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why hasn't there been a SoL anime set in ancient sumeria 6000 - 4000 years ago? from archaeology and deciphered cuneiform texts we can piece together their daily lives pretty well. the MC could be a moe pink haired neet girl whose boomer parents were always trying to make her get a job counting shipments of dates and figs at a nearby warehouse or sweeping the floors at the local temple of enlil, or to get her to agree to an arranged marriage to her creepy otaku neighbor who does nothing but read the epic of gilgamesh and the poetry of enheduanna all day in his bedroom. every episode could end with her meeting up with all her other moe friends to drink beer from a communal bowl and complain about their days together, before going out to shitpost graffiti on public buildings and fall asleep watching the stars from the shore of the euphrates river. I would watch the shit out of that @snuzcore RSS Feeds |
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