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Mar 31, 2019
Review also avalible on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUxhsA5Jbv0&t=89s
This manga annarasumanara is a really well written and illustrated manga that touches upon a topic that many people can relate to.
So I found this manga because I am Sean the magical weeaboo (I am a weeaboo magician) And I was curious if I could find any manga about magic tricks, sleight of hand, magicians or anything along those lines. What I eventually found was this one right here. At first I was skeptical, I thought there was a possibility it might end up being really cheesy due to my past experiences with magicians in manga. I decided to
give it a try however, because of both the high score, and my curiosity. I was not disappointed.
Annarasumanara is a drama series that touches upon topics many of us can personally relate to and uses magic elements to create a mysterious atmosphere to go with it. What this story tackles the best is the whole concept of people growing up and giving up on their dreams mainly because they believe their dreams are childish, and they feel like they need to move forward. If this intrigues you in any way, you must read this manga because the entire manga is basically this premise but in a extremely well developed format. The way it was put together is done in a way where you can really get inside their head. I guess the best way I can put this is the emotion felt real.
So now onto the second reason why this manga is so good. The art. This is some of the most creative and cool looking art I have ever seen used in manga. If you have ever read goodnight pun-pun, I guess you could use that as a example of what the art is similar to. Some parts look absolutely beautiful, while others look really interesting and abstract. Let's just let it be known, the visuals are absolutely amazing.
And finally, the atmosphere. If you like mysterious feeling stories, this is a manga for you to look into. I wouldn't classify this book as a mystery, but it defiantly has some of those aspects.
Overall, if you want to read a really good book about magicians with relatable emotions and insane visuals you should check this out. As a magician who has seen many fictional stories revolving around magic tricks, illusion, sleight of hand, etc, I would probably say this is the best one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 29, 2018
This anime will teach you quite a bit about how anime is made however the story isn't that great which is quite a problem for a slice of life anime leaving this show extremely boring.
This is a anime about making anime. If you want to learn more about what it is like working in the anime industry, you will find that here. Aside from that, there isn't much more I can say about this anime. Slice of life anime's live of of their story. If the story in a slice of life anime sucks than there is pretty much nothing left as it would be
really hard to save it with art and music. The art and music in this anime are not bad, they are not anything special and are defiantly not good enough to save the show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 25, 2018
This is a show you watch to see short romance clips that make you feel good inside and laugh, If you are here for anything else look elsewhere.
Although I am a really big story lover, this anime was still able to entertain me even though there wasn't much to it. (Not that it was the most entertaining show I ever watched) Because of this, I know those looking for the type of show that doesn't go too deep into story-line and is there to entertain you and nothing more, you are going to love this series. Throughout this show you will experience a bunch of
short romance skits where the characters are put into awkward situations with each other.I can pretty much grantee this show will make you laugh and feel good inside. A lot of these skits are very relatable as well which adds more to the entertainment and laugh factor.
All in all if you would like to see some funny romance skits that will make you laugh, you should check this out. If you are looking for anything more, look elsewhere.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 24, 2018
One of my all time favorite anime. not only is it extremely fun to watch, it also has a very well written and thought provoking story to go with it. If you like shows about people reflecting on their life and seeing where they went wrong, this is a absolute must watch.
One of the things I really like about this anime would have to be it's atmosphere. This anime can make you really feel happy, and also sad at the same time throughout every episode. With a awesome upbeat intro, and a bunch of party games, people will let out all their hidden emotion and
show where they went wrong in life. If this sounds cool to you, you must watch this show as there is a lot more awesomeness to the story than this! (Especially once it shows whole purpose of why they are being forced to play the games and where they came from) but this is a completely spoiler free review so I will let you figure that out on your own. Trust me, you will not be disappointed. Once The entire plot is revealed you will realize there is a lot more awesomeness to this story than I have stated. If you watch to the end you will also be in for a treat as I believe the ending has been done in such a amazing way you will be left wanting more. I know I was!
This series is episodic however some things do continue on in future episodes. Every episode is a new game with new people to express their emotions.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 17, 2018
After a decent first season you will probably be left in extreme disappointment.
Okay so before I get into the negatives of this, I would like to first mention what was done well.
So there are two things this anime has done really well, the soundtrack and the art. With the amazing art and a spectacular soundtrack (Excluding the opening) This show at least has something going for it. Unfortunately, however music and art do improve a series greatly, if the story-line makes no sense, it is pretty close to impossible to save the show with it. This is where this film falls behind.
If you are
the type of person who watches shows for music and art only then go ahead and watch this series, you will probably enjoy it however, if you want the story to actually make sense, I would leave this show alone. The things the characters do throughout this season make absolutely no sense. There is a few good scenes sprinkled in-between but for the most part, I would recommend you to try a different similar series instead if you enjoyed the first season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 15, 2018
'Erased' is a decent story that could have been greatly improved if it had further explanations.
'Erased' is a quite interesting concept that sort of reminded me of 'Detective Conan' due to it having a similar concept. (These two series are still very different so don't think this will be similar) However, there is one massive flaw in this series. If there was more explanation for everything the series would have been so much better. Many things were left unexplained that could have made the series a lot more interesting. This was the first time I ever found a show where the live action was better
in fact as everything was explained better in it. (I'm talking about the Netflix one) But let's not get into that because were talking about the anime, not the live action.
One of the other flaws found in this series is it is way too predictable, especially when it comes near the end. This show 'Erased' is all about the mystery behind who is the killer. When it comes close to the end, their hints are way too obvious and give it away instantly.
