Dec 18, 2014
The show starts showing that it is not afraid to show gore, and it that the overall story will have a dark undertone. It also establishes the "No Character is safe" feel for the show very early into it. this is two things the show does very well in the first few episodes. There also is a huge cast of characters that seem like they all are highly likable when you meet them. Along side these characters are a revolt against the government story, and magical weapons that all possess very unique powers.
This is what makes the show seem so great for the first ten
episodes, but one can tell it was not meant to be 24 episodes long but much longer. The show starts moving at a lighting fast rate, killing off characters extremely quick, thus making the unique likable cast no more then names with no real descriptions other than the back stories we are force fed on the spot. The dark undertones goes away with all the comedy, and do not even get me started on "Justice Girl", or the last four episodes.
As you near the completion of the show you no longer wonder if a character is going to die, Akame Ga Kill beats the dead horse they gave no development to so frequently, a semi main character dying is no longer important or impact , its just a way for the writers to try being different.
Then there is the story, it starts out with Night Raid first starts off training their new pupil, fighting corrupt government officials. Then the fights start becoming against people trying to stop them mainly the Jaegars . Then the fights start becoming silly, we start seeing giant robot looking monsters fight our hero's, some of them literally just appear on the spot.
The show does some right, the first half where everything is suspenseful and new is great, the characters and weapons all come off cool. The Jaegars are great villains. There is a romance that does impact the story a little. Finally all the weapons and overall plot are pretty cool.
In summary, Akame started off looking like a 8 or 9 , but the things the show does right, are either overused and become bland, or they totally abandoned ( looking at you giant robot fight).
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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