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Mar 14, 2024
Overall this is a relatively faithful adaptation of the original in terms of content covered; however, the added content may take away from the setting instead of adding to it.
While I liked the original manga quite a bit. I think that the adaptation is a mixed bag with low quality animation and added and reordered scenes placed for shock value. I think that this emphasis for shock value generally takes away from the original work which had the horror elements pretty subtle until the third or fourth chapter and from there on out the horror aspect is generally downplayed whereas in the adaptation the
horror aspect is shoved right in the viewers face very early and often. That being said, the studio seems to be taking an interesting direction on the horror elements starting from the second episode and I want to see where they take it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 4, 2023
The anime follows the manga too closely and suffers as a result with jarring pacing issues, miscast characters, and intense censorship. While I enjoy Atakashi Triangle as a series, I would recommend picking up the manga over the anime.
Visuals - As stated before, the anime generally follows the manga quite closely when borrowing its key visuals. These key visual are generally quite interesting overall though the anime often doesn't let key visuals really settle in and wow the audience before moving in to the next scene. Another issue with the visuals are transition scenes between the key visuals. These are quite boring and do
a poor job at keeping the audiences attention or setting up for the next scene. Finally, the color palette of this anime is too oversaturated. The striking colors of the main characters falls flat due to how colorful all of the backgrounds are taking away from their strong designs.
Audio - Suzu is super miscast with her VA being a bit too meek and unable to really deliver the childhood friend dynamic between herself and Matsuri. I also find that the shift in Matsuri's voice is a bit to strong and FMatsuri doesn't give off the cool but also awkward vibe the manga goes for. Music is forgettable overall.
Story - While the story of Ayakashi Triangle is a bit of a roller coaster and is hard to capture, the anime is unable to capture the essence of the series and let serious moments sink in while silly moments often go on for a bit too long. Breaking away from the structure of the manga somewhat would seriously enhance the pacing of the story and a lot of fat could be trimmed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 2, 2023
If you love Blue Archive and have finished volume 2 of the main story. This is a fun expansion on that same story with familiar faces. If you have never played Blue Archive before or have not completed the first half of the second volume, I do not recommend this until you have read through it as you will be confused at best and bored or annoyed at worst.
Story - 5 - The story is nothing particularly special and is of little substance and expands little upon the characters or the setting as a whole. The story is of the quality of most filler
content you would see in most filler episodes of anime.
Animation - 6 - Awkward at some points with clearly reused frames, but generally is capable of giving weight to actions.
Art Style - 8 - Generally captures the look and feel of blue archive though near the beginning, prior to when Momoi catches the baseball, the sequence feels quite washed out and is noticably of lower quality than the rest of the animation.
Sound - 8 - Music within the animation is generally adapted from the game and sound design is relatively unoffensive. Voice actors voice the same characters from the game and do a great job.
Characters - 5 - Little characterization occurs within this animation with it operating under assumption that you are familiar with the characters. While I love some of these Blue Archive characters with all my heart. Characters within the game development club and outside of it generally fall flat. This is most notable with Aris(u), a fan favorite character who should be stealing the show, but she is never given any real opportunity to show off her character gimmick.Characterization of the characters within PS 68 and the Justice Task Force is very strong overall and you can get a general understanding of the character from their short time on screen.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 6, 2023
Story (9/10)
The premise of this manga is that a relatively normal high school girl, Ichikawa Momona, wakes up in world where the "morals standards between men and women [are] reversed" in regards to sex. The story itself is mostly slice of life that follows the moe formula of cute girls doing dumb things. Most stories are short and are generally oriented towards exploring the world itself and is comedic and light hearted in nature. If I have one complaint about the story itself, it moves at a snail's pace. It certainly is going somewhere, but not quickly. The manga does a great job selling the
world itself and is really really entertaining.
Characters (10/10)
I really can't say much about the characters since a simple explanation won't do any of the characters justice. The manga initially focuses on Ichikawa adjusting to the world and generally being unhappy about her situation, though main character status has shifted towards (best girl) Kawashima as of late. Read the manga.
