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Jul 7, 2024
What a terrible drop in quality from a series that had a great first season. Incredibly dull and repetitive story. The one great arc from the manga - the cruise arc - was poorly adapted with uninspired and dull animation. The annoying background music fucked up yors amazing fight scene and ruined the best moments. Other than that, how many times can one sit through the same shitty storyline over and over again? We get it, yuri is a creep for his sister, anya is a crappy student, etc etc. None of the characters get any development and the plot is dry.
Overall this season
was a chore to get through and based on how the manga is going it doesnt look like things will get better anytime soon. This season is a skip. Read the manga instead for the cruise arc.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 22, 2024
As someone whos a big fan of the original manhwa and read it quite a while ago, I'm so happy to be reliving the story through the anime adaptation. I'm so beyond impressed by the effort and respect the studio has given toward the source material. You can really tell that they care about staying true to the core of the manhwa. The animation is stellar, the voice acting goes above and beyond, and the overall flow is natural and easy to follow. All minor changes from the source material have been made logically in service of making the story work for a different medium.
Overall, each episode gives the same hype and feeling I got from reading the manhwa. Especially impressive to me is how they perfectly replicated the art style - it feels like the characters came straight out of the pages.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 23, 2023
Definitely caught my attention with that first episode... the mystery was really well set up and has lots of potential but after the weak final few episodes I've kind of lost interest tbh. That red hair chick is mad annoying and the fact that Aqua is actually an old guy inside who had a weird incestous love for his "mother" like theres just so many odd things about the plot? And the fact he gets all blushy when Akane cosplays his mom EW bro why can't manga authors be normal about incest shit what. I'll prolly just wait for the manga to complete and then
read a summary of the end or something, I don't think I can sit through much of that annoying side cast
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 11, 2023
as someone who dropped bc in the first 3 eps then came back years later to complete it - lemme say im so glad i picked it back up and gave it a chance. this is a show that really gatekeeps itself, especially given how good it is. terrible word of mouth and jarring first 3 episodes is enough to keep people away and discourage them from continuing. but if you do overlook/get past those, you’re in for a really fun ride with great storytelling, characters and world building.
what makes bc really fun for me is that it really leans in to typical shonen
tropes but embraces the corniness as well as addresses some of the problems. ‘power of friendship’ isnt just some crap used to bail mc out of a situation. instead, power of friendship means the team training together and actually showing/explaining their strategy as to complement each others powers. it helps that all of the black bulls are well written, likeable with realistic flaws, fears and challenges to overcome.
lets talk about the mc. hes loud, obnoxious and in your face. this all also makes him so lovable and funny! hes really the type to grow on you. before i knew it i was laughing at the dumb shit he does while also rooting for him to grow stronger and stronger. hes the type to make friendships with everyone but the show doesnt rub that in your face. instead you can interpret how he would naturally do so based on his outgoing nature and kind personality.
romance - bc has some good ass romance and does not shy away from addressing the topic. they feed you with lots of ships and also give enough content to keep all the shippers happy. if you like asta x noelle, mimosa, nero, any one You will be given plenty of content. even side characters have good ships. yami x vanessa or charlotte, finral and the princess, grey x gauche. so much romantic intrigue without being cringey or having the mc randomly pop up with a girl he never interacted with (ahem naruto and bleach ahem hem)
but the biggest praise i have for bc is how it treats female characters. I never thought i’ll see the day a shonen anime properly writes female characters as more than just sex objects. Yes there is fan service of course, but that isnt what the women are reduced to (im looking you post time skip one piece). the women of black clover are strong, independent, free thinking and interesting. they struggle with societal issues like gender expectations, poverty, discrimination and more.
noelle as the female lead of the series is not a mere side character which exists to be rescued by the men around her. she is encouraged by those around her to step up to the plate and fight for what she believes in - and she does just that. she has tangible growth in both her powers and her personality, not just reduced to astas love interest (sakura and ochaco 😐). Its so refreshing how the women are free to have romantic interests and it doesnt take over their entire personality/reason for existing! Mimosa, noelle, and vanessa all have crushes whos crush doesnt become their character trait.
if i have to say something negative, i'd say the show is lacking a compelling villain. all the villains are so one note and uninteresting. either they are pure evil or secretly good - then they become the mc's friend. another thing that becomes super repetitive is the "backlash" or whatever from the people in the capital. they're like "youre just a COMMONER with NO MAGIC what could you possibly do? >:(" *cue cool ass move by asta* *cue asta/black bulls getting overlooked in favor of golden dawn*. really that shit gets so old. especially because golden dawn is not very likeable at all save for klaus and mimosa.
