Cadis Etrama Di Raizel "Rai"

Cadis Etrama Di Raizel

Noblesse: Pamyeol-ui Sijak
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Noblesse: Awakening
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Cadis Etrama Di Raizel (카디스 에트라마 디 라이제르 / カディス・エトラマ・デ・ライジェル)

Age: 3000+
Race: Noble
Occupation: The Noblesse, Student
Eye colour: Red
Hair colour: Black

Rai is a very elegant and mysterious Noble. He has no knowledge whatsoever of the 21st century, and will often become lost and confused especially with regards to modern day technology (such as using a cell phone). He is often used as the manhwa's comic relief with his love of ramen and the errors he makes with technology. He has fallen into a deep slumber for 820 years, and had woken up in an abandoned building in South Korea. After seeing what most of the humans on the streets were wearing, Rai took on the uniform of a student from Ye Ran High School, which is under the administration of Frankenstein, and inadvertently followed the students there.

Voice Actors
Shingaki, Tarusuke
Shin, Yong Wu
Chase, Ray
Méyère, Bruno
Hernández, Carlos
Cantú, Sérgio
Portuguese (BR)

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