I have the biggest grin on my face right now. *Warning, spoilers*
Ahhhh, what a masterpiece! I loved Baccano! the 'original' series when I saw it a few years ago; recently I re-watched and stumbled upon the additional 3 episodes. What a find! It was exactly what I needed as an answer to what happens to the characters who had made me laugh and feel so much in such a short period of time. And although the story didn't really 'end' but instead left us at a cliff hanger, I don't feel like scrounging the internet looking for answers like I normally do with most series.
Sep 1, 2013
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge♥
Gaaaaaaaah where to begin!? Why did I waste my time on this anime? WHY!?
Ok...I will say that this anime actually has a very good idea/premise...but that is ALL this anime has (And the ONLY reason I gave it a 3). Its annoying. The animation is god awful. Theres no progression in the story line. And its highly disappointing because it had promise to be something good! The animation/art of this is so atrocious The men look like women, or ugly trannys to be more exact and yet the entire time you are being CONSTANTLY reminded of how beautiful these guys are supposed to be. REALLY? Some ... |