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Jun 27, 2023
Do you remember that time you were growing up in the Japanese countryside as a child and then you were suddenly molested by an 8-foot tall ghost that was thicker than a bowl of oatmeal? Me neither, but that's the plot of Hachishaku Hachiwa Keraku Meguri. A young man stuck at the side of the road in the pouring rain as his motorbike has broken down and can't get reception on his phone. He is now trying to hitchhike his way to the nearest town. Thankfully a taxi picks him up and the female drive is more than happy to take him where he wants
to go without charge. As the driver takes him to his destination, he decides to tell her a scary story about his childhood about the one time he met a dark spirit as he was collecting bugs.
As you can tell from that plot description that Hachishaku Hachiwa Keraku Meguri is a horror themed hentai, and It's actually half-way decently creepy. The animation and art style is actually pretty decent, and the soundtrack is appropriately spooky, for a hentai at least, and it actually spends time setting up an atmosphere, and all of this is done in two 15 minute episodes. The fact that it's creepier than most the regular anime that I've seen and it does it in about the time of a single episode, it says something about just how bad a lot of horror anime is that a hentai can do just a good of a job. At least I can pull out my cock and have the cum spooked out of me with a hentai.
The start of the second episode is straight up a horror short story with no sex and some mild gore. I don't know what I was expecting when I went into this hentai but I wasn't expecting something that I could actually pull out during the month of October for both a scare and to quickly rub one out. Well, both activate the same part of the brain so I guess it makes sense to mix both.
"Why are you setting up spider webs in July?" "Spider webs?" "Oh, must be for the new Spider-Man." "....sure."
Beyond that it didn't really do anything for me personally. While I have no problem with the size difference, I'm not into shotacon or that weird lounge animation that some anime do. I know someone will get a kick out of this. That's if they can get passed the night terrors that this might induce in some people. But I guess since people got something out of Lady Dimitrescu, someone out there is definitely getting something out of a Ghost MommyTM.
There is also a bonus 15 minute episode that forgoes the plot and is just a sex scene, which is good for those who just want the sex and don't want to have to either skip through the plot just to jerk off or have to find a streaming site just to find a video that's already cut out the plot for you. Also, it's the most normal sex scene out of the entire hentai.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 12, 2022
"Shinsei: Futanari Idol - Dekatama-kei!" (ENG: New Futanari Idos: Big Balls Type!" follows two women, Mizuho Shiratorizawa and Riko Matsuzaki, who soon find themselves becoming part of an idol group called "Sweet Fruits" at the behest of the manager, who hopes that their inclusion skyrockets them into stardom. But they soon find themselves ending up in a string of events to please their new fans that are ever increasing in difficulty and spectacle. But both of them have a secret. They both have a penis.
I mean, it's in the name of the hentai, so it's not really a surprise to the audience, but just go
with it.
The plot is pretty basic but gets the job done and it doesn't need much more than what presented to get the ball(s) rolling. The animation does occasionally suffer from a few of the problems found in hentai, like characters appearing to slide across the screen and less frames and overall detail, but it's never too bothersome.
Of course, the hentai features events featuring a lot of men banging the two main characters brains out, this is an idol hentai after all, and if you're into idols and futanari, "Shinsei: Futanari Idol - Dekatama-key!" is probably right up your alley and worth checking out.
But the absolute highlight of this hentai are not the sex scenes, but a single solitary scene that's incredibly brief. I know what you're thinking, but hear me out.
The first 30 seconds of the second episode feature both girls enacting a play between a wife and her husband who isn't attracted to her any more and wants to leave her, and this play is entirely played by the penises of the two main girls. It gets better. Both characters are dressed up, with the husband character is wearing a tie, mustache, glasses, and hat, with the wife character wearing a wig, makeup, a scarf, and even having eyes. That's right, the main characters completely dressed up their junk for this play.
And when it cuts to the manager walking into the room and the women quickly hide their junk under their skirts, the wide shot shows a sign that says "Sweet Fruit's Dick Theater" along with several props for the characters to interact with.
It's a moment that comes out of nowhere and is fucking hilarious, and is worth watching entirely on it's own. It's just one of those things that you have to see to believe. It's so incredibly brief and comes out of nowhere that I was laughing for a solid 10 minutes after seeing it. I honestly was laughing so hard at it for so long that I forgot most of the rest of the hentai. I tried to re-watch it for this review, but none of it mattered since once you've watched "Sweet Fruit's Dick Theater", everything else is irrelevant.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 1, 2022
In contrast to "Rape Gouhouka!!!", where the government decided to let people run free and rape to their heart's content (to impregnate of course, wink wink), "Kimi ni Na wo Yobeta" takes the opposite approach and the government decides to implement a more thought out and organized law.
