Woah! This anime, is LIFECHANGING. It is revolutionary to me and mind blowing, on how one can incorporate so many ecchi moments in the span of a minute. You know that feeling where you're watching an anime, and you get disappointed in not just the anime but yourself aswell for even watching this in the first place? Yeah, I got this feeling from watching it. I'll be fair, the art was fair enough and the sound was decent. But the characters, so unbearable and unmemorable that I nearly forgot the main character's name at episode 12 damn it.
This review is just for the anime
Oct 23, 2021
Sora no Mannaka
Okay, this was actually a pretty fun read. I tend to really like manga or anime that focuses on family relationships or lives so I could be a little bias on this one. But I basically enjoyed this one. It's sad to see a manga like this being pretty obscure, but I don't have the power to change that. The story is average and fair in my opinion, the art is pretty damn cute and simple, and the characters are enjoyable. One I would fix however is the main protagonist and the love interest. I felt as if the love was a little bit forced,