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Aug 14, 2024
Story: 5
Art: 7
Sound: 7
Character: 5
Enjoyment: 5
overall: 5.8
Story is simple and to the point, this Yankee transfer girl is trying to change her past but a deer girl found out and now they agreed on building a deer club.
Art is okay, there are times where the art is great and others when its just ordinary. I do commend them for using various of stylistic designs and effects. At times it is enjoyable.
Well the sound is iconic since it became a meme.
characters are bland so if you just want something playing on the background, this is it. (deers will slowly take over the world).
One thing I realized that other anime are also doing is the constant cuts from one senario to another. It is as if they dont want to write a full 24 min animated story or even cohesion. A similar anime that does this from 2024 is "Giji Harem". With so many cuts, might as well just become a short story on YouTube or instagram.
my enjoyment is low, I am going to continue to finish the anime to see if I change my view. Its not bad or good, just something extra to add to my anime list.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 27, 2023
Rating: 8
This season is obiviously different from the original, but it has some aspects from the original as well. I would say that it isn't as pretty or magical as the first season.
If I were to compare it, it would be like AOT season 1 to AOT season 3 kinda of different.
This 2nd season spends almost half of the episodes introducing characters and creating drama from the smallest things. I would say that it starts to get interesting by the half point.
Some might not like the fact that we spend more time with other characters development aside from the main ones but
I believed it was okay either way. It can feel a bit chaotic as there are far more characters introduced in a single season (12 episodes) than the first one (with 24 episodes).
There is less romance between Chise and Elias (or less moments with them together), but they do grow to a better understanding of one another.
I wasn't hooked initially until the half-way point. Then I remembered that the first season was just as, or if not more slow. I enjoyed it for what it was, I just wished that they were able to change from their past mistakes (super slow introduction).
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 31, 2023
Rating: 6
This would have done just as good if it was a live-action anime since they drop all what makes, anime - anime.
If you read the manga and watched the anime, this is a completely different story. Where the anime and manga are able to present to us all characters equally, the movie lacks and presents most characters in a hollow way.
Music is fine but many times it was awkardly silent to make the anime seem like a real basketball game. They are playing a championship, yet there is a lack of background sound/music plus there is ZERO cheering which makes it seem
like an empty crowd when in fact it is full.
They make it fast paced and realistic only to ruin it with plenty of flashbacks and occassional slow-motion. If they decided on using slow-motion they could've used it several other times to create tension in the game (as they did on the anime and manga). Since they use plenty of flashbacks, it ruins the pace and tension of the game.
The rivals and the rivalry seem empty and the Shohoku (the protagonist team) seems empty too.
All that aised, it is good if you want to learn a bit more about Miyagi Ryouta in the whole series. I would say this movie would have done better if it focused on Ryouta the whole movie rather than compromising and failing at all. OR they could've introduce all his background at the beginning and shown the game afterwards (including more sound too). The story is nice, but if you are trying to look for Slam Dunk, this is not it.
I love Slam Dunk for it's cheering atmostphere no matter how grim it might seem. All the character's interaction in the team seem so wholesome and funny (in the anime and manga). Ryouta blushes everytime when Ayako talks to him and smiles. The movie took this off and made them too serious even the way (former main character with red hair) Sakuragi interacts seems off putting.
I do apreciate the bold new approach, but this could've done better in several areas. A 40min OVA could've done better.
I will watch it again to focus on Miyagi Ryouta but my main complaints still stand.
-lack of sound/music
-hollow characters
-awkard interactions
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 27, 2023
Rating 7-8/10
I had it on the back of my list for a long while until the movie came out. Yes, I watched 101 episodes just to watch the movie...
The anime took me by suprise as it made me laugh so much throughout.
Animation: It looks very outdated and is the primary reason why I left it out for so long. That said, It really brought out some of the scenes and drama with the pauses...
Speaking of pauses, the reason I would rate it 7/8 is because they would stretch out an episode unnecessarily. There were 2 times that happened, the second time was even
worst as they took probably about 10 or MORE episodes for 1 game. The anime would also decrease the anime for longer intros and outros going from 4 min (regular intro/ outro) to 6+ min (extended intro/outro). Plus the excessive flashbacks which for the most part are the same drawings from previous episodes.
These almost ruined extreamly important moments where you should have felt emotional rather than bothered from the pacing.
