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Sep 17, 2023
I'm not typically a huge fan of shoujo anime, just because I tend to lose interest halfway through. This anime, however, managed to keep me engaged up until episode 9 where it started to falter and my enjoyment turned to irritation.
To start with, I personally think the magic aspect of this show is its biggest flaw. It is entirely unnecessary and could easily be cut out. For starters, the magic system hasn't been explained yet. From what I understand, some people are just born with supernatural abilities, however we're never told what the limits are, if it's common, how they're ranked, etc. I initially
thought that every person had one specific magic ability (like fire usage, telepathy, etc), however a few characters are shown to use multiple types of elemental magic. The supernatural system is completely underwhelming and incredibly lazily written. This makes it hard to engage with that side of the story and I found myself growing increasingly more frustrated the further we went with the magic plot.
As a few other reviewers have pointed out, the character writing is not the most consistent. This story worked best when it was small and self-contained. Giving Miyo a very rare and powerful ability and this mysterious bloodline was a disappointing and cliche decision. It would've been much more interesting to explore her role in society as a non-magic user and how she would fit it with the more elite members of society. Instead, the mangaka opted for a more dramatic and action-like plot. As her ability begins to manifest (because her mother sealed it off for some reason...) suddenly it seems everyone and their mothers want her. It undos everything that the previous 7 episodes established. What was the point of her father essentially giving her away to the Kudo family if the Tatsuishi family now wants her? Why did her maternal family wait so long to find her? How exactly was her mother cut off from her family when her ability is telepathy for God's sake. The further in I got, the more plotholes appeared and the more annoyed I became.
Finally, we get to Miyo herself. At first, she was fine. Her actions were understandable and I enjoyed watching her gradually come out of her shell as she grew more comfortable with the Kudo family. Her reunion with Hana was very sweet and touching. Additionally, though it was very dramatic and convenient of her to forget her protection charm, I didn't mind the kidnapping arc as much. It provided closure for Miyo and the viewer about her family. Could it have been done better? Undoubtably. But I don't mind what we got. I was very pleasantly surprised when she didn't give in to her step-sister and step-mother's demands. However, after this big moment of change for Miyo I expected more to come from it. Instead, she doesn't appear to have much growth. She still doesn't confide in her husband about her nightmares and illness because she worries about bothering him despite the fact that he staged a rescue and essentially helped burn her family home down in order to rescue her. Where is the logic? Furthermore, Miyo is very rarely given any agency. All her motivations for her life surround being a "good wife" for Kiyoka. That is fine, I guess, this is a romance anime, however I wish she had something more than that. Her personality is completely revolved around essentially being a servant. And I understand this anime is set in an old time period (my guess is Taisho based off the clothing but idk for sure), so women's rights are not exactly huge yet, but it was still frustrating to see how little autonomy she is given. While Kiyoka and Arata discuss her future, she sits there meekly and doesn't say a word.
All this to say, this anime was alright. If you like shoujo anime and don't mind cliches and tropes, you will like this. Just don't think about it too hard or everything starts to fall apart.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 5, 2022
*contains minor spoilers*
I wasn't expecting much when I started Fire Force. I'd already heard about the excessive fanservice, so I knew this wasn't going to be a high quality show, but somehow Fire Force reached lower than my already low expectations.
First off, the pacing was atrocious. The first four or so episodes were jam packed and nonsensical, so much happened over the season that I barely remember. We're introduced to all the main characters, except for the fanservice girl, in just the first few episodes. The world is barely established before we're thrust right into a tournament arc that lasted maybe two episodes. During those
episodes we're also introduced to a villain, given a bit of the Shinra's backstory, and we're told that the Fire Force may not have good intentions. It's entirely too much information way too quick. This terrible pacing does improve slightly as the season goes on, but frankly, it's still terrible.
Secondly, the characters. They're all flat, uninteresting, and undeveloped. The women are especially frustrating. Each one fits a specific trope: Maki is the masculine but wants to be feminine with the typical anime girl body, Iris is the pure virgin with the typical anime girl body. Then there's Haibara, the 20 year old femdom who's lusting after a 17 year old. Fanservice girl is the most insulting. Tell me why she's from the 1st district Fire Force team yet we never see her fight or even be semi useful? Instead she's reduced to a dumb, disgusting joke of a character who is constantly groped or stripped without her consent. I thought we had moved past such moronic, misogynistic tropes, yet here we are. Why make her a 3rd generation fire user and then make her absolutely useless in a fight. She became a fire fighter for a reason?? Even when she was isolated with Iris (who can't fight because she has no powers) during later episodes we didn't get to see her fight the bad guy. Instead she was useless the entire time. Honestly, I'm incredibly disappointed to see such sexist depictions.
