Jul 2, 2013
.Story :10
The story takes place in a world inspired from different civilizations. The Roman Empire for Reim, the Abbassid empire for Balbad (Bagdad) and many other references that you better discover on your own. The manga treats about a lot of serious issues like slavery, war, truth and revolutions despite the "childish" first impression it gave me. The story doesn't only focus on the "Main Trio" (A.K.A. Alibaba/Morgiana/aladin). At certain points, it really goes wild, including new characters in the team, seperating them and following everyone of them seperatly. By this way, we explore the large world created by the author and discover so many
different ways of thinking and ways of life, that, at a certain point, when there is a confrontation, you don't know any longer who to support. In fact, one of the big "pluses" in Magi is that every ideology is developped and arged. Of course, like in any other shonen manga, there is a "great evil orgonisation". But them too have their own reason to fight.
. Art 8
The art is messed up. Sometimes it is cutness overload when in other times it goes really dark. And personnally, I love it. The mangaka isn't afraid of drawing flying arms or heads but has extreamly cute chibis. The outfit design is detailed and perfecty suits the atmosphere. The expressions of the characters make them seem so alive. Some of them are heartbreaking.
.Characters: 10
Other great point: characters' development. I fell in love with them. They are real. Everyone of them has a background story that affects his life. Everyone of them has his own goal. Everyone of them has a part of shadow. And we especially see that through Hakuryuu, Sindbad and Morgiana.
Morgiana is a slave that have been freed. She's extreamly powerfull sinse she's a Fanalis (a Tribe of great warriors). And this is an important point because, unlike the majority of Shonen female characters, she is...USEFULL. She isn't there for fanservice. She actually has guts. She doesn't cry for help. She solves her problems on her own and beats up whoever tries to harm her friends. Morgiana won all my respect.
Sindbad is a great king, he's hot and is willing to do anything for the sake of his country. But over the chapters, we discover a dark side of his highness. He's such a complex character that he's having his own manga (here is a link http://myanimelist.net/manga/48025/Magi:_Sinbad_no_Bouken ). To be frank, I am confused and I don't know what to think of him. Should I like him, or hate him ? Hey seriously ! Why don't you read Magi and help me ?
. Overall:9
I've started reading Magi Labyrith of magic because someone told me that it is close to One Piece.
In a certain way, it is. The art is messed up but good in its own way, the characters are nicely developped and I can only enjoy its greatness. Overall, Magi is great and the mangaka has a lot of talent but it is underreated in many countries and this should change.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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