I had plans for watching toradora anime from… probably 5 years ago
And I’m glad that I didn’t watch it at that time, because I should confess that my taste sucked at that time, so I probably wouldn’t have understand this show
Usually in most stories handling a love triangle is very hard, not only it can hurt the character development if used poorly but it also can become frustrating and annoying because the author might try to make things a little …. “too spicy” (god knows how many of us hate those garbage harem tropes that are poorly used in many anime and get in
the way of everything by the excuse of “love triangle” and “conflicting relationships”) and in this way completely destroy the balance between the love triangle, the plot and character development, and I think Toradora has successfully avoided these problems, and arguably even perfectly avoided the love triangle problems (at least near perfectly imo)
Although technically in toradora we have some kind of a “love cube” (not sure it’s even a thing or not) but it’s nicely executed anyway
*This review has two parts, the first part doesn’t contain spoilers and the complementary parts that are tagged in spoilers are there for the people who have finished the show and want to know the things in an analytical detailed fashion about the criticisms and praises in the review*
*I’m not a native English speaker so if my is bad I can just apologize for it*
The story revolves around takasu ryuuji a high school student who has some kind of “Yakusa type” face with scary eyes (inherited this kind of face from his daddy) which makes people mistakenly believe that he is some kind of delinquent and bully (even though he is a nice and kind guy), and currently there are only Kushieda minori and kitamura yusaku who are not afraid of him, and our protagonist takasu has a crush on this energetic highly spirited kushieda which is the friend of a tiny short girl named Aisaka taiga who has a crush on kitamura (the friend of takasu)
And for some kind of….“Event”
(takasu mistakenly receives the love letter that was supposed to be in kitamura’s bag, and taiga attacks his home at night to “silence him” so that no one else gets to know about her crush on kitamura)
takasu and taiga meet each other and find out about each other’s feelings for the other person’s friend; therefore they plan to help each other for confessing to their lovers and start dating them, and from this point onwards many things happen
Like most of school/romance/slice of life anime the real selling point of the show is its characters and the main cast are really great, The show has great personality variety from minori’s energetic behavior,
to ami’s arrogance and selfishness,
to takasu’s supportive nature and to taiga’s shyness and aggressiveness, I mean everyone has great personality what’s the problem?
Oh, I forgot kitamura existed……
Kitamura yusaku isn’t a bad character but I think he’s a lost potential, unlike other characters in the main cast whose character arcs instantly starts from their first appearance kitamura’s arc is somekind of a separate and self contained arc that takes a portion of the story and then ends before the show’s conclusion and this mainly raises two problems, first is that it’s not in tone with the flow of the show, the other four characters get screentime to shine in the process of the story, from minori’s part time jobs to ami’s “adult” behavior in school, but kitamura until the start of his arc is just the vice president in school who taiga has a crush on him and he’s a bit of a pervert comic relief, he has his moments because just like I said he isn’t a bad character but he is badly overshadowed by other character’s presence because they have more screen time to shine and their character arcs starts from their first appearance and ends with the show itself.
Yusaku’s dim presence in the show before his own arc about the president is mostly devoid of foreshadows for his later growth, in ami’s case we have her talk about takasu and taiga’s relationship far before it even gets obvious to themselves foreshadowing the events that are to come(after her appearance we instantly get the stalker part), for minori we have her trembling scene in the shed and her part time jobs which instantly click when you find out that she was working so hard because of…. Well many reasons (from not wanting to be depended on others to achieving her goals which needs money)
And for taiga and takasu I don’t think I need to mention any specific scene or thing they are the main focus of the story, but for kitamura the foreshadows about him being in love with the president start from 1 episode before his arc starts, it’s suddenly revealed that he had a crush on student Council president (arguably that’s the reason he played like a total idiot when taiga confessed to him) a side character who until now we only saw two times… not a very convenient way for starting an arc which you could easily set things up for from the first episodes imo…
And after his arc ends there is no information about kitamura and student council president’s love life, because she’s just overseas, and his character arc ends, not having a clear conclusion may be a bit too subjective to criticize in an analytical level (I personally didn’t like the way their arc ended, the student council president suddenly becomes a key character in a main character’s character arc and after that she just vanished like she even didn’t exist) but it was still weird and annoying, not having clear goals and points in that arc makes me think the writer placed that arc there so kitamura can have a character arc for himself just like the other characters in the main cast
The side characters are not bad but it’s not like saying they couldn’t be done better (takasu’s mom, taiga’s mom and dad could be better imo), their screen-time is short and in a high portion of their screen-time they only have comic relief and comedy roles not some kind of development/progression type of role (where they function as something more than a typical background character that is only there for the sake of being there), they are far better than many romance anime background characters because the subtlety in showing their personal lives (as small as it is) makes them actual people if not necessarily people who the viewer actually understands and loves (I especially liked the subtle details about high-school background characters like kihara and tube-chi and that other glasses-kun with brown hair)
But there is something that I want to mention: is it only me or everyone thinks yuri-sensei is annoying? She’s such an absurd character (always moaning how she doesn’t have a boyfriend that it becomes just who she is, it becomes her whole identity, just a teacher with boyfriend obsession/complex thing) that I personally think the comedy parts about her were too exaggerated that the comedy parts become her only identity, and as a result any time she tries to be useful in something other than being a comic relief it doesn’t match with the image the viewer has from her, because suddenly making a very thickheaded teacher say something serious in a very dramatic situation (because it’s devoid of balance between her character traits) it makes the scene absurd and it doesn’t make the scene impactful or resonating at all
I’m not personally a fan of the way that the author handled taiga’s father arc, the only reasonable foreshadowing we get for taiga’s father being a jerk is minori’s reactions because she is the only person in that situation who seems both knowledgeable and serious enough at the same time, taiga’s reaction when she first meets her dad might be interpreted in the way of taiga being too harsh on his father because his father says he wants to “supposedly” make things right, takasu’s actions who never has seen his father are reasonable because it’s natural for him to want his friend (getting to account his kind and supportive nature) experiences the love of her father, something he himself didn’t and will never be able to experience, the beginning of this arc is promising and actually I liked it until this part a lot (maybe because I also have severe parental/familial issues) but from that part onwards I think there was a bit of lost potential (keep in mind it’s not bad, I loved the race scene and taiga coming to terms with her father leaving her again)
As I said the only serious foreshadowing for taiga’s dad being a jerk is minori’s reaction, yasuku’s(takasu’s mom) reaction to taiga’s father’s sudden appearance doesn’t work because most of her reasoning behind being suspicious of taiga’s dad is just selfish illogical reasons like “I don’t want taiga to go”, which is a shame in my opinion, rather than portraying yasuku as a knowledgeable experienced person (take into account she was dumped by takasu’s father and has somewhat of a similar experience) she is just babbling selfish things, which cheapens both the impact of the foreshadowing and her overall character’s impact/presence and usefulness because she doesn’t even get that much screen time and the main screen-time/characterization she gets is in the end of the series (takasu’s father cheating on her with another woman and leaving with another woman being revealed), she’s not a bad character but I think she could have been used better because her presence in the scenes she is in is also dim(except some really well done parts like her role in the final episodes with overworking and that stuff onwards, I liked that part a lot)
It seems the author didn’t actually cared that much about taiga’s familial problems because it’s just revealed with one dialogue that her father leaved because he got bankrupt and her mother just comes in the show for two minutes and then everything related to taiga’s familial problems is solved off-screen, the reason why taiga’s dad suddenly just comes to “supposedly” make things right is not even revealed because “he’s just an asshole he’s selfish and doesn’t care about his daughter’s feelings, treats her like and object bluh bluh bluh…”, so why he would even give a shit about acting like he wants to make things right (twice) and then dump taiga? Does he enjoy it? What’s the case with this dude why the fuck he just didn’t vanish sooner? I mean I can’t see why he would want to “supposedly” make things right (twice) and then dump her daughter (twice) wasting his own time in the process when the only thing he achieves with doing this is guaranteeing another kick into his balls from his daughter for the next time he sees her (which makes it clear that if he wants his balls to not be exploded by taiga he should never see her again), it’s not saying that the show necessarily needed to explore these things in depth but a bit more subtlety and care would have enhanced the experience in my opinion, the show is still great and fantastic on the things it’s good at though
