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Jul 18, 2022
Tbh, I'm only watching it for the cute slimes.
While I could write a more extended review, I think that's all that's needed to really determine whether to continue/pick up the anime. The slimes are a very novel character/personality and this is not an overt harem isekai. I can enjoy it to pass the time.
Story - You start the anime without context and are handed bits and pieces to fill in the main character's backstory, It's lazily put together and isn't too relatable as it's not executed well. The actual character development aspects of his backstory are skimmed over in short scenes, while the anime
itself focuses more on the present tense where he's OP af. It's a lazy attempt to string the story together and it seems it could've been directed better.
Art - Average. Designs are very cute for the slimes particularly, but everything is pretty average. No major complaints here.
Sound - It's very generic. Nothing notable.
Characters - Slimes. gg
Enjoyment - I enjoy it for the sole factor I want to brain rot and not think. This gives good background noise in a genre I enjoy. Definitely bias and wouldn't recommend to those who don't enjoy the genre
Thanks for reading!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jun 2, 2013
Kotonoha no Niwa challenges the perception of societies norms. The anime takes place in modern Japan where Akizuki is a young man growing up. He has dreams of being a shoe maker and neglects to due the duty of a normal teenager. Study, work hard, and to get into a good university. Yukino is a woman who has become socially inept. On a raining day they meet, hence leading to our story.
Plotwise the anime has something to be related to and yet gives us a perception of an outsider. We see Akizuki as a naive teenager while Yukino is a woman who hasn't grown
up yet. Somehow they meet in the middle. It's a simple story of two people who has passed by each other in life yet have not noticed each other until an event occurs. This then leads them to a series of events which is our story. I found it to be quite simple giving a fresh air in comparison to the recent anime I've seen. I do have to note the fact that the viewer may have moral conflictions with the plot. But i feel as it would get the viewer more invested due to that fact. I found it interesting that they would bring a slightly taboo and controversial circumstance and put in that light.
Characterwise I found them to be pretty straight forward. The characters don't really develop throughout the movie which I find fine in this type of genre and style. Its more of details about the characters are given throughout the movie that could be what we call development.
Artwise I have to give a gallant tip my hat to the creators of the anime. With this genre it really can only be presented in a certain way else it tends not to be received as well by the viewer. The animation of the entirety of the movie was stunning. The small pauses or scenery fillers were beautiful; Simulating time and mood in a silent type of way. I can't help but mention how it is a classic style art-wise that also contributes to the viewer's reception of the story. I honestly think that this anime would utterly fall if not for the animation.
Music in the anime itself was very desolate. The slight pitter patter of rain or a bird tweeting in the background was enough to convey the mood of the anime to me. Due to it being summer time here I actually found it quite amusing trying to differentiate between real bird and one coming from my computer. You usually notice the cicadas in the background but I found the tweeting of birds to impact me more. The sounds of rain was a huge factor around the whole movie. Every interaction between the two main characters revolved around rain, so establishing that with the corresponding sound enhanced my viewing experience. Everything was simple to fit in with the overall feeling of the anime.
I am seeing myself with a reoccurring comment throughout this review. It is simple. I don't know how much to stress it. Simpleness gives beauty to the anime which we don't see in a lot of anime overall. I think that is partially why its so pleasing to the viewer. I feel as they approached the concept very well and presented it well. 9/10 for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 26, 2013
At first the anime seems like a typical slice of life anime following a group of high schoolers in the media club. All this is abruptly changed when balloon vine (allow known as heart seed and various other translations) comes along. The story starts slow and is arguably stays slow till the end.
What drew me to this anime in the first place was the art style of the anime. It's by the same producers as K-ON, hence I thought it'd be good too. And yes, it was good. I'm not sure why some people don't see the comedy, but for teenagers on a Saturday afternoon
I found it quite entertaining. It tackles that awkwardness of teenage puberty and drama giving something to relate to. Well for me and my various friends at least. One thing that I loved is how it presented these issues such as wanting to date the guy your friend likes, masochistic puppy boy love, and clash of internal feelings.
