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Apr 23, 2024
this manga is shit
in one hand, initially sets the MC as a complete absolute piece of human garbage but it doesnt give any background or reason as to why he did everything he did to his fellow classmates, he was a "devil" because yes, the plot needed it to set its premise, and in the other hand, it does everything in order to reward him for his deeds:
he drilled a hole in some dude hand, this dude become his guardain making sure nothing bad happens to him or his love ones
he raped a girl, this girl falls in love with him and goes as far
as allowing someone to rape her in order to aid MC
everyone who has every reason to hurt him or kill never does because "living is the actual punishment"
and his big punishment is that he goes on living as a mediocre man doing shitty jobs or being homeless when unable to get one of those, and there is ocassional one liners about
"im never going to forgive you" that never go beyond that, one liners that never lead to actual actions. Several girls fall in love with him, because of course, and this happens even when the girls are aware of his record of raping and torturing people, nothing ever bad happens to him besides some real quick episodes of "abuse" at the hands of some forgetable characters that never results in lasting damage or consquences
no one ever goes to the police, or chops his arms, or cut his legs, or gouge his eyes out, no, his suffering is feeling "wevy sowy" and at some point we have a character that has 5 years worth of evidence and yet she never went to the fucking police but instead chose to confront a man with a history of kidnapping, raping and beatings, genius
and something that pisses me off is how they constantly repeat this bullshit one liner "we buried that devil", like some kind of magical absolution from all the sins he commited, like by simply saying it everything is fine and dandy and despite being a serious work with a plot such as this there a too many panels of girls being cutesy and of characters having deformed "funny" faces
yusuke's has a harem of characters that constantly tell him how good he is, how much they appreciate him, how much they love him, and so on and on and on, and always ready to solve his problems
and how idiotic is the fact that he simply forgets all of this because he was feeling "wevy guilty, and wevy bad", he spends years doing such atrocities on daily basis but the guilt only develops when the plot was needing some shitty excuse for him to forget all of that, and some even more idiotic is the fact that he feels so guilty yet he never goes to the police, he never hands himself over, he never rats out his former playmates, so the whole guilt means shit when the character does nothing, he doesnt get punishment nor does he seek it and he constanly relies on the help of a piece of shit like aizawa to do his dirty work
this manga is garbage, apologist garbage that never delivers punishment, that shits on the whole "the MC is trying to atone" by having him do nothing to atone and at the same time having aizawa being some magical being capable of protecting him of everything at any moment, every character that ever had a reason to resent him or hate it, didnt, and the fucking ending with the idiotic moments: "oh, this guy raped me but i kind of love him, hehe", "oh this guy burn my skin but i kind of dont care", "oh this guy drilled a hole in my hand, hehe" like it was some fun times to remember,
this manga has personally insulted me by existing, at the very least i can take some comfort on the fact this fucker, the author, only has one published work after this one, which tells me he either isnt a full time mangaka or struggles to find anyone to publish his garbage, so good, fuck him
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Sep 1, 2022
1 there is no tension because you know, from the begining, that the "ultimate attack" of the enemy isnt going to do shit
no one ever is defeated, or lose a limb, they just get covered in blood and continue like nothing despite being supposedly without their senses or with broken bones
this becomes evident by the end of the 12 houses arc and remains true till the end of the of manga
2 they explain a lot of their moves, everytime a bronze knight made a question to an enemy regarding his abilities this one
will always answer in detail about his technique, which i found to
be really absurd
3 A lot of characters look alike, almost identical to the point that the only thing that helps to make them apart is their hair and armor
4 the fact that each and every opponent understimates the heroes, always, they never capitalize in their initial success they always let the fights drag, never attack the oponent when is vulnerable, or when they actually do it, in the few cases such thing ever happens, they are promptly interrupted for the convenience of the heroes
5 the enemy that thought himself far superior to the bronze knights happens to be shocked when, unexpectedly, the bronze knight actually manages to hurt him, this happens with every major enemy
6 a regular character acts like a walking deus ex machina, that will ALWAYS appear when the bronze knights are in danger or at disadvantage. The way the chracters are often saved due to a "pressure point" or the fact that "an attack wont work twice on a knight" feels cheap, like an artificial way to shield them from death. In general, every convenience that can happen in favor of the heroes happens, and every mistake the enemies can make they end up making
7 the characters are all flat, they are all good, pure, incapable of doing any kind of wrong they are at the end the same way they were at the start in regards to their personality
8 the manga never miss a chance to remind you how strong the main villian of the arc is and how there is no way for them to defeat him but they still survives all attacks without any major injury
9 the fights are usually just a panel of the character standing yelling his attack name with the enemies flying around him, this to illustrate that the foe has been hit with force, an actual drawing of a character throwing a punch or a kick and such move landing of the adversary is something that doesnt happen in this manga
1 i believe the designs of the armors are really well done, they look pretty good and an actual effort went on think how the armors transition between their folded (when in storage) and extended (when in use) states
2 the general theme of greek mythology is interesting, unique even, i dont recall ever reading any other manga with such themes
3 there are some points in the history that are interesting like: what happened to this characters sister? or how did this character end up being the vessel of such entity?
