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Feb 10, 2022
While this show is likely more of a 7 or 8 by my usual metrics, I couldn't escape being appalled at the absolutely tasteless way that this show handled rape. Then, on top of that, they have a pedophilia sub-plot that's played for laughs. I don't really care if this shit was in the source material, an adaptation with a whole studio behind it can use some discretion. Adaptations adapt material, after all, not copy it wholesale.
Anyway, if those things sound like they'll bother you too, turn back before you're too invested to quit. The story and world is quite interesting, and the contrast between
the unnatural, bright colour palette and the subject matter is done with intention. There's a fundamental understanding there that the Idaten aren't really bothered by silly things like losing a limb, and that bears out in the art style, though you might be taken aback at first, thinking you've stumbled into another School-Live! I thought it was clever, at any rate. I rather enjoyed the examination of what the Idaten are and how little affinity they have for humanity, even though they're sort of branded as gods and protectors.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 6, 2019
This was a wonderful surprise. I'm sliding it up there with my all-time favourites, not necessarily because I think it compares in a vacuum but because it accomplishes what it was trying to do so well that I ended up loving every precious minute of it. I don't typically seek out these slice of life kinds of shows, but hot damn did Honda-san entertain and educate me. So, taking into account the unexpectedly positive response I had to it, I would have to wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who's interested in the mundane. I would also feel comfortable recommending it to people, like me, for
whom this typically falls outside of our comfort zone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 6, 2019
Was the second season of Mob Psycho good? Undoubtedly. Is it better than the first season? Probably, from a certain point of view. For myself, however, it didn't really seem to land. Something about the story they were telling made it hard for me to connect with, even if they did a good job of telling that story. It also felt like there was too big of a gap between Mob at the end of season one and Mob in this season. Some of the characters felt like they were filling roles because the roles needed to be filled and, instead of creating new characters,
those spots were stuffed with existing characters, sometimes uncomfortably.
No doubt I would recommend this to everyone, but it just didn't hit it out of the park for me like the first season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 6, 2019
Something about this one just... stuck with me. The audio design is undoubtedly great. The visuals are on point. It's a fascinating string of events. And yet, I don't think I could in any way rank Boogiepop this highly from an objective point of view. I can see how some people would think that it's needlessly confusing and that the entire experience is overly sparse. The characters don't really get much time for us to understand who they are, and the movers and shakers of the world are left, perhaps, too vague in the background. To engage with it fully, the show is asking a
lot of its audience; perhaps more than it has any right to.
However, as my score and initial proclamation indicate, this may be top ten material for me. Something about the experience struck a chord within my soul, a yearning that I haven't felt in a long while. Can I tell you, objectively, what makes it this good for my subjective tastes? No, I cannot. Maybe, in its own paradoxical way, not knowing why the experience has meant so much is one of the reasons it means so much.
If you're up for a challenge, give this a watch. You'll either have something mediocre to enjoy or be unable to put into words why you remember it so fondly after you finish.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 2, 2017
I really wanted to give this show a better review because I was loving it...for the first 3/4. I think it suffers from the same things a lot of the 12 episode series out there do. Basically, the world was fairly well developed, the characters seemed interesting and had room to fill out their history. The plot was intriguing, with mysteries to solve. Then you get to the last couple episodes, and the whole thing kind of vomits up all of the answers and exposition you never wanted, combined with a rushed ending that magically ties up all of the loose ends but really leaves
a lot of holes in logic. It even feels like the writing takes a hit in those last couple episodes, like they either didn't have time to polish the script, or they were too rushed to cram in exposition and it hurt the dialogue. Ah well, it's still an enjoyable watch, it's just too bad it didn't have more time to flesh out the story and let it wrap up at a natural pace.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 28, 2016
Joker Game is an interesting beast. I love it, and if you're a fan of any sort of anthology fiction, you'll probably be more keen on it than others who may feel that the story is "disjointed". I can't say that I would call Joker Game disjointed, if you're viewing it as a series of short, immensely enjoyable spy stories, I'm sure you'll have an excellent time with it. If you're looking for some sort of master plot that all comes together as the series progresses, you're probably in the wrong place. Sure, the short stories are loosely connected by The D-Agency and Colonel Yuuki,
and there is a sort of overarching plot, but it's definitely not the point of the series. The plot of the individual stories is quite good; the art was very well done and immersed me in the period; the sound design was nothing special, but didn't have any glaring issues; characters were well developed given that they generally had ~20-40 minutes of screen time over all the episodes, although it was hard to keep names and faces straight sometimes.
I can't say that there was anything more I could have wanted from this series, and I definitely recommend it to those who enjoy short, anthology style fiction.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 10, 2016
I don't normally write reviews, but when I do it's because I feel the need to express an opinion that may not be the popular one so that people aren't mislead by the oh-so-common mob-rating mentality that we've all seen time and time again. I mean, it makes sense, people will go to rate something and if they're too far from the average may re-think their rating in order to be closer to normal. It's a psychology thing...anyway, on to my review.
There's no way this deserves to be (as I write this) ranked #4492. On the other hand, I don't know if it really deserves
to be in 133 peoples' favourite lists, but I can at least wrap my head around why certain people would drop this in their top ten. Really, on the surface, it's another generic mecha...okay, yeah, it's a fairly generic mecha through and through but wait! There's more! The setting is definitely a breath of fresh air for me, there hasn't been another one like this in a while that intrigues me. And while the characters aren't extraordinarily special, they definitely grow and become quite unique as the show progresses - even when you get down into the multitude of side characters. Heck, there are a lot people who have < 5 minutes of screen time in every episode put together that feel like they have their own unique personality which is extremely impressive considering the number of side characters (I'm not even talking about the main supporting...well, harem I guess). Sure, a lot of the main characters are fairly stock, but I think the effort that went into writing good extras balances that out a bit.
