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Jan 15, 2025
You better have a blood test analyzer ready before watching, because "Place to Place" is such a sweet romantic comedy, it will forcibly give you diabetes. The romance between Io and Tsumiki is one of the purest romances in media, with the perfect amount of comedic egging on from their friends.
The dialogue and facial expressions is really where this show shines. The friend group of Io, Tsumiki, Mayoi, Hime, and Sakaki and their shenanigans they get into each episode are just straight up precious. Just like with the opening theme of the show, it has a slow start with episode
1, but really picks up fast in episode 2.
I would totally recommend if you are looking for one of the most wholesome and sweet romantic comedies ever made. Would not recommend if you are expecting anything sexual to happen, as this romance is as safe as your local parent-chaperoned school dance .
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 9, 2025
In a world where the genre of "cute girls doing cute things" has overtaken the anime market, "Gi(a)rlish Number" seems to be the the pioneer and sole survivor of the "voice actor girls doing voice actor girl things" genre. From start to end of this anime goes through the many events and emotions of what a female voice actor goes through such as landing the first main role, working with managers/agencies, and emotionally dealing with voice actors that are better.
It's hard to classify and review this show as a normal anime, as most anime has some out-of-this-world setting or twist that makes
it interesting. Meanwhile what makes "Gi(a)rlish Number" "interesting" (quotations depending on who is watching) is how grounded it is in reality. There's nothing supernatural that occurs, just voice actor things. Each character is pretty well made, showcasing the different backgrounds and personalities each has. Just like reality though, these characters don't have a "hero's journey" or "awakening". Just like the real life or an employee, the show about voice actor girls doing voice actor things ends with the characters having basically the same personalities, flaws, and strengths they started with.
I would recommend this anime if you are interested in an introspective look into the voice acting world. I wouldn't recommend this anime if you are looking for anything particularly exciting or extravagant to occur.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 3, 2025
Call of the Night can be summed up in one word: "A E S T H E T I C" (with a capital "A"). Very rarely do visuals and color palette play such a role in story telling like in this show. Sure, it uses red hues to convey danger like in other shows, but the way it uses copious amounts of purples, greens, and yellows to convey a sense of fun and excitement upon the night sky is really something to look at. The music is also quite notable. The beginning and ending are both done by the band Creepy
Nuts, in which both are absolute bangers. The OST itself adds greatly to the visuals, adding an ethereal vibe that is really hard to find elsewhere. The track "Blue Night" off the OST straight up sounds like it was supposed to be the intro for Radiohead's song "Everything In Its Right Place", yet it feels perfectly in place in the atmosphere set by this show.
As far as story telling goes, there really isn't anything too gripping. It kind of gives the feeling of just a bunch of friends goofing off at night, which is basically what happens for most of the show (at least until the last few episodes). Supporting characters kind of get rotated in and out for no reason. As far as dialog goes, it is much more about the philosophies being discussed than the actual events of the show. Philosophies such as "what actually is ordinary", "is school actually that important to attend", and "what is love vs. lust" get brought up a lot in the show. Fortunately there really isn't an elongated debate over these topics and it is conveyed through passing events instead. It's a show that cares more about making you feel something rather than demanding what you should be feeling.
Overall, I would recommend a watch through if you ever found it fun to be up at night alone because you weren't satisfied with how you spent your day (or if you just like aesthetic shows).
PS if planning to drop, at least watch the last half of episode 12. Japanese voice actor Miyuki Sawashiro gave one of the best voice acting performances of all time here, being able to sound perfectly unhinged, yet reasonable at the same time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 28, 2024
"Ya Boy Kongming!" is simply a fun watch that does a good job of encapsulating the struggles small musical artists go through while adding a large dose of humor and insanity by having a famous war tacticianer be in the mix. The characters in the show are surprisingly grounded in reality with their desires and weaknesses, despite the outlandish premise of the show. The main draw of the show is how Kongming uses military stratagems to get a very little-known artist "Eiko" to stardom. Every episode seems to give off the "aha" vibe that mystery novels bring, as it is a mystery
every time on how Kongming pulls off this impossible mission.
For a show about music, they didn't skimp out on the quality songs. The show mainly focuses on the main characters' hip-hop/club music, but the show does a good job of branching out into pop, rap, and rock. The opening of the show, QUEENDOM's チキチキバンバン, is instantly a top 10 anime opening song for the vibes it puts out (along with the stellar animation) alone. "Make it Real" by MIA is a complete banger that is also hidden in the show with a minor character. There is a bit of rough Japenglish in most of the songs, but it is impressive nonetheless to have native Japanese singers clearly sing English lyrics (in which some syllables don't exist between languages).
Overall, I would highly recommend if you enjoy good hip-hop/club music or just want to enjoy a fun story.
Fun fact, yes, the QR codes in the show are real.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 18, 2024
"How clumsy you are, Miss Ueno" is a show that takes the trope of "guy who is completely oblivious to female romantic advances" and cranks it up to 11. The show takes this one concept and repeats it for every episode, but the writing keeps things different depending on what Ueno invents next. The inventions that Ueno comes up with in every episode really were like an ongoing train wreck that you can't look away from.