but what about yuno? if thats the question you had, then i'll respond that he did absolutely nothing for me. he didn't stand out in anyway except to outscale asta at every turn and just show the huge gap between them as rivals. bro is already the vice captain of golden dawn and he started out at the same time as asta! I mean for fucks sake on this track he should be wizard king in the next 2-3 years easily! he has NO personality except asta is my rival (btw theres really funny and cute scenes in petit clover which embrace this so ill kinda give them a pass for owning up to it). hes like a bad rip off sasuke if sasuke had no individualism. how much are you gonna milk that one flashback of asta saving your necklace?! get new flashbacks dawg.
overall though this series was such an enjoyable watch. the power scaling was easy to follow, the plot flowed naturally, hell even the fillers were so damn good! I didnt skip a single filler! They were literally all interesting and fun in their own way. im so glad i picked this back up and you can be damn sure i’ll be seated for future seasons.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 21, 2023
I have to say this season was easily the weakest out of everything KNY has put out so far, in terms of plot, pacing, fights and animation. Firstly the plot. I understand they are just adapting what the manga covers. But there was a lot of weakness and repetitiveness with the flashback/power up combo. I mean seriously, as soon as someone is in trouble during the fight just cue the power of sad backstory and then boom they can overcome anything without explanation.
The worst example of this being when Muichiro had no way out of that water bubble and was shot full of poision.
Cue sad flashback of sasuke telling him ‘I kno u got this my boy✊🏼’ and suddenly hes motivated enough to haul ass out of there. Tbf I liked muichiros backstory when i read in the manga, but it didnt hit the same in the anime. The best backstory for me this season was Genya, and the worst was Hantengu. What the actual fuck was hantengus flashback. Nonsensical.
In regards to the pacing, some episodes just dragggged and i lost interest fast. Long monologues, boring melodrama, and suddenly a fast fight scene which lasts 3-4 mins max. Anime onlies must be SO confused abt who is Yoriichi and what those flashbacks mean from the beginning of the season.
Regarding the fights and animation. For the fight choreo, it was basically accurate to the manga and did pretty good justice, it just starts to feel flashy and boring without substance or impact after a while. Theres not much brainpower behind these fights just swords clanging and screaming.
The animation was really bizarre to me I kind of hated the 3D/CGI stuff they tried to do, it was really jarring at times. The fight scene animations and sound effects were fire tho. The best was when Nezuko used her blood demon art on Tanjiros blade and he cut down the 3 of em. That shit was so fye.
The weakness was definitely the CGI backgrounds and the use of real footage or whatever they did for the grass, sky, monsters etc. It feels weird to dislike animation during a demon slayer season but thats my honest opinion.
One thing I had a problem with this season that had nothing to do with ufotable was the voice acting… maybe some people are gonna think I’m out of pocket for commenting on this but sorry I just need to say the biggest disappointment by and large was the voice acting this season. My favorite scene from the manga was ruined due to lack of impact and passion by Natsuki Hanae. It was supposed to be a huge moment where Tanjiro lost his cool and screamed in anger at the ‘hate’ demon saying that he would never forgive him and he would surely cut his head off. But Natsuki Hanae just gave it the same meek copy paste Tanjiro tone where he sounds desperate and vaguely upset the whole time. I was really excited to see his range there and it was a big let down… I feel like the artistic choices of Ufotable and the weaker voice acting by Hanae really watered down Tanjiros character. When I read the manga, I was surprised to see that Tanjiro actually had a lot more personality and character than the anime Tanjiro whos two moods are always just stupidly happy or righteous indignation.
Dont get me started on Nobuhiko Okamoto who basically just said let me copy paste Bakugo and surely no one will notice. Come on this man has sooo much range it so unbelievably disappointing that he didnt try to add his own twist to the character or do anything different with his voice acting! Genya is a character that doesn’t significantly stand out in the manga, but Okamoto had a chance to atleast put his own personality and breathe life into the character in a way that makes him his own. It was a really lazy showing to me and kind of lack of effort that made this season super mediocre.