[The love triangle/Cube thing]
But now we’re going to the main part I think Toradora did great, the love cube
There is a problem in many works of fiction (anime specially) that is very relevant which I personally call “The over-exaggeration and overwhelming of traits”
It’s a situation when a particular/a few particular traits in a character are so exaggerated that it completely overshadows the character’s other traits and overwhelms them, making “who they are” a very shallow and problematic thing, in many love triangles the obsession the characters have with the girl/guy they love becomes so out of control that it becomes just who they are, just obsession and one sided dependence (keep in mind it’s different from creating a character who is maddened with love but is a well done character because the writer knows what he is doing with making the madness for love the root of traits and creating connected traits to that in the process, good examples of this type of usage of madness withsomethig(love, excitement and joy, etc…) is kinzo ushiromiya(madness by love and dependence) from Umineko: when they cry visual novel or Beatrice (obsession with excitement and hate of boredom) from Umineko)
And it’s a problem that toradora completely (imo) avoids
Rather than the characters being just some kind of stupid obsessed person with their crush they maintain the balance between their own established personalities and their feelings, making it a very well done situation in many ways with avoiding the cons of love triangles and using it’s pros. The character’s personalities are not overwhelmed by stupid exaggeration of their love making their love feel natural and real, without sacrificing their development, the show doesn’t try to throw bullshit cheap dramatic effect into the viewer’s face in the love triangle part and when you find tension/crying/depression/ disappointment/heavy atmosphere etc… in the show for this matter it hits very deep if you really care about the characters because the author knows how to make good and realistic yet interesting and well written character relationships, I think toradora is almost perfect in its most brilliant aspect which I think is it’s love triangle/cube and the relationship between the people who love each other, after watching the anime I kinda got why many people want a second season even though the anime is finished in the same part that the light novel did (it’s just what I have heard though, I haven’t read the LN myself, correct me if I’m mistaken please)
Ami loves takasu because he is the only person who found out about her facade and real self (she being a very selfish arrogant person) and wasn’t completely disappointed because of her expectations from her (she’s a very popular model, many people love her fake personality, when it’s revealed, no one likes her anymore), takasu even encouraged her to be her true self (probably the reason she openly teases takasu, because it’s who she is, and knows that takasu accepts her, showing a side of herself very few people even know much less accept), that’s why she doesn’t force herself to takasu and wants him to do what he wants, be with the person he loves, she learned from takasu to be honest with herself, so she can’t expect takasu to don’t be honest with himself, the reason why she doesn’t try too hard for obtaining takasu’s love (she’s the most imperceptible in her love with takasu compared to the other girls who openly confessed their love, but she did it more subtle in a way that a thickheaded person like takasu might not have even understood) because she’s also (arguably though, minori might have found out quite soon too) the first person who understands taiga and takasu’s situation (that they love each other), and therefore she doesn’t force herself to takasu despite visibly supporting and caring for him
And what I just wrote was just the gist of how great the love cube’s chemistry is and only for one of the characters
Minori loves takasu (from when exactly? We don’t quite know) but even from the start she encourages takasu to protect taiga (considering that she cares about her friend so much….. right?) to be with taiga and make her happy, but she herself also loves takasu but that doesn’t mean she is going to stop working for her own dream (the softball dream, the reason she has so many part time jobs), the vacation arc, the Christmas arc and taiga’s dad arc etc… make her personality completely visible for the viewer and the author doesn’t throw her personality out the window (unlike many romance/love triangle/ harem stories) for the sake of using her and creating cheap dramatic scenes (the crying waifu for the sake of it), she wants taiga the person who wasn’t loved in her whole life (familial problems) to finally experience love and that’s why when she sees taiga in the Christmas arc crying, she can’t accept to be the only happy person when her best friend (a person she arguably loves as much as takasu, platonic or romantic? Interpret that in any way you want) is crying for takasu’s absence. She is kind and energetic but the fact that she wants to obtain her own dreams with her own hands (not being dependent on others for these matters) and wants taiga to be happy with takasu (as she said herself, taiga is the person who needs takasu the most, when taiga was broken from her parental issues minori couldn’t save her, but takasu came and helped taiga to come to terms with her life)
And that’s why she wants taiga to be with takasu, considering that takasu could even do what she (taiga’s best friend) couldn’t do for her best friend
Taiga and takasu’s character arcs are relatively more obvious to the viewer (because they are the hero and the heroine, always in front of the stage) so I don’t think I need to praise their brilliance too, because I’m lazy, or maybe because my favorite characters in the show were A-min and Minorin , or maybe both…
The art style is pretty good too; the animation can be a bit annoying in some parts (mainly just one particular fight scene with wooden swords in the end of kitamura’s arc) but it’s not something surprisingly bad like the weird downgrading quality of shinsekai yori’s animation here and there, it just sometimes becomes a bit strange in scenes that have heavy movements
[Humor and comedy]
I liked the humor in this show,
(from minori’s radar for finding cute girls to taiga putting her finger in ami’s “uncensored” nose)
it doesn’t go out of its way to shit on the show’s serious parts but successfully makes an interesting contrast between the show’s tones, some episodes are also mostly comedy focused (taiga’s pull scene to some extent) but the show even uses the humor in those episodes in the benefit of the characters, overall I think the comedy is pretty good in this show
Ladies and gentleman, do you care about character development in a romance anime? Do you like subtle thematic details in the show about different subject matters? Do you like well written character relationships? Do you like good character writing? Then you will 95 percent enjoy this show, I want to be honest and admit that I am a bit harsh on this show for a few reasons (a bit of a lost potential in the taiga’s father arc and some side character’s usage that I talked about in the spoiler parts) but when the show shines it shines the brightest and when it’s turbid a bit it’s not the most cloudy one by any means, it’s pros outweigh the cons in my opinion and I like this show a lot
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Jul 15, 2022 Recommended Spoiler
I had plans for watching toradora anime from… probably 5 years ago
And I’m glad that I didn’t watch it at that time, because I should confess that my taste sucked at that time, so I probably wouldn’t have understand this show Usually in most stories handling a love triangle is very hard, not only it can hurt the character development if used poorly but it also can become frustrating and annoying because the author might try to make things a little …. “too spicy” (god knows how many of us hate those garbage harem tropes that are poorly used in many anime and get in ...
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all May 29, 2022
All Around Type-Moon
Recommended Preliminary
(10/? chp)
this manga isn't for everyone
unfortunately for none type-moon fans it's jokes and references are not funny because for enjoying this you probably need to at least have watched FSN UBW and HF (i'm a bit lazy so.....) kara no kyoukai movies and read tsukihime manga. and that's still just the bare minimum information you need for understanding the characters (considering that characters like lancer Caren and Kid Gil shine in fate hollow ataraxia) sooooooo......... yeah i guess it's not an enjoyable manga for those who aren't too familiar with the nasuverse , but for type moon fans? it's a great fan service [Characters: 9] the ... way that this manga uses type moon characters is just fantastic. some jokes are common and in the usual tropes of anime and manga comedy (Big boobs VS flat , flat is justice by the way) but when they are applied to the characters you know so personally (if you know them of course) you most likely enjoy it. i mean we all know the jokes behind Gilgamesh trying to flirt with Saber but who would have thought Gilgamesh trying to flirt with Shiki can be a thing in it's own (if just a certain someone didn't interfered). i mean we can see character interactions that we couldn't in the normally so i think it's enjoyable for any type moon fan. [Art: 8] the art is pretty good , i mean what else is there to say about? [Enjoyment: 10] this manga is similar to carnival phantasm (though i like this one more) and has almost all of the same characters ......... oh it has Shiki as main character which wasn't the case with carnival phantasm so if you're a KNK fan i think this is a very good point (seeing shiki in a comedy situation is so rare and should be appreciated) [overall: 9] overall i think i don't have much to say about this manga other than this being a very enjoyable and heart warming for type moon fans. because even though nasuverse is no stranger to comedy (god knows it's not just about holy grail to be honest) and has some of the greatest slice of life moments i have experienced but still a cross over is something we don't see that often. so the more you love nasuverse m the more you enjoy this manga
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Dec 21, 2021
Recommended Spoiler
It's been a long time since i felt this much satisfaction from a new show and series that i get into. I can easily and safely say monogatari series untel the part i experienced(and i bet it will be this way until the end) has one of the best character developments and characterizations in any piece of media.