Each of characters have their own back story in which the others end up finding out. It brings up the issue of how much do you really know about your friends and how much will you face for them. Though she wasn't touched on too much I really liked the character Inaba. The character are what you might call cliche and shallow, but as the story unfolds I find myself wanting to know more or feeling emotions such as how are you so stupid and why did you do this. These characters are made naive and young which makes their actions justified yet leaving us shaking our heads.
Plot wise I found it to be quite interesting. Coming from a person who loves physiology and the art of reading people's minds its an interesting take on paranoia. The tasks that Heart Seed puts them through not only tests their relationships, but their own mental health. Though as I reached episode 6 i realized that as heart seed would return how fast would them have to finish it with fillers or more tasks. Luckily I found that they kept it at the same pace choosing not to screw themselves over. I love the thought of Heart Seed having fun watching the group piss themselves, but I couldn't help but notice the inconsistencies as to when he said he wasn't coming back or being nice. But dude decide on something. Stop flip flapping.
Would I recommend this to someone else? Well why yes. Though I do believe it is more for the tween to high school age group. I would not force it on someone unless its like the rec but more of this was a good anime you should watch it type of thing.
-AniVerse REC member
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 26, 2013
The concept of growing up is bastardized by modern society. Growing up too fast is not a subject of pity anymore, but one to be desired. Dennou Coil takes that concept and turns it on its head. The protagonists of Dennou Coil are 6th graders living in a suburban part of Japan. The anime shows the light heartedness that a child would have. The overall plot is somber, yet the main moments the view is left remembering is the oh so hilarious bits of joy. Though the anime may seem slow, it keeps the viewer enticed with dropping hints and foreshadows of what is to
come. Every little bit is thought through and put there for a reason. This is my second time watching the anime now and as I re-watched the anime I found little bits that I didn't pick up the 1st time. The anime is like a good book. When you read it the 2nd time, it opens a new layer of questions and clues.
Plot wise the anime is so well done. Practically every episode ends with another question to be answered. Even a mere summary episode that the viewer thinks is a waste of time cannot be missed. As the anime goes on more and more of the plot is being fed. Normally in any story the main antagonist is defined from the start. Where as in Dennou coil, constant events, characters, settings add to the plot. What may seem like a mere filler literally fills the plot. As the plot escalates you think its going to going to wrap up by the 17 ep, only to find yet another page is turned. It finally tumbles down right at the 3 mins left of the anime leaving the view breathless and in awe. The brilliance that it has managed to tie up everything is amazing and cannot be described with words because it would be inaccurate. The anime also addresses the fact of reliance on electronics in a realistic way. With new ways of communicating and playing, it also brings us to think of how our society is becoming reliant on electronics.
The character of Dennou coil for me felt too mature for their age which was one of the few things that lacked in logic with me even though the anime is sci-fi (which makes loop holes of the anime slide). Aunty is a mere high schooler yet she's making the elementary school teacher shut up because she has boobs, I see pedophilia problems here. Also the fact that she has such a high ranking job at that age also irks me. the other characters of the anime tend to act their age. I loved how they portrayed kyoko. It shows the innocence of youth and various situations that any sibling has experienced giving live to the anime and something to relate to. Rivalry and hidden crushes just add to ability to relate as we reminisce of our youth. Then we arrive to the crazy characters such as mega baa which make us laugh continuously never letting us down. Even the pets are given personality giving them life and another thing to make me smile.
Art wise the anime is heavily dense with dialogue for the viewer to take in. During those times, which is most likely 75%, the anime transitions from frame to frame giving the viewer something to look at that pertains to the conversation and plot yet it doesn't feel essential. It keeps the viewer from watching 2 people speak yet getting the full story or dialogue. Overall the art is simple, but visually pleasing. The character designs are well thought out from the various shots of mega baa's teeth which give her extra character to the mojo antenni which just add to their cuteness. Though the anime is sci-fi the anime is made to seem real which the artwork portrays beautifully with a vintage look to it.
As always sound effects and music contribute just as much as the artwork itself. Without the funny little sounds from the mojo or densuke's panting the anime would be incomplete. As I was watching the anime on the way to Rochester my friend peered over my shoulder to watch. I told her immediately that she would have to listen to the sound else she would be missing 50%! Kyoko without her "UNCHI!" would then be for not.
