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Dec 29, 2021
Is it overhyped? Yes it is.
But it was an enjoyable show and even if you are not a fanboy you can enjoy it. Especially for the 12 episodes we had. It was the right amount as it started to get stale a little bit at the end with always the same formula.
But it is just a good show with no special thing on it.
The story is nonexistent and the characters are as flat as you can imagine. Every little hint of character development is immedeatly shut down. I don't know if in the manga there is more emphasis on the characters or if at
least more of them are introduced more deeply.
One example: Onemine Nene, what the hell is this. I was like yeah some drama element with a secret admirer of Tadano... rival of Komi.... but then it was just, I will support you and make opportunities so you can be together. WTF they were always together no need for that. How can this be interresting? The other characters are also flat and have exactly one thing identifying them.
Compare it with Kaguya-sama which is superior in every single part. More depth in characters, they take the comedy much further, has better animation and art. So Komi-san stays a cute show which was enjoyable to watch. Will I watch the second season? I am not sure at the moment.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 13, 2021
This anime makes a lot of fun of the Isekai genre and tries to be funny at it. This does not always work. Generally I enjoyed the watch and I think it is not wasted time. But the story gets a little trainwrecking in the second half so I was not really getting all the stuff.
The story starts as your usual level up setting. But the main is quite funny. What I don't buy is her approach and personalitly which is a 180 to her shut-in live. The story gives us every so often little hints and unfold the setting nicely until ep19 from
there on it is just trainwreck. I look at you Terminator.
Nice touch to tell the story in 2 seperate stories, but the human part is very boring.
Animation in the first 12 episodes was really good, the CGI was there but good integrated and didn't bother me at all. Also the 2D was ok.
The second 12 episodes did show the production trouble they had. 3d Human look really bad and also the monster, while still ok, did not look as good. And there was really reduced and partially bad 2D fight animation.
Sound was really good and on point the BGM was excellent and differs enough to really create ambiente.
The characters beside our main are quite plain and follow our normal formula, a lot of potential was lost considering we have a whole class isekai'd.
I did enjoy most of it, especially the first 12 episodes which had some clever fight orchestration and good animation while the second 12 where more to find out what the heck was going on.
Sadly at the end we enter the harem isekai train hard and I fear bad thing for the second season. Which is sad as the first half was almost free of the annoying sister, girlfried, furry girl crap.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 26, 2021
Deca-Dence is a good sci-fi anime, which does not excel in any way, but has a really good story and solid foundation. I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in sci-fi.
Deca-Dence is an anime original and this you feel. The show is well paced and really good structured. I was a little confused in the first 2-3 episodes because the show does not tell you everything from the start but after getting the background I found this quite good done. The story is well fitted in the 12 episodes and does not feel boring. The Art is good animated if you look over
the really bad 3d CGI car scenes which are luckily not so often but hell do they cringe. On the Character side we have a solid line-up but some of the side characters are a little to side which is ok for the story but then why include them, because they have interesting personalities. That's some wasted potential. The sound is good but nothing I would remember.
In terms of setting I found this show quite interesting and one of the biggest point why you should watch this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 25, 2021
Kageki Shoujo!! is a good show, sadly not more.
For me it had to stand the comparison with Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight where it fell one step behind in every category.
Most particular is the story. Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight managed to tell a full story in 13 episodes which is even much more packed as what Kageki Shoujo is looking to contain and yet did this show not manage to even come to a partial goal of the story. It just stopped in the middle at a very low impact point. There is no benefit to watch this show as you will have nothing at the end except
some characters.
Which on the positive side the characters are the only selling point for me making me watching week for week. It will touch quite dark topics. Also that the characters keep their traits and not change 180 just because they hear a speech. Art and Sound are quite good but not stellar. The episodes were quite enjoyable to watch and at least for the first 8-9 episodes they also made me want to see the next episodes.
If there will be a second season which will cover at least cover the play I will raise my rating to 8 but as it is its a 7 and you should watch Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight before considering this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 3, 2020
The second Season of Major 2nd is a solid show but the production issues due to COVID are clearly visible. This would not be a huge issue as it is how it is, but the show is lacking in the narrative. In the last years the sport manga and anime clearly had taken a huge step up in narrative exposition. Not the matches are the main focus but the training. Haikyuu shows that more than anyone else. Ace of Diamond to stay in the baseball category another good example that a good sport anime needs the training to bring the character to live. This sadly
is not happening in Major. Most of the season is the actual matches and *spoiler alert* the drop out of the tournament is therefore really a killer in the narrative.
This narrative is really jumpy and one time the matches drag out, then suddenly it jumps forward. This is really confusing.
Especially sad as with the girls and boys mixed this anime is really something fresh from your Adrenalin kicking male and "lets be friends" girl stereotype show. It mixes welll and when they for once put the focus on that this show is really brilliant.
The last episode really pushed the show higher as I would rated it at episode 19 so I have high hopes for the future.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 3, 2020
This is a general review after watching more or less all monogatari there is.
One additional word before I start. This Anime has some amazing art, not in budget or frame rate but in visualization and creativity. The opening songs with the animation are one of the most impressive piece of art I have ever seen or heard. Anyone who has the least bit if interest to become an artist should watch the monogatari series for that. Also the songs, they change the opening every 3-4 episodes and still come up with unique and interesting sounds, not your standard Japanese anime intro. Astonishing.
To write
a review about monogatari is very difficult so let's start with a general view.
Basically the story is about our male main character Araragi and his steps on the way to adolescence.
Everything is highly abstracted under a mystery/vampire/religion layer. But in the end its the struggle of young people with their live and issues which they had to come through.
