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Jul 11, 2022
Aliens area is a brand new shonen jump manga. Its basically japanese men in black. They even have the flash which makes people forget shit.
I wish the author did something more original cause it all seems very generic till now.
The art is rough and not in a stylish jjk kind of way , it never felt that good in any pages.
The characters also felt cookie cutter versions of better ones .
Lazy concept, story and execution, this felt very forgettable.
Unless it gets better in the future but I personnaly don't have any high hopes for this one.
For example , (spoilers for the 5th and 6th chapters)
when you introduce a character calling him one of the best assassins in the galaxy, you better introduce really hyped up guy and not someonee who would(probably) die in the first few chapters itself.He did not look threatening and someone who also felt forgettable
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 30, 2021
It has been a long time since I've seen a good isekai and this one really stands out..
The basic plot is the mc is transported into another with no power no special skills no game screen and all.
He is made to work in mining where the employees are exploited by the higher ups. The mc is very cunning and tries to become rich with his wit and thats the basic gist of the show.
The best parts of the show is of course the mc, he is cunning, confident , manipulative and does not possess any other special skill, strength or smartphone or anything that
makes him stand out .He does not need to defeat anybody he just want to be rich and he will use anybody for his wishes and it is really entertaining to see him work his ass off.
The rest of the cast is also great the lizard guy looks a lot like mc from dorohedoro
The animation style feels somewhat unique, the voice actors and the soundtracks are also done decently.
I think a lot of people still are still sleeping on this.
Watch the first episode it only gets better from there
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 22, 2021
As a lot of other people I also started this series after becoming a huge of the author's other work Kaguya sama
There was hype in reddit and MAL suggestion so I finally decided to try.I will just tell some of the things I like here-The first chapter was good. I liked it .It had some sort of the same comedy I was expecting.
The art is really good. I think it is the best art among his works.
Sadly thats all I can think of cause it been a couple of months and the story felt very strange and does not look like its having an grand
scheme or major arcs. Characters are also not that great in anyway. I get how the author decided to write an experimental story about idol life and incorporates many true life facts into it.
But To be absolutely true
Idol life felt really boring thing to read about. I could not care who the fuck is the middle of a fucking grp or the fuck gets more fans.I am a small idol fan myself but this just is not my cup of tea and is very overrated in my opinion.
And also the gimmick(the reincarnation) does feel stupid cuz the child could just have been a prodigy or something in acting and we could have essentially get rid of the entire gimmick cuz it feels meaningless after the boy gets older and the fact that he was reincarnated does little to nothing in his characterisation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 17, 2020
So eyeshield 21 was a manga which I had really high hopes,paricularly due to murata's art work.And so I started reading it and finished it in less than a week.One of the best things about eyeshield 21 is that its really easy to get into.Now I am not someone who can read 333 chapters in like 4 days,I get really exhausted after 100-150 chapters but eyeshield for some reason felt very easy to read and I appreciate it.
I am not veteran when it comes to sports manga.The only sports manga I read are slam dunk(its the best in my opinion) and haikyu.Reading eyeshield I felt
like this was more unrealistic than the other two and this one had more energy than the other two.
In terms of character,I liked Hiruma kun and kid san the most.Both felt like they controlled the story whenever they were on screen and both were intelligent and more charismatic than most of the other characters.
Now coming to the best aspect of the show,I think that this show has one of the best villains in a sports manga that I've read up to now,Agon.
No,he's not the kind of villain whom you can relate to but the kind of ones that you want to get defeated so bad
The best match in the entire manga was devil bats against agon's team,it was very good.
So coming to the part of the manga which I truly hated.So in the previous two paragraphs I talked about the villains in the manga.In any other sports manga,I never felt like the opposing team was the villain.They always felt like they just wanted get to the same goal as the main team.
Potraying most of the opposite as downright villains we really want them to lose and if these villain teams defeat the devil bats,it will be realy anticlimactic.But the manga never felt like it would go in that direction.So most of the tournaments felt predictable.
