Apr 28, 2022
Kengan Ashura
I don't know why I enjoy this anime so much but I just do. The 3D is weird at first but when you get into the action it really shines and makes it just feel better. I have no idea why but I actually care about each side character and the fights are exciting between the different characters. So far, it seems like the story is lacking but the fights make it worth it. I also like that they don't have powers but instead have been honing their bodies for years for a certain "power" kinda hard to explain but you'll see. If you want
Apr 27, 2022
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
This anime was a journey and although I don't enjoy the chimera ant arc, I still think its a 9/10 because of how everything works so well, I love the characters (not in chimera ant) the music is phenomenal, the world, and it has one of the best moments in anime period. This anime is a must, just know with the chimera ant arc it's hard to get through but there are still key moments that make it bearable. I know the narrator is annoying, I know the story is going off the rails again, but pls don't drop it I believe in you. MAKE