I would recommend watching if you wish to see some of the most craziest, degenerate content anime has to offer, but would not recommend if you
like to eat while watching. Without spoiling any events in the show, urine, body odor, sweat, and underwear is heavily involved throughout the show and it can get a bit gross.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 24, 2024
Heaven's Lost Property is one of the most egregiously perverted anime of all time that should only be watched alone (unless you are lucky enough to have someone that can match your freak). Every episode feels like a hentai writer was forced to write for an anime and begrudgingly did so. The rules of the world the story presents are constantly ignored, sometimes within the same episode, in order to maximize the possible amount of scenes with mostly nude women (and the budget in which animate said mostly nude women). I am genuinely concerned for the mental and physical health of the
prop artist of this series, as there are a minimum of 100 pairs of highly detailed woman's underwear shown throughout the series, with at least 45 of them requiring their own 30fps animations (from multiple angles).
The show also has a lot of jokes (most of them hit) and some touching emotional scenes, but as a whole it is overshadowed by how horny on main it is. I would highly recommend if you are looking for a really well animated " I Can't Believe it's Not Hentai" type show or are just looking for a extremely perverted show with some humor on the side. Besides that, there isn't too much to gain from watching Heaven's Lost Property.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 10, 2024
Love Lab is a very fun watch that doesn't require a lot of attention investment. Each of the main characters' strengths and weaknesses really shine and drive the show's comedy and entertainment. Each of the Love Lab experiments the main cast partakes in gives the laughs of a good comedy skit, but also the precious moments of them becoming better friends. If you like slapstick humor that slaps every time with a dose of heartwarming moments of friends being friends, this is a good show to watch.
Also, I need to warn you; this show will jump scare you 1 time
with blackface. It will be the most out of left-field thing... and the funniest scene in the entire series. You have been warned.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 20, 2024
"Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!" is a really amusing and playful show that is all about the comedic (and sometimes romantic) character dynamic of the dangerously extroverted Hana Uzaki and the highly introverted Shinichi Sakurai. Each episode has Uzaki try to drag Shinichi out of his mentality of wanting to do everything alone by inviting him to do something together. The humor comes from both characters being stubborn in their own wants which creates misunderstandings (phrasing) that lead to wacky hijinks, playful arguing, and teasing. This all leading to the two getting ever so slightly closer to one another as the show
If you are looking for a an entertaining young adult romcom that has an engaging balance of both rom and com, there is a lot of fun to be had with this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 17, 2024
You ever watch a children's entertainment show on TV and wonder why grown adults are wearing ridiculous outfits while being seemingly forced to sing children's songs or perform in degrading scenes that no sane adult would realistically do normally? "Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan" is a comical and pessimistic take where these adult performers are fed up, but also need to keep their jobs. Although the show mainly focuses on the title-character Uramichi, it also does a great job representing the similar (and also comedic) struggles of the other adults that are acting alongside him.
The comedy of this show is centered around the many
grown-up problems of a single late 20s and early 30s adult being brought up to children in a children's TV show. Problems such as heavy drinking, smoking, back pain, workplace conditions, broken relationships, harassment, financial woes, and depression are all discussed. Although the format of each episode is generally the same, the jokes and discussion topics differ. The show almost overstays it's 13 episode welcome, but still has enough comedy to keep watching throughout most of it.
If you are an adult that has had to work at least 1 job you hated every minute of (but had to do for the money) and are a fan of the occasional dark joke, this show can scratch that itch.
PS: Nothing much happens in the last two episodes, which are steered in a different direction from the rest of the show, so they can be skipped if you get burnt out. Also, fun fact: Iketeru's and his sister's Mabui's dog Sayuri is literally shares the same name of the voice actor playing the dog, Sayuri Sadaoka.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 16, 2024
From reading the synopsis and watching the trailer, Tejina-senpai seems like it could be a funny comedy ecchi series with likable characters, but in the end the only thing it delivers on is the ecchi. The story writer couldn't even be bothered to give names to the main characters, as they are referred to as "Senpai" and "Assistant". The only motivation in the story is that "Senpai" wants to start a magic club. Not even the main character "Assistant" wants anything to do with this story, as he has to be continually (and sometimes literally) roped into this story.
The comedy
is entirely centered around "Senpai" failing at the magic she is trying to perform, but it really warrants more of a reaction of pity than laughing. Comedy is subjective, but there are only certain people that can keep on laughing at the same punchline of "oopsies I failed at this magic trick, which got me in a pitiful situation" over and over again. The sad thing is that this could of been a compelling basis for the story, but then the story writer decided to make "Senpai" too arrogant and sadistic in her actions towards "Assistant" to feel any pity for.
As far as the ecchi scenes go, they are very well drawn, but terribly executed. All of the ecchi scenes are far out of left field and contribute basically nothing to the comedy, character development, or story. In a good show, "Assistant" would want to stay in the magic club to either help stop "Senpai" from exposing herself or because he enjoys it. Instead, all of these scenes go without any purpose or reason. In a good comedy, there would be some wacky occurrence that would lead to the fan service, but instead all of the fan service is due to the most mundane events. The ecchi scenes can also be almost impossibile to watch, as the story writer decided that it would be a good idea have "Senpai" have an ecchi scene (albeit relatively tame) in front of grade school kids. Seriously, who thought this was a good idea?
The best way to watch Tejina-senpai would be a compilation of all of the ecchi scenes, but at that point though, why would you? There are other shows that do ecchi scenes better. This show is a hard pass.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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