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Jun 24, 2024
This is the classic anime with lots of fanservice but done right, for once. I'm rating it as what it is, an ecchi, not as a regular anime, and that's why I gave it such a high note.
The characters are your classic vanilla characters of any harem anime, you have a bunch of eres, and an idiot main protagonists that, someway somehow, it ends up making them fall for him even if he doesn't notice a thing. The plot is simple but fine, nothing out of the ordinary, and pretty predictable...
So... Why an 8? Well... After watching a lot of this kind of shows
and getting really disapointed, even if I didn't expected that much, this one, someway hitted the spot that I wanted to watch more, which is really weird on this kind of anime. The fights were nice, the plot, even if it's simple and predictable, it made sense, the characters, even if they're boring, they have some kind of personality and overall I liked them. Am I overrating the show? Yes, by a long shot, and I think the rate that it has on myanimelist, is the right one, tbf, but I feel it should be a bit higher and, therefore, I gave it an 8. You can hate me, don't care xD.
Why mixed feelings? Well... It's the king of anime, more than anything else, but If you decided to watch it, you know what you're in for.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 2, 2024
I wrote sometime ago what I thought about season 1 and 2 and, to sum it up, I thought this anime was heavly overrated, I watched the movie and, after 30 minutes, I was thinking how much long of this thing is left?.
To sum up the problems:
1) The main characters keeps doing nothing, he just exists, and do things outside the screen... He's just boring and uninspired.
2) The show is way to long, I don't know why you have 2 make 2 seasons and 1 movie of an anime that could be a fine one with only 1 season at best, the firsts episodes
from season 1 were fine but they decided to make it longer, and longer... So yeah, at the end it just gets boring.
3) There's literaly no conflict, I wish they've used the father as a bit more of some kind of antagonist... Or something, there's NOTHING like some kind of plot or anything... It's just 5 cute quintuplets trying to fight over a boring main character that, at the end, choose all of them, which was crystal clear from minute 1 of the anime...
So, at the end, you have plain characters that do what you expect them to do and nothing more for 2 seasons and, the movie, keeps that thing going up... FOR 2 HOURS! Most uninspired confesion I've ever seen in a show. They've should wrap up this show after the first season, make a movie and made things right... But no, they have to get more money from selling figurines from the only thing that the show gives you... 5 cute girls.
So yeah, not recommended and giving it a 4 because I feel generous.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 26, 2023
This is exactly what I expect from this kind of anime: Plot and PLOT. The music is fantastic, the voice acting is amazing, also helps that the voice of the main heroine is one of my favourites I guess xD. This is from the time when this anime were a bit more than fanservice + bunch of boring eres + stupid repetitives jokes... Yes! I'm talking about you To-Love -Ru >.<
Firsts things firsts, the plot, even if it's not incredible complicated, is compelling and simple enough, lots of waifus fighting in a battle royal with their masters... Nothing amazing but, interesting enough. Second, and incredible
important... The characters can talk more than 5 minutes straight without making a stupid joke with no sense, it happens from time to time but, it's not every fucking damn 2 seconds... Yes I'm talking about you, again, To-Love-Ru. That helps carying about the characters and, even if they're not incredibly complex, again, they're nice and you get to enjoy them with their personal short stories. The plot make sense, which also helps. And the fighting scenes, even if simple, they're pretty nicely done..
As I said before, the music is going to sound in my head for some time, it was pretty good tbf, the artistic, even if old, great. So yes, if you want to have a good time and don't think too much, you can watch it and enjoy it. It's not a master piece, don't get me wrong, but after all the crap that I watched on this genre, it gets the top 3 spot, just behind Sora no Otoshimono and Fruit of Grisaia... The first 2 seasons.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 20, 2023
This show it's To love Ru done right, let me explain myself.
To love ru always use the sames jokes too much on every episode, this one has similar jokes but they don't spam them like there was no tomorrow, the characters in the first one are plain and boring, in this anyme they are lovable and really nice, everyone of them has there one quirks and things which makes them a lot more interesting that plain vanilla eres in To love ru.
Obviously in both of them you have like a million of PLOT, yes that kind of plot, the real plot are simple but is
a lot better made in Megami-Ryou. I couldn't pass TLR after chapter 5 because of absolute boredom, this one was lot more easy and enjoyable to watch.
Sooooooooooo if you feel like you don't know what to watch, and you want a bit of fanservice on a bad day, you won't regreting watching this one. I've watched it without expecting nothing good and it wasn't a bad show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 4, 2022
First important thing I have to say: If you have start watching this anime... You know what you are getting into... Do don't fucking complain about it's too much fanservice, to many boobies, etc. Because that's what it is, the manga is actually better on that regard and the plot buuuuuuuuut, we all know animes has to make some cuts here and there to get to 12 episodes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
With this out of the way... A virus has killed all men, I think that some rad fems have wet with only that premice, but the women population are having tons of troubles with food and science
and a lot of other stuff, and there are 5 men alive, which means on cryostasis, and they are bringing them back to "have fun" with the girls in Japan... The rest of the world is unknown untill probably the last episodes. The main character awakes, which is number 2, and he decides that he's inlove with a girl from his past and... He's not going to have fun with anyone and things starts to get weird and tons of fanservice. They awake the number 3, they drop him into a school full of girls... And oh boy! this one gets tons of fun... Number 1 is a complete idiot... So no worthy to mention him, at least for what is seen on the anime.
