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Sep 9, 2024
It's fine. It didn't fill my expectations but it's not bad. It's a good, short vanilla story to read a little bit of in your free time and make your day a little bit sweeter... It did upset me how they had so many potential and created so many situations, just to end it right after. It seems like it was intentional from the author that it were to be only a short story without much into it... But we clearly could have gotten so much more... Many situations are created and just not developed, so we keep with the same for all the manga
(YES THEY NEVER FUCK TOO)... Because of that, the pacing felt too fast for me; there's no suspense, no slowburn, the bit of them preteding to be lovers doesn't last long and they just assume eachother really fast. They don't go through a lot of dificulties, their friends accept them really fast, and they don't have big problems with their parents too. The scene were the parents discover their relashionship is really shocking tho, i like that. The author really likes some melodrama but they don't really take the time to develop these situations, which is so sad, we could have gotten soo much more than short chapters XDD but still, it's fine. I love the art, it fits the manga perfectly and it's so comfy.
Now, about the worst thing about this manga...AMI. What is even the point of that character??? Sometimes, she really feels like a real human being, she could have been a good character and even a good friend that play games with them. But she never got developed. She just kept appearing but her appearences were pointless. It can't be just fan service because there were already all of Uta's friends and Ami for some reason got emphasis in a lot of random panels?? But she never really did something useful for the story?? She made Uta jealous, ok, it was alright the first time, but after that Ami's aparisons were just pointless and disrespectful to Uta. And then she confesses to Ritsu and i'm like "ok... but who cares", LITERALLY WHO CARES ABOUT THIS BITCH?? Why does she keep appearing, and why there's always a character like this in romance mangas, it's so disgusting. She keeps trying to "compete" for Ritsu even after he's already dating Uta, like, what are you even competing for??? The only thing i can credit her for is for using her brain a little bit more and stepped away after confessing to Ritsu. BUT then she appears AGAIN being friends with Uta but we don't even get to see that happening??????? What??? WHAT IS THE POINT OF HER???
Also i hate how they draw Uta's hair in the last chapter. It's so ugly eww i hate it when there's a timeskip and the characters just look uglier in the future. Just make them looking like the same, it haven't even been that long anyway bruh.
Anyway it's fine. Really cute manga, comfy vibes. We could have had much more but it's still okay... -1 star because of Ami tho
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 30, 2024
This manga is a great, terrifyingly realistic depiction of childhood trauma and how it can horribly affect one's head in short and long terms.
Many people may compare it to unrealistic murdery stories, that only serve to the purpose of shock. But Chi no Wadachi is nothing like that. It's purpose is not to shock the audience, but to show a story of trauma cycle, the effects of it, letting it go and understanding but not forgiving.
Story [9/10] and Horror aspect [10/10]:
The story follows our protagonist's lifetime pretty well, showing how trauma grew stronger and stronger with the events and then the consequences
of it later in his llife. The moments of Seiko's manipulation are truly scary, specially if the reader can relate to some of it. My favorite example is in chapter 32: you don't know what's going to happen to the kids and it's so scary and exciting. The best thing is, it is not scary because of some paranormal force, but because it's so realistic and you know things like that happen in real life. This manga masters that horror pretty well.
The chapters always let you hooked to want to know what happens after!!
The consequences of the characters' actions are so deeply and well shown. It was interesting when Shigeru didn't just die, but turned into pretty much a different person, and that seemed to be even worse. The family's reaction, it felt quite real for a second. Comparing the old lively Shigeru to the present head injured Shigeru may feel brutal, even if you dislike the character.
In my opinion, seeing the story by Seiichi's eyes was obviously a great choice, and it was really accurately depicted... The way he looked at his mom's approvation before saying or doing something at times, how he'd look at her smile without understanding her true emotions, and the coldness that really lied behind it. "What is she thinking?", "am i loved", "why?" are really tough things to a kid to think of it's own mother. Like it's all a lie and you don't have a home. No consolation. He desperately tries to hold on to something that makes him feel like his mother is the same person he thought she once was. I'm sure that hit home to a lot of readers. I can almost understand why some might not be able to read the entirety of this manga. I love how the manga makes things confusing by making Seiichi's view of everything uncertain. In a certain part, when he starts putting the blame on himself and making him believe his mom didn't really push shige, he was just being manipulated. Because he was a child, and who was manipulating him was his very own mother. Readers should take that more in consideration before criticising the manga.