monogatari is wrong. It's monoGOATari. But why i praise this show this much? Well this review is exactly for answering that. But before that keep in mind *i believe there is no such thing as "Objectively" reviewing or giving an opinion on a show/novel/book/movie/manga/game or whatever. I'm not saying ... it's about taste. Many may like a show that if they think about it come to the conclusion that the show is shit. I'm talking about the point of view.the way someone looks at a show and thinks about it. So being disagree with me or anyone else isn't wrong. Nor strange. That's all* *when it comes to music everything that i would say is just taste. I just think about like it or not. The music parts are so casually in my reviews. Because i don't know any particular thing about the music* *i'm not a native English speaker so if someparts have grammar and spelling problems i just can apologize for that* *Enjoyment part is not how much i enjoyed the show myself. But how much i think it can entertain a person who may like it. Can i recommend it to someone who likes this type of anime easily? Is it even enjoyable to watch in my opinion? These type of things* [Story:9] Koyomi arararagi a high school boy who one day because of an accident became a vampire after coming back to his normal life thanks to the Hawaiian shirt man oshino meme. Meets with different characters who have different types of supernatural problems and helps them to solve their problems. Bakemonogatari has 5 story arcs. Hitagi crab Mayui snail Suruga monkey Nadeko snake Tsubasa cat Each arc has it's own main heroine and araragi is gonna help them. Sounds very basic and stereotypical right? Unlike many other anime series that came to the method of "show don't tell" the author of the series (nisio isin) was like "dudes how about we tell everything and show almost nothing?" On the paper such an idea is shit and won't work. But when you have such a genius as writer it will work. Monogatari is a character driven and dialogue heavy series that most of the show we have characters talking with each other and damn trust me. The dialogues are great. Each arc has it's own focus point and the show develops all of the main characters when the right time comes. And that's why characters in monogatari are fantastic. Though i talk about the characters in character part more. The only parts of the story i think could have been better are mainly two parts. The first is that in the third arc "nadeko snake" we have a "shed scene" where a certain character questions araragi about the situation of the main heroine (nadeko sengoku). The problem is that this scene isn't actually in the light novel and is original. But the real problem is that the character is questioning araragi about something that she herself knows maybe better than anyone else in the entire series. It actually ringed a WTF bell in my mind in the first time that i couldn't understand why such a scene exists. I think if nadeko arc was completely like light novel and hadn't that original scenes it could developed that character more. It isn't something that Hurts your overall experience that much and when you know about it it doesn't hurt your perspective of that character very much but i still think it was a absurd scene. The next thing i find a bit annoying was that the characters has the opportunity of answering some of the viewers questions. But they just act like a certain part is something that they couldn't find out about. For example Spoiler alert . . . . . in nadeko snake arc we don't know what happens to the boy that cursed nadeko. My problem is that after few days nadeko can easily find out about it because they are in the same school. so What happens? If the boy doesn't come back to the school then she can say he didn't come to school anymore. But we actually don't get any dialogue about that boy. I mean nadeko could easily find out what happened to him the only ones who can't are we the viewers. I think some of these questions that could have been answered with just 1 minute dialogue would be better to be answered. . . . . . . . . . . . .end of spoiler Exept these i pretty much enjoyed everything else. But you need to know that in monogatari. The characters are the real story [Characters:10] I think it's where bakemonogatari shines the most. In most of the anime the worthy characters are mostly the main cast and the show has so many side characters that many of them feel like plot tools. In another word. 30 percent of the characters are developed. 70 percent are mostly plot tools (it isn't necessarily a bad thing though if the series has its own good characters). But in monogatari almost all of the characters has their own arc and get developed in their own arc. In another word 90 percent of the characters are worthy and developed and at most 10 percent are plot tools. So as the viewer you know that the characters in the show are valuable to the story. But Like i said the characters are the story. Their backstory and motivations their personality and beliefs their life style etc.... Is explored and you can understand almost all of them. Watching monogatari means to enter their very mind and seeing the characters at their best and worst. The characters are not just real but memorable. In many anime you have the misconception of "if the characters are normal and real then they are good" but that's not all of the case. Many say it's better to have normal characters rather than stereotypical characters. But why you would choose such characters when you can have real yet unique characters? That's why when monogatari's arcs come to an end you will most of the time have just one feeling and that's satisfaction. Monogatari needs patience and it is dialogue heavy and unfortunately due to being different from many types of anime it will not please a wide audience like attak on titan or Code Geass. But if monogatari be someone's type of anime it will absolutely gives the viewer one of his/her best experiences.and one of it's reasons is exactly this. Characters. Character development in monogatari isn't something that can be explained with words alone you should experience it for yourself and then come to your own conclusion. When many anime series tend to develop their characters through many battle heavy and hyped arcs or flashbacks(repeat. There is no problem with such things) monogatari tends to develop it's characters with few dialogue heavy arcs that every single piece of dialogue has value and is essential to the character development. The characters are not Clichy or stereotypical and they have identity. Real identity. The only difference between them isn't their names or their three sizes but from the way they act to the way they think and decide is what makes them who they are. Characters that really are created because of their own decisions and in monogatari you are not gonna just see one side of the spectrum. Like i said monogatari is about entering the very mind of the characters. And saying that the characters have identity means that they are different from each other. Not just in behaviour but also in way of thinking or deciding or their point of views etc..... Which means you can almost understand all of them (specially the main focus if each arc) And also you can relate to many of them. Because you are seeing real people. Many anime series tend to sacrifice their characters for nothing.giving the viewers many characters that none of them has no agenda or motivation of his/her own but also is without the slightest personality.beliefs. development. The characters have no value. They are worthless. They lack everything. But in monogatari characters have everything. They have backstory.personality. beliefs. responsibility and almost everything that a real person has. In many parts you can even say they are even more real than the real humans. and i still think i couldn't even explain the surface level of monogatari's characterization. So i think it whould be better for you to experience it for yourself. But remember. The show is character driven and dialogue heavy. It needs patience sometimes. And even the most appreciated thing in the existence can't pleases everyone. But i assure you if you love character driven shows with peak character development then i doubt you don't enjoy monogatari. [Art:9] Shaft did a great job in monogatari adaptations not just for character development and story but also art and direction. The artstyle is great for it's own time and is still great and beautiful to this day(12 years after the show's broadcast). There isn't actually that much for complaint about art. The only thing that annoyed me a bit was that in some scenes when the camera is zoomed we see some details that are too different from the standard camera perspective. For example in many scenes that are standard characters lips(specially female characters) are drawn normally but sometimes that the camera is zoomed the details are too different from the normal thing that the viewer usually sees. For example in one of the scenes in the show that is zoomed on shinobu's face we see a bigger mouth on her face than what we usually see. Her normal image is like a little girl with small body and mouth but in that scene her mouth was covered more of her face compared to the normal scene. I i think some details actually don't quite fit the characters in zoomed camera. For example hanekawa's lips actually fits to her image in zoomed camera too but for some other characters like shinobu i think it doesn't fit the character. It isn't that much annoying but i think I'm to obsessive about changing artstyle in an anime. Either way it isn't something important because the art is 95 percent of the time so beautiful and eyecandy. So you will like it. [Music:10] I think when an anime has different openings for each arc (15 episodes. 5 opening and endings) it shows that the studio worked hard for the show. And not just opening and ending but i loved most of the tracks in the anime too. I mean i think i can say it was satisfying for me. [Enjoyment:10] Why 10? That's right that i said it will not please a wide audience like mainstream shows and that it is dialogue heavy. But that's the point. If you really enjoy a series with great character development and great dialogues i doubt you don't enjoy it. Characters have as much screentime and dialogue that they need to fully express their feelings and show the viewer who they really are. Direction and art style and also music are great and even looking at the dialogue scenes isn't boring (if you really care About the story and the characters) and well i think there is no need to say this for the third time that "the characters are the real story". So that means for enjoying this series you need to have real patience and care for the characters. Because it doesn't matter how much a series is good or great. If you just complain about everything and Don't care about the characters then you will not enjoy anything. But if you really try to understand monogatari you will enjoy almost everything. Overall maximum score with my taste: 9.5 Overall maximum score: 9.6 Overall minimum score: 9.3
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Dec 20, 2021 Not Recommended
When it comes to visual novel adaptations we have a lot of problems. From skipping the important parts of the story to shorten the anime to changing the theme and tone of the series of even changing design and voice actors. Now considering i didn't played 11 eyes visual novel(though you don't need to play that to know you can't create a good adaptation from a 60 hours long visual novel with just 12 episodes.) I don't look at it as an anime adaptation but as an anime. And even as an anime this show is the pinnacle of being trash in many ways.