Luckly, you are able to skip stuff in the internet with ease rather than watching it on TV.
Music: The sound and music always brings you in. There are several instances they use no sound or a single sound to emphesize the importance of a single action.
Characters/plot overall: It was amazing to see how delicately the plot overall was. Generally you have 1 main character and that is all they focus on. Slam Dunk has Sakuragi Hanamichi as the main character but they also give plenty of time to all the basketball team. They also give plenty of time to characters from other basketball teams. The main character/main supportive characters are also NOT overpowered. The show does a good effort in making the anime very BELIVABLE.
It's not magic, it's real hard work, effort, team work, and determination.
Enjoyment: I really appreciated the comedy of this show. It does not rely too much on cliche' animeesque comedy. Example, watching Kuroko basketball was enjoyable as a teen but watching it again now I cringe at how the characters talk or make comedy out of it. Slam Dunk is 30 or more years old and it still dosen't feel like its humor or characters are outdated.
If you don't know anything about basketball, this show will educate you all about it without feeling boring. Very informative, even basketball players can learn a thing or two from it.
As somone who prefers shojou over shonen, I appreciated the times it was not just about basketball. Instead they would focus on bullying, selfishness, simply going out for fun, and growing as a graduating highschooler.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 29, 2023
Rating: 6
This anime is beautiful but it lacks in its stoy aspect. If it was given more time - say 1-2 more movies it would be great. It seems rushed but it is forgiven for its amazing art and music. Even when they reveal the reason for the plot, it makes little to no sense.
It is an anime film that you can watch half way and drop off only to continue a week later to finish it off without really caring. It is a bit of a shame that the anime art work is really good and the music itself is amazing too.
your just watching it for the sake of it, you will like it. If you care about the story - then you will be very disappointed.
The thing I really did hate was the main guy (agito?) screaming for TOOOOOLA as if he was navy from zelda.
The anime was boring but beautiful.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 25, 2023
Rating: 6-7
I originally liked how the anime started. I couldn't wait until the next episode so I read the manga.
Even if I hadn't read it, a lot of the reasons why the characters feel flat is because everything is rushed. The pacing of the whole anime is off. There are moments where it would be better to show a single frame for drama purposes but it changes so quick to the next panel as if nothing happened.
The anime could've gotten two seasons if it was paced properly but instead we will only get 1 season without a proper ending since there is very
little left to be shown.
Every scene seems very chopy almost as if it was a direct copy of the manga. Obiviously this affects the tranistion in animation, and not as much in manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 11, 2023
I have to say I was not a fan of this at first. I watched the anime first, then read the manga. I would say the anime is much worst when it came down to bullying. But don't let the initial part of the series hold you back because Nagatoro and Senpai develop so much afterwards. I would say it is not for everyone but if you like romance, teasing, or even something to pass time, this would be it. It takes on the perspective of both Nagatoro and Senpai at the same time which is really difficult to do in a series. Sometimes we
see more senpai and sometimes we see more of Nagatoro, everything balances out.
Currently reading in what seems to be the final chapters of the series and I am truly invested in something I just read for fun.
The whole series went from bullying/ playing around to the growth and development of these two main characters.
The author did great in balancing the perspectives of the main characters, but also in sprinkling enough fun (I guess you can call them fillers) pages before adding actual chapters that takes these characters further on.
There are certain chapters that actually develops the charaters but it never feels as if there is any wasted page.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 29, 2022
I was extremely excited and anticipated this anime because of its amazing producers like Flying Dog, Kodakawa, Frontier Works, and more.
At first I was blinded by my enjoyment, but I truly gave it a chance. The best way to watch this is by having a couple of drinks and knowing this is just a fever dream with absolute no sense. Id say this is the worst anime this year due to its high reputation (producers) yet low quality work.
Story: 3
The whole story is about mushrooms (rust) which is affecting the community. Rather than focusing on this problem, a cure is created off the
bat and it turns out that Bisco (the mushroom man is actually trying to save people). Mind you this is within the first episode!
Characters: 4
The anime tries to handle several different characters at once and each characters problem is magically resolved. They fail miserably and everything is rushed or is given so little time that you wont care about the plot.
The whole plot can be described as a kid playing with toys and deciding that his main character solves problems, and defeats enemies on a whim.
Bisco defeats enemies with his OP bow which shoots mushrooms.