The different seasons are spitted into arcs which handle one of the girls or Araragi.
The whole setting is during one year (final year of Araragis high school life) but the stories are not chronological order, this adds to the confusing and complex setting.
Its difficult to give you the right order to watch the different shows but I followed the LN order which was ok.
Now to the overall conclusion of all shows inside the monogatari series at this moment (Zoku Owarimonogatari).
The show is ok. Thats my overall rating. Some of the episodes where so boring that I skipped them and read the summary and analysis on the internet just to go to the next episode, some are really good. But often I skipped 30 seconds to go over the endless discussion which really annoyed me.
But was this show intended for an adult? I don't think so, from a teenager perspective this is much more interesting. I can remember having such long nonsensical discussion with my classmates about live and yes also all the perverted stuff.
But I am no teenager anymore so it feels really silly and it really is not that interesting anymore, although it gave me some Reflexion moments about my life.
Nevertheless it was way too much to watch and would I not had a lot of time this spring I would never have watched it fully.
Bakemonogatari as important to setup all the girls and Araaragi is quite boring and is the least favorite season except the pedobear approves Nisemonogatari.
I would start with Kizumonogatari which is the most mainstream 3 movie arc and the beginning of the story. It will reduce a lot the question mark in the first episode of Bakemonogatari. And if you can check if you like the fanservice and sexual scenes. Especially in the first seasons the show relays heavily on fanservice which is understandable from a story point (teenager) and intended audience (teenager and pervert old man). For me it was a huge turnoff.
I want to point out the exceptional art, it is really good. It uses a lot of unique techniques and is really nice to watch. Especially the OPs, every Arc has its unique style and I quite liked them all. Technically all the story of the Arc is represented in the OP, check them out in youtube.
So with this and rating all the seasons I will close with the monogatari journey. It was not the best I had, but it had its highs, especially the Owarimonagatari S2 season (final season of the main story so far) so overall it was not a waste of time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 30, 2020
Bocchi Hitori is a girl who suffers from social anxiety, making it hard for her to talk to others. Upon entering middle school, her only friend Kai Yawara, who is attending a different school, tells Bocchi she is breaking off their friendship until she can make friends with her entire class. Thus, Bocchi is left with the task of befriending everyone in her class before graduation.
Hitoribocchi falls under that category of anime which have technically nothing special but somehow catch you and make you like it.
Its a CGDCT anime and does exactly that. Not on a level of K-on but very solid. The anime does
not have a big subplot except that the girls centered around Bocchi Hitori try to help her with her social anxiety and making friends.
There is already not much more to tell you. If you like cute girl do cute things without any deeper story you are welcome here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 16, 2020
This was a hyped anime and in that view it did not live up to it. Too many problems in the pacing and storytelling added with some major animation quality fluctuation. From really nice and fluid animation with interesting shoots to complete still frames and really bad CGI.
Especially the middle arcs from the birds part until the end of the pope where really bad.
The villains are your normal villains without background until in the last arc. In the fights there are really long talking session completely broke the flow. You can do that in manga but as soon as it is animated you have to
keep the sense of time. It just felt boring and I was skipping until something interesting happened which is a really bad sign that I did not even felt that I missed something from it.
The beginning and ending where really good and showed the potential of the story and together with a fantastic soundtrack pushed this anime to an enjoyable experience.
You can watch the show its not completely wasted time and there are some really good pieces in it. Hopefully the second season will make it worthwhile.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 15, 2020
DieBuster is the continuation of GunBuster but will set place a lot later than the ending of DieBuster.
It is much more straight forward by telling mostly the exact same story as GunBuster in the core, just with modern storytelling, Art and music. And for me this blows GunBuster out of the park.
In my opinion a remake of an old show does not lower the value of it. Especially if its anime as most if it is anyway made from another source like Manga or book.
One might say the easier understanding storytelling is something lost, but for me a good show has a core story
that will entertain everyone. Then it can offer a second layer of more in depth meaning which you can then dive into with re-watching.
For me it was very entertaining and because of it I took a rewatch of it because I wanted to get more out of it and that is when I consider an anime as great.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 15, 2020
Short info: There is no explanation of the story inside this review as it is really important to go in blind and it does honestly not matter too much to explain the rating.
Gunbuster is fairly old anime. This shows especially in the storytelling. Like EVA it really requires you to analyze this thing. Else the story is very confusing and makes no sense at all.
A huge mistake is to take the show serious after the first 2-3 episodes and the techno babble it throws at you. Forget it, nothing matters as in the later episodes everything goes bonkers anyway.
The problem here is like EVA
you could just remove 80% of the show as it does not really count to the ending as just painfully introduce the characters. That was ok in the old days but today with the amount of shows available it does feel boring. Maybe that's something lost by us viewers but I admit that I am such a case.
But due to its much shorter run the ride is acceptable and easy management able but still at the end I felt I got nothing from the show "oh ok that was crazy and nice...... lets watch something else"
Art and sound are really good, still for today's standards and the character designs.... oh good how good.
The story follows the normal procedure of such "high difficult interpretation" pieces, slow and normal in the beginning and then more and more spiraling out of the normal standards bringing everything to an absurdity that you as the viewer is forced to Abandon normal expectation and world view and digest the core message without any cheap tear jerking storytelling. But here it was more like there was none.
To be honest after watching DieBuster a show building up onto the universe created by GunBuster I think I could get the grasp if it but that's not changing my rating of this show as it is more a plus point for DieBuster.
I still would recommend to watch this anime just to get some of the influence this anime had on the industry and its one of the better old "anime" to watch for someone started after the 2000 with anime. And DieBuster is an absolute must to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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