Art (8/10) -
The expressions of the characters are amazing and the character design is very faithful to the original doujin. The manga is generally weak on background images and surprisingly the ecchi.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 6, 2023
This manga does a good job with worldbuilding and has good chemistry between it's two main leads with fun adventures and slice of life in between. While it suffers from a mediocrity in it's art style and weak supporting cast, the manga is certainly worth picking up if it has already caught your eye.
Story (8/10)
The premise of this manga's story is rather simple, but executed quite well. Since his childhood, Kazuhiro has been dreaming about a fantasy world where he spends his time adventuring. He is able to bring over certain items over such as bento and he returns to his world when
he wakes up or dies. During one of his adventures with his elven adventuring companion Mariabelle, Kazuhiro inadvertently returns to his own world bringing Mariabelle with him. The manga has an interesting duel narrative with events in Kazuhiro's world focused more on slice of life and Mariabelle's reverse isekai experience, whereas the events in Mariabelle's are focused on adventure. The manga does a good job with world budling in the other world, but does fall into classic isekai tropes with adventures guilds and the like. I also found that the drama in the isekai world within the adventurer guild to be quite weak overall due to these characters receiving little characterization and more tangible conflicts being easily solved when the character Wrinda is present.
Characters (7/10)
The core cast of characters, that being Kazuhiro and Mariabelle have great chemistry. Supporting characters and antagonistic characters introduced generally do not have a tremendous amount of depth and generally fall flat and unmemorable. The only supporting character that is a step above the others in terms of personality would probably be Wrinda who joins Kazuhiro and Mariabelle regularly on their isekai and real world adventures taking a sort of onee-san archetype.
Art (7/10)
The art in this manga is mediocre. Nothing about the art style really sets it apart from the rest of the pack stylistically. The art style doesn't add or take away from my enjoyment of the manga. I personally feel like the artist does a better job drawing monsters and animals over people.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 5, 2023
TLDR: This manga is very promising and I recommend picking this up if you want a manga for some laughs in a unique setting and enjoy useless goddesses.
Story - 6
The story, though not done yet, is not very impressive by itself, nor are the conventions of said storytelling. The writing style has generally shifted from an episodic format to a more serialized format with an increasing focus on Yukito's schemes on expanding his cult and defeating the archons. This shift in storytelling does make the narrative as a whole more intriguing overall. Given that the manga's focus is on comedy, being light on story
is forgivable, though I think am intrigued as to where the author will take the story narratively going forward.
Characters - 6
Overall the characters are rather one dimensional and they generally serve the story rather than driving it. Yukito is really the only mover in the main cast with his goals being to expand the cult and to protect the people of the village. Other movers, the various antagonists, do move the story somewhat and often leaving Yukito reacting to events rather than causing them and finding ways to deal with them. I find the current arrangement satisfactory though others may not. Other characters in the main cast are really funny, but there isn't a significant amount of chemistry between each other.
Art - 10
While not Avant-garde by any span of the imagination, the artist often goes above and beyond what is needed for what could be considered a gag manga. Both battles and the magnitude of them are quite impressive. It is genuinely unfortunate that some panels from the manga could not always be translated to the anime due to tremendous budget constraints. The art of the artist is improving chapter by chapter and I think the artist of the series has some serious potential.
Comparing the manga to the anime, I think that the anime unfortunately is forced to adapt the chapters in an odd fashion and sticks to closely to the manga panels instead of either cutting off redundant establishing shots, inherited from the monthly release of the manga, or reordering the order of events slightly. This also means that the anime starts arcs in the middle of an episode harming it's pacing. The anime does show some initiative in this and I think that the anime adapts certain aspects to enhance the comedy and for that I think it deserves commendations for it's very unique ways of adapting scenes. I do believe that the manga is the original vision for the story, but I also believe that the anime is such a genuinely different experience from the manga, that you are not missing out watching and reading both.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 5, 2023
Story - 5
If the story of this manga was entirely focused on the antics of our main character and his harem and the hilarity that comes with that. I would probably give this a 7. The drama within is purposeful and does exist for a good cause, but it drags on for too long and it takes away from what drew me to the manga in the first place. Coupled with the fact that the manga ended shortly after the last big drama arc, I would say that the story as a whole is ruined by drama. This manga deserved a few more chapters
or probably a spin-off one shot manga that occurs afterwards in a similar vein to Aho Girl, written and illustrated by the same author, which had an abrupt ending but got a small doujinshi that was mostly there for fanservice (though it tied up a loose end).