In an effort to reduce the likelihood of sexual crimes in Japan, a prestigious all-male school relieves its students using the service of young girls. The reasons these girls are thrown into this unusual career are many, ranging from debt to punishment for crime. Treated as nothing more than government-sponsored commodities, they are stripped of their clothing and
identified only by their assigned number.
Nakagawa rarely pays much attention to anyone at school, but that changes when he enters a relationship with the girl known simply as 'Number 3'. Since personal interactions between the students and the girls are forbidden, the two decide to use the school rooftop as their private meeting place, spending their days together in secret.
The plot actually tries to some extent in this hentai, with our lead male protagonist falls in love with the lead female protagonist, and the anime actually spends some time developing their relationship over the two episodes. It's not exactly the most deep relationship and it doesn't really lead anywhere, but the fact that it tries to do something with it's plot is at least admirable. It could have easily just been sex scene after scene, which still would have ended up as a good hentai if it went in that direction, but I guess it's better than a plot that just wastes your time and the run time that could have easily been dedicated to more sex scenes.
Overall, the animation is pretty good and I enjoyed the sex scenes throughout the hentai. But with a premise like this, I wish the hentai would have focused more on the different female characters in the series so that there was some more variety. A plot is nice and everything, but the plot here is not good enough for me to actually invest myself into, it just makes me wish that the studio had dedicated their time more into the sex scenes. Seeing some of the other female characters who were in a similar situation would have given the hentai some visual variety as well as some variety in personalities. But then again it is based on a manga, so I imagine that the studio probably didn't want to deviate much from the source material.
If you're not into the romance aspect or the lead girl, you're probably going to skip this one, but I know that there are a few people out there who would probably get something out of this one. Recommended.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 29, 2022
With Japan's declining birthrates, the government has taken the bold stance of legalizing rape as long as the purpose is to make children to help prevent the countries population from disappearing completely, leading to mass rape across the country even before the announcement hits the news, as the news anchor is already getting pounded by one of her work colleagues as she reads out the news to a shocked audience.
Now, I know there have been a lot of ideas floated out there to help alleviate the declining birthrate in Japan, but I feel like legalizing rape for procreation is probably very low on that list.
Maybe go with a cash incentive, introduce maternity and paternity leave along with free child care for people who need to work. There's a lot of ways to help prevent the declining birthrate, but I feel like rape is probably not the first thing to come to mind when dealing with the possibility of the population getting smaller and smaller. But then we wouldn't have a hentai now, would we?
But does that mean that I think that this hentai is bad. Fuck no, it's actually pretty good. It's decently enough animated and the character designs are pretty decent for the most part, and there is even some variety in the sex scenes, ranging from schoolgirls on the train, mothers and daughters at the same time, and even idols and police women getting in on the action, not that they have much of a choice mind you.
Probably the highlight of the first episode are two girls who beat up a guy who was trying to rape them only to find out that the cop that they tried to report him to tells him he's perfectly within his legal right before booking them and taking them down to the station to make an example out of them.
And yes, for those out there who are probably into that stuff, there is even a sex scene with a pregnant woman while another pregnant woman masturbates as she watches. I mean, if you're going to have a hentai about the female characters getting pregnant, might as well go all in and have a scene where a woman who is already pregnant getting dicked down. I mean, what's going to happen? It's not like she's going to get pregnant twice. Now that I think about it, it seems like he's wasting his time and erection at the same time when he could be outside doing his civil duty with a woman who isn't pregnant yet. What an idiot.
The whole concept is absurd enough that it works in the hentai's favor and makes for a good watch if want something amusingly stupid to watch in between your wank sessions as you're catching your breath and recharging your batteries.
There's no doubt that there is probably at least one scene out of this whole thing that someone might find to their liking, so it's a recommend from me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 27, 2022
I've reviewed quite a few hentai that have been absolute garbage. Stuff that is so bad that I don't know who would find it sexy when it's sheer awfulness is enough to put someone off of it. And with Tsui no Sora, we have yet another hentai to add to that pile.
The plot is pretty simple. Yukito Minakami is awakened by his childhood friend Kotomi for school, but when they arrive there, they find that a female classmate jumped off the roof of the school the day before. Before long, all their classmates are talking about the approaching end of the world on the 20th
day of the month. Some even begin to lose their minds, with another student as their leader...
Not that you would know much about that since it condenses the events of the visual novel quite considerably. Oh, also, this is based on a visual novel, which I don't know if I would call good based on the footage that I've seen, but at least it seems to flow much better than this.
