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Aug 13, 2023
I will try to make this review as short and objective as possible. If you enjoy One Piece, that's great. I am not trying to create hate or demean the show's merits. Also, you will find comments that may be considered as spoilers.
I'll sum this up in 5 points, explaining why I would not recommend One Piece to anyone who enjoys or tries to enjoy anime.
1. One Piece is poorly placed:
The problem is not the number of episodes. It is the poorly paced plot in every single act. This show can get so boring that it can be fiscally painful. As other
user reviews have stated, this is due to the immense amount of filler in every cannon episode. Sometimes, even half of the episode screen time is bad timing and repetitive frames. This is the worst.
2. One Piece is too repetitive:
The show follows a very predictable structure in every arc. Although plot keys are developed during the multiple arcs, there's a point when you can tell what will occur with precision:
- Our protagonist gets to a new territory
- Find a population in apparent wellness and thrive
- Meet new underdog side characters who seem irrelevant to the story
- Our heroes fight the bad guy and lose (Most times, Luffy almost dies or gets badly injured)
- They crew gets separated
- They learn the true tragic history of that territory
- Our heroes have separated fights with new alliances
- The apparently irrelevant side character is now revealed to be a crucial historic persona
- Luffy fights the villain and wins.
There may be some changes between arcs, but this is basically how the show works. There's a point where you just wonder who will save the crew next time, or what power they'll magically give to make Luffy win. Also, you will find the same jokes, the same attitudes, and the same comments. Nothing changes, and, as a result, the main characters never evolve.
3. The show suffers from the Predestined-child syndrome:
One of the biggest One Piece issues is the lack of risk. You never feel that the crew is in true danger. You know that somehow they are going to make it. Our heroes should sometimes lose, but they win. Why? Because Luffy will be the King of the Pirates. There's all it is to that.
Furthermore, Luffy is constantly being saved and helped by others for no apparent reason. Decisions that make no sense at all, or that go evidently against a character's personality. You might say it is charisma, but, most times, it simply feels awkward and forced.
Additionally, almost anyone dies in this show. Frequently, a deus ex machina justifies the creator's fear of true consequences.
4. The main plot is awkwardly delivered:
Instead of delivering constant pieces of information that construct the main plot towards the end, crucial milestones are delivered like breadcrumbs. The main story is actually pretty good, but it is so wrongly written that it is easy to get lost in the multiple unnecessary details. I'm convinced that One Piece would be an outstanding show if it was 300 or 400 episodes long. Removing all the nonsensical, fillers, and stupid side stories.
Often, you find yourself asking, who is this guy again? Where have I seen this character?
5. If you start, you can feel trapped:
Once you start the show, you feel like you have to finish it. And there's usually one reason: you cannot accept the idea of losing all that time. I've found this one to be the sincerest answer as to why someone keeps watching the show.
Positive aspects:
The show can get more dramatic than it seems. As I stated before, the main story is actually quite good, but, in my opinion, is poorly executed. The animation and character design is unique and interesting, but it falls apart when compared to its pace.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Apr 25, 2023
When I got to the 3rd episode, I still believed there was hope in this show. However, the 4th one proved me wrong.
Today's isekai series are just an arrow into the darkness. Unfortunately, it seems that writers throw random words into a bowl and somehow manage to stick those ideas together.
Although I've seen worse, this anime just does not work out. I'll be brief with this review, so I'll simply point out the great and the awful stuff, so you can decide on your own if this is worth your time.
The positive:
The technical department is top-grade. The animation is on point, and
the color and photography are great. There is a considerable and evident amount of money invested in this show.
It is clear that the drawing style is well-represented and, while it is not 100% loyal to the manga, nicely adapted with enough details to stand out.
The negative:
The show lacks the central core of a good anime; the story. Instead of taking the MC's aptitudes and showing his motivation and effort, we're presented with another overpowered character with no personality or flaws. Out of the blue, the MC discovers the other world but does not sacrifice anything. What's even worse, it isn't an authentic isekai because the MC stills get to hang around in the normal world with literally no effort.
The show had the potential to exploit the MC's kind spirit. Yet, it gave him everything (appearance, money, skills, status) without price, effort, or risks.
Finally, 50% of showtime are cringe/cliché hero or romantic moments that just don't sell out anymore.
Quick update. I recently watched a short clip from chapter 10, and, I know how, but I got even worse. It is complete trash right now. Sorry for those who like it. =(
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Mar 26, 2015
Peace to all.
I don't want to be considered as the hater here about Naruto Shippuden. Don't get me wrong. I have watched the complete manga and also "Naruto Anime" complete and I have found them both very pleasant; great series with a excelent history and a whole new world, with the exception of the last episodes.
Let me make it very clear. This review is about Naruto Shippuden, the anime, not the manga of Naruto or the anime Naruto, which are great.
Story 7 of 10:
First of all, I would like to say that NS is pretty much overrated. The main spine of the story is
very good, but is (most of the times) very predictible. Basing on the motivation and purpose of the main chatacter we could say that it's monotonous and ever sometimes annoying. The anime is full of pointless filler plots that the team of production use to gain some time, making the story a total mess.
Art 7 of 10:
Not much to say about it. In this part I have to explain that I was very disappointed with the animation and art of this anime. Having watched Naruto, you'll know that I mean. Some fights were just poorly made and sometimes it even gives the impression of being made by some kind of fanart (without stealing credit to the great FanArts that are out there.)
Sound 8 of 10:
The sound is in fact very good. Almost all the main songs (Ending or opening) are well made and kept a good relation with the serie. The soundtrack is fun and unique, not being able to compare to any other thing.
Character 8 of 10:
Here you have a good variety. Everyone has it's own history. You'll surely find one that you will be identified with. The characters are marked by families and a sort of abilities so it's very easy to found a favorite and embrace it. Here, I have to make the exception of the fill stories, whose characters are just useless. Totally useless.
Finaly in Enjoyment and Overall it's a solid 7 of 10:
You can definetly have some fun and exceiment watching this anime, especialy if you saw Naruto (If you havent dont watch this one, xD), buuuut (and it's a big "but") the animation and plot takes a lot of the enjoyment of the series, so badly sometimes that it's even harmfull to your eyes. If you dont believe me, search "Pain's fight" in youtube. Just saying.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 3, 2014
I found Baccano thanks to a Youtube top 10. I wasn't expecting to much from it, cause I had never heard about it, and that's how I get new series (By recommendation); but the serie really got me.
For a second, imagine an Anime directed and thought by Quentin Tarantino. From the story line, to the great characters creation, this anime is splendidly well done. It took me by surprise the similarity between its soundtrack and the cool bebop jazz from Cowboy Bebop. The bunch of characters allows you to get familiarized with at least one of them.
As something coming out, apparently, of the mind of
somebody like Quentin, this Anime has it all: a great history, with inner histories that mix with others and gives you a good idea of the personality of all characters and their relationship; it has blood, a lot of that (something that you could not miss in a Tarantino movie); it has comedy, a good peace of it thanks to the main couple Isaac and Miria; it has a supernatural argument, based on alchemy, wich is one of my favorites branches in the supernatural; the design of the characters ambiented in the 90s is just wonderful, as well as its art; and for the last but not less important, it has a time line that is not continuous, wich makes the history very interesting and dynamic, with random flashes to the past and future, jumping in time, trying to put the pieces of the history together.
Even though that the serie is a little bit short (13 episodes without the ovas), it's a great anime, 100% recommended before die.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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