In the end, he understood her, but didn't forgave her (thank god, that would be impossible). After she died, he just let it go and lived the rest of his life in happy ordinary. I like how he and fukiishi followed different paths, never meeting again. I like how he lived an ordinary life in the end just like a normal real life person.
Art [10/10]:
SO GOOD, the art follows the story so greatly, the reader has a good sensation of light and depth that gives a great ambientation. It's like you're inside the scene. And i love how the lines get trembly or faded accordingly to the intensity of the scene. The expressions are SO well drawn, showing depth and even a lot of emotions at the same time. Author also clearly has a talent at drawing unhinged faces, great for horror manga lol, they're truly weird and make Seiko even more disgusting.
Characters [idk tbh/10]:
The characters are human. There's bad people, there's horrible people, there's people the protagonist doesn't understand and will never. But MOST people are not plainly "good" or "bad". Seiichi's dad is a good example to this: when things start to crumble down, he doesn't seem to know how to act and gives a blind eye to it. He, too, neglects his kid, but you can't really say he doesn't care about this kid. He spends the rest of his life feeling guilt and staying by Seiichi's side. Now, would you call him a good or a bad dad? I feel like many readers would agree he is a good person with flaws. But his flaws hurt his son, the son he neglected, who now can't feel much empathy for his own dad. Seiichi's dad was never there when Seiichi was a child. Inspite Seiichi's dad being there for him later in his life, that alone wasn't enough to fix the gap there was between them. And Seiichi watched his dad die without knowing much about him or even feeling much for his death.
Seiichi's aunt is very accurate to a lot of family members in reality... That kind of people who pick on your weaks and laugh about it. They're always wearing that disgusting smile and you don't really know what's on their head. I think it was very interesting to see her reaction to her son's happenings, and how she happened to actually seem to care about Seiichi, at least a little bit. She's very questionable as a person, and a really dislikable character, but it's still shown that she truly cares about her son, just like a real human.
The only really bad point i would give to it is at the night of Shigeru's death. Seiichi could have literally done anything. Anything, but he followed Shigeru anyways. That felt very, very forced and could have been executed better.
Also it would be nice to have seen a little more of how much Seiichi's dad's absence in his life was actually bad for him.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 30, 2024
This anime has a very nice pastel color palette. Nice songs, catchy opening. I really like the cozy feeling here. It's also a little nostalgic, and maybe that's because it is one of those popular ones from 2017. But... I HAVE TO SAY IT!!!! This anime is just average. It's ok. "ok" is the perfect way to describe this anime!! It had so much potential to be a super cute cozy romance anime, YOU HAVE EVERYTHING ALREADY THERE!!! You have a cute girl and her onii-chan liking eachother and trapped inside a house alone. AND YOU STILL WERE ABLE TO SCREW IT UP!!! When the
romance actually happens, it is really cute, but mc's love is so immature, just claiming "love at first sight" is already questionable, and then he gets all red and stupid just by looking at other girls. HE SPENDS WAY MORE TIME WITH OTHER GIRLS RATHER THAN EROMANGA SENSEI (AND I SWEAR, WHY ARE ALL THE SIDE CHARACTERS SOO ANNOYING?? I got so angry watching this), it's so annoying seeing him having so much fun while she's trapped in the house feeling alone. Poor one. There's some funny moments. It's ok. It's average, but it could have been good. The mc's a total idiot. And that kinda ruined the little bit of romance there was.
I could have given it a 5 but i didn't because:
-it made me feel cozy
-it gave me energy to draw and write
-eromanga sensei is cute and the only good character
I have decided to give it a 6. But really average. Ok.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 30, 2024
That's soo boring... That was development to Yamada Elf. Cool. Now what. Why does the mc gets development with all the girls but Eromanga Sensei?? Come on. From all the secondary girls (they're supposed to be secondary and even so they appear more than Eromanga Sensei lol), Elf is the less annoying. But she still annoying. And I can't give a shit about her, cuz maybe i'm interested in the one who's supposed to be mc's main love interest?? Just maybe?? The second OVA episode was cute and cozy BUT come on. That's all. Do you really call this romance?? I know it's just extras,
but it's boring. Just the same average from the anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 30, 2024
(spoilers from the anime and the game aspects)
It's missing despair...
