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20th Anniversary 【OSHI NO KO】
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Nov 11, 2024
The Manga's Value really lies mostly in how hilariously and entertainingly crude it is and absolutely brutal it is in portraying how utterly creatively fucked up Raoul and ridiculously heinously evil everyone else is also just as much, no one really gets away with nothing.
I think just the worst part about it is really the author just had no fucking idea where they wanted to even take this story, because it honestly could've ended pretty nicely at 85 as the ultimate conclusion to the pure shitpost that is the Dark Massacre of the Vengeful Hero, but well its "epilogue" of that proceeds with his wish
to Eren Yeager everyone else who witnessed him suffer. The art has some huge flare with its gory scenes though, and a lot of the main big bads have some interesting depth that make their evil unique and their ends pretty satisfying. I'll rescind me calling pure shitpost and say it's peak fiction if the author gives the same treatment to the MC by the end.
I think if you are able to say you have some screws loose in your head, and are super bored and hungry to read something then you should read it, cause it's so bad that it becomes good
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Oct 1, 2024
It's a disaster, where the Author is way too hung up over the worship and screen time of his antagonist character, to the point where every other character suffers from a lack of exposition and the Author's lack of understanding of his own set up systems and logical orders of how things work with Cursed Energy and Cursed Techniques.
It's hard to get behind the thinking process between the various death and revival writing decisions, this Manga also severely avoids and rejects the golden rule of "Chekhov's Gun", because sometimes fights can start, certain things are implied to be done, or there is a looming
threat about to come just for it to be either; Forgotten and 40 chapters later quickly wrapped up, completely side lined till the end, or just the means of things getting exciting completely erased through the acts of killing characters off.
This Manga will give you the feel you are marginally smarter, and could imagine something MUCH more interesting, fun, exciting, and technically sound than whatever shit the Author stirred up. I believe whoever has written this is also was greatly aware of its target audience, and monitored them closely to intentionally "shock" them with certain writing off decisions. Anything that seems out of the ball park or you think will be explored in a cool way you can forget about because you likely will never be satisfied if you have self-respect for your intellectual standards. During the time this Manga was still continuing, rooting for any character is met with a fear that they die because of some bullshit reason, anyone else got akame ga kill flashbacks?
Either way, you could genuinely read ANYTHING more worth your time, than this where an Author is too hung up on exquisite fancy powers, or making his antagonist a unique force of nature that is like a god with the random diablos ex machina shit he can do until at least some point the author had to conclude the manga in 5 chapters and decided to just make it utterly filled with nothing but slop because the author likely achieved all he wanted to do and probably needed to just clean up a bit. I would rather eat my own shit than read a single chapter of this Manga again.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 28, 2024
Tensura is one of few series I very much love and enjoy, and Rimuru is one of my many favourite characters usually, but Season 3 so far has been nothing but severely disappointing, and purely day ruining every week it airs. I dislike deeply the OP/ED, it just doesn't feel like it fits at all anymore with what content we had throughout this.
It became so bad that there are memes how this is "The Meeting Table Anime", absolutely disastrous storytelling, story pacing, story directing. The most entertaining parts that came from this show are all the "Not Recommended" Reviews here. I'm very biased to
this series, and have a severe case of Sunk Cost Fallacy, so I would personally give this overall a 3/10 at least for no more other reason that at least the boring slop was done by characters I like in previously in other seasons set up seasons that I like, but as it has been, and irreversibly now how the first half has been executed critically speaking this is a 2/10 experience. The Hinata fight that was (nothing other) than just built up in a sense with the series of political yapfests, was so anticlimactic, and the only noteworthy part with it about this whole season.
One of the few times where we'd rather "tell, don't show" if there was no other choice but having a boring weekly Power Point Presentation by the awkward colleague or schoolmate. A Flawed Execution and appalling way to drag something very beloved through the mud. Maybe the Reading Materials handle it better / you're already prepared to do lots of reading.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Nov 25, 2023
Having watched now 2/3rds of what this Anime has to offer, the fairest way to describe it is a messy 12 episode show with an incredible lack of focus. Having watched almost the entire thing and giving it the benefit of the doubt has no use at all, because you're blueballing yourself by thinking "let me give it 2 more episodes", please save those 40 minutes doing ANYTHING else unless you're a trashman watcher (like me).
The Anime gives you the impression it's gonna be something soft and witty, as we watch our snide MC troll the entire world. And trolling she does (not enough), especially
in the first episodes where the buildup for getting a great payoff starts, but it becomes an abysmal watch when you see this anime trying anything else especially something that's serious or emotional, and the payoff turned out to be the most abhorrent part of this show as some of the other people that reviewed this mentioned (Episode 6). The Time we usually have is precious, but not to this series as you waste away, having the corners of your lips smile a little only every now and then, and you genuinely feel like Kaoru has not only trolled those random citizens with her bullshit powers of creating whatever whenever she wants but also you the watcher.
Going into the lack of focus, Kaoru starts out as Snide and Selfish but having ultimately the valiant goal of living seemingly peacefully without trouble as she implies, becoming worried that she'll become too popular due to her mystical overly balance breaking power that the most pathetic and dumbest goddess would just randomly give because she accidentally sniped the MC. The Power is basically a loophole of creating anything you want, as long as it has some liquid inside it of your choosing. From a MC that doesn't want to stand out, and some random mildly concerning stalker / pedophile prince trying to force her into a marriage, she moves countries to all of a sudden decide to become a saintly grace to sickly children because she felt sorry for them.
That's nice and all, but the transition to it was something that was completely appalling and I found weird to do, from a thieving kid that pick pocketed a bag of her coins to suddenly fade the screen into her becoming "The Eye of the Goddess" and becomes a hero, this series loves to confuse us seemingly, as an episode later we happen to find some very bland out of the blue explanation of how we went from Kaoru fled a country to live a peaceful life to hero of the knight with her own child occult that saves everyone with her potions, which wasn't even that good and at that point you no longer even cared about that. Awesome 10/10 development, right? Surely we won't get some other braindead circus performance where she changes her mind yet again.
Then Episode 6 and Episode 7 happen...... well, our great hero Kaoru has decided to assist and join a religious political war, and you will never guess why..... because people took note of her miracle making abilities and wanted to claim her. And in the span of those episodes, we have her drag her own occult of toddlers to war with her. Trying to make it all mushy and sentimental about her sacrificing herself to the battlefields when she damn well knows her omnipotence (being a friend with god and having unlimited restriction to creation manipulation) and the shitshow she has created. Anyways, where this show devolved the absolute most, was the child sacrifice scene in EP6, some unreasonable, illogical and incomprehensible scene where she tried to dehydrate soldiers, and once they found a well with water. The first thought was giving the kid some poison and then jumping in it??? Also, after that happened our totally reasonable and flawless MC decided to break the rule she created of not killing anyone, and decided to pop and create poison within their body. Of course, don't worry, after she killed those soldiers she managed to save the kid that killed itself to poison the well. After that we have some niche sentimental crying scene. It didn't get much better from there, as later in Episode 7 the most appalling part of the story, we had Kaoru in the nick of time give a maidenly knight known as "Fearsome Fran" (i cringed at that) give her a vibration sword to crown her as a holy knight and whatnot, and then with the cutesy loli rainbow artstyle we watch Fearsome Fran literally slice multiple people in half as we get to see the blood spray about..... and it gets covered up with trytoohard cute bs and romance of Side-Character A and Side-Character B(Fearsome Fran)
The Highlight is the trolling that isn't borderline massacre, mutilation and using Soviet Union Tactics, and the ED song.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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