He kinda just... leaves the show once his defeat happens, and I'm still angry about it. I genuinely wanted to see more of him after Bell's final battle with him, honestly. Seemed like a really cool dude after that fight. And honestly, I still think he was a fun character before that, despite him being a "ripoff" of you know who. ...I'm legit never gonna forgive them for wasting him that hard.
Won't beat around the bush about it, it's Beyblade, my favourite anime franchise (yeah, I said it), love it until I die.
One quick thing I do wanna complain about is the ending though... I do feel like it was a bit rushed due to the little amount of episodes they had left to finish, but that's just me. Mainly due to the villain stuff and... I'm pretty disappointed they didn't show as more or the legends as they could of in the final episode/ending sequence. Sorry, just felt like ranting about that real quick there. Let's move on.
Overall: 7/10. And I know that contradicts what I said in the enjoyment section but... we're considering all factors here. In terms of enjoyment alone though, it is my favourite show, yes.
Anyways, *ahem*... As I said at the start of this, it really has been a ride, and I genuinely am going to miss watching a new episode every Friday. Burst has been a joy to sit through from start to finish imho. Not sure if I like it as much as the OG or Metal series, but it's still great. Looking very forward to seeing what the next generation of Beyblade has in store though!... in probably like a decade or so, if anything.
But yeah, that's all from me. Thanks :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 30, 2021
So err, ended dropping this anime earlier on and had the urge to make a review for it, so here goes.
This is a show that interested me before the season even started, solely because the cover looked cool and clean. Also I like anime swordsmen. Didn't really live up to my expected hype though, as you can probably tell from my rating. I'll keep it brief since I don't wanna write an essay:
The opening is an absolute banger, not gonna beat around the bush about that. The characters are pretty decent, and they actually feel like a real family. Not the best cast of characters
I've ever seen, but they're good enough. So why did I drop this? Honestly, I just find the actual content itself... meh. It definitely has its moments, like for example in ep 4, there's a funny scene of Mary scaling the MC, and also the MC's fight for the episode (which... didn't exactly take up a LOT of the ep) was decent, but... at least 80% of the time, and not just during ep 4 (so basically every ep), I just find myself feeling really bored watching this, so yeah. There you go. Personally can't see it really getting much better either, but that's just me.
Cool idea of an anime, but not really much goes on in it tbh. Eh. And this is coming from someone who's a sucker for slice of life animes (though tbf, they're more "chill out").
Anyways, it's overall a 5.5/10 for me. Pretty average show imo.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 11, 2021
Ok, so just got finished watching it. Solid 8/10 from me. REALLY freaking good!
Been a while since the last season of Monster Strike, and I genuinely forgot how good this animation style is. Some of, if not the best CG I've seen in anime tbh. Also forgot how amazing these characters were.
Was honestly not expecting the story to get this dark, Jesus Christ. Genuinely enjoyable stuff though, and ended on a good note. Like, probably the most perfect the ending coulda been imo. Applause for that. Also a good couple of plot twists I wasn't expecting here. Was not expecting Caesar of all people to
play hero, and definitely wasn't expecting Pandora to make friend with... well, you'll see. That was kinda cute tho I gotta say.
Overall, definitely worth the wait imo <3
Hopefully this isn't the end of the Monster Strike anime series, would really love to see more... preferrably in Ren's timeline though, since his last season ended on a cliffhanger lol (kinda). Also the fact this movie is basically the perfect conclusion to Lucifer's side of the overall story.
Also, if you're reading this and wondering: "should I watch this?", yes, absolutely do so. Start from the very beginning of the series though, it'll have a bigger impact. Monster Strike is honestly one of the most underrated animes out there for sure if you ask me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 25, 2021
This is a one of a kind anime. Truly a mordern masterpiece! In a league of its own! (I'm actually surprised this is a new-ish anime tbh, lmao)
Was introduced to this by a YouTube clip from Ruggington, and have now just had the chance to binge it. And I'm glad I did, that was the best 2 hours I've sat through in a good while. It's actually still ongoing from what I know; at least for English sub and dub. I watched the first 18 episodes in English dub (since that's all that's available for the dub right now), which I recommend you do too
for the better experience (it's better comedy). For the remaining 7 episodes, look up a channel on YouTube called "Bottle capman". The last few episodes will be RAW since subs don't exist for them yet, but hey, at least you can see what happens (this channel was the only place I could find the episodes too lol).