But ... before that keep in mind. *i believe there is no such thing as "Objectively" reviewing or giving an opinion on a show/novel/book/movie/manga/game or whatever. I'm not saying it's about taste. Many may like a show that if they think about it come to the conclusion that the show is shit. I'm talking about the point of view.the way someone looks at a show and thinks about it. So being disagree with me or anyone else isn't wrong. Nor strange. That's all* *And second when it comes to music everything that i would say is just taste. I just think about like it or not. The music parts are so casually in my reviews. Because i don't know any particular thing about the music* *also i'm not a native English speaker so if someparts have grammar and spelling problems i just can apologize for that* So let's start [Story:3] When it comes to the story i think 11 eyes had so much potential. Though i think you can guess from the score that it was wasted. The story about a few strange peaple who are continue being sommoned in a strange wotld with a red sky and a few black peaple want to kill them. The story had some good plot twists but the problem was the other plot twists that were shit. And bad execution. The story is too rushed and gives no time for any particular or worthy foreshadow or even a decent character development. Some story events just contradict another story event that makes you question the writers that:"what the fuck man do you know what the hell are you doing?" Story comes with high potential but ends up giving you many nonesence and proves that bad execution and rushed pacing can easily destroy a show. But now we go to the most shitty aspect of this anime [Characters:1] I believe every writer should watch 11 eyes. To fully understand what means shit character development. If the story has bad execution and bad plot twists at least it has one or two good plot twists (compared to the show itself) The characters were easily the worst part. Why? Let me begin with the main cast. Looking at the beginning we have a big cast (specially if you consider that this show is just 12 episodes). And the rushed pacing and bad execution that i talked about earlier butchered the characters maybe even more than the story. The main characters are mostly undeveloped and 12 episodes is not enough to develop these characters. That's why some scenes and character relationships comes out of nowhere like the writers even didn't know what they are doing. And it even worsens in the last episodes with just throwing many plot twists on the face of the viewer which makes it even impossible to develop characters even for the last episodes because it gives you something that just shitted on a shitty anime more. This is the bad execution that makes the characters undeveloped and even worse. complete one dimensional shits. The character development worsens in the villain's part more. The show doesn't give you any information in the first episodes (even doesn't foreshadow) and in the end of the show we have a badly written villain switch that not just makes both of the show's villains shit. But again hurts the main characters. Making them don't act logically or even emotionally. Which means you will have no connection to these characters you just feel you are watching shit. The first villains have no development and the remaining cast of the first villains shows you many contradictory things with many parts of the show and also makes them not just undeveloped. But shitty and without any personality or characterization. Which makes the villains the pinnacle of writing shitty antagonists. They are not even 1 dimensional they are easily _1 dimensional. At best 0 dimensional characters. It had almost the worst antagonists and villains i had ever seen in my entire life and i think it will never change. Because the villains are just bad guys. Which the writers just gave them a shitty justification for being bad making that part of the show not a bad redemption arc nor a bad plot twist for the villains. But something that is the both. The ultimate goal of villains is to be both contradictory shits for the show and also being shitty existences that you even can't feel hate for the villains you feel a general hate for everything that the show offered. I can't really say how much the villains were bad because if I'm gonna say how much the main cast was bad i can easily say :(cliché characters and undeveloped characters who lack both logic and emotions thus giving no value to the story and because the story itself is shit too it doesn't gives value to the characters too.) But when it comes to the villains they are even worse than the main cast. At least the main cast has 3 percent value and the other 97 percent is shit. Villains are 200 percent shit. I think i made my point. [Music:9] It is a shame that such a good music was used for such a disappointment. Even after almost 5 or 6 years that passed from the first time i watched this shit I still have some of it tracks to listen to(for example the opening. I think i can consider it one of my favourites because i just think it is good. Though i shame to admit that such a music is used for such a shit.). I think the only valuable thing the show has is the music. Other than that i think everything other than the music is shit. Oh. And although the art isn't fantastic it is at least acceptable. [Art:7] Art isn't fantastic or great but it is acceptable. Which at least makes the experience a bit more bearable. Though I don't know why someone might want to watch this show. But whatever. [Enjoyment:3] The only thing that i think can be enjoyable or entertaining is the music and atmosphere. Other than that i think there is no such thing as entertainment in this show. You have just shit. Conclusion: In the end i think i can just say watch the opening. Listen to some tracks. Then you experienced every good aspect of this anime Maximum score with my taste: 3.5 Maximum score without my taste: 3 Minimum score: 2.5 One of the worst shit i have watched.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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![]() Show all Dec 20, 2021
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
Mixed Feelings
Well after watching a high amount of isekai anime and coming to the conclusion that i wasted my time i think i got "isekaiphobia". Shield hero is one of the most popular isekais in the past 10 years. And for unknown reasons. If it just had the first half(ep 1-12) maybe i would give it a 7 or 6 for being entertaining and having an acceptable likeability. But after Anime went on a downfall which many isekai go. That i often call these downfalls "trying to be second coming of the Christ downfall"
But before that keep in mind *i believe there is no such thing ... as "Objectively" reviewing or giving an opinion on a show/novel/book/movie/manga/game or whatever. I'm not saying it's about taste. Many may like a show that if they think about it come to the conclusion that the show is shit. I'm talking about the point of view.the way someone looks at a show and thinks about it. So being disagree with me or anyone else isn't wrong. Nor strange. That's all* *when it comes to music everything that i would say is just taste. I just think about like it or not. The music parts are so casually in my reviews. Because i don't know any particular thing about the music* *i'm not a native English speaker so if someparts have grammar and spelling problems i just can apologize for that* *I didn't read shield hero's manga and light novel. So I'm only looking at it as an anime only and view this show as an anime not an adaptation. If the manga/LN is better or for the fucks sake has less bullshit pacifism. contradictory and asspuls I don't know. So don't forget this because i don't have any idea about what's the difference between source material and the anime* [Story: 4] Trying to be second coming of Christ is a term i use when "a writer tries to do what he/she can't and is unable to handle the story and the characters. Making the story flawed for trying to progress in a way that the writer couldn't handle" Shield hero starts with the iwatani naofumi who after being betrayed by three other heroes and the kingdom decides to find a way by himself to get back to his own world. Which he meets some other characters. The first parts of the story is where i think was handled okay and made an acceptable isekai to watch and enjoy without trying to be something bigger than that. And don't misunderstand this part I'm not saying trying to surpass the limits is a wrong thing. The wrong thing is to try surpassing them when you can't. First you need to know what you are really going to do. Just wanting to surpass limits doesn't make anything better. The first half is mostly based on the journeys naofumi has with his companions and helping different people making his reputation better bit by bit. The first half doesn't force you to enjoy a badly written story and badly written plot twists. just gives you something that many isekai don't. Normality. The first half isn't something special or anything it is just good. It exists to develop main characters' relationships bit by bit making them a normal group of friends. And that's fine you Don't need to surpass your limits when you can't. And naofumi at least isn't the saint who is there to save the day. he wants money. He is kind like many other isekai characters and is Clichy in many parts even in the first parts of the story but isn't completely mediocre and has one or two good points.but then we have the second part(ep 13-25) This is the part that the story tried to surpass it's limits and messed up. The story starts to go for characters backstories and starts to let other three heroes shine too. The problem is that the other three heroes are just one dimensional characters with nothing in particular and nothing worthy of noting about their characters and the show doesn't give them anything to like them for. It just makes them the typical brainlet strong characters who are unwise and irresponsible. And even doesn't make them anything else. And when it comes to the main characters' backstories it just messed up. Making them completely the typical illogical pacifists that don't have anything else but saying:oh no listen child that is bad this is good don't do bad things just do good things. I wanted to drop the show after "someone's" shitty pacifism making her even more one dimensional. The problem is the contradictory part with this pacifism and one dimensional characters that the writer tries to give depth to the characters with making them do something that he showed they don't. Killing is bad for That "someone" but it seems there is no problem if another character (don't say to don't spoil anything) kills someone. The first 20 episodes villains were total black and when it comes to punishment for the villains we have another shitty pacifism this time. Writer. You can't justify such things with just one or two dreams and visions. And the last 4 or 5 episodes try to give us better villains by making the situation less black and white but it doesn't give us details just give us basic informations. The last 5 episodes were mostly how they fight with the enemies not why they really fight. Making the why they really fight part so basic. Trying to increase the number of characters with nothing more than one dimensional characters and shitting on the main characters more and more giving bullshit plot twists makes the show so average. Maybe even bad. With high amount of cliché you can ruin everything. [Characters:4] At least the first half does a decent character development (for an isekai) and gives you fun characters. You know what i mean? Fun and acceptable for you the viewer. To enjoy their progress in their journey. But we have the same problem. The second half. Coming to show you characters backstories and failing. Raphtalia was an okay character in the first half but in the second half she became the "saint girl who doesn't do bad things she is a good girl" kind of character. Destroying the little amount of realism she had and making her generic pacifist female character. Filo at least i think wasn't butchered like raphtalia. But others were. The three other heroes became just generic irresponsible and arrogant jerks who didn't do anything but after shitting on many peaple they become "good". The problem is that they become "good" without any particular characterization or anything. The first half villains were just black unwise and shitty jerks who were saved by a shitty asspull. And we have a secondary villain in the middle of anime who is. Am. Om. Ohmmmmmmmm. What the f*********k is this shit. That guy wasn't even an acceptable villain he was most like a filler villain. And we have the "grey" villains that. We don't know anything about them. This part maybe can be fixed in later seasons but what about other problems? Naofumi. Raphtalia. Three shitty heroes. And almost a big cast of characters. The show couldn't stay away from heavy asspulls more than 10 or 12 episodes how is it gonna develop the characters? [Art:8] Art isn't bad. It has sometimes shitty CGI but isn't completely shit or frustrating and the designs are good. So i think it's bad. It's good. [Music:7] Well i think i don't quite like it's music. It had good tracks but well. I didn't quite enjoyed them(reminder. No reason. Just taste) [Enjoyment:6] If it wasn't for the first half i think i just gave this part 2. I absolutely didn't enjoyed the second half and i wanted to drop it. But eventually i forced myself to watch it(AKA forcewatched it) If you enjoy isekai i think there is plenty of better isekai out there for you. Konosuba mushoku tensei and re:zero for example are my personal favourites. But if you like isekai and enjoy any kind of isekai "and" don't have any other thing to watch then i think it can be a candidate for watching. Overall maximum score with my taste:4 Overall maximum score:5 Overall minimum score:4
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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![]() Show all Dec 14, 2021
[This review contains *no spoilers* from the series]