Right off the bat it just dives into the port, which would be fine in a lot of instances, but the animation is absolute trash. It's the same couple of frames just repeated over and over and over again, for every position and every sex scene. Early flash animation on Newgrounds around this time would have been significantly better, and a lot of the better flash animation were just still images. Those "Draw Your Own Anime Character!" books have better character designs.
And to top it all off, it's one of those anime that adopted digital animation early. But that's not the only thing, it uses early digital effects too. The logo uses one of those animations built into the software, and it doesn't fit in at all. And one of the sex scenes has an ugly digital shot where it zooms in and out on the female character, which I'm pretty sure is the anime trying to mimic the guys perspective.
And I never thought that I would complain about this, but the pixel censorship is the worst. And I don't mean it's censoring too much, or something weird, I mean that it's just an ugly effect.
Within the first 5 minutes of watching it, I had so many notes for my review that I had to pause it just so the hentai wouldn't get ahead of me and I could catch up.
The voice acting is also garbage. The voice actors clearly don't match the characters, with the male character sounding waaaaay too old to be someone in a Japanese high school.
Sadly, the copy that I got doesn't come with English subtitles, which disappoints me because I would have loved to see someone translate this hunt of shit.
Moving beyond the first scene, and yes, we haven't even got passed the first scene, the rest of the anime continues to nosedive.
A lot of backgrounds are made up of basic colors, and one scene even has characters walking passed incredibly simplistic buildings, and reminds me of South Park, which in turn reminded me of the homage to South Park in FLCL and how much better it looked there and how I could be watching FLCL instead.
The perspective of everything is wrong, with some cars looking like they were done by children, and some shots don't even have animation, just a still frame that lasts a couple of seconds. Of the characters walks over to another character but it looks like they're walking in place due to how bad the animation is.
Unfortunately, Tsui no Sora is somewhere in that memetic limbo, where it's not quite memorably bad enough to quite the so-bad-it's-good status, since it's such a chore to get through, but it's more memorable than most of the bad hentai that I've seen simply because it is so bad.
How desperate at the time for a jerk off session would you have to be for this to be appealing? In 2002, as limited as the selection was, there was significantly better hentai than this. And there were a lot of Ecchi anime out there, along with a lot of anime that had a beach episode or characters with skimpy outfits that there would be no reason to watch this. As I mentioned earlier, even the poorly animated and drawn flash animation and comics on the internet were probably not only better, but free.
Do I need to say to avoid this one?
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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May 25, 2022
"Sleazy Family" begins with a teen going over to his aunt's house after his step-mother called him and told him to go pick up something that she forgot to get. Of course, because of porn logic, this ends up with the teen accidentally seeing his aunt masturbating to porn, and he ends up having sex with her. But they're not blood related, which means it's A-OK. However, the dude is blowing loads left and right, which annoys his aunt since he's finishing too quick, preventing her from getting her rocks off too.
At some point the teens step-mother calls both her sister and son and when
neither of them pick up, she goes over and somehow stumbles into having sex with them after masturbating to them while watching them through a crack in the door. After all three finish, the dude gets a call and has to leave, leaving his step-mother and aunt to have some fun on their own, which ends just as abruptly as it starts.
I don't know why this needed to be three 10 minute episodes when this could have been one 25 minute episode and didn't have to require me skipping over pointless credits sequences.
Since Sleazy Family came out in 2005, they both suffer from having that mid-2000s early digital look to them, which was a rough time for real anime that got a proper budget and talent, so it looks especially rough on a hentai level of talent and budget. It's nowhere near the worst looking hentai from the era, but considering that a lot of modern hentai somehow end up looking like shit, this ends up holding up for all of the wrong reasons. Plus every cock just looks weird. I know that cocks end up looking like shit because they get censored most of the time anyway, but it would still be nice to know the animators are putting in the effort.
And the English dub for this one is boring. Not even laughably bad, just boring. There had been plenty of hentai that have been released in the two decades since it's released, and before, that are much better than this. Plus the soundtrack is filled with generic guitar riffs and music that a lot of direct-to-DVD erotica had around in the late 80s to early 2000s that someone thought was sexy for some reason.
And for some reason one of the covers to The Sleazy Family is a parody of "The Brady Bunch" despite the fact that it has so little to do with "The Brady Bunch" outside of simply having a family fetish going on that I have no idea why they used it. The original Sleazy Family doesn't even have enough characters that it can fill up the 9 squares, so it has to take characters from the sequel, which has zero characters related to each other. It's pretty bad when even the DVD cover is the most interesting thing about a hentai.