The game of Bottleman itself is basically Beyblade but with... bottlecaps, obviously, and taken to the next level. This should honestly be a sport irl lol (I'm aware toys for this exist but like... it should be an actual competitive thing).
A couple of quick good points (imo):
- The characters are TRUE gangsters!
- Serious point, but the MC of this is actually more competent than the ones from Beyblade Burst (Sparking at the very least). Not sure if I should be concerned there.
- That outro song is a real banger (there's sadly no opening theme)!
My only complaint about this anime really is that episodes end way too fast. Even 10 minute episodes like currently Beyblade Burst would do me tbh.
Hopefully we get a season 2 someday though!
But seriously, please give it a shot, even if just for a laugh.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 27, 2020
Ok, so, this season of Burst just ended and after that epic final episode, I felt the urge to write a quick review, so here we are. I'll only be giving an overall rating, rather than one for each individual thing, keep in mind, since I only really like to give things ratings based on overall enjoyment (though I will go into detail on what I thought about everything).
Story: If you watch Beyblade for the story, who even are you? Not really much to say here tbh, just your typical formula for a Beyblade story; aim to become the strongest and stop the villains that
come along half way through the show. Some of the battles were really good though imo, which we'll get into more later.
Soundtrack: Not really much of an OST in the Burst series other than the OPs and EDs, honestly (and EDs aren't really a thing in the Japanese ones). Saying that though, Gachi probably has my least favourite opening song in the entire franchise (if we include both Japanese and English). It's not bad, it's just... ok at best? Idk about you, but 98% of the time I ended up just skipping it.
Art: Nothing much to say other than I personally like the art for the Burst franchise. Moving on.
Characters: I personally really liked the characters in this season. Drum is probably my 2nd favourite Burst MC (Aiga being my least favourite, but I still like him), Delta is honestly one of my favourite characters at this point (talking the franchise as a whole), and the villains (though one of the villains does get the short end of the stick pretty much throughout after he gets beaten once) and "weaker" characters are also pretty cool in my book (though I will admit the earlier seasons did do a bit of a better job with the latter (except maybe Amane, freaking love how he gets a win over you know who (won't spoil))). That said though, I am pretty disappointed they replaced characters such as Lui and Free for the respective beys here. I mean, yes, I did come to like them don't get me wrong, they're just not as iconic/fun/memorable, if that makes sense. Thank God they're coming back for season 5! Also, disappointed with no Shu either. Heck, they didn't even bother to introduce a new Spriggan owner here. Whatever, though.
Enjoyment: *SPOILER WARNING* Jump to the end NOW if you don't want to be spoiled.
- So the duration of this episodes in this season of Burst are 10 minutes, rather than a full lengthed 20, right? Initially, I was ok with this, as it wouldn't feel as though episodes were dragging on unnecessarily and I could just get on with my day (and also less filler). Jump to the end of Gachi though... Yeah, I genuinely feel like there's a couple of battles that definitely could've been fleshed out more, which again was held back by the 10 minute or so limit. Examples of this are Amane vs Arthur round 2 and the final battle vs Gwyn. Don't get me wrong, I still really like these battles, but yeah, just a bit disappointed by the fact tbh.
- As I said before, there were some really good battles imo in this season. My favourite episodes personally are 36, 49 (this one especially gave me major orgasms, by far one of my favourite episodes in the Burst series, and maybe the franchise as a whole), 50 and 52. Really nice stuff.
- All this being said, though, I am really disappointed we never got another Drum vs Delta battle after the final Drum vs Gwyn. And I guess disappointed in the fact we never got to see the full three way battle between the MCs at the end, since we got to see the start of that, but whatever at this point. The finale was still decently satisfying imo.