Psycho pass is a very popular series across the world. And for good reasons. It has good animation memorable characters and a great story with multiple layers. That is a shame that it's second season became what it shouldn't. Though the first season's value doesn't downgrade because another studio shitted on the anime. Let's start. But before that keep in mind. *i believe there is no such thing as "Objectively" reviewing or giving an opinion on a show/novel/book/movie/manga/game or whatever. I'm not saying it's about taste. Many may like a show that if they think about it come ... to the conclusion that the show is shit. I'm talking about the point of view.the way someone looks at a show and thinks about it. So being disagree with me or anyone else isn't wrong. Nor strange. That's all* *And second when it comes to music everything that i would say is just taste. I just think about like it or not. The music parts are so casually in my reviews. Because i don't know any particular thing about the music* *also i'm not a native English speaker so if someparts have grammar and spelling problems i just can apologize for that* Now let's really start [Story: 9] "When it comes to the story we should expect it to be fucked up. Why? The writer is just a bit too crazy. Just that" The stories with the concept of utopian/dystopian societies in the future always were a good place for making great moral mysteries or psychological series etc... Psycho pass's japan that is controlled by an AI named sibyl comes with the contradiction and conflicts between collectivism and individualism as the main theme. Anime doesn't necessarily makes one look absolutely bad and other absolutely good which gives depth to the story. It doesn't force you to take a particular side. It makes a great situation for you the viewer. To decide what you want. Most of the plot twists are great and makes the show's story more compelling and helps the characters to progress. It's atmosphere is great and makes you not just watch the situation. But also feel the situation. Making it feel real. Unfortunately although that the story itself is great i think the world building isn't as great as it could. we know what is happening inside of japan with details but we don't know that much about the outside world. it isn't necessarily a bad thing because even the characters themselves Don't care about it that much but considering there is a few non Japanese characters in a future that we don't necessarily know what is the state of the world not just japan. Can be sometimes a bit confusing or annoying. It's world building isn't bad by any means but i feel it could have had some more layers. I mean we until the later seasons just know what japan looks like not all of the world. It doesn't hurts the story itself and the narrative but could have made the story and narrative more enjoyable and detailed if the world building was a bit better. Exept that there wasn't that much to complain about. The system of controlling the society is detailed and the anime doesn't shames to explore it's flaws and how each individual reacts to such a system and situation.the ending is great too and i doubt someone be unsatisfied with it. In the end i just can say the story is great in many parts with very few flaws that if you just don't pay attention to them they don't hurt your overall experience. "One man's utopia is another man's hell" [Characters:9] When an story about society is written you expect to see different point of views about the situation. In Psycho pass the main cast have this role. We have a system that kills/imprisones peaple based on numbers(peaple's psycho pass). In such a situation different characters have their own agenda and motivation and also points of views. Makishima .kogami and akane. Are the main characters who decide and act based on the situations that the system is responsible of. The main characters are written pretty good and their motivations and purposes are explored and most of their decisions are understandable for the viewer if not necessarily relatable (in other words even if you are not agree with them or think that they are wrong you can understand why they decided what they did. You can understand where most of the decisions are coming from). The main cast have their own personalities and shown to interact with other characters and talk to them logically like normal humans do. Makishima has pretty much enough screentime with most of his companions that he is talking to them. Not about "yeah yeah buddy who are we gonna kill next?". But about their point of views about the situation and the way they live. Makishima sometimes is happy about talking with some characters because he consideres that talking to them has worth. He sees something in them. But sometimes he is just bored or irritated like he is saying "oh. When is he gonna shut up?" With his body language. From the companions he had i consider all of them but one or two the characters that fulfilled their roles. They aren't as great as the main cast at all and are not intended to have that much depth. Their role is to show you makishima and show what means a society controlled by sibyl. And most of them fullfil their roles in this part. Now we go to the Sibyl's side Although that the main characters in Sibyl's side(like akane. Kogami and ginoza) are so good my problem is with the side characters. Akane is shown to grow up in time and decide what she wanted that she became a police(sorry i can't spell their jop right so i just say police) and kogami is a badass character with likable personality and great development and progress and ginoza has his own character arc. I just couldn't understand the importance of side characters. Exept masaoka that i think did his job i think the others could be much better. My main problem is actually with konizoka and kagari. I say it without spoiling anything. in first season kagari has some scenes and his character seems to be so good if just had more screentime and development could have done much more than he did in first season. My problem isn't just this but that konizoka has almost an entire episode for herself and i just think that episode and the screentime that was given to her was wasted. In my opinion even after that episode she didn't got that much development and 23 minutes were wasted. But if that episode was given to kagari and explored more about him that could have been much better because kagari in the final episodes has a much more important role than konizoka. I mean if they just couldn't include 2 more episode to make the series 24 episodes that's fine but why did they wasted one episode for a character that they didn't even developed that much? And the more irritating part is that konizoka is thrown out of the window in season 2 and has no specific role. I mean i know that the second season was created by another studio and urobucher wasn't important in it's development as he was in the first season but not just her character in the first season wasted an episode. But also had no aftermath or benefit in the second season. There are a few other side characters that i think were not that important but that's fine i think i can ignore them but i can't ignore kagari and konizoka. I think it would have been much better if they gave that episode to kagari instead of konizoka.there are a few minor characters that appear out of nowhere and then vanish like they never existed but that is bearable you can ignore them and just view them as plot tools. Other than some side characters there isn't that much problem with the main cast and there are good side characters too so i think exept konizoka wasting an episode there isn't that much major problem to complain about and you can like most of the characters if you just ignore some flaws. [Art:9] When it comes to music and artstyle I don't write that much because i just think i can either say it is good or bad. And explain how much it is good or bad. Many non anime fans always complain about the characters eyes and fanservice that they don't like. Psycho pass's artstyle isn't that much eyecandy but is good and has enough detail and most of all it hasn't big eyes and fanservice and has a more realistic art than many anime. So it is another factor that not just fits with psycho pass's theme but also makes it a great gateway to anime world in my opinion. Artstyle is good. I think there isn't much about to talk about [Music:8] The music is pretty good too "and makes the good experience even better" haha.Really! when it comes to music i just have my taste for judging so i think i can't say that much about it. My favourite track was the second ending and others are pretty good too. Om. I think i don't have more to say. [Enjoyment:10] At first i was not confident of what score i want to give it in enjoyment part. I was annoyed by some scenes (mainly because akane's pacifism) that made me feel:dude what the fuck why why why why you did that. But when i just thinked about those scenes in the rewatch i thought they were not as bad as i remembered and this anime has much more enjoyable parts than it's annoying parts. And i don't think everyone necessarily are gonna be annoyed by the scenes that i was. The show doesn't shames to explore what problems Sibyl system causes and the characters reactions to society's secrets feels real. Anime references to some real peaple (or quotes them) and sometimes shows the character's preferences by these peaple. Real people. Ideals and point of views are an important part of psycho pass and it gives you the opportunity to see different situations created by the society/system/characters and decide for yourself that what you are agree with and what you are disagree with. There are some side characters exactly for such a purpose. Showing you the different sides of the conflict. Makishima has as many conversations as he needs with different characters to fully express his emotions and ideals About the "unordinary" society and system that he hates. Akane is confronted with the system's real nature maybe closer than any other character and has to choose her path. For ginoza and kogami it contains spoilers so i don't say anything. The main cast's existence has value and is worthy of the screentime they got. And in my opinion is worthy of your time. urobocher did a great jop on psycho pass season 1 and created a great psychological anime that not just wants to show you an unordinary yet understandable and relatable society/system. But also gives you some characters to relate to. To love. And a great Anime is created with the combination of this great story and good character development alongside with a beautiful atmosphere and artstyle. Ohm. and also music and voice acting. I doubt if someone really enjoys this type of anime be unsatisfied by psycho pass's season 1. Hope you liked this review and i hope this was a helpful review for you. Maximum score with my taste: 9.2 Maximum score without my taste: 9 Minimum score: 8.7
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Dec 10, 2021
Shinsekai yori
Not Recommended Spoiler
Before starting Let me clarify a few things.
First, I have absolutely no problem with homosexual characters (my favorite character in monogatari is kanbaru.) Second, I absolutely have no problem with morally ambiguous anime series (or any other pieces of media) Third. I am not a person to destroy a show just because of its art (NGE is one of my favorite anime, A mess in terms of animation quality) Fourth, English is not my native language so Sorry if my English is bad Fifth, I hated this anime so much that I couldn't finish it at first, I wanted to drop it in episode 17, So after that episode ... I just fast watched anime just to see what is going to happen, And searched some things for clarification of the things I might have not noticed because of making myself force-watch the anime. So I’m probably not going to say that much about episode 17-25 because I might have not noticed some details, Though i know what basically happened. And most importantly, The sixth term, My purpose of writing this review isn't persuading all of the world that just what I say and what I believe are valid and anyone who likes this show is an absolute stupid or something, My purpose of writing this review is to express my feelings towards a show that i can Just use the term of "hate" for it. Expressing why i hate this show, And why i absolutely didn't enjoy it, but in the end i’m not expecting everyone who reads this become agree with everything i wrote, In the end you are the one who decides to like a show or hate it, That's how a review should work. It isn't for persuading others and convincing others to be agree with you, At least my review isn't such a thing. And i think i need to say that it is the first time i am reviewing a show, So if it has some problems in some terms i can just apologies for that. And also keep in mind, I love psycho pass season 1, And in the end of the review I’ll give you a comparison between the two shows to express what the fuck is the thing that makes two shows with many similarities this much different for me. (Also needs to say that this review contains spoilers) Shinsekai yori was thought provokingly flawed for me, in what it could have been, And what it became, The story comes with a ritual like thing that a monk is saying some dialogues, The problem starts exactly from this part, Why? I have a rule in giving my opinions about everything that i experience (be it a light novel, visual novel, anime, movie or whatever) First, You need to know what is the shows image, What i mean by image? The way that the show is presented in many terms, to give you the feeling of its themes, It's genres, Make you easily understand what it wants to make you feel. For example, if you just watch even 1 episode from psycho pass or ghost in the shell, You understand it from the first minutes that these show are sci-fi/cyberpunk shows, They easily make you feel the way they should The monk, From the beginning of the show is saying