After watching this today I just really felt like writing a review. Bungaku Shoujo no Kyou no Oyatsu ~Hatsukoi~ (which I'll just call Bungaku Shoujo or something else in case I want to repeat it again) is pretty much a preview of what the movie will be. Well that's what I would mostly guess as I have never touched its source material so any plot spoilers will be totally absent here.
Amano Touko catches Inoue Konoha spotting her eating paper and she forces him to join the lonely Literature Club. As intriguing as that sounds, if you're actually looking for a plot, or any hint of
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Oct 15, 2009 Recommended
Stressed out from the most dragging of dragging unfunny and unimportant/fanservice-filled filler episodes ever? Trying to find a totally relaxed slice-of-life anime? Not terribly offended by yuri? (PROTIP: Yuri doesn't have an everlasting effect, there is little to mild yuri hinted here, may be disturbing but most of the time it is quite used in a comical sense)
Then Kanamemo is easily one of the newer ones I would recommend to you. Remember though, that this is a very hit-or-miss thing. What you would benefit from, is to not think of it hugely as a comedy series but instead as a simple slice of life series ... that is, very easily, a simple slice of life series. It has got the light-hearted atmosphere that some animes aim for but fail miserably at like it was nothing and it virtually looked like the crew didn't even try making it light-hearted, it was as if it was naturally light-hearted. Compared to some animes that force themselves to look so. Never put a huge expectation up for this anime for most of the time you will be disappointed. Of course I had an overall expectation of 8/10 and I did not walk away saying,"I am disappoint.", I instead just closed my video player and told myself how great I am by finishing an anime and did a backflip (lacking faith in some people's sarcasm radar, I will point out I was being sarcastic, seriously). With a very simple starter story of a run-away girl (grandmother passes away, title character runs away, finds new home in this newspaper center, starts life anew with her newer and more ecstatic friends, leaving behind her old life, although not completely) and an aftermath that doesn't even look much like a plot, there is as much worth to rating this plot as there is to rating Lucky Star's or even telling a refrigerator to make instant curry out of thin air. The soundtrack, is as of now, an unknown quantity to me. I haven't had a chance to properly listen to it. Most of the times, I don't get to listen to it properly (as I had done with Toradora!, which had a fantastic OST I still listen to today) unless it's in some way very attractive or the BGM was made much louder than the talking seiyuu (e.g Honey & Clover and CLANNAD's soundtrack caught my attention in not 10 minutes) so I don't deem myself too worthy to check on it yet. Its humour, although not sporadic throughout the whole series and not roll-around-die-laughing humourous, is quite enjoyable. It is very easy to see that some people will complain that its humour is totally non-existent and there are others who'd laugh at it without stop, either way, stuff like this are usually pretty hit-or-miss, but more hit than miss. To be honest, if you wanted a guarantee, it's not as hit-or-miss to most as Lucky Star or Bakemonogatari, that's for sure. With jokes that aren't at all original, Kanamemo still manages to deliver funny lines every now and then. Sometimes it gets me laughing or it gets me in the cold. Of course besides the joke itself, intonation is a pretty big factor and in anime, intonation is pretty much the characters. Speaking of the characters, it holds a pretty big all-girls cast with what I could say a great seiyuu line-up (brushing off a certain Tsundere Queen aside, since some people seem to have gotten sick of her). The cast (pretty much ALL cliched) are comprised of a timid little girl, also title character Kana, 'cheapskate' type-girl (although this isn't hugely shown by her daily attitude but is shown in scene) Hinata, strict-elementary-schooler-boss-but-never-blushing-tsundere Saki, the hyperactive Yume, her quiet companion + requited female love-interest, Yuuki and some yuri-craving/loving drunkard Haruka along with a later-introduced character, a pink-haired tsundere, Mika. Personally though I like Hinata the most as the rest are rather much more bland than her in general. And I never grew to LOVELOVELOVELOVE Kugimiya Rie Tsunderes™ either, aside from.. Toradora's? No never mind. Might not seem so loveable to you does it? Of course this again represents my plain saying of how hit-or-miss this show has been. I for one, like it. Simply because it's pretty easy to read, to understand, to pretty much just do anything. If I had to use a metaphor, it's as easy to understand as it is to see something. Views may vary, that's very obvious and here and there there will definitely be critics but really, I never did expect too much, and got what I wanted, if not marginally surpassed. So Kanamemo is definitely a title I would recommend to you (depending on who you are) if you said yes to either of my first questions.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Jun 20, 2009
I've gotta hand it to you Lucky Star haters, you cease to amaze me. No, I'm not some illogical retard who loves Twilight or crap like that, I'm pretty much one who has logic, in all seriousness I love logic. When you see me posting illogical stuff and me not admitting it, then I was either a) trolling or b) being drunk (I tend to lose myself when it's really late or really early in the morning but not drink beer drunk).
