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Genjuu no Seiza
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Totally different, not to mention that I have the faintest feeling that they belong to dfferent genres and demographics; but the buddhist theme, the priest theme and the monkey guardian that strikingly resembles Son Goku, makes me think that these two are somehow similar.
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Yami no Matsuei
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Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
Although the plot doesn't have anything in common, the resemblance of the atmosphere, the character grouping and the caracters' personalities is too good to pass :) Enjoy them both!
If you liked
Sono Kuchibiru ni Yoru no Tsuyu
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Kakusei Shigansha
Although Kakusei Shigansha is not as good as Sono Kuchibiru ni Yoru no Tsuyu, I find those two similar in some aspects: past cocky boy bullies weaker one, then years later the situation is quite reversed. The ending is also similar :). I think you will enjoy these two
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Samurai Deeper Kyou
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Brave 10
Actually is nothing similar about it, except some good fights and the fact that they are both inspired from history. I made it into a recommendation because in both you can see different kinds of versions of Sanada Yukimura and his loyal friends/subordinates. I definitely enjoyed them both
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Akane-chan Overdrive
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somehow they reminded me of each other: a guy main protagonist dies and ends up in a girl's body :).
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Gin no Yuusha
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Shounenha Karyuudo
They both have a similar fleeting feeling to them. Wether they are about fairies or nymphs, heroes or hunters, demons or protectors, I really enjoyed both of these mangas. They are easy to read, with an interesting plot and sweet characters. Enjoy them.
If you liked
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
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Sougiya Riddle
Similar pairing system with deep friendships, and a similar goal. Maybe Uraboku is a little bit softer / shojo-ish :)
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Natsume Yuujinchou
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Katana Series
These two really have a similar feeling to them. Soft, warm stories, in wich the present is mixing with the past and where today's activities mix with folclore and legends. Love them
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Shounen Onmyouji
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Ao no Exorcist
The similarity between these two is the idea of purifying / exorcising evil. They are not really similar otherwise, they are more like paralel series, they are ahout exterminating evil in 2 different cultures. Shounen Onmyoujy deals with Asian beliefs (youkai, shikigami, etc), while Ao no Exorcist deals with more like European beliefs (satan, devils, familiars).
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Koori no Mamono no Monogatari
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Well, I just felt the need to compare these two, because even though they are not really similar, they give off the same feeling :) Besides, I really fell in love with both of these series :D. Read them! I am sure you will feel the same way
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Silver Diamond
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Jinjuu Houretsuden
They just... DO (resemble one another). Cheerful, lonely guy, kind of pairs up with a powerful, even more lonely and avoided guy, and influencing him to open his closed heart. :)
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Yami no Matsuei
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Seriously, If you liked one of these two, you HAVE to read the other. They are both about supernatural beings who take care of the souls of the departed. They both have shounen-ai tones, and they both have super cool characters. I love those two mangas.
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Kyou kara Ma no Tsuku Jiyuugyou!
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Silver Diamond
Different world, gorgeous guys, a high purpose, what more can you ask? Two very cute shounen-ai mangas, with two very cute main characters (Sawa Rakan / Shibuya Yuuri), surounded by very capable, cool, beautiful guys, with the only difference that I consider Silver Diamond to have a better plot quality. But I really did enjoy them both (and still do)
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Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori
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Kyou kara Ma no Tsuku Jiyuugyou!
The main character is thrown in a different world (better said is brought in a different world by someone). That is the only similarity - the THEME. As for the differences... The main char from Red River is a girl, Yuri, while the main char from Kyo Kara Maouin a guy, Yuri (actually this is another similarity :D ). Red River is a deeper series, romantic, while Kyo Kara Maou is a silly, easy-to-digest one. The first one is a definite shoujo, while the second is a sounen-ai. BUT! I really did enjoy them both in a similar different way :)
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Full House Kiss
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Meine Liebe: Eien Naru Traumerei
Honestly I am pretty amazed that no one matched those two until now! (or my sense of similarity is way off...). well, maybe the plot isn't the same, but I think we are all familiar with a cute, sweet, maybe naive girl (mugi and erika) surounded by smart, cool, handsome guys. The girl from each manga enter a prestigious school, through different means (Erika as a student (Meine Liebe), Mugi as a teacher (Full House Kiss)), in search for their long lost brother/sister. There they meet 5 / 4 super cool and handsome guys, ready to help. And, as in any other shoujo manga, the heroine falls in love :) They are both touching series, with a happy ending (as far as I recall), very, very similar :)
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Teikoku Kyoudai
Very similar pieces indeed. I do believe that the only difference is that in TK the main characters are actually brothers and in Asterisk they are just very good friends. The warmth of the series are almost identical, although the time, space, setting and story are completely different. I probably should also state the fact that Asterisk is indeed shounen-ai, while Teikoku Kyoudai is only a shoujo with bishies :D (so far, at least). You will definitely enjoy them both, if you like the genre :)
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Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
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I don't know if it's quite the perfect match between these two mangas, but somehow they have the same air about them. A guy, apparently weak, but actually very strong, surounded by cool guys/girls. Two sweet dramas, full of nice people and beautiful frienships, with interesting pasts or rather past lives. Maybe UraBoku is a little bit more on the shounen-ai side, at least from what i've read so far. I certainly enjoyed both of them.
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Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
hmmm... I don't really know if I have a good reason for matching those two.. It just that they give me a similar feeling. Both are about past lives, the main characters are good to a fault (although they have very different personalities), and they are sourounded by gorgeous guys. Both these manga have a little bit of a shounen-ai-ish tone to them, although 07-gost is a little darker than UraBouku.Well, from my point of view, if you liked one, you will also like the other. :)
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Mawang Ilgi
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Harlem Beat wa Yoake made
Although they have a really different plotline, when I think of Demon Diary I immediately think of Harlem Beat wa Yoake Made. In both there are demons, supernatural powers and beautiful friendships with a little shounen-ai-ish tone. Both are very light to read and have good art. :) Enjoy
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½ Prince
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The Legend of the Sun Knight
Besides the fact that the original novels were written by the same author (Yu Wo), the setting of both these manhuas are very similar, and both have a lot in common with computer game characters or game magic spells. Although the theme is very different, the similarity between them is obvious. I really enjoyed reading them and I can't wait to read the next chapter. Enjoy