some dialogues that the first time i started the show Iiwas expecting to understand these dialogues the further the show goes on, And let me say this too that i didn't understand the show was a sci-fi show even after 5 episodes and was thinking it is a fantasy show, And you know what i felt then? I felt that this show is going to make me love it. Yes i expected to love this show then, I expected that this contradiction between the feeling i am getting from the show and its genre is going to be something compelling, something enjoyable. And when i went further and further i understood that how much i was wrong, I don't think you need me to say it, But i was badly wrong The monk, And symbols of Buddhism, Keep in mind Buddhism is the religion that forbids everything that causes pain to oneself or others (i am not Buddhist, i didn't live with monks on the mountains, I don't believe in reincarnation, but even someone like me knows this much about Buddhism with research alone, let alone other ways of gaining information) it Forbids absolutely every kind of killing, No matter what it is, Even animals, Buddhists live by the believe that if they can't find a peaceful solution to a situation that doesn't cause harm to others they are losers, An intense saint like view, And then a Japanese author is using such a religion in a show that……… Well let’s count, has Killing children in its society, Killing humans that just don't look like humans, and destroying environment, I have a question: Why the fuck the author is not only using these things that not just make the show badly feel like fantasy shows, But even uses such a religion in his work? The problem comes from that if he intentionally is using Buddhism for contradiction, It is a contradiction that makes the show flawed, How? Contradiction is something that when used in the right way makes the show more enjoyable, For example the art style of madoka magica which is totally in contradiction with its themes But it is a contradiction in the show's art style not it's story, Shinsekai yori uses a religion which doesn't fit with the Totalitarianistic/Utilitarianistic view that those who are controlling the society have And there comes the first problem in the shows’ themes, If this religion is Buddhism, It can't bear such dirty works, It opposes utilitarianism, You don't need to be a Buddhist to know that, If you just go and search about some Buddhists in the world/history (which are not samurais. Needs to note Buddhism in samurais' eyes and some other Buddhists' eyes are different, Can you compare musashi with Wong Jack-man? No, But both are Buddhists. But needs to note, Even a killer like musashi has something named bushido which makes him oppose such dishonorable acts , someone who in Dokodo says that "you can abandon your body but can't abandon your honor" obviously views shinsekai yori's social acts like the worst thing possible that a human can do) And see how they lived. So if this is Buddhism. How the fuck it doesn't do anything? And if it isn't, What is the point of it's existence? This is where shinsekai yori's duality shines, no matter how i was going to convince myself that the existence of the shrine and monks in shinsekai yori and those meaningless dialogues in the first place had the slightest value, I just couldn't convince myself because it was meaningless. And this is just the beginning of my review, Shinsekai yori puts its hand on many important topics like love, family, society, racism, religion and more, but it’s ashamed of exploring them even a bit. I talked about the religion part, it was meaningless, It's existence and what the monks were saying, The flawed religion part was just a plot tool to just convince the audience that cantus has a meaningful message behind it because some worthless monks are saying meaningless dialogues in the first minutes of the show, In the end i was unable to find meaning in the religion and after many research and don't obtaining my answer was unwilling to try again and find a meaning in it because no one was interested in throwing their stupid headcanons about shinsekai yori out the window and convincing me with evidence, So there you have it. Love, Romance, Let me guess, Yeah yeah lets just Restrict the romance part by the justification that these animals (i need to admit i am ashamed of calling even a single character in the show human which I'll cover in the characters part) need to relieve their stress with sex, The problem doesn't start in the first parts, Saki says that we are not monkeys so we are not going to have sex just because relieving stress is a thing that some god-knows-how-the-fuck-they-came-to-this-conclusion scientists say is okay to do. That is a part done right, So what is the problem? The problem comes from the part that the author divides the characters, And just shows us one group (saki and satorou which I'm sure i spelled his name wrong) So, First of all, Can't you show us both the-dude-who-wrote-almost-800-pages-for-your-shisekai yori-novel? the source material is already long, would it be so hard for shinsekai yori’s lazy writer to show us both groups? It makes you tired if you just double the effort you put in this part? Really? The problem comes from the fact that we even don't know who the fuck these kids really are. They are just kids; we even don't get that much dialogue from mari and mamorou, And the only role of shun was what? Holding Saki's hand on the boat in the river scene and a few foreshadows in the first episodes that saki has a crush on shun, Thanks the author who i am not going to look for your name because i will not forget it, I absolutely don't want to know your name to don't think about your novel and anime, The fewer my memories about shinsekai yori, The better. ************************************* I didn't expect 50 episodes of romance development, I just expected a 4 episodes decent character development, and what did i get? Half of the characters are thrown out of the window, Just having two characters, That when you are going to make the part after this part you give me a 2 years timeskip that …….. Hmmmmmm, Wait wait did i just saw that right? You just made the characters i know at least a bit (a bit, I didn't see any good character development in the previous part or any romance development .oh sorry i forgot something, These are fucking kids and they even don't have personality how the fuck someone is going to develop a romance between such characters? because establishing fleshed out personalities for the characters would have taken time, and the author is so tired, so he didn’t bother himself to do anything) meaning saki and satorou, Have a relationship with characters that my only knowledge of them is that one of them is Saki’s crush, and the other one……… I don't know anything about her……. I don’t want to insult the voice actors, I genuinely don’t, and I’m not saying the voice acting is bad because it isn’t, the voice acting is one of the few positives of shinsekai yori, but do mamorou’s voice actor even gets salary for voice acting? Many characters are literally there for the sake of being there and still have voice actors; did A-1 pictures give them their salary for 2 lines of dialogue? Many characters are like nezoko from demon slayer (just without a muzzle) who don’t say anything of importance at all or say just a few important things (maria for example) and then they are just thrown out the main events completely Anyway, which means maria and shun are absolute background-character-ultimate-edition most of the time the author is trying to justify his no-character-development-cause-I’m-tired in 8 episodes and rushed romance (if you can call that romance) with just one thing, Relieving stress……… the fucking relieving stress isn’t a plot point by the authors approach, it’s just a stupid cheap plot tool. The school was pushing them to same sex relationships for them to relieve their stress and because they didn't wanted to someone get pregnant and make baby they made it same sex(it’s the widely accepted reason for that. You, my humble friend who is reading this review have other reasons for these “relieving stress” things? with source or without source? If with source then let me know, if not then say hello to the writer for me and tell him I’M NOT GOING TO BUY IN HIS STUPID WRITING) What the fuck is the point of asahina tomiko’s “EXISTENCE” who is 267 years old if she even didn't come up to the conclusion of condom in her 170 years of being the most important part of the society? (which this “most important person” even didn't do anything, Although this show has no important part) Sorry if i am a bit mean, But author-san, Do you even know what that is? Your characters are living in the ZOO that you claim is a society, Do you yourself live in a society that condom doesn't exist? And sorry i know you were too tired to explore characters’ relationships both as friends and lovers to the point that you just skipped whatever the fuck happened in that 2 years without a good introduction of half of the characters. But it seems that you even cut off the flaws of this forced same sex relationship that these animals in that society were saying:”because we don't want anyone makes baby before marriage we do this” But dude, Do you know that developing a relationship just for these reasons can make many problems in the future of the society and you just throw them out of the window? If two people come to really love each other, And then you just make tell them:”no no no no… we do not do that now, That relationship is dated now go make babies in the name of the dirtiest thing we could do just pushing you to relationships and then cutting it like we were playing with you go and have sex with a boy or something to make a baby for our species to don't extinct” Do you know that many (even if they’re married and have children) will be in love with another person thanks to this shitty system which suddenly tells others where they should put their penis in? You don’t understand that this system can make many problems for families? Do you know what the fuck is dependence? Do you know what psychology is? If you know why the fuck you don’t explore its flaws? If you don’t then why you don’t just write a non-fiction/essay book about the “themes you want to convey”? Thank you society, Now i can see the population/nation based on love which that minoshiro was talking about, How much love oh i am so so so affected and touched to the deepest parts of my heart ohh what a shame I can’t find a suitable shakespearean dialogue to insert in this part for expressing the depth of my affectedness, Thanks. *********************** There will be no problems with this forced same sex relationship system, everything will be okay. Author-san, you even didn't make any romance in your show but tried to use this-nonexistent-romance-you-didn’t-make, You made your main character the lover of a girl i don't know at all and believe me or not, I even until the end of the show couldn't know because you were so……. “Tired”, And you made satorou the lover of someone you were foreshadowing is the crush of saki, Why the fuck if the problem with different sex relationship was baby they didn't come to the conclusion of condom? Is asahina tomiko living in the Stone Age this useless 267 nanny? What is the point of her existence if she can't improve her fucking ZOO in 170 years? Give me 50 years time and I'll make a better system than this bullshit if not a paradise, with the same condition as these animals, What the fuck tomiko was doing in her 170 years of ruling this “Nation/ZOO”? What the fuck she was doing??????? What was the point of her existence? Oh, Nothing, What is the point of being the most important person in society when you don't do anything and even don’t do the most important act of this “society”, i.e: Killing innocent (or a bit asshole) children And let me guess, oh yeah, all of the parents have no problems with killing their own children, there will be no oppositions, there will be no one who opposes this "necessary" act, All of them are “willing to sacrifice their own children to achieve the highest goal in existence, the greater good”, which is Making humanity don't worth anything. The creation of the ultimate animals, Which pigs must bow before them, which even George Orwell’s characters are not a match for, Even crocodiles are better than these animals. The problem isn't that i think these people are too wrong, The problem is that even if you are a saint, The most perfect creation of god, Even if you are jeanne d'arc, many will oppose you. And guess what, you create a system that kills others children and no one has any objections. In time, this will make so many problems if not in the first instant, this will cause people pain and this fucks the fucking "society" creates insane anarchists and maybe even those who believe humanity must go extinct, sociologically Many will come to this conclusion ******************************** Forget stupid superhero movies and garbage propaganda affected media, is the average person able to really cope with not being able to see the most important person to them ever again? Grief breaks people, and some will never recover, many extremists and absurdists are just one such instance of this Utilitarianism has a price, the real price