I wanted to write this review because I was just overwhelmed seeing people who hate Lucky Star just because of their whorish fans. I ... know some of your friends keep bitching to you how epic win Lucky Star is and that you MUST, NO MATTER WHAT MUST like Lucky Star but hey I won't force you, I'm just here to tell you,"NOT ALL LUCKY STAR FANS ARE RETARDS, HENCE STOP STEREOTYPING US." That's all. Now I won't go in the real scoring method (other than for the review itself) of discussing stuff one-by-one but rather, I'll try to argue with the haters' views, call this review some kind of liaison for those of you haven't watched and those who have, loving it or hating it, I assure you I won't get biased. Now let's get to the most criticized part that I think is getting RIDICULOUS amounts of criticism: THE PLOT. Alright, how many slice-of-life anime shows have no plot? Seriously, a criticism you come up with IT HAS NO STORY LAWL! I'm not trying to offend you, not at all (and I swear I'm not being sarcastic) but that's ridiculous. I've seen lots of anime shows with no plot and I still liked it. Plot or no plot, it's EXECUTION that matters. A game with excellent plot but poor gameplay would probably result in the gamer only finishing it once and not ever again just because of the plot (considering that the gamer likes storylines that is) but a game with poor plot but excellent gameplay would be re-played numerous times like what I do with Devil May Cry 3. Honestly, if this were not a haters-vs-lovers review I'm making, I would rate the plot as -/10 because it's almost non-existent (aside from daily lives) and usually I won't even judge the plot of animes which don't have any solid plot in the first place. What the hell is useful in judging something that's not there? Shows can concentrate on many points: some concentrate on action (hence, art and maybe storyline), some can go on plot stuff (hence, THE PLOT) and some can go for humour (hence, execution) or even slice of life (which is usually based on how well you can relate to it). If you fail to get the premise of my words in this paragraph, you fail it and I'll say to you,"Go away, you're not worth reading this thing." It's simple logic really. But to be fair, since these types of Anime (about daily lives of people) are usually just that (aside from some Animes like Honey & Clover which explores far deeper into their lives, making even more sub-plots) I'll give it a 6.5/10 in the review, rounded off to 7. They should have some kind of decimal rating stuff here =_= Also, since it's similar to a sitcom where you start off here and end at the same place you started, some may dislike it but I don't really mind. I just feel that instant liking to the characters. Then the art, yeah people have different opinions. I can't say much. It's really love-it-or-hate-it kind of thing so I won't criticize either side for their respective views on this, although I realize that it's purposely acting cute and aiming to be highly-loli-like for teh lulz, some people just won't take this crap >_> I like the moe and cute art so I give it an 8 here. Yeah call me biased and loli, I won't care when illogical people call on me for no reason at all. The sounds, ALSO love-it-or-hate-it. I actually liked the OP song and ED stuff that were sing by Minoru Shiraishi (especially ep 13, 17 and 22) and the soundtrack sounds quite nice. It fits in with the flow and the atmosphere, which is hands-down relaxing. It's a no-brainer that there won't be any epic soundtracks coming from here. I also like the soft OP that was transitioned into an instrumental at Ep 24. If you'd like to compare this anime's OST to, say.. being fair in the slice-of-life genre, Honey & Clover, after some consideration, is comparing a more variety-rich soundtrack in melancholy and whacky pieces (H&C) with a more cheerful and light-toned soundtrack suited for a happy life (LS). I give it an 8. It's excellent at its very best which I more or less expected with its soothing soft music and some great ones. I'd actually recommend you getting this if it weren't for those 10+ BGM CD's that you'd have to get to get them all. Troublesome really, most soundtracks are in 1 CD but this is different =_= feels like they're cashing in or something. With Minoru Shiraishi and the different Character songs, I give this probably 8.4 after more exploration. I couldn't give this an 8.5 or else I'll be rounding off to a 9. I recommend the whole BGM soundtrack to be honest and maybe 100% nai nai nai on Kagami's Character song. Maybe it's just my taste but I honestly think it's one of the better than most other songs there. Again, people's tastes differ in art so nothing to talk abou here. The seiyuu wasn't all that bad but with so many people having lots of different preferences I can't criticize this point much. Like people say, different people have different opinions, or as one of the anime title say,"10 people, 10 colours" which means different people, different minds. I'd like to give the seiyuu a 8 though, seems like the main cast's voice fits too perfects and I feel I sense laziness from some departments but then it's not really annoying or really for the comedy (e.g, most of the extras sound exactly the same). Onto the characters, I can see how people can dislike Tsukasa, Miyuki and the other side characters but it kinda strikes me how people seem to think that we love Konata simply because she's loli + otaku thus loli otaku thus INSTA-WIN! Or some sort. I, for one, simply love Konata because I actually am like her. I love to procrastinate (but it's slowly going away :D), I love games to death (up to the point that I don't sleep for 31 hours), I love anime too. The similarities make me relate to her in so many ways and being a younger brother, it was interesting to see how she felt being like an older sister, maybe I've never really seen that in my brother before. Not sure how people hate Konata. Probably they hate her just because other Lucky Star