Things starts getting "complicated" with the governements and terrorists... And things happens. The starting point of the plot is not too bad, I must say, it's interesting-ish at least, the problem is the characters are boring as hell but, even with that, I ended enjoying a bit of the anime... Not like I was expecting too much about this one but... Can't complain on that regard... I supose...
To sum up, if you don't have anything better to do and you want to have some me time... You can watch it, on his genre of fanservice everywhere... Probably one of the best I've seen... At least they fucking try to deliver something...Even if they fail a lot... but they try... But we are here for the boobies so... Yes... That...
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 28, 2021
Weird review to make... I love first season, it was funny, it has some badass fights, it have some kind of plot to follow that was interesting-ish, it has some fan service... This second season, which I was waiting pretty eagerly, has only but disapoint me, no history, just a ton of ecchi plot, nothing against that but... too much is way too much when you don't have actual plot or character development or anything, not funny, just exploiding the total inhability of diablo to speak to anyone in a normal way, and another, another time until it get's boring... Seriously, disapointed is the only
word that I can get out of this show. Don't get me wrong is fine to watch but... Just that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 1, 2021
First point to be clear about this show... It's an IBelieveIt'sNotAHentai so... If you are expecting something go from this show get out inmediatly, and no fucking sissies watching this. If you are watching for a soft ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) You're in the right place... Actually I thing it would work a lot better as ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) than a regular anime, no joke.
I've seen some of this "genre" and is the best I've seen, I have on my list, when I feel masochist, Ishuzoku Reviewers, but way better, for example, than Shin Maou Testament by a lot, better characters... well, better
is not the word here... Not so bad characters, yes, better this way, at least the harem are not a bunch of eres and they don't do a fucking thing... appart for serving the mc. The plot, not the PLOT, is... there?, just a guy who's seeking revenge and... he does it... multiple times ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .
If you are bored, drunk and horny probably I'll say go for it... otherwise... if you are horny... maybe?
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 1, 2021
I've only watched 8 episodes but I think how is going to end and I believe I've seen enough to have a fair opinion.
The show is pretty similar to the frist season but is a bit better, not that much. They are introducing a bit more context to the quintuplets and Futaro, things from the past basically but, for a romcom, still not funny and the characters still really bland, just like I said on the first season of the show, a bunch of eres.
I'm enjoying a bit more the show than first season but I still surprised how this show can be so damn
popular being so mediocre at best, probably because the girls are cute, for the rest... nothing interesting. The sound track is pretty good though, probably the best thing with the art by a landslide.
Edit: I don't want to say that the show is not funny, it has some good momments tbf, or bad it's just... fair.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 18, 2020
I'm going to review the whole show in this one without spoilers.
This show is great and I've read some reviews that gives it really low scores, that can be for 3 reasons:
1) Your favourite rom com harem is To Love-Ru and you gave it a 9.
2) You are not accustomed to see the dumb main character of this kind show because you didn't saw enough of them
3) both of them.
Tomoya is a moron and a good person, yes we all know how this kind of show tends to swing, but, at least, he is not a complete imbecile, which is a big difference with all
the rest of the genre.
Eriri the Tsundere... God knows how I hate this character in general... and this one is one of the 3 exceptions to my hatred for tsundere girls, the other 2 being Chidori from FMP and Sasanqua from Oresuki, yup, she has troubles to express her feelings for Tomoya... but she is not a complete dumb, predictable and boring character as 99% of the rest tsunderes, just acting cute for the sake of being cute, damn I hate them...
Utaha: I don't know in which waifu category put this one, seriously, and is something that I like about her, not a boring stereotype, she has quite a strong personality.
Megumi: Just probably one of the best waifus I've ever seen, really, nothing more to say.
The plot is quite simple, but it gets someway... Good? Probably not the best word here, but it keeps interesting at least, not boring or, what is even worst, non existant plot. They decided to make a game, they unite to do this task, and they have some problems. The show keeps going, it has some really funny moments, some cute moments and, even, some sad moments and some fan service. The music is great and the art is fantastic.
Just watch this show, it's great, maybe you read this and you are expecting some kind of masterpiece and you get upset... I don't fucking care! Just watch this show... well, except... probably the episode 0, or whatever it names it where they are on the pool, that ova is garbage.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 25, 2020
I have the feeling that I'm being generous with this show... and that's because the way that they ended this season totally fucking sucks! With that out of the way...
Not the first time on my reviews that I state that I don't like tsunderes... and Chizuru is no exception to this rule... dafuq she's dumb, I fucking can't believe that, but the main character Kazuya is even worst... dumb and dumber we can say, he's a total mess but, in his case, I can feel his pain after a hard break up, we all have been there at least once in our lives but, for
Chizuru, there is no fucking excuse. The rest of the characters they are fine, I must say that is incredible that they've made a character so hateable that people dont' want her marchandise, that's Mami for you.
The plot... well like on this kind of show there is no plot... really, a guy in school has hard break up he has the brilliant idea to rent a girlfriend and everything complicates from that because who has the fucking brilliant idea to present that person to your family... freaking genius this guy. Even if at the start of the show it seems a bit forced later it's a bit smoother.
I really enjoyed the show, it was funny (YAYYYYYY!) and probably that's why I give it an 8 but, probably, it deserves a 7, the characters are so freaking dumb that you want to break your head with the wall.. seriously!. Watch the show, if you don't have anything better to do and I can fully understand people that doesn't like it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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