isn't the lives of others, Children or queerrats, Is the Opposition/ Division in the society itself. Why no one opposes this? View me as an irresponsible and unreasonable person if you want, a jerk objectivist if you want, someone who is not “thinking rationally”, but Why there is no “irrationality” and “irrational” person in shinsekai yori's "society"? If you think about it with the bare minimum of logic, there must be such people, When there is light there is dark, When there is dark there is light, The light that contains darkness. The darkness that contains light So where is the freaking conflict here? This is the part where we come to the queerrats, the problem is that, The queerrats don't oppose the way that human society is based on, they don’t oppose its philosophy, They are just using the same method In a different direction, They sacrifice anyone to obtain the power of ruling over those who were once ruling over them. There is no another point of view, This is the same point of view and philosophy, There is no one who opposes this situation. Queerrats are animals too, They are not animals because they are cruel. Ruthless and jerks who use the same innocent children for their goals, They aren't animals because they look like one, They are animals because their goals, their meaning of existence, is worthless (and if you want to say:”who’re you to decide what’s worthless and what’s not” I should tell you that if the writer wasn’t so “tired” for writing the fucking story I wouldn’t have criticized inch by inch of his story, my problem here is aesthetics not moralism) It looks like i am watching a wildlife documentary, not a real story, the character (queerrats included) don’t have personality, They are just doing what animals do, Animals will just react to others cruelty, If it hurts we just hurt them, There is no personality, There is no characterization or human behavior because there is nothing more than generic/stereotypical wildlife characteristics in the queerrats, they are as worthless as asahina tomiko, saki, and everyone else. They are the same, this is so one sided, and remember “not one sided” and “morally gray” are not the same thing, the story can be morally gray, but still be a one sided garbage. I understand that there will be situations like that, but not like animals, if someone is doing something dirty they must do it with (and because of) a real personality, Real. Justification for dirty works is what even animals are ashamed of, In conclusion, all of the characters i saw in shinsekai yori were even less than animals, Worthless characters, Justification is that a society says humans until they become 16 or 17 (i don't really remember what age did that bitch asahina tomiko said) are not humans and don't have human rights, It is trying to justify something in the most shameless way, It ruins personality and characterization of characters, Agreement with such a thing Makes you a demon, You will be the worst of existence, So if you are doing so, Do it as yourself, Do it as a bad human being, But don't do what even an animal doesn't, That's the problem with the characters, to put it simply They are bland and don't have personality they try to justify what they do and have no progress as a person/are just used as plot tools or Don't have enough screentime. I’m not saying there will be no such animals in such situations, I'm saying why EVERYONE are like this? There isn't any difference? Anyone? Any different person? The only things that we know about tomiko the ultimate useless bitch are that……… She is the grandmother of satouro(a plot point without any real effect on the story), She is this ZOO's most precious and important piece of shit, She had sex with a person we don't know and the offspring had sex with another person and then satorou another piece of shit was born. Don't care, The role of being satorou's grandmother is worthless and doesn't affect the story. and am i supposed to just accept her as a character because she is aged and saw the massacre of a fiend? She and all of the society are worse than fiends by philosophical standards, At least a fiend will enjoy himself with others suffering, But a society like that sucks everything until it is destroyed bit by bit, Not remaining even a single person to have the feeling of joy. A fiend is a demon created because of irresponsible people, A dystopia is a hell created because of worthless people, Those who are less than animals, And deserve to be raped by queerrats until they die, Yes i exactly said what you just read, because the characters are fucking morons, why the council of this ZOO doesn’t have even a single intellectual being in it and they are all just stupid? Remember those idiots who said queerrats won’t attack at the festival, not only they were wrong, but they were visibly one dimentinal garbage characters, it’s no surprise the society sucks when such clowns like that EYEBALL guy are controlling it, what surprises me is that this fucking society isn’t destroyed in just a few decades and could pass a few hundred years, it’s not logically possible when the leaders of society are clowns and the only thing the story shows us are these stupid clowns… thanks-for-your-“masterpiece”-author-san, you completely complied the guidelines of storytelling like show and prove don’t just tell Many of my favorite characters are cruel ruthless people, check my account if you want, the last time someone joked about “johan libert did nothing wrong” in front of me was 3 years ago, But such characters are well written bad humans. They are humans; they have agenda and personality of their own not some stereotypical/lazy/poorly written/rushed bullshit as their motivator Ikari gendo is a well written “villain/bad guy” who doesn't care about how many people being killed until he can achieve his goals, He willingly uses 14 year old children as soldiers, abandons his own son, ignores his wife's wishes and even is willing to kill children if necessary, He is a monster, He is a jerk, But he is a well written understandable human, He doesn't try to justify or convince and manipulate others To believe what he is doing is right, Doesn't try to justify his actions with saying "oh oh you are irrational i am doing this for greater good i am a good person because i am willing to sacrifice this much for humanity look at me look at me admire me i have worth i am not worthless my ruthlessness and being a bitch is because i am under a lot of pressure too" This is basically what shinsekai yori’s garbage characters try to do, which in response to their poor dialogue writing and character writing i just have one thing to say Shut The fuck Up please And gendo isn't the end of my favorite monster characters, Johan libert? A serial killer, Slaughters anyone you can think of In shinsekai yori the characters have no agenda of their own, Maybe few had, A bit, but how? Undeveloped, Mari who Dies when I didn't know her, Mamorou who dies as a shinji ikari clone just a poorly written one, Shun dies when i just understood, Wow, I didn't know he had a dog, And didn't know who his parents were, Didn't understand until the end, because the writer is so “tired” to know what the fuck setup/payoff/foreshadow mean, even these characters were just random people who died, and I didn't care about them Satorou, Who is the godfather of justification like her bitch grandmother saying queerrats are not human because???? No reason. Saki just crying and don't doing anything because?????? What reason? **************************** I hated saki, 1500 people who have her in their favorites right now, please answer, What is the Part you like about this bitch? I thought shinji was the ultimate crybaby, I must apologize him. Saki says:"oh no no i don't let them erase my memories from maria and mamorou" The society? :”Okay we don't, don't cry here we have candy” Just How? How she can't convince them to give her back shun's memories but can convince them don't steal Maria's? Thanks, I would have liked to know how, But sorry, This show doesn't like details, the author doesn’t like too How the fuck mamorou is in a snow house when we know he was weak and couldn't use cantus well? That queerrat said he saw mamorou accidentally. How there is a snowhouse when they literally say a single queerrat isn't strong enough to destroy a snow house? Creating is harder than destroying, It isn't easy for a queerrat, What the fuck that snow house does in that episode? We don't know. The Author didn't care. Why the fuck saki and satorou shut their mouths up when they saw queerrats’ strange behaviors? Why didn't they report that when they came back to village? We don't know. Obviously satorou who even after learning queerrats are humans tries to deny that like stupid racists does not care about what the fuck will happen to them if they are reported, he even kills them when he is a kid without any regret, Why they didn't report that? We don't know Squeelar said they can make false bones for Maria's death (and mamorou) Go to shinsekai yori wiki, It is said they gave their bones to asahina tomiko after almost 2 years, Their excuse for being late was snow that makes finding their bones hard, Snow remains 2 fucking years? In my country it doesn't, what the fuck is the situation of shinsekai yori's environment!? We know it isn't always snowy, What is your excuse squeelar? Say the truth you wanted their baby, Didn't you? How the fuck no one gets suspicious about something that should have lasted much less is this long? How the fuck such obvious suspicious behaviors are not found out about? Oh I remembered, because every single person in the council/the ZOO/Nation is a stupid fucking moron Thank you about being the most detailed show i ever watched If these aren't plot-holes when the author doesn't want to give us details then what are these? Although I’m not surprised that these plot holes are coming From a writer who just says:”Let us just give the kids the opportunity of getting back their cantus by, fucking Chance” The author just made that by chance, why such an important plot point is just by chance which is a sign of lazy writing in these situations? Oh It was impossible any other way right? Yeah that’s right, because doing something that makes the Narrative logic of story crumble just because it can create cheap and easy conflict definitely isn’t a sign of lazy/poor/bad writing The base of shinsekai yori itself is flawed, am i the Only one who thinks the characters suck, the art and animation sucks, the characters' relationships sucks, the story and plot suck and almost nothing is compelling? Oh, Let me say this, I liked the music, There are overused "battle" scene musics (if you can call them battle with 2000’s animation quality), and the sound effects are really bad sometimes, but well, I liked the sound and music overall, Didn't skipped endings even once, I don't know much about music, Just give my opinion based on taste in this part Anyway let us come to the characters again. Do you remember when the second Time-skip occurred? Then, Saki said she and satorou had a "stupid fight over something meaningless" and their relationship was a bit bad. Did you ever think what the fuck was their fight about? Did The show state that what was their fight about or what was its reason? No. No. the Author himself is proving and showing us that he didn’t care about details in his work, nor the fucking characters, nor their relationships, nor their development. He’s just like:”that happens, this happens, don’t ask why because I said so” He doesn't say why, He doesn't care why, nor how. It shows he even didn't care about the only animals remained in his main cast and not just didn't develop them, But showed there is no real character writing, Again, because anything that happens between the characters is either happened off-screen, or was a stupid/bullshit idea and didn’t work, the characters are flawed because the writer refuses to give us any information/detail about their relationships and personalities. because who gives a shit about the plot and characters when you can have cheap “supposedly dramatic” events after another with exploding queerrats and burning queerrats and breaking people’s necks (shisei’s death which just was there for the sake of being there) and flying trees with telekinesis which definitely don’t look awful because of animation and a the garbage’s characters death only for shock value or revealing stupid bullshit plot points and creating cheap dramatic scenes, who would want character development and story when you can have these right? The anime shows an emperor who is ruthless and says the first 100 people who stop clapping will die, and after a few episodes the writer/author throws that out of the window basically telling us that shinsekai yori’s history and lore doesn’t have any value other than worthless exposition dumps, info dumps and shock value, it has no real history, no real lore either. There is a false minoshiro, then what is a normal minoshiro? We don't know, how squeelar can get a false minoshiro when we know saki could because she coincidentally wore glasses? How shisei is guessing queerrats have false minoshiro? Saki don't you have a tongue to question how? Author-san aren't you going to say how there is that possiblity? Did queerrats have sunglasses too? We