Overall rating: I could just give it a 10 since I'm biased as hell about Beyblade, lol. But eh, 7 it is. Pretty good season imo, but definitely could've been better. Now bring on season 5/Sparking!! SO hyped for it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 21, 2019
If this isn't the cutest thing I've ever seen, idk what is, honestly. Straight up masterpiece! Legit was crying inside when I reached the end of this; wish it could've gone on forever (season 2 someday pls!?) ;~;
Seriously though, really adorable and enjoyable series. It's about a Penguin called Chitose who goes to live in Kyoto and goes on lots of cute adventures. That's all you need to know. Watch it, you won't regret it!
- The art works really well in my opinion
- The ending songs are 👌
- The noises Chitose makes and the emotions she shows really tug on the heart man
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Feb 3, 2015
(My first review... let's see how this goes (pls don't bash on it if it's too bad :L))
So after re-watching the original Beyblade series for like the 12th time (lost count, lol), I decided to right a review and stuff.
Story: The story of this show tries it's best to grab your attention and prepare you as much as possible, and it achieves this quite well. Though in my opinion the story could of been better, it still contains many breathtaking moments whilst is goes way more in-depth than it did with the first two seasons. The dialogue has also improved quite a bit in this
season, along with more emotional moments being included.
Animation/Artwork: To be honest, I'd say this season has the best animation out of all the original series; it just looks pretty damn stunning. I really can't see how they could improve the animation from this show in all honesty (ok, they kinda did for the metal saga, but that's a different story). As for artwork, I could say exactly the same, apart from certain character designs which I'm not really a fan of (key word: certain... as in some). You can read more about my character opinions down below, though.
Sound Effects: The SEs in this season in my opinion are a huge improvement over the first two seasons; they sound way more realistic etc.
Voices: Not really much different from the previous seasons, and to be honest, I prefer the original voices better, as they just suited each character in my opinion. This doesn't mean I don't like the voices in this season; I still think they're pretty great, just not as good :P
Music: Now the music from this season is arguably the best from the series. With tracks such as "Rise Above the Storm" and "I'm Not Going Down", this show has tracks everyone of all ages will love! Also, may I add that every song plays at the exact right time and fits in with the scene they play in perfectly.
10/10 for sound.
Character: Personally, I'm gonna have to rate the characters overall an 8/10. Why? At first I was gonna rate the character a solid 10, but looking back to how the creators made certain characters weak in this season (such as Lee, Tala, Michael and so on), the fact that some of the good characters from the first two seasons were left out (or us rarely being able to see them), and that certain characters' designs suck compared to previous seasons (but it isn't a major deal, I guess). I could go on about negative points about some of the older characters, but bleh. Again, this is just my opinion.
As for everything else however, I have no problem at all; most characters, if not all matured quite a lot by the end (and not as annoying as previous seasons (for example: V-Force's Tyson)) and even more! Apart from some of the characters being made weaker, this season definitely tries its best to bring out the best in each character.
Again, an 8/10 for character.
Enjoyment: Very enjoyable show, and honestly I find it way better than just watching your average sport on TV. 10/10. Nothing else to really say here, apart from go and look at the other segments of this review for more information and opinions (saves me repeating stuff, etc).
Overall: This was, in my opinion, an almost perfect ending, if not a perfect ending to the original Beyblade series. Great story, good enough characters, amazing soundtrack, it has it all! I really do wish they'd make a sequel to this season, but judging by the pretty much perfect ending, I doubt it'd happen.
As for other general negative points about this anime... I really can't think of anything, haha.
Overall I'd rate this season (and probably the whole series, actually) a 10/10.
If you're into competition, sports, friendship, rivalry, want a lot of lovable characters and a lot of action, then this anime is definitely for you!
Could have made this review quite a bit longer if I wanted to, but I figured it'd be way too much to read, so I'll leave it at this.
Oh and did I mention... Original Beyblade is still one of my favorite anime to date :3 (...I just find it too nostalgic to let it drift away from me ok?! ;~;)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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