I don't usually write reviews, but goodness gracious this show is abhorrently terrible. There are possibly some things for some people to like in this show, but it fails on pretty much every single level I can think of aside from the occasional bit of spicy sound design and the one good character.
The weird thing about this show is that absolutely nothing happens. Like, the plot is technically in a different place by the end, but it might as well not be. There's no progression or real resolution very often, and most of the time it's just characters doing menial tasks or sitting around. You
can make a show like that fun, but this show's comedy is always incredibly out of touch and really childish aside from a couple special cases. Even when plot happens, it's surrounded by all this junk, and the plot itself is incredibly slow moving. That being said, if you like kind of childish/loud humour, then you might actually like the comedy in this show which is obviously one benefit.
My biggest issue is that the characters in this show never feel human. There are amazing shows where pretty much nothing happens plot wise, but they're still good because the characters are interesting. That being said, the characters of Quartet are ridiculously one note, and most importantly, they never naturally react to things. Things that should be big deals are shrugged off like nothing, but random conflicts born out of thin air are treated like the worst thing ever. Also, it's fine if a character yells emotionally to get a point across one time, but if it happens every single episode then it just starts to show how overly melodramatic the show is.
I'd also like to talk about the frequency of sexual assault in this show because I believe this is the single piece of media with most instances of sexual assault that I've ever seen, and I've watched a handful of Sion Sono movies so that's saying something. The Ecchi in this show isn't really fun, it's just disgusting. There's no enjoyment to it, but it's painted like it's meant to be just ok or fine or whatever. I adamantly defend Kill La Kill's Ecchi, and I don't necessarily have issue with Ecchi as a concept(I mean, it could be more gay tho), but the Ecchi in this show just makes me feel sick. Theoretically it's fine when compared to other shows, but it's all just so needlessly random and invasive, and it feels like a violation of every human right. Even though it's comparatively mild on paper, the specific way that it's done always makes me want to vomit.
The one benefit is that at the end of the day, no matter how much I dislike the show, Lila is actually still a pretty good character. She's really not around for that long, but she certainly steals the splotlight seeing as how she has at least some attempted character development, and most importantly, she's just fun to watch. She lights up any scene she's in, and it's a shame that her whole story is so rushed. If she were in a better show, she'd be a decent character; not a good one, but still pretty fun, and she's a nice escape from the mildness of the rest of it all.
Still, the two characters I hate the most are the villain and Yuuhi. The villain is terribly written, I genuinely have no clue what his motivations are or what side he's on, and he just tries so hard to be edgy yet fails on every single level. I can appreciate a really cringey edgy villain, I love B: The Beginning after all, but this just isn't it. Also, Yuuhi might be my least favourite character in anything ever because he too is really edgy to a stupid degree, but he also does about 90% of the sexual assault seen in the show. I want to remove Yuuhi from existence; torture would just prolong his time on this planet, what we all deserve is a quick and immediate removal of his presence from anything ever. I hate him with a burning passion, and he easily knocked down my rating by at least 1 point because I hate him that much. Goodness he sucks.
Also, yeah the main characters exist too, but I honestly could not ever get invested in them. Like, I get it's meant to be a quartet, but I don't even know who's in the quartet because it feels more like a quintet plus seventy other people. Luckily, every single character is quite bland so I don't have to get very invested anyway. I liked Hime's stuff, but aside from that, it's just pretty boring. I tried to remember who the characters were, but none of them leave an impression, and they're all just so forgettable.
This review probably won't help anyone, and if you like this show then I genuinely hope you're able to keep enjoying it. It's not offensively bad on most occasions, but it just really isn't for me or people who have similar taste. I also acknowledge that this review was written mostly out of blind hatred, but I really just wanted to get my feelings out there. This show has been a massive waste of the past few months of my life just because of how much I kept procrastinating on it, and I am incredibly glad that I finally finished it. Go spend your time watching Flip Flappers or something actually good as opposed to this, unless you like stuff like this, in which case have fun. I realise that I'm a bit isolated in my opinion here, but genuinely, this show is terrible and I have no idea how people like it.
Feb 10, 2023
Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta
I don't usually write reviews, but goodness gracious this show is abhorrently terrible. There are possibly some things for some people to like in this show, but it fails on pretty much every single level I can think of aside from the occasional bit of spicy sound design and the one good character.
The weird thing about this show is that absolutely nothing happens. Like, the plot is technically in a different place by the end, but it might as well not be. There's no progression or real resolution very often, and most of the time it's just characters doing menial tasks or sitting around. You ... |