"No cheat abilities, no powers, just her quick wits and naughty bits!" Go fuck yourself you lying twat. She gets cheat skills twenty chapters in and the author dishonestly withholds this information just to make us sympathize with her a bit more, when she was never in danger at all.
If Haru had the power to fix everything early on, she has absolutely no excuse to complain about being a whore, or about the world she lives in. She WILLFULLY enables the misogynistic nightmare she has found herself in. Because she wants us to feel sorry for her.
Haru is literally no better than Chiba because
at least Chiba had the excuse of being powerless once the big reveal happened, while she has a power copying ability and non fucking level cap. Haru is not "powerful" for living in a misogynistic world, she is complacent in it, and somehow the story (and the readers, holy shit!!!) accept this, while relentlessly shitting on Chiba for doing the exact same thing as she is. Double standards at its finest.
Hiratori had no idea whether he wanted her to be an invincible hero or an underdog, so ofc he used doublethink to convince his dumb-as-bricks userbase to believe both at the same time LMAO!!!
Also, JK Haru is shit. Utter sloppy orange diarrhea shit. It is the most ideologically inconsistent work of fiction I have read in my life. That's saying something considering this is the isekai genre, which is known for being ass. Sure, there may have been a feminist message in there, but Hiratori's bitterness and resentment towards the genre and its readers has made it truly unsalvageable.
Let me be clear: isekai is a trash genre, but portraying all its fans as misogynists is beyond childish. It's on the level of drawing a speech bubble next to someone's head that says "I eat doo doo". Isekai fans fucking hate themselves, the world we live in, and everyone from it. If they got isekai'd in with the girl who bullied them in high school, they would probably have found a girl elsewhere.
Or they would have come back three minutes after leveling up and killed her.
Why would any sane man chase after the one girl who doesn't like you in a world specifically catered around his male power fantasies? Your average isekai fan certainly wouldn't. Chiba could literally never exist. He makes ZERO SENSE as a character, except to the NPD-ridden, cluster B cunts who cannot imagine any man being attracted to anyone else. When they see an incel jacking off to his waifu they think they're really jerking off to them because their narcissism has NO LIMITS.
They actually cannot imagine anyone being attracted to anyone else. They cannot imagine a man disliking them for non-pussy related reasons. They cannot think of themselves as anything except a perfect object of desire everyone loves and wants. That's how vain they are. Come to think about it, this is the exact kind of person Hiratori is writing for. As well as the kind of person his balding, shriveled, middle-aged ass so desperately wants to be.
Chiba is such a ridiculously inaccurate caricature that it's hard to take whatever point it's trying to make with him seriously.
I cannot imagine him being a stand-in for any isekai protagonist. He doesn't resemble any of them, not in appearance or personality. He doesn't even resemble any isekai *fan* I've met in my life. These mealy-mouthed, limp-wristed homosexual soyboys tend to be self-loathing, self-conscious types who are fully aware that no woman will ever love them. Going out of your way them how unlovable and misogynistic they are will just make them nod and whimper "welp, you're right on the money!" So you're not doing anything new, faggot. They're not full of themselves like Chiba is: they hate themselves, which is why they castrate themselves so often.
Nobody thinks "man, if i were sent to another world, i'd succeed even though i'm a loser here!" absolutely fucking nobody. None!
As a matter of fact, I think Chiba is Ko Hiratori's unintentional self-insert. They're both pussy-whipped white knighting simps who put whores on pedestals. These bitches view themselves as saviours of women when they're absolutely nothing as men, but Hiratori is even worse since he's a goddamn middle aged nonce barely concealing his possessive lust over a teenage girl. When you look at it, JK Haru is not trying to tell a message, or make a statement, nor condemn a type of person. It's Ko Hiratori admitting his guilt of being the exact kind of male creep he rails against. But he'd have to have the balls to admit that so instead he blames and scapegoats every other man on the planet instead of owning up to his shortcomings as a human being.
You won't see any kind of critical thinking in review sites across the internet. You will see people cheer on the heroes, whom Hiratori wants you to like. You will see people jeer at the villains, whom Hiratori wants you to hate. He doesn't leave any kind of room for interpretation because they're all two-dimensional characters flatter than the paper they're printed on. Absolutely zero nuance or ambiguity. It's like watching Two Minute's Hate, except it's for a thousand fucking comments.
It would actually be funny as fuck if Chiba would put on a dress and troon out before forcing Haru to join "her" uguu kawaii yuri lesbian haremu!!! That's what he should have done if he wanted to be a sympathetic character in today's world. Can't be a rapist otherwise. The retarded fanbase would be forced to accept it as Stunning and Brave and clap to it to show how progressive they are, just as these lobotomized women are forced to accept being molested nonstop by trannies who are literally the incels they hate, except in high heels and makeup.
Reading JK Haru was like watching a man in an art museum shit on the floor, scoop it up, and hurl it at a crayon portrait of an imaginary person he hates before licking his hands with self-satisfaction as everyone else in the room claps like a bunch of trained seals. Reading the review sites of this godawful manga was like watching the whole museum join in to do the same. Hilarious!
Fuck JK Haru. Fuck Chiba. Fuck Hiratori. I would actually like to see an anime adaptation just so I can watch the sheer culture war uproar happen, that would be hilarious. Bonus: Talismaster, i hope someone breaks into your house, trashes everything and rapes you in the asshole and you don't fight back because it's not "socially acceptable". Beep_repair, I don't wish anything on you because your lilfe already sucks enough. You are addicted to shitty harem isekai, and you hate people who love that garbage, so I already know how you feel about yourself. Every time you look down and see your own sweat-stained, tear-stained moobs you feel like killing yourself a little more. I wonder if you were abused by a woman in the past which is why you attempt to reconcile your male escapism with performative feminism as a way of debasing yourself before women who would see you dead and bleeding in a ditch. Maude, I don't know what to say about you but you still suck. I hope you are beaten. You pussy ass soyboy bugman queers.
Feb 22, 2025
"No cheat abilities, no powers, just her quick wits and naughty bits!" Go fuck yourself you lying twat. She gets cheat skills twenty chapters in and the author dishonestly withholds this information just to make us sympathize with her a bit more, when she was never in danger at all.
If Haru had the power to fix everything early on, she has absolutely no excuse to complain about being a whore, or about the world she lives in. She WILLFULLY enables the misogynistic nightmare she has found herself in. Because she wants us to feel sorry for her. Haru is literally no better than Chiba because ... |