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Jun 3, 2016
This is a very interesting anime, although it did disappoint me greatly as I continued watching it.
The story starts out great... Then just tumbles down into this, plotless mess. The first few episodes had me SO hooked. I was loving the MC and Nachetanya dressing up as a maid then revealed to be the princess. And then... It became a mystery. "Who is the 7th?" became the last half of the anime. Nothing more happened. I thought I was watching an adventure fantasy, but I was wrong. The non-developing plot was SO slow and extremely dragged out, I was quite tired watching it.
art is quite pretty. Character designs are very interesting, and I thought it fit the anime well... For the first half, anyway.
My favorite was the sound. Personally, the openings and endings were absolutely astounding. It fit the adventure/fantasy-ness of the anime so well, and were extremely catchy. Chord spellings are eargasmic and those strings are amazing. I hated skipping the OP, because it was just SO epic. Also, the OST was breathtaking. It was like watching a hollywood movie. The orchestral background music was incredibly epic, and I still love listening to it to this day. This is one of the few animes where the soundtrack was driving me to continue the series. I cannot stress this enough, but the soundtrack is a masterpiece.
However, that's really all there is to say about this anime... Sound was one of the most compelling things for me. The rest was pretty ok, so I thought this anime was fair overall.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 3, 2016
This is my favorite comedy anime, and it will always be my favorite. 8/8.
Since this is a slice of life, there is no definite story. However I'm giving it a 7 because they actually stuck with Mio having a crush on Sasahara and Nano having trouble with her key.
Art fits the anime extremely well. Of course, this anime does not have outstanding art you'd find in a shoujo anime. However, when it comes to the comedic scenes, this anime does a wonderful job at portraying emotions and dramatic moments.
Sound is wonderful! Both OPs are incredibly catchy and fun. The first ED was
so sweet~ And the second EDs had me cracking up at every parody. Also, the OST fit the anime extremely well. From peaceful flute music to epic orchestral melodies, listening to the OST alone had me envisioning the certain scenes. They were very memorable.
The characters are amazing. It's just that Hakase sometimes got so annoying... But that made it funnier in a sense, since she's so intelligent. Yuuko is hysterical (especially in the mosquito scene, I laughed so hard) and Mio is hilarious (her yaoi. Ahaha). Sakamoto will always be my favorite anime cat, he is such an awesome addition to the "oh, Hakase is a little kid genius" by calling her "brat" but getting blamed for all her mistakes.
Overall, I absolutely LOVED this anime. I've watched it probably three times by now, and it has wonderful rewatch value. I recommend it to anyone who has some time to laugh. Everything in this anime joins together to form this brilliant masterpiece called "Nichijou". Even the title is funny once you start watching the anime! 10/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 3, 2016
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate this show. It's just that... some things in it just turned me off.
Story is great. Whoa, mc has amnesia, he switches back every once in a while, huh? Oh look, the first episode has an obsessive girlfriend who whacks the mc's new best friend, LOL! It was a fun start and it had me watching more and more. Near the middle I just sort of got tired of the anime just dragging on how Banri still didn't recover fully. But it had a nice, heartwarming ending, so I thought it was very good.
The art... I can't lie,
it looks quite old. It's not terrible, but it's not breathtaking enough that I can give it a 10/10. The only reason why I put off watching this was because of the art (I'm so sorry). I have to say, there are anime with much better art than this.
As for the sound, can't say it was memorable... It did fit the anime, but personally wasn't very enjoyable.
Ah... Characters. Kaga is an annoying piece of **** sometimes, and she is sometimes such a terrible girlfriend. She compensates for her lack of talent and girlfriend materialness with her looks... I'm surprised Banri stuck with her until the end, after all the trouble she's caused. I'm just glad Nana had a wonderful personality, and she was a great character in the show.
Overall, I just couldn't enjoy the anime much because of moments where Kaga creates such huge trouble for everyone else, and it just made me have too many cringe moments. However, the story is quite good, so I recommend this anime to those who enjoy romance with slice of life and a sprinkle of drama.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 3, 2016
I honestly feel quite bad that I'm giving this such a low rating compared to everyone else. But oh man... I had to finish this anime on double speed just so I can finish it...
I am not a huge fan of slice of life, but I don't hate it either. And since Renge is such a meme on the interwebs, I decided to watch it... But oh my goodness. Definitely not MY cup of tea.
(Since this is a slice of life and there practically is no plot, I'll just decide to give 5/10.) I thought the art was quite nice. The scenery was
peaceful, the characters were quite cute, no doubt about that. The sound was... Alright. There was nothing memorable, in my opinion anyway. But oh, the characters... The characters. The only thing that's stopping me from giving it a 1/10 is Hotarun and Suguru, and I'll explain why.
This is just my personal opinion, but I personally detest characters who act/are way stupider than their age. And I know anime is never realistic, but this was just WAY too much. Maybe it's because the characters grew up on the countryside without proper education, but honestly... Really? The idiocy of the characters weren't cute to me at all, it just pissed me off. (It makes sense that my favorite loli character is Shiro from NGNL, who I believe is around the same age as Komari.) I really should have just dropped it at the first couple of episodes, but the reason I stuck with it was the older brother. He was literally my favorite character even though he didn't speak a word. And at least, Hotarun was bearable... Although she was also way too mature for her age (physically and psychologically), it was better than having such stupid characters trying to go through their daily life. I felt my brain cells dying one by one as I was trying to watch this normally, and soon I was watching it at 4 times the original speed.
Although the characters' designs were cute, I felt like I was watching a kids' show. Renge is still a good meme, but this anime personally didn't fit my taste. However feel free to watch it if you're a huge slice of life fan.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 3, 2016
Personally, I did not hate this anime at all when I actually finished it.
The story is... well... There is definitely a lot of "plot", but not plot. I never expected KyoAni to do an ecchi anime, so it was very surprising. Of course, the art is just wonderful, however I do think it could have been a little better, for I think Kyoukai no Kanata did a better job with art.
The OST was also quite good; the opening is very catchy, and fits the anime well. Battle scenes have some epic music that makes scenes more memorable.
I rated characters 7/10 mainly due to the MC. Haruhiko is a very interesting character. Every episode, we have Haruhiko giving us a short lecture, giving an idea of what the episode will focus on. I also liked his special abilities, for his abilities fit his personality well. (or maybe his personality fits his abilities well?) Also, his 1st-grade self was very refreshing, as well as Kurumi's personality. I personally detest anime where characters act way stupider than their age, especially in elementary school (e.g they can't talk properly, they don't know how to do anything without an adult supervising them, even though in real life they would be perfectly capable of much more.) Kurumi is brave and responsible, which instantly made her one of my favorite characters. Even though she carries Albercht around, there is an aura of maturity coming from her. And Haruhiko... His 1st grade self is barely different than his high school self as a geeky, walking wikipedia nerd. I am not necessarily a loli fan, but a lot of slice of life anime seldom have young characters who actually act their age. I really respect this aspect of the anime.
For me, the first 10 episodes were just slice of life with a touch of fantasy. Then you get to the last three... and wow, it gets real. It honestly made me cry when the MC had the official reunion with his mother. I think this was an anime where the intro was disappointing but had a very compelling ending. If there was a second season, I would definitely watch it (but based on the spoilers I've seen around the internet, the second season would be dimensions different than the first...)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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