in short, i dont really recommend this work, the first two arcs (galaxian war and the 12 houses) are enjoyable but after that it repeats the same formula again and again till the end
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 2, 2022
its true that the story is somehow simple, but a story doesnt need to revolutionze a genre in order to be good, or excellent, and in that regard i believe that steam boy delivers, the conflict between lloyd and edward, and what they envision is the ultimate goal of science, how stephenson and david are portrayed to be as power hungry as the fellows of the o hanan foundation, how ray didnt want his dad to be left to die despite his actions, scarlett shock upon seeing a dead man in what she tought were mechanical soldiers, mr david deliriums of greatness, there are
plenty of good moments story wise, and beyond that the absolutely gorgeous animation, all the things that are happening in some scenes that dont even use CGi o use it in a very subtle way, this being a 2004 movie has far better animation than most 2022 production. Something that sets apart this movie is the whole steampunk theme, not all that common in anime but here very well exploited. In short, this is great work, interesting enough story wise and action packed with some really amazing animation.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 22, 2022
we have pathetic male protagonist, those the japanese love so much, who submits himself to some random female that someday is transferred into his school, and from that point on the manga revolves around the sexual adventures of pathetic man a generic bland anime girl, where the former does everything the latter demands because yes, apparently the author believes men are pathetic creatures without brains that act solely on the possibility of sexual reward, this shits borders in Misandry. Besides the shitty plot there is little, mediocre drawing in both characters and backgrounds and cast of characters just as forgettable as the main character, there
are better ways to waste your time, spend some hours watching paint dry, it will be more enjoyable than this shit
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 20, 2022
the art is very mediocre, both in characters and locations, also, the fact that suppon resembles some cartoon character with those ears and his height while the rest of the characters are make to look more realistic, is a bad contrast in my opinion. The fact that by their looks alone you can establish who is bad a who is good takes away from the plot, from the moment characters are introduced you know who is going to be the enemy, also the fact that the plot is black and white, in the sense that good and bad people are very clearly delimited, the protagonist
are angels underserving of their punishment and the antagonist are demons that fuck little children and drink blood, the beatings carry little weight, when someone is beat up the artist just adds some blood over their faces and thats it, their characters remain unchanged besides that, like some character is supposedly beated regularly but he doesnt even had a black eye, a broken nose or swelling, no, just some black ink seeping across his face.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 25, 2022
this shit is awful, we have an mc with an unending stream of woman willing to pay his bills because yes, because the plot demands it or something, the art is average, nothing really shocking happens contrary to most people says, is very tame, things really "shocking" happend like two or three in the whole manga, and
the mc was resented with his father but this is never explained, hence i cared very little
the rest of characters are just as bland and forgettable as the mc, and they all, again bend over to offer his cheek to him because the plot demands it, and besides
that, no, nothing more comes to my mind that is worth talking about, this is manga is forgettable, dont waste your time, dont read
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 25, 2022
to me all of the other aspects of the series are irrelevant in the face of his atrocious plot, the first half of the show has comedy as its main focus and if i were to rate based alone on that i would give an 8 out of 10, but from that point onwards, with exception of a few episodes, the plot is shit, its a unending stream of plot convenience after plot convenience to hand victory to the imbecile main character, with his constants speeches that can be summarized in "war bad", that fucker is so generic that it hurst, also theres a great
number of moments that doesnt make any sense, that make look the characters as some king of mentally deficient individuals, example:
the main character, this fucker could have killed haman multiple times at tigerbaum also when glemy finally launches his assaults to core 3, but no, he did not because reasons, and the fact that somehow leina survived but how is never explained, and the fact that on the very same episode she supposedly dies, glemy comes dome of his mobile suit to ask the gundam team what happened and then he just leaves, wasting a golden opportunity to kill his enemies, and also the fact that when they use roux as human shield they just destroy glemys mobile suit wasting a golden opportunity to kill him because yes, and next is the fucking trope of female cyber newtypes that are mentally unstable and fall for the mc, they did it in zeta and now again in zz, and next the fucking newtype bullshit, now is literally some magic bullshit that turns the mc invencible, everything that was wrong with zeta is here in zz multiplied by ten, the only good thing is that at the ending they had the decency to destroy gundam zz, and the scene of fa and kamille together, plus the fucker leaving for jupiter for at least 5 years, also, Glemy, Mashymre and Chara Soon, ill always remember you as the best characters of this shit show
besides that, the animation is fine, i like the character design, they also changed the characters outfits to be consistent with the setting, when in the desert they use different outfits than when in a space colony, i really liked the second ending song, but besides that i think you are betters just reading a summary of this garbage show a moving forward to the next series in the universal century timeline: Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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