The game's content is really extensive, so it's such a bad idea trying to fit it all in 13 episodes of 23 minutes. We ended up with more of a summary than an actual story. The characters are barely shown to us and they already go die, because there is so little time to develop anything. It's fun, but i felt no despair for the characters since there wasn't any development of their main traits and relashionships. It's a shame, since that was supposed to be the whole thing of it... Suspense... Despair.
Good aspects:
anime's highest point was making some visual aspects so close to the game (the rainbow crazy background in episode 12, the way all of them look like cardboard cutouts in some scenes just like in the game XDD, and SPECIALLY the execution scenes(these were the best)). It's such a strong and unique visual identity, and makes you remember it's Danganronpa. The actual animation is not that good lol, but those little details resembling the game saved it...
I feel like i don't even need to talk about the OST and dub(JP)... It's just SO damn good. Same gold from the game. Btw, did you notice in the end of episode 12 that Junko laughs perfectly in timing with the ending song?? XD
The (jp) dub is so good, they're SO in caracter!!1 Specially Monokuma, Toko and Genocider Syo. I was so impressed with Toko, the dub is just amazing, it sounds perfect to her character, and I love to pay attention to how much emotion it was put in each phrase, it's like you can feel the distrust in her voice and it's so satisfying.
I totally recommend it, but play the game first. It's not that good as an anime of it's own but it's very nice to see the characters animated and fully voiced after you've played the game.
I love this anime and if i could rate it by how much i love it i'd probably rate it an 8 or 9 depending on my mood. I just can't ignore how much potential it was lost due to so little time to show things. It's sadly very common to see media adaptations having it's quality ruined because of the huge cuts on content.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 25, 2024
*This review is based solely on my opinions and little critical knowledge.
The second season seems not to have as much of comedy as the first one, but starts to bring more purpose
to the series as we got a new goal for the main character (with the magical school and the limit time to break
his curse)
The timing of some serious/romantic scenes feels a little bit too fast, if that makes sense. At times, it feels like
they just got thrown there in the middle and cut in a weird abrupt way.
the cgi choice seems to limits the characters'
expressions and dynamic in their designs, also, the lighting
in most scenes feels flat. It's a bit of a bother, since we have more serious moments in this season, and their silly
movments and limited face expressions end up subtracting from the wanted atmosphere.
Personally, the cgi itself is not that big of a problem, but some scenes would feel much better with a
better lighting choice that would suit the moment. Doing that would distract the audience from the dullness of
the models aswell.
About the characters, the Second Son really is the funniest XDD since the first season, all scenes with him were the
funniest. I know comedy is pretty relative, but i think a lot of people might think the same!! He's just so funny.
Daleth's interest for him is so sweet!! Their first scene together was really sweet, the moment he called her beautiful
i started shipping them. Am i to blame? Their personalities complement eachother's really well and do a lovely dynamic.
I do hope they don't make it too fast tho, the Second Son is really immature for now, i at least hope to see he getting
more mature as he realises his interest for her or something like that. A slowburn would be nice...
Talking about Daleth, i was a little disappointed when she turned into a cutie not-so-evil character so quickly. I don't
feel like we saw a lot from her and simpathized enough with her to already see her development. The pacing is really
fast... That's something that bothered me a little since the first season (about the fast pacing).
For example, the anime didn't show us much of Cuff being frustrated for being weak; it happened once in episode 10 and
then she was already super motivated to get stronger. It end up feeling like it came out of nowhere...
It would make more sense if Zain was the one determinated for training, since he the one who always showed his
frustration for being so weak and not being able to help Cuff.
