You know that rare random chapter thrown in your typical shounen where your teenage protagonists take a break in between all the death and the war and destruction to just chill tf out? That's what this season is - an extended "beach episode". If you're expecting epic fight choreo and significant character development and stand-out scenes, you will inevitably be disappointed. But, if you're like me, and you'd rather take a break from the action, then take a seat.
(Spoilers below)
Lets start with the writing.
This arc is so uneventful that there isn't much to spoil, so I will summarise it like this: the pillars attempt
to whip Murata and co. into shape, and upon witnessing Tanjirou impress the pillars, every nameless demon slayer becomes inspired to be Strong™. (Quite frankly they're doing a rather pathetic job at keeping up with the training programme, in fact they'll probably die on the spot as soon as the Big Bad appears, but this arc isn't about them, so who cares.)
This early in the season, the plot progression is subtle. Episode 1 informs us of the Oyakata's deteriorating health, the lessons learned from the previous arc, and we get some foreshadowing of the final arc as a little extra treat. Since then up till episode 4 - which is the latest episode to air at the time of writing - we've seen a handful more scenes of Unknown Demon lurking ominously in the background and our two moodiest pillars muttering anxiously amongst themselves, but these scenes are padded out with enough filler in-between that you don't spend too long dwelling on them. It sucks away the momentum of the plot and there is no sign of the pace picking up any time soon.
That being said though, the groundwork is solid and the story ties in with the previous seasons. The concept of "the mark" and Nezuko conquering the sun are revealed to be critical turning points in the war against the Big Bad. Tamayo, whom the Oyakata has been aware of since the first season, is finally rejoining the story. Tanjirou's iconic sword is complete with Rengoku's memento. Even Tengen has returned despite his retirement in the red light district arc. Slowly but surely, it's coming together.
As always, ufotable takes no shortcuts with the animation. Every frame is crisp and clear and seeks to impress. It feels like the extra fillers in this anime adaptation were tossed in for no other purpose other than to flex the skills of the animators. I can't complain.
(The cookie cutter 8-pack builds on all these kids are a little uncanny though.)
The Oyakata is bedridden, the rest of the demon slayer corps are still a bunch of nameless nobodies, and Tanjirou's friends have taken a backseat, but the dearth of noteworthy characters means the pillars will each get at least an episode's worth of screentime to make up for it. Sounds terrible on paper but I'm actually really enjoying it.
I love seeing the cold and aloof Giyuu and Muichirou becoming infected by Tanjirou's golden retriever energy. I missed Tengen and I'm a big fan of his new fit. I appreciate the tough love that the pillars are dishing out and the occasional bouts of optimism from Murata and co. despite their apparent ineptitude. I'm excited to see more of Obanai, Sanemi and Gyoumei, even though we know relatively little about them at this stage (iykyk). The prolonged interactions between the pillars themselves and with sunshine boy Tanjirou is the main highlight of the season and i'm biased enough to award a high rating because of it. My reason for writing this review in the first place was to blather on about the characters btw
The only thing I want to nitpick, like in every season, are those creepy children the Oyakata produced. Seriously what is up with those kids. They are carrying the horror factor of the season in the absence of demons
I'm not musically inclined so I will keep this part short. The OP and ED are not my cup of tea. I don't feel like it fits the vibe of the season, though I'm sure that will change as the season progresses. The ending OST with the pillars' theme (ft. Muzan) is exciting, but again, it doesn't feel like we're quite there yet. I'm hoping I will eat my words when the remaining episodes come out.
Really enjoyed the OST during Sanemi, Obanai and Muichiro's fight sequence, and Sabito's theme in Giyuu's memories. I'm looking forward to the full versions.
Overall, I'd rate it a 9/10 purely for my own entertainment when objectively it's closer to a 6-7. I can see why isolating this arc into a standalone season is a bit of a let down for many people, it's all build up and no climax. The appeal of it being a filler arc, or an "extended beach episode" as I like to call it, will probably be better appreciated by those are up-to-date on the manga or those who just like the cast an abnormal amount.
For now, I'm going to enjoy the calm before the storm while it lasts.
Jun 2, 2024
You know that rare random chapter thrown in your typical shounen where your teenage protagonists take a break in between all the death and the war and destruction to just chill tf out? That's what this season is - an extended "beach episode". If you're expecting epic fight choreo and significant character development and stand-out scenes, you will inevitably be disappointed. But, if you're like me, and you'd rather take a break from the action, then take a seat.
(Spoilers below) Lets start with the writing. This arc is so uneventful that there isn't much to spoil, so I will summarise it like this: the pillars attempt ... |