It's not like there was much of a crossover in audiences and I'm pretty sure there would have been a live action parody of "The Brady Bunch" already out that someone could have already gone and watched. It's even got the tag line "The family that plays together, stays together."
Avoid this one at all costs.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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May 25, 2022
Based on a series of games, with the original, "Rance: The Quest for Hikari" (Rance 01: Hikari wo Motomete The Animation), being released in 1989 for a Japanese line of computers called the PC-98 that's still going on today, with the latest game being released in 2018 and has a total of 17 games as of this review, so it's quite the series of hentai games. So naturally, it got an anime adaptation.
Rance: The Desert Guardian follows the titular Rance and his assistant (or more accurately, slave) Sill, who is deeply in love with him, as Rance is hired to defend a dusty and forsaken
desert village from the repeated attacks of scantly clad and oversexed sorceress intent on the resurrection of a long forgotten demon.
The OVA immediately sets the tone with Rance saving a woman from a gang of rapists by violently massacring them. After telling his assistant to gather anything valuable, all while she's carrying a comically large and overstuffed sack of equipment on her back, Rance then turns to the woman that he just saved and decides to rape her as a 'reward' for saving her. Rance is very much a black comedy, opening right up with a combination of a rape joke and slapstick, and if you don't like that it's time hop of this train and find something else to crank yourself to.
Rance is a complete scumbag who end up doing a lot of good deeds for less than good reasons, and the whole thing is funny as hell. It's a litmus test for if you're going to be into this hentai. And to tope it all off, the OVA even has a catchy OP for it's intro.
It doesn't have a whole lot of sex scenes, but the few that are there are pretty good. Not quite as good or as plentiful as the 2014 adaptation, but still pretty decent. A lot of the appeal of something like this is the comedy and setting, so come for the nut busting sex scenes and stay for the gut busting comedy.
The OVA also makes a lot of jokes about how it's based on a series of RPG games, referring to the characters leveling up and Rance talking about now being able to get into the boss room right away. And because it's based on a series of RPG games, it even comes with a plot for those who like a little bit of story with their hentai. And it's wrapped up nicely in a single 47 minute episode, so if you're looking for something quick to crank one out to, this one isn't going to take up too much of your time.
I would recommend Rance: The Quest for Hikari to everyone. It's well animated, funny, and actually worth watching for the porn. Highly recommended.
Hilariously enough, the original OVA was released on December 25th, 1993. So I guess it was a White Christmas after all! Merry Christmas to everyone, and to everyone a good night.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 25, 2022
The first Sleazy Family was pretty bad. It wasn't sexy and it wasn't interesting. But the second Sleazy Family goes to a whole other level and comes close to being one of those infamous so-bad-it's-good hentai.
Unlike the first Sleazy Family, the second one has no family, but instead takes place in a fast food restaurant. The sex scenes are much shorter, so they don't last long enough to properly enough, but to make up for it, there is a lot more of them now and they have a lot more variety. They're still a step up over the single sex scene from the original though,
so I'll count that as a positive.
The whole thing also has better animation and art, which is a positive. But considering that the original looked pretty shit, I don't know how much of a positive that is though. It still suffers from that mid-2000s digital look, which even a lot of good anime and hentai couldn't escape from, so I can't exactly knock it for that.
But the plot and dub is where it becomes entertaining.
It begins with the manager deciding the grab the ass one one of his female workers working at the cash register before she leaves to have sex with him in the employee room. The hentai soon follows with the previously mentioned working having sex with another female worker, before the manager walks into the room telling them that employees aren't allowed to have sex with each other before dragging them to the room before coming out with the first amusing piece of dialogue.
"Don't you know Rule 4... employees can't have sex with one another, but the store manager can have sex with any employee." Which is a weird rule to have. And for no one to notice when arriving on their first day.
The manager has sex with both of them all while roleplaying as a manger telling them how to improve their customer relations at the store, which has the second amusing piece of dialogue, with the manager say "We can't close the store.", followed by one of the employees saying "No, but you can fuck me." and "Manager, finish with her, I want some too".
But the absolute highlight of the series involves the two employees being tied up by the manager, who shoves a lit candle into the asses of one of them after dropping a few droplets of wax onto her ass, before shoving a handful of fries into the other girls pussy before eating them out of her and then fucking her with the remaining fries still inside her, all while mentioning her 'special sauce' before fucking the both of them.
And to top it all off, he calls the crush of one of the girls, who happens to be another employee, and forces her to fuck her crush. And the final sex scene after this has one of the women declaring that she loves sex while being pounded.