Thirdly, this may be because I watched Fire Force in dub, but oh my god the dialogue was some of the worst I've ever seen. It was on par with High Rise Invasion in terms of quality. Not only was it cringey, it was just pathetic. Characters info dump, they say ridiculous one liners no one in their right mind would say and metaphors that are just cringey, state the obvious, and just repeat the same lines over and over. I'd be willing to bet that at least half of Shinra's lines are something along the lines of him being a hero. Don't get me started on Arthur and his dumbass knight persona. The reason the cringey dialogue didn't bother me as much in HRI is because it didn't take itself nearly as seriously as Fire Force. HRI is well aware of how goofy it is. Fire Force tries to make its plot and world deep, but the writing quality just isn't up to the task.
Overall, this show is not worth watching, not even for the flashy fight scenes. I like Benimaru enough to watch season 2, but frankly I wouldn't recommend this show to anyone. It's complete trash and a waste of time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 6, 2021
I enjoyed Love is War for roughly the first half. I liked the dynamic between all the characters and I genuinely laughed at a few moments. However, what started as an endearing and cute dynamic between Kaguya and Shirogane quickly became boring at best and annoying at worst.
I think if this show had leaned into the prideful genius aspect of both characters it could've been great. I enjoyed those types of characters in show like Death Note and I would've loved to see it done here.
What frustrated me most about this series was the fact that none of the characters got developed and by the
end of the 12 episodes, no progress was made. I was really disappointed that Kaguya was just the typical sad, lonely rich girl. I was hoping for something deeper and more unique. I never expected the main couple to get together by the end, but I would've thought there would be a bit more progress in their relationship. Sadly, there wasn't.
In the end, something I was hoping to be spectacular ended up being painfully average. If you like slice of life, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. As someone who typically doesn't, I was thoroughly disappointed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 3, 2021
I wanted to like this. I really did. Star wars holds a special place in my heart, so when I saw there was an anime based on it, I grew very excited! Finally, someone to do lightsaber duals justice, explore other planets and species. I was expecting something similar to the Clone Wars. I was disappointed.
My first gripe: the episodes were too short. 15 to 20 minutes is not enough time to develop a character, especially when you're put in a new environment every single time. This was especially obvious in the first few episodes. There is no time to establish anything about the characters
and barely enough time to explore the planet they're on.
Episode 2 was especially horrendous. If you're going to include a character like Jabba the Hutt, you cannot do it as lightly as they did. Throughout all star wars adaptations, Jabba the Hutt is ruthless and only interested in what benefits him. He is not generous or sympathetic to anyone. Just create a new Hutt instead, don't include such an infamous character like Jabba.
Another frustrating episode was episode 3 which features 2 dark side twins. Aside from the fact that the male twin looks and acts incredibly similar to Luke Skywalker, I enjoyed the first 8 minutes or so. And then the twins started to fight. In space. On the outside of a space ship. Without suits on. Both twins appear to be human so how the hell did they survive out in space for nearly half the episode will forever remain a mystery. That's not even mentioning the bizarre kyber crystal use. It was this episode that made me lose hope.
There's also a ridiculous amount of Force sensitive users running about. I think most if not all the stories are set during the Empire, but honestly it isn't clear at all. They also broke the rule of two for the Sith in episode 5, but that's a minor offense.
If you aren't a huge star wars fan and you only wanna see cool fight scenes and pretty animation, you'll probably like this. But if you're a big fan of star wars and expecting something like star wars rebels or the clone wars, you probably won't. They break too many established rules for my liking. All in all, I'm mostly just disappointed. 4/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Sep 4, 2021
While Umibe no Étranger wasn't the most outstanding, or moving anime that I've ever seen, I think that it was very solid. The pacing took a moment of adjustment, but I found it coherent enough. You just have to pay attention to what the characters say.