I can't help but feel that people pegged it as one of the few promising shows this season on Crunchyroll and then saw the generic trash it was pretending to be for the first couple episodes and gave up on it (but obviously not before dropping a trash review on it).
Do I think it's a perfect mecha? No. But do I think it at least deserves to be in the high hundreds or low thousands? Definitely. It's sure as hell better than Aldnoah.Zero's second season and arguably better than the first; also, once the last couple episodes come out, I'm almost positive I'll be able to say it's better than the first season too.
Do yourself a favour and give it a watch through to the end, it definitely finds it's groove around mid-season which makes the overall quality match up a lot more with the great art, animation, and sound/music choices. If you like mecha, you'll like this. If you hate mecha, you'll probably appreciate the world history and politics. I do at least recommend you give it a shot if the expository history lesson in (I think) the first episode intrigues you at all, even if mecha isn't your thing. I like to think there's a reason that the actual reviews (probably from people who have invested a little bit of time in this show) all come with quite high ratings.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 7, 2016
You know, I wasn't expecting much out of this. I was expecting something bad, but I got something that genuinely touched me in a way I didn't expect. The characters felt like they each had their own unique personalities and feelings, the animation was fantastic for the style, and something about the simplicity of the story really got me. I'm not saying that I'd add it to a list of my favourites, but I am saying that I think most people should give it a chance and not just dismiss it because of the concept. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 15, 2016
The following review, while it doesn't contain spoilers, may give you more insight into the structure of The Perfect Insider than I would personally have wanted to have going into it. Heck, I didn't even know that it was a mystery (which was a nice treat for me), but I'm assuming you know at least that much if you're reading this. Anyway, I recommend watching this, especially if you're into thinking philosophically and solving mysteries as it's one of the best shows/movies I've seen in that regard, never mind just in the anime. You can come back and read the review later if you don't
want to be expecting certain general things to come up during the show, which I think would provide the best experience.
Do you know how mystery television or film falls into two categories? The ones that throw bogus clues and evidence out there to mislead you until the grand reveal and the ones that give you legitimate clues you can use to figure everything out without having to guess at some point before the end? Well, fortunately, this show falls into the latter category, and damn does it do a good job of it. I haven't had the pleasure of watching much, if anything, that struck this kind of balance in a long time. Generally speaking, I either have everything figured out, or there isn't enough info/too much misleading/incorrect info to get to a conclusion without a leap of faith or without waiting until right near the end. This anime gave us all the clues we needed to solve the mystery within the first 3 episodes if I remember correctly which is coincidentally around when the mystery starts. It's kind of novel to have a show give you everything you need to solve the mystery right around the time the mystery is in place. Well, to a certain extent anyway. There's more that gets filled out as you move through the story that could be considered key to figuring out what happened, but even those final bits are given to you a decent enough chunk of episodes before the end.
Now that I've established that they did the whole mystery thing basically flawlessly in my opinion, I would like to say that it has also been a treat to have one of these shows conduct themselves fairly and still manage to trick me, even while doling out clues the whole time. That doesn't happen very often. If I had to pick a criticism of the mystery, it's that if you're not paying very close attention, and if you're not...well, clever at this sort of thing, you may feel that the reveals come out of left field and are a load of crap - as many people who have reviewed this do.
Onwards! The art and animation is really well done and the sound is definitely a treat. Their attention to detail really shows, especially during one of the best openings and one of the best endings I've ever seen. The questions I found myself musing after and during every episode were also really well posited, if maybe a little shoehorned into things. That being said, I felt like it was in one of the main characters' nature to speak the way he did and I found myself identifying with him more than anyone else. So while it was shoehorned, the character who was doing the philosophy shoehorning was doing it believably (for me at least - there are enough reviews that disagree, and I won't bother using the old "They didn't understand" or "They didn't get the character" arguments). For a longer, clearer, picture of why I liked this part of the show, read this review since I agree with pretty much everything they say http://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=205880
Now to the negative.
The main bad thing I have to say about all of this (minus the usual personal opinion stuff that you'll decide for yourself if you watch it) is that the characters were pretty weak overall. I thought that each one served a purpose, and some of them were interesting enough, but it was definitely the plot, story, philosophy, and them making me think all the time that took me through this. If it was just the characters alone trying to carry this in a different situation, I don't think I would have been interested past the philosophical questions that the main character I was talking about spits out. This is in contrast to say, Death Note as the easy example, where I could watch L and Light trying to open competing hotdog stands and it would be enthralling. In The Perfect Insider, the characters are a vehicle for the story, not the other way around. Anyway, to sum it all up, just read the first part of the review that warned you not to read the review ;) Enjoy!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 5, 2015
Just...uh, well, you're here. And you're probably here for a reason, so just watch it and get it out of your system. If I'm going to come up with one redeeming feature, it's the length. It IS only 3 1/2 minutes of your life after all. And who knows, maybe we all just don't get it. Maybe it's actually brilliant. Was I the only one who found it sexual? Maybe that's the brilliance! This anime actually shows us a reflection of our inner selves...we see what we want to see! And since most people feel so little of themselves, that's why the score on this
is so low...it all makes sense now...at least that's what I'm telling myself so that I can go sleep in peace. No one would make something this weird and also make it just bad, would they?
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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