This was not the only problem I had with the manga.Rather than going on the usual realistic depiction of a sport,they decided to make the manga as shonen as possible.Like bleach,naruto etc were the mc becomes the strongest character in the world,here also it felt like this rookie guy who came to play american football for some reason became one of the strongest players (in highschool) in american football(not in just japan that is,in the entire world)
I really wish the last arc would've been avoided it felt really forced and did not contribute much to the main characters in devil bats team
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 9, 2020
Going into this anime, I had high hopes, so high that I recommended it to lots of my friends. Yes, the series is basically among us meets mha and I was thrilled. The first episode was shocking and I looked forward to each new episode
...until it started repeating the plot.
Apparently(strictly fan theory) in this world you become stupid after getting powers I think, like sometimes I wonder, are they like in the wrong type of special school .
I don't know, it went from a good thriller to become one of the most annoying anime I've ever seen. Each new episode drops, and I'm not excited
for how nana's gonna kill her next victim, I get myself ready to accept how stupid the side characters are.
Apart from the repeatitive plot and the stupid antagonists, much of the shows downfall is due to how unlikeable the characters are. Take nana for example, she's like the bad kind of villain ,like that one villain who does his job just because and without any kind of emotion or charisma. I don't even want to get into the side characters cause at this time I don't even care if any one dies, we know they have it coming.
The series could still become better though,with backstories to nana, and having actual thrilling sequences and the students finding out who nana really is but at the time, the story's really stretching it thin.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 1, 2020
OK,no bs, Golden kamui is easily one of this season's top best written shows and also the most underrated one. I still don't get why more people aren't watching it,cuz this is one of the most unique anime out there which seamlessly blends various genres to get such a rich experience.
The setting of the show itself, is very unique. Its not the typical modern day japan in anime with lots of kawai girls wearing short skirts for petty fanservice or kids with superpowers are saving people while adults have little to no role.
This is japan after the russo japan war with characters with
brutal backstories .But don't worry ALL of the characters in the series is frickn' funny.The chemistry between each character as well as the tension between them is one of the best aspects of the show.Its a refreshing watch overall and I highly,it would be very sad if this show gets cancelled beacause of the low viewership.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 28, 2020
OK this is just the impression I had after seeing 4 episodes of the show.
So basically,Noblesse is the third anime adaptation of manhwa after tower of god and God of highschool and its easily the worst of the bunch.I had high hopes for noblesse with many people on the internet hyping it up and so I started the series and about 2 eps in,I saw that the MAL rating for this series is below 7 and I thought "Why is it so low",It was probably too early to judge the series and I thought gradually it would rise and then 2 more episodes aired and
with the 4th episode I had no more expectation for the series.
Basically the direction of the show is one of the worst this season.The setting of the show is not that unique and I have seen several other shows do well with highschool plot with superpowered students but this show,by the 4th episode felt it was a b movie plot .It has to do with the direction as well as some of the worst voice actors in this season.Everything felt so forced to me.
The soundtrack was also horrendously bad.I hated the opening as well as the ending and particularly hated the visuals of the ending.The other background music and soundtracks also did not feel like it elevated any scene.
Then,The action.
So,there's this action scene in episode 4 where a white haired boy fights with some mercenary and it is bad.Like really bad.
Me,who was already disappointed by the direction,voice acting as well as soundtrack hoped that the series could atleast have some decent fight scene.
Oh,how wrong was I.
At this point continuing the series feels like a waste of time but I'm still gonna watch where it goes and see whether it has any chance of redemption
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Oct 25, 2020
So one outs is the story of a man getting into the professional baseball.
But this is if anything a typical sports manga.One outs is in itsself a really unique genre combining the mind games as in deth note,code geass as well as a independent sports anime on its own.The best elements of the series comes from the main protagonist.
As not a big baseball fan I always thought that the game was pretty much hitting the ball and running along with the usual set of rules in the game.
But as light yagami exploited each rule in the death note,Tokuchi(our main guy) exploits each nd every rule.If
you like really badass mc who solves his problem using his wits alone you will surely love the series.
The only problem I had with the adaptation was that we never got a season 2 :(
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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