Characters - 10
The main characters are a bunch of lovable dorks.
Naoya, the main character is straight forward and honest to a fault. If you've read the authors other work, Aho girl, He is aho girl copy pasted, but as a guy, slightly more intelligent, and extremely committed to making his girlfriend(s) happy while remaining true to his heart. He does like bananas though. This character doesn't have a lot of depth or insecurities and is static throughout the series though it's not really a problem since his personality works so well with the other girls.
Saki Saki is a character so good you say her name twice. She is Naoya's first girlfriend and like Naoya, she is unafraid to speak her mind and... is also a bit of an idiot. She and Naoya have such good chemistry and the manga could have just have been these two characters doing stupid things. I think she has the most growth out of any character in the series and I think it's a very valid argument to say that this manga is HER story about Naoya collecting girls for HER harem.
Nagisa is the first addition to Sa- I mean - Naoya's harem. She is the moe girl in the series. She has a meek personality, is generally clumsy and incompetent, but on the surface appears to be relatively intelligent. Appears to be. Not is. I won't say anymore to avoid spoilers, but she is great. She is very similar to another character in Aho girl, Sakaya, but she has a bit more of a backbone.
Rika is honestly the only girl I didn't really like. She is a girl that wants to fully capture Naoya's heart and be the only one for him, thereby breaking Naoya's idyllic polygamous life. I don't think her character has a ton of depth but she also brings drama and levity at the same time since she fills the rich girl that does crazy things archetype. She has good moments and she has great interactions with Shino in particular, but I also think that she didn't need to be a main girl. I probably don't like her very much since her direct involvement in the last arc has a ton of drama in it and just isn't funny or heartwarming and kinda makes the ending a lot weaker overall.
Shino is Saki Saki's best friend. She has a functioning brain and recognizes the absolute absurdity of the situation and is against Sa- Naoya's polygamous ways. Unfortunately she is way in over her head. She is great.
I believe that the story could have probably had one more girl or a guy that Naoya could bro it up with if I were to write this story, but that is neither here nor there.
Saki Saki > Shino > Nagisa>>> Rika.
Art -10
The art is cute and expressive. I really appreciate characters wearing all sorts of cloth since a lot of the action is in a more casual setting as opposed to school and I think the author has a great taste in fashion. It never tries to do something particularly unique nor does it need too. I do think the talents of the author-artist are best shown in Aho Girl and I do think the author-artist could do a lot more, but that's also neither here nor there.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 5, 2023
This manga has a weak start, but when it hits it's stride around volume 6 it takes off and goes from a mediocre ecchi comedy to a genuine hero's journey.
Story - 7
The story starts off quite weak and generally lacks foreshadowing. This is largely due to the fact that the story was not really planned out. That being said, once the story really get's going and the story becomes more structured, the story is a real blast. I would also like to commend the author for doing something interesting with the concept of necromancy and how the basis for magic itself is extremely important
to the story.
Characters - 9
Almost every named character introduced in this manga get a satisfying conclusion and get a good amount of depth. Some characters have their backgrounds revealed out of left field with their actions being contrived due to a lack of foreshadowing, but the character I'm specifically talking about is involved in one of the funniest fights in the entire series and also gives great insight into the motivations and intentions of the main villains. One of the main heroines Yuuna is unbearable, especially early on. Her role as a character is to be a straight man to Touka's (the new hero) antics and her role in the story entirely evaporates around the midpoint of the story and is just sort of there. Touka, the protagonist, is amazing. His hairbrained schemes are always fun to watch and as the audience you either think "Touka, you are insane" or "Touka you are an idiot". He serves as the perfect mix of a brave hero and village idiot.
Art - 10
The art style is fantastic. Characters are expressive, monsters are cool as hell, and girls range from cute to absolute bombshells. Faces for female characters are a bit samey, though only if you really look for it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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