don't know we don't know many things Shinsekai yori's lore and details are even worse than fucking muv-luv alternative anime adaptation that skips extra and unlimited and makes that adaptation confusing and nonsensical. Thanks shinsekai yori you have the opportunity to be the anime i hate the most in my entire life until today, I think there are worse anime than this, But i hate shinsekai yori even more than them. Saki, A main character that the peak of her character is saying:"oh hidoi hidoi hidoi" and don't doing any fucking thing. I hated her parents too, Because what? Let me see how much we know about Saki's sister? We just know she died How am i going to like such a parents that the only thing they do is screaming:"oh no i don't want to lose another child" when we even don't know why Saki's sister died in the first place and what the fuck were her parents doing, let me guess, Just crying? Am I supposed to mourn the death of a pair of parents who we don’t know even tried to fucking do anything to save their dead daughter or not? Did we even see them doing anything other than screaming:”I don’t want to lose another of my child” supposedly implying how “sad” they are for their dead daughter? Am I supposed to understand or even accept characters who we don’t know anything about and the only things we know about them makes us hate them even more? Does the writer even know what the fuck is the point of character deaths in story telling? I apologize to the author, but there’s no way you can convince me there is even one CC of reliability and effort in characters whose logic comes down to:”we let our daughter to be killed, it’s for the greater good, and we can cry and scream that how sad we are any time the writer needed some easy and cheap dramatic effect” Shinsekai yori’s story/plot/characters are offensively and obnoxiously insulting saki’s parents don't have even that much screen-time, Am i supposed to be upset or sad about their death? I was just upset about why i wasn't able to enjoy their death scenes like shisei’s, why? Because I wanted to see that If one day someone makes a video game that you can torture all of shinsekai yori's characters as much as you want that game will be the best game for me ever. And yes i hate all of the characters that much and yes I’m a sadist who wants to see these characters’ suffering. Wait, let me see, Am i supposed to be sad for shisei's death? Or asahina tomiko's death? Actually i was upset because i couldn't see how asahina tomiko is going to die, That is a shame Because i couldn't see how that bitch hiromi died too, She just died, off-screen…… The character that didn't have even five minutes of screen-time and i bet you don't know who the fuck she was died, oh my god so sad so sad, She made me hate her even in less than 5 minutes, It isn't something that someone can accomplish easily you know? I saw many deaths in this anime, Didn't cared about any of them, any of them, off-screen or not, I didn’t care about any of them, shun’s dog was the closest that the show got in making me care, and I didn’t even care about that And can i ask why these animals kill even children that don't have good cantus? Even the fucking snow house scene questions that and in the entire show I didn't understand, why? Because of…? I fastwatched the episodes after 17, Maybe I did not noticed, If you have any logical explanation please give me, Because i searched for this question, All that i got was bullshit Illogical headcanons without source, because it seems even the author himself has no idea why many things happen in his story Once a wise man said:”there's a big difference between having an idea, then ripping out a few chunks so that it looks incomplete, And building an idea to be incomplete in the first place”, Shinsekai yori is from the latter category And no one again opposes these acts, Needs to note it was that bitch hiromi who was the real reason for queerrats rebellion. If she just didn't want to kill mamorou he wouldn’t have escaped, And maria and mamorou weren't in the hands of queerrats, The rebellion “MIGHT HAVE” started later, But that rebellion was thanks to hiromi and other brain-dead idiots in the show, which consists of almost everyone, Thanks hiromi, I want to know why all of the important story parts are based on the actions of the most worthless characters. Though even the main cast is consisted of just worthless and meaningless characters, just with relatively more screen time. It would have been nice to know why (let me guess, author-san was tired), Because everything pisses me off in shinsekai yori (except the music. God i loved the first ending) [Psycho pass and shinsekai yori] (Contains spoilers from psycho pass season 1) Many say these two are similar, They have similarities but are not in the same level by any means, Just looking at the characters in shinsekai yori makes me want to vomit, Though in psycho pass S1 the characters are much better. Makishima's acts are different in viewpoint and philosophy from sibyl system, but in shinsekai yori there is no one who opposes that fucking society’s system and philosophy, the queerrats are doing the same thing just with humans, The philosophy of makishima is in contradiction with sibyl’s And we have kogami, Another viewpoint with similarities with makishima, But different at the same time. Another point of view and character, a person, Who has his own agenda, Personality, He is well written. Sibyl is much more logical than the fucking bullshit “society” shinsekai yori has. Sibyl has flaws. (i hate sibyl, Call me an illogical objectivist as much as you want, i don't care) And the flaws are explored by characters, In shinsekai yori there is no exploration, the Characters are shit, Squeelar is just a character like others, but just in behavior he’s pissed off from humans. But in psycho pass makishima opposes sibyl because of his ideals and philosophy, he doesn’t do the same thing sibyl does, It hurts many, It is dirty, But different. Makishima is a dirty person, But he has personality, He is shown reacting to his companions lifestyles, Talking with them, Showing emotions as the person he is, an ordinary person in an unordinary society, Talking, Thinking, Hating, liking, arguing, he has emotions. I hate him as a person. but he is a well written. A real person. I love him as a character And we have squeelar He is just angry about humans, He is just an obsessive character, Who just wants to do the same thing humans did to them, Thanks, The most godtier characterization and philosophy I have seen in my whole life, Oh my god Then we have sibyl, It doesn't necessarily kill people, It is flawed in many ways, Just killing because of numbers? Yes it does that, It is flawed and dirty, But it kills in specific conditions, It imprisons many more than those it kills, it will still cause family problems and social problems Remember that insane girl? Painter girl i mean, why she became who she was? Her father, why her father became like that? Sibyl, what did that girl do? Dirty things, Psycho pass isn’t ashamed of showing the system's problems, and is not going to restrict it's system's flaws to just one specific part (queerrats in shinsekai yori) and then gives you an ending In psycho pass it’s shown that there are problems, but people with dark psycho pass are mostly imprisoned because of crime/preventing from committing crime, they are not necessarily killed. So there will be problems, but not as much as just killing children when this is known for many, Imprisoning those with high psycho pass causes its own problems, but Killing children? No, No one has any sense of being human. Everyone is "logical" No one is "illogical" Thanks, "Logical" citizens, I love to see your doom because of some insane anarchists, This time really really a real abomination, I love a deserved tragedy, It makes me feel the author knows what are consequences A more logical system like sibyl tries to improve itself in time. And shinsekai yori's asahina tomiko can understand what DNA is, But doesn't know what condom is. And she didn't improve society and the system in 170 years, How logical, How masterfully written. Shinsekai yori is truly a modern masterpiece, I must bow before asahina tomiko, She is even more useless than sakura in naruto, Or even mushishi's episodic side characters (i don’t hate mushishi don't get me wrong, If you watched the show you know in many parts there are just characters that are used as plot tools. Not that much development or anything, it isn't necessarily a bad thing because mushishi has its own beauties, shinsekai yori doesn't.) Saki isn't like akane, Akane isn't like saki Saki just says "hidoi hidoi" Doesn't do anything for these hidoi things, She Accepted that shitty system, And did nothing about the children that still are going to die, She didn't prevented these deaths, And didn't avenge shun maria mamorou (if it wasn't for that bitch hiromi) and many more people like her sister. She just "hoped" for a better future, without doing anything, imagine having someone doing nothing and just “hoping” for a better future, I assure you, you wouldn’t even be able to stand such a person more than a few hours, and I would go into their face with a Bruce Lee style kick (if I could fly like that though) Now we have akane, she didn't avenge kagari's death to prevent more deaths, wanted to protect what she can, like kogami. And watching over sibyl, She tries to make a better society, She does not just "hope" She is obviously preventing many deaths, Not by killing innocent children, By watching over the system, Forcing sibyl to leave kogami alone in exchange for makishima, We know she failed, But we also know what she wanted to do. She said she is in Sibyl's side until the time necessary, And sibyl doesn't necessarily massacres everyone, Kills some people who are gone mad, But prevents more people going mad by imprisoning them, It is cruel, But isn't as shitty as killing children EVEN WHEN THEY ARE FUCKING BAD AT CANTUS USING AND TELEKENISIS SHIT. Sybil system is watched over by akane, For akane to prevent cruel things as much as she can, Because for now, If sibyl gets destroyed, japan would get fucked, So akane is in Sibyl's side, But isn't just hoping, She is preventing deaths with effort, Not sitting aside and watching a system killing children, Not Don't doing anything and Just hoping. Fuck your hope are you kidding me? What the fuck about akane and saki is similar? Saki didn't do anything, didn't get anything. Akane tries to make a better future, and she said she would abandon Sybil when she finds a better solution, she is trying. I am not agree with akane, But i can respect her as a person, She isn't perfect, But she has her own reasons, she has personality, She has emotions, She is fucking annoying for me when she didn't kill makishima in that building scene or the fucking shotgun scene, But she is understandable in many times For saki i view her less than animals, Hate her, I Don't respect her and can’t respect her and don’t understand her. What part of shinsekai yori makes you think it is similar to psycho pass? Psycho pass has characters like makishima akane kogami ginoza,Shinsekai yori has no character. Saki, A crybaby who does not do anything, Just hidoi, Hidoi hidoi. It pisses me off how you guys endure her? Shun, Dies, Oh my god how sad Tomiko, Hated her, Needs to say anything? Ultimate worthlessness, I don't need Souren Araya for knowing her origin is worthlessness (kara no kyoukai reference) Maria? Could have been much better, The only character that i think had potential, Needs to say it was badly wasted Mamorou? The ultimate shinji ikari edition Satorou? Master of denial, Justification, And making himself look like an absolute brain-dead. Just like his grandmother. Origin=stupidity Squeelar? Oh humans hidoi so i do hidoi things to avenge those hidoi things i am so cooooool. Kirumaru? The ultimate brainless bullshit traditionality lover badass, just good design, No personality, Save our mother at least, Pleaseeee. Thank you dude you are even worse than random heroes in one punch man, am I supposed to pity him or have sympathy with him? Unfortunately I haven't any Needs more? Story: 4 Characters: 3 Art/Animation: 4 Enjoyment: 2 Music: 8 Overall maximum score with my taste: 3.5 Overall minimum score without my taste: 4 Overall minimum score: 3.5 And i think i need to note this again This "modern masterpiece" can still be a modern masterpiece for you and the best anime you ever watched, This show that is shit for me can be deep for you, You enjoyed this? That's all that matters, I didn't write this review to convince, persuade or insult anyone, (Though i am pissed off at the show and author-san) But that doesn't mean you should be agree with me, If you still like this show, You like it, Love it? Love it. There is no problem with having different opinions, So if you love shinsekai yori, You should just ignore what others think, You are free to do anything you want, Don't being agree with me or anyone else isn't strange, Nor a shame, Just continue loving and enjoying what you love, That's all, Expressing emotions was the only purpose i wrote this review, I did what i wanted, You can do the same
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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