As a queer person, I found the story and characters realistic. Shun in particular spoke strongly to me. Crushing on friends and then being too scared to confess both because of potential prejudice and rejection, Shun's very real fear resonated with me. The terror you feel knowing that your friend could react with violence, or out you to other people;
it's something a cishet person can't fathom.
I also appreciated how the movie handled Shun and Mio's sex life. Consent was very clear and given, and it was loving, unlike an unfortunate amount of BL. I sincerely hope that more yaoi follow this movie's example, and that we get even better stories in the future.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 2, 2021
*this review contains minor spoilers*
While the storyline itself is one I've seen many times before, it was refreshing and so lovely to see a wlw couple. As a queer woman, this anime really warmed my heart. It was sweet and wholesome, the characters and relationship felt very real. I related a lot to the fears and anxieties Yamada had and the struggles of navigating a lesbian relationship.
The awe and love shared between first loves felt raw and represented. The transition from high school to university and the changes and fear that occur hit close to home for me, especially since I went to a
university away from home, just like Kase. I especially liked that homophobia didn't appear in this anime. It becomes exhausting when every queer piece of media features it.
It was truly amazing to see a wlw that wasn't sexualized and just wholesome and sweet to witness. I hope more yuri anime and manga follow Asagao to Kase-san's example. I think it would truly help young girls navigate and learn comfort with their sexuality.
Overall, I rate this a 7/10. It was a really sweet and solid anime to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 1, 2021
*this review contains spoilers and discussion of SA*
First off, as far as BLs go, this isn't the worst I've seen or heard of. Unfortunately, Dakaretai falls under the common dubcon tropes that so many BLs fall victim to. I'm not sure what it is about seeing gay men be r*ped or assaulted that is so entertaining, but it occurs far too often in the genre.
While the story and relationship between Takato and Junta had real potential and sweet moments, it's ultimately ruined with how they first got together, not to mention how everything seems to revolve around sex. In the manga, Junta
straight up r*pes Takato, but they did soften it a bit for the anime. Unfortunately, the consent was extremely dubious, as is common with BLs.
There was also another instance of Takato being assaulted by a different character while drunk, but Junta's only concern is whether Takato had sex with his assaulter or not. There was also rampant victim blaming between Junta, Takato, and his assaulter. I was incredibly uncomfortable during the two or three episodes where Junta is angry at Takato for getting assaulted, meanwhile Takato places some of the blame on himself, saying "he shouldn't have gotten that drunk". And of course, the assaulter never faces any consequences and makes regular appearances throughout the rest of the anime.
If you are a regular viewer of BL and are used to how dubious the consent is, you may enjoy this anime. As far as BLs go, I think I liked the protagonist in this one more than others. It's unfortunate that sexual assault was such a common occurrence. I would've enjoyed the story and relationship progress much more if it was consensual and healthy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 28, 2021
*this review contains major spoilers*
If you want an even edgier Akame ga Kill with more tits and gore, this anime is for you. The first six episodes were pretty solid. I liked most of the characters, I liked Ryo and Akira's dynamic even though Ryo is a piece of shit lol, and the world was intriguing enough to keep me interested. It all went downhill after episode six. It was around that episode that the creators decided to go in the apocalypse direction and I began to rapidly lose interest.
At first, I enjoyed this anime. The art was very appealing to the eye, the
music was good, and I was invested in the characters and their relationships. However it all rapidly fell apart. From the beginning, I had a few problems, mostly surrounding Ryo and Akira's character types. To this day, I have no idea what Ryo's motivations were. Yeah, once he remembered he was Satan he had some motivations, but before that? He thought he was a normal human who knew about demons. Did he want to expose the demons as a social experiment just because he's a fucked up dude? And how the hell did he gain enough money to do any of the things he did. There's no way that apartment was cheap. Where did his money come from?
As for Akira, for a supposed "crybaby" he didn't cry all that much. Sure, he cried when his friends and family died, but anyone would if they saw their friends and family brutally murdered and dismembered bodies being paraded around. Of course he cried when he was forced to kill his dad. Maybe he has a bit more empathy than the average person, but honestly I didn't think he did. It was just that compared to Ryo, Akira looked like the most empathetic, kind person in the world. The side characters repeatedly comment on how Akira cries at everything, but we never see that. I only remember him crying when something tragic happens, which is to be expected.
