Mar 8, 2017
Dragonball super is among the worst animes I have ever seen. I strongly recommend you to not even start watching this crap. I honestly think that this show slowly ruins the reputation of Dragonball. In the following I will present you my reasons why I absoulte hate this show.
Story: 3/10
The first two arcs of this anime are nothing else than retellings of the Battle of Gods and Fukatsu no F movies. If you have seen the movies the roughly first 30 episodes are completely pointless. On top of that they dragged the events out for the worse. Therefore the pacing in the first two arcs
is just horrible. (1/10)
The Universe 6 arc is a little bit better but still nothing special and complete trash in comparison to the Tournaments we had back in the Original Dragonball. It's obvious that the creators didn't put much thought in the designs of the Universe 6 participants. The fights are mostly uninteresting and lack tension. (3/10)
The Black Goku arc started out promising at first but in the end it was just as bad as the previous arcs. Especially the ending is full of aspulls and it has one of the worst conclusion to an arc I have ever seen. (3/10)
Another thing that really bothers me is that you really can't tell anymore how strong a character is, it all just makes no sense anymore. I know that DBZ to an extent especially in the Buu saga suffered from this problem as well, but in Super it's just gotten completely out of hand.
All in all the story lacks tension and for the majority of it it's uninteresting and the writing is just horrible considering the amounts of asspuls throughout of it. Sure there were some episodes that were individually good but as a whole every arc was pretty bad.
Art: 1/10
The art is really just pathetic. Just from that you can tell the creators don't give a fuck about this series. We live in 2017 and this trash is what they give us. Even compared to Dragonball and Dragonball Z it sucks bad and they were released more than 20 years ago.
Sound: 5/10
The sound is nothing special, pretty average. But still a huge step down from Db and Dbz which had amazing soundtrack.
Characters: 1/10
Honeslty this is by far the worst aspect of the show. Every character has become a parody of themselves. Almost none of the characters acts the way they should. Videl has pretty much lost all of her character traits. In fact now in Super you could replace her with any standard anime girlfriend and it wouldn't even matter. Chichi bitches in every scene she is shown. With Gohan they exaggerated it with this whole "Not a fighter" trait.
But by far the most damage has been done to Vegeta and especially to our main character Son Goku. Even though in the Buu saga Vegeta admitted that Goku is the Number 1, now he just behaves the way he did before. After the Buu saga Vegeta became friends with Goku and you could see he matured. It's like he just regressed as a character. Goku on the other hand has become a complete retard, infact even his kid self wasn't this much of an idiot. In Z you could see that Goku matured. Even though he loved fighting there were other things as well he cared for like the well being of his family and friends. He was selfish in Z as well but he was always aware of it and took responsibility when he fucked up. In super on the other hand they took his retarded and selfish side and leveled them up to new heights. He really just became a parody of himself and it hurts since they are slowly ruining a character I always loved.
Characters like Gohan, Piccolo, Yamacha, Tenshinhan etc barely get any screen time anymore. To be honest the only characters I think they didn't ruin is Bulma and maybe Goten and kid Trunks.
Enjoyment: 3/10
Because of all these flaws this show has I could barely enjoy it. I will be honest some episodes in between will be enjoyable if you turn off your brain, but most of the time even this won't help.
Overall: 2/10
As I said before I recommend you to just avoid this terrible excuse of a show. Even Dragonball GT as bad as it was, is good compared to this shit. If it woudn't be for the name Dragonball in the title, it would never become as popular as it is today. The characters, the story, the art just everything about this anime sucks and it's clear that the only purpose of this show is to make some fast money because people will watch it anyway no matter how bad it is since it's Dragonball.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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