Unlike other mystery shows, this one is a lot less suspenseful and tries to give more of a heartwarming experience throughout the show. (this doesn't mean it's never intense) This is done by not only focusing on the mystery of the murderer, but also focusing on him living his childhood once again and hanging out with all his old friends. It also does this through the romance between him and a girl he grew up with. This may sound creepy since he is technically so much older than her but the show did it in a way that made it a lot less creepy.
overall score: 7/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 15, 2018
This is by far one of my all time favorite anime. 'Angel Beats' is one of those anime that starts off extremely goofy but eventually, as the series develops, it reaches deep inside the characters emotions and tears apart their backstories they must overcome creating a masterpiece. If you like to see shows that really get inside peoples heads and emotions, this is the show for you. 'Angel Beats' is quite silly at times but also serious during other times. Even though I highly recommend this show as it is just so heart gripping, there is one thing I would like to warn you about
before you do so. Since this series has such a goofy style of comedy, some of the characters personalities are extremely exaggerated and sometimes even unrealistic. Imagine a typical anime character stereotype but 20 times more exaggerated. Some of the characters are like that in order to add comedy to the series. (not all of them)
The biggest aspect of this show that makes it so good is all the characters amazing backstories and the soundtrack used to go with them. If you end up watching to the end, (which I would highly recommend because the end is the best part) you will have a really good idea what I am talking about. The soundtrack played throughout this show is probably one of the most fitting, and best soundtracks I have ever heard from any other show. If you are looking for a tragic, heart-gripping and a little bit goofy experience than this is the show for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 11, 2018
Absolute Duo is a show for those who want to watch a anime for the fight scenes alone and don't care if the story sucks.
Absolute duo is a story about students that go to a school in order to be the best while battling in a duo. That's pretty much all the plot has to offer aside from the harem aspect of the show which is nothing special either. The entire show seems to be a bunch of random excuses for random fight scenes. If you want to watch something for the action alone, and are not looking for a good plot, than go ahead
and watch it. But, if you are looking for more than that look elsewhere.
When it comes to the actual fight scenes, (which is all this show really is) The art is pretty good. (about a 8/10) the look of the artwork really fits the feel and flow of the show. The music is pretty average, it isn't bad however it isn't anything spectacular.
If all you are looking for is fight scenes than go ahead and watch this as that's sort of the point of the show, however, if you are looking for anything more, look elsewhere. That's about all there is to say about this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 11, 2018
Playing perfectly is one thing, but playing a piece with your emotions and expressing yourself through your music is so much more.
This is one of my all time favorite anime, 'Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso' or 'Your Lie In April' is a comedy romance series about music that tells you there is more to music than what is shown on the sheets. After watching this series twice, and being someone who plays music myself, I could not agree more. I would also say, as someone who preforms many other performance arts aside from music, the same goes for any other art-form as well. There is
only so much you can learn from others, eventually you will need to make it your own or it will never evolve. The same could probably be said for anything you can think of. Think about it, If we never tried to improve anything, we would probably all still be living in caves.
When it comes to the actual romance in the series, 'Your Lie In April' is more of a love triangle drama series rather than a straight forward romance. This keeps things really interesting throughout the show. As you would expect from a show about music, the soundtracks are absolutely amazing and really bring the show to life. Very pleasant to the ear and makes a really fun and emotional watching experience. The comedy in this series is quite silly, upbeat, and fast. Some people may say that the comedy is quite goofy, but nerveless, it defiantly improves the watching experience no matter how silly it may be.
Now onto the drama. The main drama in this series is about his mom who has passed away who always forced him to play exactly how the sheet music tells him to. She would say stuff like "Who are you to question the leaders of music?" and would beat him and force him to play exactly the way it is written. After she passed away, he would never want to touch any piano ever again as it would bring up memories of his mom. He made up many excuses in order to not play like "I cant hear the notes!" and stuff like that. Until one day a girl comes along and helps him out. she taught him how to play the way he wants to and not just what is on the sheets. I don't want to say very much more than that in order not to spoil anything else from this amazing show but I want you to know that this series is very meaningful, extremely entertaining. and I would highly recommend it. It's sort of like a huge step up from 'piano no mori'.
Overall, this is one of the best series I have ever seen. This show is very re-watchable as I have watched it multiple times, and I very strongly recommend it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 11, 2018
Clannad is a story that reminds us about the importance of family and the people around us through art.
Clannad will show you how those you are close to like family support you and help you overcome obstacles in life. (both emotionally and physically) It will also show you how your family, and those you grew up with, become part of you in a way, and help you push past your fears. This tale is very tragic, and heartbreaking, however, it does have it's happy moments as well. One of the things that makes this series so unique and interesting, is how it shows what
it is like to grow up and leave high school behind. It will show what it is like to start a new life, and leave everything behind. If you have just came out of the first season, and are planning on starting this one, you will now get to see how things have changed as the characters adapted into their adulthood. As they continue their journey through life, they come across some really tragic events, and learn the importance of family support.
The only real problem I had with this season of Clannad, is the supernatural aspect of the show. The problem with it is it's just too confusing and I feel like it was not explained enough leaving us with sort of a wishy washy feeling. I have not yet played the VN game but I heard from the people who have played it that this aspect is explained way better in the game. Because of this flaw, I had a hard time deciding whether or not this show deserved a 10/10 or a 9/10.
I would recommend this show to anybody who wants to watch a tragic emotional yet touching story that will make you think about what it is like to grow up and start a new life outside of high school.
after a lot of thought, I decided to give this show a 9/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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