As final thoughts I think is anime is beautiful all together. It flows nicely and makes me think which I tend to like after the anime is all done over a high hit action anime. If someone asked me if they should watch it I would say a definite biased yes, because I LOVE IT. The anime is borderline psychological which is a genre I hate with a burning passion. So the fact that somehow I found it to be entertaining is itself an achievement. I rate a 9.5/10.
-AniVerse REC member
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 26, 2013
The perception of good and evil is tested in aoi buganku. The need to conform to society over to keep one's nature is a struggle which the characters of the stories deal with. It makes us question ourselves and our morals while presenting us a tragically, beautiful story.
Plot-wise the anime is based off of 6 Japanese classics. Since the stories have already been deemed classics it is not a question of if the plot is well developed or if overall it was good. The job of this anime was to interpret it in a way that we could understand the plot and translate it well
to the viewer. The host says in the introduction before every episode that classics are "aoi" or blue. The anime was meant to preserve the integrity of the stories and present them in a way that would not undervalue the original works. With the 1st story which was by far the longest physiologically and time-wise, the main character battles with his inner-self and his desire. It goes through his life experiences as his ages. The anime itself gives us a very raw display which is left to our interpretation. As the story progresses, you find yourself morally disagreeing with the character's actions. This connects you to the story making you more invested. As the anime progresses to the next story it connects them by having the host explain a back story on the authors and a bit of their back story in order for the viewer to understand it better. Personally I found this quite helpful for the transition rather than just saying that this was a new story. It gives something to anticipate to. For the second story I found myself quite confused, but due to the prior explanation I could understand it better. I found myself more dumbfounded with the lack of time perspective. I found many questionable bits that took aware from the overall plot. But it also brings the question to me if the creators purposely did that. I don't think I enjoyed it as much as the story that was its predecessor. I don't know if the gravity from the first one overshadowed the 2nd but overall it did leave me with a lasting impression which made me have to take a minute to soak in and process it. With kokoro I found myself more attentive with. All the plots have been quite dark but stylistically the story have a more lighter feeling. With the following episode I found myself interested by the 2 different views of the men. Though I was curious as to which one was the true interpretation. By now it has become quite apparent in my mind the social differences between men and women during the era again. I have been slightly educated on the era but it gives me another glance at the matter. Run Melos was quite interesting to me. By far it is the upbeat endings out of all the stories. In this one the main character struggles with memories from the past. I loved the fact that you didn't really know which end he was on. You questioned if he was culprit or the victim. The story takes you on a physiological journey of betrayal and whether to forgive. It gives us a life lesson to think for ourselves. The spider's web is very different on contrast. It's a simple story of a man who then is robbed back by his karma. There's many stories with a similar plot but I found this one to be different since it was simple. It's simple to the point where it shows justice is slow to occur even with the glorified image of it. They finally finish it off with a story of death by passion. Though the concept is bastardized often the story still manages to relay the theme. How much sacrifice will you go through to change the future for others? With modern day values this concept is as I said bastardized. I found it as an interesting note to end off on which left me on my bed staring at the computer screen.
Character-wise I found them to be very defined. They did not stray from expectation nor leave me to be desired. I found them befitting to their corresponding stories as well as invaluable to the series.
Stylistically the artwork corresponds with it's stories. The overall presentation of it combined with the plot was an exhilarating experience. I found it to complement very well to the character's feelings as well as the overall plot. In anime plot is half the story. To translate these classics well it must have captivating art to correspond with the captivating stories. If not the anime is left to be desired.
Since the anime is very heavy on dialogue I found myself less impacted by the sounds. Though I did find the music of kokoro to be quite soothing after its predecessors which is probably why I liked it more.
As an anime viewer I want to experience to the best of my ability what I can of an anime. I typically do not find physiological to be up my ally but with this anime I found myself intoxicated by the plots and theory. I will not lie though due to my inability to watch physiological much I was tempted to fall asleep at times only to find myself scared of missing little details and the fright of batshit crazy nightmares. I found the anime to be pleasing and opening to new experiences of Japanese literature and I hope someday I will properly be able to read these classics. Seeing as the main goal of the anime was education of the classics and preservation I found it to do just that. I do hope for future generations of anime viewer to watch this anime for I found it as an experience that should happen as some point in an anime viewers career. Overall the anime rates a 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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