Manga List Reasoning
- Reading newest chapter at first chance
- Slower updates (many reasons/thanks for translating!)
but like it so don't want to forget about it
- Only few chapters left, lazy and don't want to forget to read it
- Just started and going to see...
- Reading, but not religiously reading the newest chapters
(may have before though), and will....soonish read
- On hold coz waiting for more uploads and want to read a bunch at once
- Its a weekly and I do catch up every few weeks
- Really anything I'm "reading" whether I'm up to date on it or not,
and whose chapters I haven't read, but I'll eventually read
Plan to Read:
- Was Reading stopped, now on-hold coz would have to do a refresh read (read "x" amount of chapters to know whos who and whats up)
- Don't feel like reading it atm or haven't read in month or 2
- It is or was a highly popular manga and I just want to remind myself I did try it
(some e.g VK/maid I actually did religiously read (bout 6 years ago)
then they had a break and I happened to not restart)
- I plan to read it duh ;?
Don't necessarily drop coz don't I don't like it, its either coz....
- I don't care enough to read it whenever the new chapter
eventually comes out
- just so I know I read it and till where if I happen to stumble upon it
- Stupid. A reminder to not try
- Became boring/cliché/face palm/grrr really?
Anime List Reasoning
Watching: If I feel like watching an anime may watch one of these first
On-Hold: Anything I've watched and would watch after checking out
my "watching list
In some cases wanna catch up with the manga
Dropped: Unlike dropped manga I drop Anime coz it I just don't wanna waste
my time on "insert name" show, its too "meh"
Plan to Watch: Like the look of/ideas
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