At some point Bisco and Milo(blue hair) become prisioners of some poor kids, which is very anticlimatic. Biscos giant crab is ignored! The crab can easily provide cover and destroy enemies and the kids arrest Bisco and Milo without being fazed by this giant crab. Within 3 min milo is released as a prisioner by a girl who thought he was cute.... withim 5 min Pawoo (milos sister, trying to get his brother back) is introduced to a married couple, which blames mushroomman for destroying their city. Except that in the very next scene the couple turn out to be bad, fail at killing Pawoo and suicide. Again, 5 or less minutes! action scenes are solved in 1-2 hits. Oh theres a giant spider! STAB. problem solved. Oh there is flying puffer fish coming to the city filled with kids! no worries, Bisco got rid of his chains and decided to destroy them all with his arrow.
what bothered me the most is the fact that during Bisco being prisioner he asks if he can have a kids harpoon. The kid develops this emotional story about his dad and has the harpoon as a memorial. Bisco steals the harpoon and uses it to kill Giant puffer fish. Then, at the end the kid decides to give his harpoon.
If you read this and thought it was a bit non-sensical, it is exactly how the whole anime is. Weak and unintreresting story and characters.
Sound: 7
The music is okay and it would be very good if the whole anime was better. It would add much excitement to the anime but due to its poor excecution, it only become and after thought.
Enjoyment: 3
I can enjoy bad anime or mediocre anime but this is as bad a the CGI berserk anime. My displeasure comes from the amazing producers of this anime, this really broke my expectations in the wrong way.
Overall: 4
Unless your passively watch this, you wont enjoy this. I would only watch this as a background anime while I work on homework. Dont let the newer looking animations trick you into thinking this is a good anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 20, 2022
So I really like this anime, I would've thought they added the Ecchi tag since its so horny.
This anime is really amazing and funny in the most riddiculous ways. UNTIL I realized that these Gojo and Marin are 15 yrs old...
there is nothing wrong with teens having relationships but sexuallizing teens and showing it to grown ass adults in a form of "art" is kinda weird.
it gets more weird when animators make teens look like adults and adults look like kids, Inui Sajuna is the oldest at age 17. (she looks like the youngest)
Story: 7 its good, follows Gojo ( a doll maker) who
stumbles with Marin (a cosplayer) and she makes gojo work on her clothes for cosplaying. The story does not follow so much the progress after episode 5 ish. the book probably covers more of the details.
Art: 10 the animation is great (ignoring the fact that you are looking at a young teen dress up) there is a lot of fan service. the animation fluctuates between real smooth and chibi/ simplified animation but overall it is great.
Sound: 9 the sounds are very captivating, also the ending theme is catchy and you always look forward for it. Episode 11 has the best sound as you will find out eventually. It really captures the sounds and makes you feel as if your there (aside from the fan service)
Character: 3 because of the age factor and the fan service I had to give this the lowest of all. Gojo does grow as an artists, marin keeps being marin. we waste several episodes introducing 2 new characters which seems more to be placed there for the sake of it (Inui Sajuna and her sister)
again Inui Sajuna is 17 but looks like a teen. Inui Shinju (her sister) is about 5'8 and she has huge breast but she is 14. so, be careful not to think she is legal....
fan service is very high regardless.
Enjoyment: 6 I really enjoyed this anime until I realized they are all underage which made me think how weird it was for an adult to be watching this and calling Marin the best girl. If this was just about cosplaying it would be amazing but these are teens who are sexualized overall. If you are a teen then this is very good but if your an adult its kinda weird watching teens change to being nearly naked.
Overall: 7
even when you dont consider the teens age, a lot of the story is rushed in only 12 episodes. The anime does well the first half but then rushes up to the next story which makes everything very rough and chopped up. You dont learn much about any character. Its just fan service
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 5, 2021
Is it anime? no. Is it hentai? no.
So neither hentai nor anime want this, but I do. Its fucked up and ridiculous in a plot of revenge. fuck it all. I enjoyed the stupidity and messed up shit I saw.
The story would best be described as if a young teenager wrote it. main character gets betrayed and endures the fuckery of his slave owners. He gets lucky, time travels and decided to seek revenge the same way he was treated.
It is like the anime, Berserk except the protagonist journey is a little messed up and it achieves its revenge rather than making
it into a never ending manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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