First, I will try to not to mention any spoiler in this review. Second, I assume that you have watch Oreimo S1 and Oreimo S2. If you haven't, I recommend watching the prequel first or you can read the prequel reviews first.
About love. Dramatic. Lot of cute moment happened, making heart racing in moment you don't expect. Depend on how it is interpreted, it also has some moral value.
Be honest with your feeling. Have plan for the future. Believe in yourself and try to make dream come true. Resolve the problems, not to run from it. No matter how hard the problem is, you
Aug 15, 2013
Yama no Susume
Childish show? Yes. About cute girl doing cute things? Yes. At first, I thought this anime will just gonna waste my time. It is short, only 3 minutes per episode. That's why I think this anime can't be very good. How could it be good if it is only 3 minutes? Moreover the story is just about little girl playing around? But, seriously this anime is not like what I thought at first.
Yama no Susume. A story of courage and friendship. As its title -Encouragement of Climb- say, this story is about a little kid (Aoi) who build up her courage in trying something new ... |