You know when you're trying to enjoy a nice meal but a fly keeps buzzing around you and you can't get rid of it? That's what it's like reading this manga. The first chapter alone hit me with a gay predator joke and an unbearable male character that I know will stick around for the rest of the series so I'm going to drop it just because I have better things to do than torture myself with this.
The only good thing I will say is that Mikami's character is cool and the art has a charm to it that only 90s manga could provide. However,
Apr 2, 2018
Koroshiya 1
warnings: rape and abuse are mentioned so be warned and for yall that scoffs at warnings like these then I have no interest in engaging in any conversation with you so just keep on trucking.
This is the ultimate misogynist paradise. If you hate women, then boy you're a fuckin a loser and I've got some good news for you. The writing is atrocious like instead of developing characters the writer seems more interested in displaying hyperviolence non-stop, which you know, isn't necessarily a bad thing but when you hate each and every character in the cast the hyperviolence comes off as mindless and boring. And ... |