If you’ve played the game you might like this anime, but otherwise probably not.
The art and character designs are beautiful, but that’s about all this show has going for it. The plot is completely nonsensical. Sometimes nothing happens at all in the entire episode, sometimes A LOT happens - but either way, it makes absolutely no sense. It just jumps from plot point to plot point without ever wrapping anything up. It might work in a game but it doesn’t in a show. I’ve also never watched a show that has an NPC as a main character. Pretty much her only role is to
Feb 26, 2025
Ao no Hako
As someone whose two favorite genres are sports and romance, I always thought I wanted more romance in sports anime and was very excited when this one was announced. But Blue Box has made me reconsider that.
Blue Box suffers from trying to spread itself too thin between the two genres and as a result, both fall flat. All of the matches and games are really glossed over, so you don’t get any of the feelings that you want from a sports anime - there’s not much excitement or suspense or really even any disappointment when a match is lost. It’s more just like “Oh ... Dec 31, 2024
Blue Lock vs. U-20 Japan
Let’s get the obvious out of the way: the animation for this season is absolute garbage for 90% of the show. There’s no getting around it, it’s bad. But putting that aside, this season of Blue Lock is the same as all the others. If you’re wanting an edgelord, Dragon Ball Z - esque battle shonen sports anime, this is still that. The animation is bad but the plot is still interesting, and at the end of the day that’s preferable to a garbage plot with good animation imo. The people who are acting like the entire story is ruined because of the animation are
Dec 4, 2024
Delico's Nursery
I’m not sure if it’s the story itself or just this anime adaptation, but this one is a flop.
There are two different plot lines/components to Delico’s Nursery: the aristocratic/government/conspiracy plot and the child rearing plot. And they do not do a good job of balancing or connecting the two. They very much feel like two separate plot lines and as someone who loves childcare anime and started this specifically because of that, the children really do not add anything to the plot other than to be, quite frankly, annoying. The plot itself has its own issues, the main one being the 11 episode build ... Sep 27, 2024
Tasogare Out Focus
Before starting Twilight Out of Focus, it’s important to know that there’s not really a “main” couple. The series is pretty evenly split between 3 separate couples, all with their own storylines. Because of this, this series is definitely not a slowburn, as each storyline is 3-4 episodes.
Taking all that into account, Twilight Out of Focus is a great series, full of green flags, healthy relationships, and interesting characters with their own distinct personalities. It’s cute, it’s fluffy, and also a little spicy - which in my opinion is realistic considering these are all high school boys. If you want a cute, non-toxic, fast ... Sep 17, 2024
I’m pretty sure the target audience of this anime is actual children. It’s not just that the plot is simple because a simple plot can still be interesting, it’s that the plot is just so shallow and there’s no stakes to anything. The characters are for the most part completely without any personality. The twins’ only personality trait is parroting whatever Taku says and one shot kicking anything that stands in their way. That’s it, that’s the whole plot. Every single episode uses the same formula so it gets super repetitive about halfway through the series. I like adventuring anime and I like childcare anime,
Sep 8, 2024
Shoushimin Series
Shoushimin is just….. well, fine. The animation quality, character designs, and voice acting are all good, but the story and plot leave a lot to be desired.
The main problem I have is that this series does an inconsistent job of keeping your attention. Some episodes are very engaging and keep your attention the whole way through. But I found the majority of them to be just very slow and to be honest, boring. It’s not very entertaining as a mystery and it’s not very entertaining as a slice of life either. Overall, I didn’t regret watching it but I’m not sure I would recommend ... Jul 2, 2024
Boukyaku Battery (TV)
Oblivion Battery is a hidden gem of the Spring anime season. It gives you everything you want out of a sports anime: the hype and excitement, the friendship and teamwork, the growth and character development, and on top of that it’s genuinely laugh out loud hilarious.
This anime is not Ace of Diamond (which some people seem to be disappointed about for some reason). It doesn’t have a super original or unique plot. But it doesn’t matter because it does the plot very well. The humor is very teenage boy-ish, but it doesn’t cross the line of being TOO over the top and the comedy ... Jun 24, 2024
Tadaima, Okaeri
Quite possibly one of the cutest, most sickeningly sweet shows I have ever seen. If you like BL or even just romance in general, don’t let the fact that this is omegaverse throw you off - it’s definitely worth the watch.
Tadaima, Okaeri is a romance/slice of life about two parents who love and cherish their kids and each other. It revolves around them enjoying life with their family and friends, and learning how to accept themselves, despite what others might think. The omegaverse part is pretty lowkey and is mostly just a kind of caste system concept in this anime. This is such a ... Jun 21, 2024
I don’t have a problem with exposition, politics, or world building in anime. I don’t need constant battles and action to be entertained. In the previous two season of Slime, I liked it just as much when Rimuru was just messing around building his town as when he was fighting battles. All that to say, there’s a difference between world building and beating a dead horse, talking in circles about the SAME issue.
I didn’t inherently mind all the meetings. What I didn’t like was that they discussed the SAME exact issues, 10 different ways, for 7+ episodes. Some tiny new piece of info would be ... |