Overall, this season felt like a bit of a chore to watch if im keeping it real. I didn’t particularly rush to the tv as soon as I heard theres a new KNY ep and I had to fight to stay interested when I did watch. Even when it came to the finale, I just let it sit there unwatched until I didnt have anything better to do. I’m hoping next season when zenitsu and inosuke come back things get a little more fun again and I do hope they reevaluate their animation decisions.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 17, 2023
I would say this is a decent effort as a tribute to the Berserk series. They pretty much took the movies and split it up into episodes while adding more scenes/editing stuff to make it more true to the manga. So if you watch this you dont have to bother with the movies. I would maintain that the 1997 version is the best version overall, so definitely give that a watch. This version is really an ode to the manga readers because they include a lot of little references to stuff that happens later on in the manga past the golden age. Its really subtle
stuff, but manga readers will know what theyre trying to show. It definitely bothers me the amount of important stuff they cut out from the source material and I just dont understand why they didnt take the time to extend it a few more episodes and make an honest adaptation. Like if youre new to Berserk for gods sake please do not watch this cause everything is gonna seem like nonsense to you. If you downright refuse to pick up the manga then just watch the 1997 one because its far more tonally accurate and faithful to the manga’s plot.
Productionwise, CGI in this adaptation is really wonky at times but overall the important scenes look good. I cant say I was a big fan of the voice acting on anyone in the voice cast. Guts was soo lackluster at times he barely had a presence. Griffiths voice didnt match his appearance- and dont get me wrong I absolutely love Takahiro Sakurai but this was not the role for him IMO. he didn’t properly serve the maliciousness necessary to voice Griffith. And omg this version cut out Griffiths speech in the dungeon?! That was gonna be the true test of the voice actors ability in the roleㅠㅠ so anyways i was left less than impressed on that. One Piece fans are gonna be dying laughing bc Franky voices several of the characters. To the point where it was distracting. Like I honestly couldnt focus cause I was dying at how many times I heard Franky. He was Gennon, Corkus and also a bunch of the unnamed band of Hawk members. One thing I have to compliment for sure is the sound production. The soundtrack is stunning and impactful. It adds a lot to the scenes in a way that surpassed the 1997 anime for me.
I have one major gripe with this production. The scene of the rape of casca is so abysmally portrayed that you have a bunch of meatheads convinced she was asking for it or enjoying it. I mean this is also partially Miuras fault because even meathead manga readers have been making this particular claim since before any adaptation has been made but the adaptation does even worse than the manga. Understandably it cuts out a lot of the brutality done to casca, but it should also portray her mental state better and show more of her resistance. I mean really? Having her turn her head to kiss griffith?? and the voice actress really did a shameful job at conveying her pain and desperation. Overall extremely poorly done. And its maybe the most important scene of the manga so thats a major point against it.
In conclusion, do NOT watch this unless youre a fan of the original manga. Seriously. Please dont pick this up unless youve read the manga. This production is very obviously only for manga readers and thats made clear with the abundant references to future events as well as cutting of major plot points that will lead first time viewers to be confused. For my fellow manga readers- its definitely worth seeing your favorite scenes animated and its a really short production so definitely pick this up! The references put a smile on my face, i loved seeing puck and farnese and serpico etc. Theres a lot to enjoy so give it a watch and also try to ignore the CGI💀
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 29, 2023
my fav OVA of any series ever. if you love arima youre gonna think this shi is absolutely genius. even as a standalone watch its just phenomenal. the chemistry between the trio is amazing, the mystery is interesting and catches your attention, and the animation is stunning. nothing in tokyo ghoul:RE or √A comes close to touching the level of perfection that this OVA reaches. the characterization, pace, setting, plot everything goes above and beyond expectations. arima was my fav character even before i watched this movie, but after the movie it just solidified how much i love him. i cant recommend this OVA enough,
and even if you havent seen tokyo ghoul im confident you can watch and enjoy this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 27, 2023
alright i know everyone dickrides this series and honestly its got some amazing moments. im gonna keep it real, some parts are insanely good and some parts get boring/hard to watch. for instance the whole ufo thing or the part with the yokais it was hard to stay interested. but honestly the positive aspects of this series far overshadow the boring parts and definitely worth powering through the slow ‘arcs’. Mob rage moment for the last 2/3 eps are just insane. I love the tonal shift, the animation was stunning and i also liked how the relationships with all the characters throughout the series came
to a head. one plot point that left a bad taste in my mouth was the whole thing with tsubomi. i think that was pretty poorly written and unconvincing ‘romance’. I didnt like her character at all, and ofc when she (spoiler) rejects mob i liked her even less. i pretty much expected that to happen, but then the part of them speaking over the phone often was weird. basically i didnt fw that at all. best part of the series for me is reigen. hes a bit sleazy and comes off as kind of untrustworthy, but the best moment was when he finally came clean and that stopped mobs rampage. It was really sweet and a great conclusion to their dynamic! overall i liked this series and would recommend it to anyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 22, 2023
underrated hidden fire. the last chapter [not the extra, ch 16] makes it go from amazing to peak. money, fame etc wasnt worth anything to him when he was dead. he took care of the one he loved, built great relationships and made his time left worthwhile. the chemistry between miyagi and kusonoki was slow burn and really cute. i loved their personalities and watching them grow fond of each other. the manga also didnt shy away from the bitterness of being lonely, facing trauma and holding deep grudges. the whole vibe is a melancholy acceptance of impending doom, but also appreciation of the inevitable
and making peace through doing everything you possibly can so that you don't have regrets. in fact, it was so realistic it almost made me feel queasy or sick to my stomach.
