Nov 8, 2024
This is the first time ever I make a review. I hope it's useful for someone out there looking for a short - somewhere in the middle of subjectivity and objectivity - review:
I think it's the most absurd anime I've ever seen, and I loved it. It's very funny, it leaves you with an extremely simple story, without complicating life too much, and you really think “I don't need more than this”. All the characters involved have their simple raison d'être, no deux ex machina, no complicated plot and pulled out of the cloth. In 10 episodes it tells you what it is and what
it isn't, and that's it. They take a random cliché and make it comedy with a photographic animation.
Of course, its biggest disadvantage I dare say is both the animation itself (which understandably is intentional) and the writing of Tanaka's character which lacks of drive I think it collides with Murai. Th character of Murai lacks background and I sincerly hope that for the next season they give it to us so we can understand better his intentions and motivations.
Overall, an anime to watch when you have nothing to do and need some real quick dopamine discharge.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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