I will say I appreciated the LGBTQ+ representation, but it fell flat when Netflix did "kill your gays". Miko and Miki confess their love (either platonic or romantic but I saw it as romantic) as they're running away from a mob, and both characters die mere minutes later. The one explicit gay couple has one of them kill the other man when his demon form took over. I don't even remember Koda's boyfriend's name, he was that insignificant. Sadly, this representation is better than most (especially considering most mlm and wlw is purely sexual and oftentimes noncon). I suppose I'll take any scraps I can get.
I will say I enjoyed the ending. Ryo finally learning what human emotion feels like when it's too late was appreciated, though it was a tad confusing. Did everyone on Earth die? Is Ryo the only living being left? What about God? I thought he was coming to save the humans? Regardless, the final scene of Ryo caressing and pleading with Akira's cold body was a good one.
I rate this anime a 5/10 because it did have it's good moments, but the fact that they pulled an Akame ga Kill and killed every character aside from Akira and Ryo in a single episode soured a lot of it. Everything grew more confusing once the apocalypse happened. Perhaps I'm missing the deeper meaning behind the show, but the final four episodes just weren't my cup of tea.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 28, 2021
*this review contains spoilers*
I'll flat out say it. I hated this anime. Sixteen episodes was way too many. The first like, two were semi decent. I was intrigued by the concept and the mystery behind the tower, but it quickly grew boring and then unbearable. I ended up switching to dub about five episodes in because I didn't feel like putting it the effort of reading the subtitles.
The art was pretty good, it was very clean and appealing to the eye. I don't remember anything specific about the soundtrack or effects, but as for the voice acting, Zack's laughter grated on my nerves like nothing
else. The characters are extremely flat and boring. The plot itself is nonsensical, especially after episode 12. From what I've read, the last four episodes are an entirely different story? Don't quote me on that, I'm not sure.
Our mc Rachel was so boring. Her entire purpose is to solve each floor's puzzles and beg Zack to kill her. That's it. She's a suicidal, emotionless 13 year old that we're somehow meant to root for. Her entire character makes no sense. She's put in multiple life or death situations, but despite begging Zack to kill her every fucking episode, she never takes the opportunity to die. Her reasoning? Zack "swore to God" that he would kill her, so now only he gets the privilege of doing so. It's the dumbest thing I've ever seen, and an incredibly weak excuse to keep Rachel alive for so long. Because she's an emotionless husk and her only desire is to die, we the viewer have no reason to be invested in her. If Zack is going to kill her by the end of the show, why bother getting invested. It's a stupid desire to give your character.
As for Zack, he was just as bad as Rachel. He's a moronic serial killer who wants to leave the tower and then kill Rachel. Why does he want to leave the tower? Your guess is as good as mine. Despite there being clear rules set in place in the tower (and we never learn who set those rules and why, or the entire purpose of the tower, the location, and how no one has ever discovered it, or even how Zack's previous victims were placed there), Zack breaks it by chasing Rachel to Dr. Danny's floor and killing the Doctor. Why does he chase her there when he knows he's not supposed to leave his floor? I don't know. He just does.
And that is the root of the problem with this anime. The characters are so underdeveloped, their actions and reactions are only there to move the plot along. Do not bother watching this show. There's nothing entertaining about it, nothing to invest in, and the mystery of the tower isn't even relevant or answered. The only thing it's good for is wasting your time. Watch a Lets Play of the game instead. I've heard it's much better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Aug 28, 2021
This anime was hard to get through. I switched to dub halfway through because I didn't feel like giving it enough attention to actually read the subtitles, so the voice acting and dialogue is not good. The art is decent, the soundtrack forgettable, but the plot and characters were absolute trash. It is incredibly boring and predictable, your average power-fantasy anime with no substance.
The mc is ridiculously overpowered. The characters do random shit for no reason, like in episode 3 (I think) the blond girl pretends to betray her sister and then like later on we discover no! She was being an asshole so
her sister wouldn't love her or be sad when the blonde girl killed herself to save her twin. It was so stupid and the entire plot lasted like two episodes. And of course, our mc saw through it and fought some sort of god-like figure so he could save both girls.
There's nothing to this anime. If you want to watch a stupidly strong dude beat the shit out of everyone and have two girls trailing after him, go for it. But honestly, a 3/10 is generous.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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