the whole thing of phoning in your day to day while waiting for something good to happen. i mean im sure a lot of people live like that. the majority of people do, don't they? alot of it was really uncomfortable because it makes you look at your own life and your own choices. you never know when youre doing to die, but when youre given an exact time and date, what will you do with your remaining time?
i thought kusonoki had really nice character development - from begrudgingly getting through his day to day with a bad attitude, to appreciating the ones he loves and making the most of his time left through self sacrifice. in the end he says his 3 days with miyagi is worth more than the 30 years he would have lived alone. i loved that shit mannn. i really enjoyed reading this, definitely give it a chance. its a quick read too, just 16.5 chaps. worth your time for sure.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 17, 2023
Did everyone write their review before all 24 episodes was aired or something? I mean no one is talking about the absolutely unforgivable CGI usage. Its so painful to the eyes, it feels incredibly soulless and stiff. The animators mustve been held at gun point and forced to finish the series ASAP to ride the hype of the manga i guess cause theres no way anyone couldve thought this crap was acceptable. It was so hard to get into the goals and the one on ones because the animation was so horribly done it mightve been better to watch some child try to recreate the
manga scene with toys in stop motion.
Moving on from the horrible animation, lets talk about the story itself. Imagine some high school kid randomly getting a letter from the soccer association, showing up to a meeting in a sketchy building where they ask 300 of them to voluntarily commit themselves to what is essentially a prison and then just play soccer day in and day out. Lets be serious. I mean honestly. What parent would allow their child to miss weeks and weeks of school for a supposed chance to become “the best striker in the world”. Im not saying anime has to be realistic always but like atleast have some basis in reality?? I cant even suspend my disbelief tbh some of this shit is js too silly.
The characters are basically weird and over the top. We hardly learn anything about any of them. The only thing we even know about the main character is that he lost some match because he passed to a teammate and that pissed him off. Idk if this changes in the manga but for the anime thats how it is for now. Its hard to get invested in any of the characters cause we have no reason to do so. Why should we root for any of these guys? We have no idea about their backstory or what drives them. Just some lame ass shtick like for bachira hes always like ‘i have a monster inside of me🤓’ or barou is like ‘im the king you donkeys’ omg and the worst dialogue is for sure ‘i need to devour him’ or whatever the hell.
Which leads me to the actual gameplay itself. The gameplay is very boring technical references to stuff in soccer. If you like soccer maybe you’ll like it. They be saying shi like ‘omg he did a triple nutmeg’ or ’i need to evade blah blah and make my direct shoot my main power’ like just going on and on about minor details during the match. ‘We need to create a chemical reaction to get this point’ PLEASE stfu jesus. On top of it its so hard to follow what theyre saying cause the matches are either practically still frames or really shit CGI.
Overall, blue lock is objectively terrible. As an anime. I am going to give the manga a chance cause i have a feeling a lot of stuff didn’t translate well to animation. Some of the weird story stuff is just ass tho and has nothing to do with the poor animation. For me, blue lock is like junk food. Objectively I know I shouldnt bother with it and that its bad, but i kinda just keep watching it cause its not really boring as per se. Like i’ll tune in and not really pay attention. Just like a bag of chips you just eat when youre bored or something, not cause you really love it - thats basically how i view blue lock.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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