In the beginning it was quite cringey that I actually stopped watching after ep 1. But I'm really glad I gave it another shot! By ep 4 I was already rolling on the floor laughing.
In the end, I got attached to the characters really well that I wanted to watch more. I love the character growth I've seen through the episodes. Noda is very amusing to watch he's like a blue, hyper version of Deku lol (doesn't surprise me since they have the same voice actor).
Overall, I really enjoyed it. The comedy is indeed gold in this. I've always wondered why it wasn't very popular
May 16, 2020
Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season
The arcs for this season aren't exactly the most exciting, however, it showed quite a different angle from the previous seasons, which I eventually liked. Imo, the pacing wasn't managed very well. The beginning felt too draggy while it felt rushed towards the end.
Still, one of the most amazing animations were in this season, no doubt! The overhaul climax and festival were amazingly put together. The latter especially was amazing since it was quite messy in the manga. The soundtrack was also AMAZING. Honestly, it's not the best in terms of plot, but it gave the anime a new horizon to explore and it turned out great. ... |