EDP445: I mean it's alright...overrated as FUCK in my opinion
If you're looking for a show with valuable political commentary, thought provoking messages, tight knit storytelling, and a great cast of well developed characters, then this is not the show for you! Unless you really like mechas, pizza hut, and green haired girls.
Maybe I might have been a little harsh in my last review. I think I liked this season a bit more. I thought the ending was great, the type of ending AOT was TRYING to go for (and then failed miserably).
However I still believe this anime was horribly overrated. It tries to do too
much and ends up being sloppy, lack luster, and falling flat. I actually love stories with many plotlines and points of views to consider, but in Code Geass these moments end up being severely underdeveloped and/or cliche and end up serving little to no purpose to the show. I feel like under different a different director or team, this show would have been a true masterpiece on the same level as something like Evangelion.
Well actually it is hard to say that cause many people already regard this as a masterpiece. I feel like I'm missing something, I really wanted to like Code Geass as much as the other fans but it just never clicked for me.
Code Geass is constantly compared to Death Note and Evangelion. However, Code Geass lacks the tension and mental intrigue that Death Note has. In Death Note you see understand every plan is executed with true thought and you believe that Light is really a genius and you root for him because you see the hard work and extreme measures he takes. For Lelouch, things just always work out for him because we're supposed to just believe he's a genius and knows everything. And Code Geass doesn't have the profoundness or nuance of Evangelion. The monologues in Code Geass are always the same "GooD?? OR bAD??" I mean the writing is a little laughable at times. It REALLY tries to hammer it's moraldilema.jpg down your throat any chance it gets and they almost NEVER say anything of interest. Evangelion has psychoanalytical and religious subtext webbed naturally within it's crazy mecha story, where as Code Geass has no nuance, it's just mecha (i do admit the fight scenes are great) where the characters monolog about le morals for 50% of the show.
Code Geass also reminds me of Full Metal Alchemist which I DO consider a masterpiece. Both have a large cast, expansive world building, and many plotline. What sets FMA apart is that it takes time to develop each character, each relation, and devotes cares to each of it's plotline. Code Geass's method of developing character relations was just through pointless and unfunny slice of life episodes. That does not help establish their relationships to the audience, we need to see why the characters care for each other, what actually drives their friendship, not pointless school festivals. FMA was very polished and all the plotlines worked with the show and carried equal interest/important. Code Geass needs some major editing.
I think it's also safe to compare Code Geass to AOT since Lelouch and Eren go through very a similar development and going out the same way. Both wanted the whole world to hate them, be killed by their closest companion, and then peace will be established. Code Geass actually executed this way better, it feel like they planned this ending from the start. AOT was definitely an ass pull.
-TRUCKLOAD of plot armor, plot holes, and deus ex machinas.
-A LOT of pointless moments. They wanted it to be a big deal that Xingke was dying from a mysterious illness and it ended up not having ANY significance whatsoever. Then Chiba and Tohdoh relationship? Also there was a point where they accused Ohgi of being a traitor and sayako throws kunais directly at him then him are Villetta are falling to their death. The next episode they DO NOT even mention it again.
-Lelouch's and Nunally's relationship is extremely underdeveloped, I truly don't believe in their bond. I guess I really couldn't get into the show cause Lelouch's MAIN character motivation was to make his sister happy but their relationship is so unconvincing.
-Too many characters that no one cares about
-Lelouch's father should've been better written. I mean this guy got SO much build up, you were excited to see him. But the face off with him and Lelouch was horribly underwhelming. Also the "Ragnarok Connection" tried to play itself up as this epic climax moment but it didn't really add anything to the show.
Things I like:
- the world building is amazing
-I like not knowing who I want to root for, I kind of root for everyone
-The show does have good character, they're just not given enough time. In my controversial opinion I actually like Nina because she had some serious development (at hated her at first though)
-Lelouch is a fantastic character. Hell I even like Suzaku, they have great character development. I just will Kallen got the same treatment instead just fanservice and fight scenes.
-Good ending
-Orange Boy
I know my review makes it seem like I didn't like Code Geass, I seriously like it a lot. But perhaps the expectations I had were too high. I was expecting a show on the same level as AOT and FMA with commentary on colonization and nationalism but this was just a typical mecha shonen with shojo art. But it's still a solid show and I recommend it to anyone who is curious about watching.
The first few episodes really really pissed me off. The last season ended in the biggest climax at that point. It left so many questions as to what's to come next, what are they going to do? Is there no turning back for Lelouch? Well fuck you we're gonna erease everyone's memory and start back from shojo school life anime. But later on I did start to think the "Does Lelouch remember?" plot line was interesting.
Jan 2, 2023
EDP445: I mean it's alright...overrated as FUCK in my opinion
If you're looking for a show with valuable political commentary, thought provoking messages, tight knit storytelling, and a great cast of well developed characters, then this is not the show for you! Unless you really like mechas, pizza hut, and green haired girls. Maybe I might have been a little harsh in my last review. I think I liked this season a bit more. I thought the ending was great, the type of ending AOT was TRYING to go for (and then failed miserably). However I still believe this anime was horribly overrated. It tries to do too ... Dec 28, 2022
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
"Damn the dick eating is crazy"
I enjoyed the show! But some of you probably gotta go out and read a book sometime. My Issues: -Deus ex machina after deus ex machina. I'm totally fine with it but the show tends to do it far too much. There is a MAJOR point in the last few episodes of the season, huge turning point, that is COMPLETELY plot contrivance. 100% an ass pull. There was no character motivation at all, the whole cause ... |