It might not reach the peak of hilariously awful like with "Sextra Credit" or "Bible Black", but it is mildly amusing in it's own right.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 2, 2022
A whole 21 years later and Rance fans get another adaptation of their favorite open world fantasy wank material. Just in time for the people who were born in the same year that the original was released in to start drinking.
Rance 01: The Quest for Hikari (Rance 01: Hikari wo Motomete The Animation) begins begins with Rance and Sill arriving in the majestic Kingdom of Leazas to find a missing noble girl. As they split up to investigate several leads, Rance finds himself aiding the townsfolk with various problems from rescuing a kidnapped barmaid to purging an undead outbreak. While amassing both fortune and females,
the warrior eventually uncovers a dark secret within the kingdom that only he can stand against.
And continuing the tone that the first one had, the series begins with a scene where Rance rapes a woman multiple times before saving her, all while claiming that she was raped by a group of bandits, all because she was blindfolded. So if you're not into black comedy and slapstick, turn back now.
Just like the first, The Quest for Hikari makes a ton of jokes about how it's based on a series of RPG games, referencing the overhead perspective that so many 8-bit and 16-bit JRPGs had at the time for the anime's transitions as Rance makes his way around town asking people about the girl that he's looking for. Since the animation in most hentai aren't that appealing, it's neat not only getting decent animation, but some neat visual variety to go with the good animation.
The biggest difference between this and the last OVA is that the new series has 4 episodes and a special, which range from 26 to 30 minutes each, so there is quite a bit of content here. And because of the added content, every episode has at least 1 to 2 sex scenes each, and they're all good. So if you're looking for a hentai with some plot, The Quest for Hikari is right up there in terms of enjoyable plot.
The series even comes with some monster rape towards the end of the series, so if you're into that, it's got you covered.
The series is actually pretty well animated for a hentai, which is a rarity these days, considering that Queen Bee seems to intend to make hentai so poorly that a slideshow of the original source material would be an upgrade, so the good animation is very much appreciated here. You're bound to find something appealing in at least one or two of the sex scenes.
And coincidentally, or possibly intentionally as an homage to the original OVA, the first episode of this adaptation of Rance came out on December 26th, so it's another White Christmas! There are only so many times I get to make a White Christmas pun in my hentai reviews, so I'm going to revel in it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 30, 2021
Ah, Teruaki Murakami, we meet again. But I'll talk about you later in this review.
After losing her mother several years ago, Miho has lived with her father ever since. Her father was a captain of a large-scale cruise ship, but soon after her mother's death, Miho notices that her father has been longing to return to being the captain of a ship.
After doing the best she could doing the work around the house, Miho is soon offered a part-time job on a cruise by her friend Moribe Jun during summer vacation. Soon after accepting the job and working on the Cruise, Miho soon finds herself
in a nightmare that she never expected, being the subject of men of high standing and wealth.
Not that the plot matters, since the hentai pretty much glosses over that. All you need to know is that the situation involves rich people ganbanging a few women who are tied up and stuck in a situation that they don't want to be in. If you want more plot, you can go play the game that this is based on. You'll probably have a much better time there.
But let's just jump right into it.
The animation for this hentai is all over the place. Half the scenes have barely animation, with characters sliding across the screen with maybe a few frames of animation if you're lucky. All of the characters also have barely any detail on them, only having details when the hentai can get away with it, and the bare minimum of details at that. And I mean barely any details even by hentai standards. I know that the budget of a hentai is microscopic, but I didn't know that standards were this low.
There are even parts of the sex scenes that have the same level of quality, and they're the entire reason why somebody would watch this. But that's not the half of it.
That's where my good old friend, or arch-enemy, Teruaki Murakami comes in. I've reviewed two of the other hentai that he had creative control over, with "Taimanin Asagi" and "Kengoku Senkan", and just like those two other hentai, during every scene scene, there are bright flashing lights all while the camera zooms in and out of whatever character is getting fucked. And to top it all off, the camera blurs at random moments all throughout this.
How has this man managed to get creative control over multiple hentai? He might have some of the worst creative direction that I've seen In anything, and this is a hentai. Not even JJ Abrams made his films this unwatchable, and he has fucking lens flare in everything. The sex scenes were kind of hot, or at least the concept for them, but I either couldn't see any of them because of the abysmal faux camera shaking or had to look away so that I didn't get a migraine.
The whole thing is animated, so it's not like you had to deal with being on a set and had to make do with what you had. You just have one shot and do some decent looping animation until someone cums or you change a shot. How does someone fuck up a porno this bad?
Would I recommend this hentai? Fuck no.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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