What this show wants to be and what it actually is are so far apart, and the writer's attempts to get closer to what they want are so forced, I found myself literally rolling my eyes and cringing. It's one thing for a show to take a stupid concept and just roll with it. I'm all here for that kind of gag comedy, and I usually enjoy it. This show, however, has decided that 12 episodes of the same jokes that weren't funny the first time is how gag comedy is done. I have seen this show do the same slowed down scene at least
four or five times now. The first time, it was kind of funny, mostly because of the shock factor. Every time I see it now, it goes on for way too long, and I just want it to be over.
Not one joke has been subtle. None of them feel like they fit in when they happen. I have not seen one likable character yet. I do not understand how this show has above a 6. None of the characters have a critical thinking or logical reasoning bone in their bodies, and for some reason, all of the characters are straight up abusive to the MC. If you like an underage girl being sexually harassed and having her privacy drop-kicked into the stratosphere by and adult teacher whose two jobs are to educated and protect students, then this show is definitely for you. If you think I'm being hyperbolic or I'm exaggerating, one of the teacher's questions was about whether the MC was wearing a bra. She then proceeded to show to the entire school what was apparently a video recording of her changing so they would see that she was, in fact, not wearing a bra. Yep, you read that correctly. An adult just flashed a teenager's boobs to a school of other teenagers. If that's your idea of funny, you need to get some serious help. 15:04 in episode two in case anyone doesn't believe me.
They also introduced a yandere character who tried to murder the deer girl many times during the second episode. One time, she accidentally slipped and almost murdered her sister, but the deer girl stepped in front of the blade and took it for her. What happened next made absolutely zero sense. The girl who almost murdered her sister ended up getting praised by the deer girl because earlier in the episode, she had tried to trap the deer girl using a stack of deer crackers as bait. The deer girl put them in her breast pocket and those were what somehow stopped a blade from killing the deer girl. The deer girl said that had the yandere girl not given her the crackers, she wouldn't have been able to save the main character. Then, when I'm sitting there more confused than I've ever been in my life, the narrator chimes in to break the forth wall with something akin to, "yep, that happened. Weird, huh?" Having the plot go in whatever direction the writer wants and having literally whatever happen doesn't make a good show if it makes no sense at all and the writer writes it off like, "oh yeah, that makes no sense! What quirky writing! 10/10!" (The writer likes to self-insert themself into the show through the narrator's forth-wall breaking, and they do it to praise their own writing or to make jokes that fall flat.) This scene is at 21:00 in episode two if anyone can figure out what the hell is going on.
It's clear the budget for the animation was spent on the numerous slow-mo scenes, and nothing more. It's not interesting in the slightest, it's poorly drawn, and it's filled with the most awful CG deer you've ever seen. They're so distracting, they're all assholes for some reason, and they don't add anything to the show except more reused gag humor. The sound design leaves a lot to be desired. The only think that keeps the visuals interesting is the faces of the characters when they are drawn in a chibi style, and it's not enough to save any part of this show.
It feels like the writer got blackout drunk and wrote the first chapter of the manga. Then when they woke up, they decided to continue it, but they just couldn't figure out how to make it actually funny because the fact that one of the girls is a deer doesn't even matter at all. Like if all the deer were removed from the show, it would just be four unlikable girls, a teacher who likes to film underage students changing in her spare time, and absolutely no plot whatsoever. There's not one thing that makes sense about any of the characters' motivations. The MC is supposed to be the student-council president which is a full-time activity, yet she is never seen doing that and seems to devote all her time outside of class to the deer club. I don't know how anyone could be president of the student council and president of another club. I'm not even sure of schools that would allow that. She's only the student-council president because she needs a big reputation to lose if it comes out that she's a delinquent, but plenty of students were just shown her naked boobs in episode two, so the whole "keeping her reputation" think is already out the window.
I know comedy is subjective, but this just isn't it. This will officially be the first show I've dropped in the entirety of my anime journey. I usually try to tough it out because I want to give shows as much of a chance as possible to redeem themselves, and some shows pick up later than they should, but every episode of this show will be the same, and there was no saving this show after episode two.
Jul 22, 2024
Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
What this show wants to be and what it actually is are so far apart, and the writer's attempts to get closer to what they want are so forced, I found myself literally rolling my eyes and cringing. It's one thing for a show to take a stupid concept and just roll with it. I'm all here for that kind of gag comedy, and I usually enjoy it. This show, however, has decided that 12 episodes of the same jokes that weren't funny the first time is how gag comedy is done. I have seen this show do the same slowed down scene at least
Mar 25, 2024
Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru
While this anime doesn't attempt to tell the love story of the century or break ground on any new concepts, The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil has more personality and more character development than most romantic comedies I've watched. I'm absolutely not the first person to say this, but the first episode shows to some *ahem* questionable scenes to say the least. This is absolutely something you must get past, but I promise this show is well worth the watch!
This show doesn't introduce any new concepts in the world of romantic-comedy anime. This is generally seen as a bad thing since it means watching ... |