A crazy shot was seeing Alice not have much reaction literally seeing her mother she thought was dead for deadass
years. Sure, she had a reaction, she was surprised... But that's really all?!?!! We don't even see her reflecting about
the fact. Man. Her mother. Who she cares so dearly for. Who she thought was DEAD. We don't have a deep character
reaction about it and it's kinda crazy.
I suppose the writing will stay like this so i'm just ignoring the flatness and taking it as "this anime simply
doesn't take things too seriously" and moving on. It doesn't make the anime bad. (It had potential to be something
more tho).
I like how creepy Shade can be.
I love the opening and ending. So good. So sweet. Suits them soo well!!
Well what the fuck was this last scene?!?!!?!?! Great job of making me hooked for the 3rd season ahaha we have to
agree sooner o later the stupid idea of going to the past so suddenly without any preparing would lead to some weird
things in the present, but i wasn't expecting that. Well if there's something we can learn from this anime is
~Twintail Reviewer
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 12, 2024
What a lovely romance. Duke and Alice have a really pure love for eachother, dispite them being very naughty XD they still respect eachother and act with naturality, and i love how open they are about it. There's no need for trying to hide their feelings, wich is something more romance animes should learn...
The atmosphere is so charming, the cold weather, the soundrack, the piano pieces were a great choice, even the characters' appearences and cloth choices added to that. It is a great one to watch all cozy in your room.
The animation might be somewhat polemic with the bold choice of using CGI,
that could have gone pretty wrong, but it was done so well, personally, added even more for the atmosphere. Doesn't it remind you of those good old YouTube indie animations? XD it is so nostalgic and cute, it was really well made! It brought such charm and originality. The backgrounds are also good and look like they came out of paintings, the choice of addiding different textures to each is the cherry on the cake.
The whole season was pretty light to watch, the comedy made me laugh sincerely!! It is so good xD AND so well balanced with the romance! Big praise! We also have a lot of lovable and funny characters, and the effort to develop a bit of all of them is noticeable.
Briefly about the opening and ending, the chosen songs weren't really fitting of the anime, in my opinion, but that's normal to see in anime haha.
Overall, it is not very dramatic even though it has such a potencial to be, but it is natural due to the story showing them 2 years after reuniting... So it felt more like an introduction, wich is not bad. The season ended in a good dramatic way, showing the main couple's past and giving Duke a goal for the next season. Excited for it, then.
Twintail Reviewer~
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 28, 2024
The idea of having 100 girlfriends is very interesting and chaotic, wich is probably what bring most readers to this manga... The thing is: will the writer be able to properly work with this?
I read until chapter 11 and can confirm things are bound to actually happend. The protagonist is more likely to EASILY have 100 by the end of the manga. Although, that seems like exactly the problem: it's too easy. The relashionships have 0 time to actually develop, characters have no conflict at all wich is SUCH a waste, because until what i read, them all are pretty unique and have very creative
traits. The girls simply accept their boyfriend getting a new girl everyday as if it was some kind of hobbie. They don't even question it, i swear, this feels more like a guild than anything.
Many would say the protagonist is such a cutie patootie, and a respectable man, and he actually seem to be, BUT that's barely shown to the reader, so it doesn't really convince me. Even protagonist's personality should have been worked on more. The girls don't seem to have any self respect and already get all wet just by having a little of time with the protagonist, wich doesn't even has a big personality. The developing time is ridiculous.
The comedy is good, i certainly had some genuine laughs with this, wich made me keep up with the manga, but when it focuses more in the romance side, it's just so boring and make me wanna drop the more i read. It's even ironic having a chapter for fan service, since many of them just start to feel like a nothing-burguer filled with fan-service.
If this manga took itself seriously, it could have been something really enjoyable, with character conflicts and the good comedy at the end of the day (besides the funny point of the manga, wich is having 100 girlfriends at the end of the manga). But they opted for the classical nonsense harem (not surprised). It's even funny, the chapters start to get like "oh, (character) is so cute. *Kiss them*";"oh, (character) is so sexy! *kiss them*"; "oh, (character) is so beautiful! *kiss them*", LOL, it's just 100 girlfriends, kisses and blushes only for the sake of having it, because the reader can't actually feel something with this.
-Twintail Reviewer
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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