fans who are whores (there are people like these the same way there are Twitards [Twilight Retards]) keep persisting and bitching that she's the best character in the world. Whatever, if you're a hater, here's an advice: they're idiots, don't listen to them. AT ALL. Kagami is your typical tsundere but less of the slapstick tsuntsun or stuff like Louise or Taiga who are world-famous tsundere champs. Honestly I find her character great. She's the responsible type, hell if I will, she's Tohsaka Rin a la Lucky Star. She just socializes more with these friends than Tohsaka Rin from FSN does and honestly Kagami teases people less than what Tohsaka does and is more open than she is (sadly, if you don't know her, then you could ask around, she's like a common house-hold name in Anime these days >_>). One of her main attractive features is probably her looks, her hairstyle and her behaviour + chemistry with Konata. Tsukasa, Kagami's younger sister is your typical moe, shy, cutesy-cute character who's the pinnacle of air-heads in Lucky Star. Yeah I can still see how people hate her. Air-heads like these are sometimes boring characters and honestly, I never truly loved her the way I loved Kagami and Konata so yeah. Miyuki though, I can get why people dislike her, again. She's the glasses girl - silent, not too out-going, caring, helpful, wears glasses, is clumsy - and the usual smart type. Over-used stereotype, I know so I won't be bashing either side for loving or hating it although so far I think I've only criticized a hater. Tell me where I'm wrong and I'd love to ask you some stuff and for you to ask me some stuff so I can see why people hate this so much. I believe people hated ep 1 - 4 because their director was changed after ep 4 and it got a whole lot better in my opinion so I invite everyone who's just started on the series or have not started the series to watch till like episode 6 to 8 and after that episode I won't force you to watch anymore if you still dislike it since it's either a) it's not your thing or b) it's not your thing. I'm not some whore who won't take the fact that people can dislike what I love. Then the conversations, although shallow, I can relate too. I've wondered about many things that even this anime has covered and I love this feeling. I've also talked with some people about stuff Konata and co. have too. Also different situations like opening a bag of chips for someone, blocking the straw opening so that the water sticks there and acting all immature and pointing to how cool it is (actually I went as far as going to my science teacher to ask about this, but that was lots of years ago), how I pull an all-nighter right before a test, etc and etc. The humour is also dependent on how your humour goes. If you're into the references and the soft humour stuff then Lucky Star is great but honestly, I find this series as a whole not that incredibly funny or Hayate no Gotoku!-like in anyway. It's pretty unfair comparing them in my opinion but hey it's MY opinion so who gives a shit right? It isn't YOURS so I'm not bashing YOUR opinion unless you have a crooked and baseless opinion which I've seen from the Anti-Lucky Star club who I'd love to discuss with why they hate the series WITHOUT flaming or anything of the sort. I've seen in their thread, some people posting that the show has no plot (explained), sucky art, sound and characters (explained) and their friends keep whoring on them and say it's the best show and if you don't like it = u fail. Well I'm here to tell you, just like a motivator like Adam Khoo or Tucker Max or some sort of motivator guy, say "NO U!" to THEM! I've got a friend who doesn't like the types of genre I like but I don't go around her and keep choking her to death yelling,"WATCH THIS OR I'LL KILL YOUR KITTENS AND HAUNT UR CHILDREN!!!!!" or shit like that, honestly, if you have friends like that, then you should consider first, if your friends are SMART people or IDIOTS, which I think majority are. If they can't even get people have different opinions (autism aside), then they are complete fuck-ups, idiots, failure to logic, immature, etc etc etc etc etc. Never listen to what other people like those say. Honestly, I actually follow some hypes (e.g Shakugan no Shana, Lucky Star, Zero no Tsukaima) my friends give me but after that I rely on MY OWN opinion, not theirs and my opinions are made from a base and that base is solid. Rarely is the base of my opinions a crooked one and if it is I'll freely admit it or if I'm feeling like an asshole, I'll change ID and register a new user (heheh :P that was like years ago though). Overall, I really enjoyed the series and I don't care what YOU think. If you find this review helpful, then thank you very much, if you don't, then I don't blame you and I won't be cursing your name a million times, it's up to you. God I don't get why people care so much what other people think sometimes. You've got opinions, I've got mine and sometimes people just have crooked opinions and that's why I wrote this. I really don't find the point in criticizing an Anime that has no plot as a shallow anime that has no plot as if pointing out that those white lab rats don't have tails compared to normal rats which have tails thus the lab rat is a bad rat and thus we must burn in into the haet-oven. So, whatever the hype, don't trust it for this anime or you may get utterly disappointed. I followed the hype and I got what I wanted (well after ep 1 I was disappointed but things got better afterwards). If you hate it and you don't want to be convinced, then I don't care. If you hate it and want some discussions on why it's so damn popular, please do talk with me on the forums or any other place. If you love it, then so do I! Yeah all in all I give this anime a 9/10 for me but in general, for all of you, it's probably a 7.8 on average Although in my opinion Honey & Clover runs deeper, into the more confused melancholy adolescent and that people may call 'pathetic' and 'emo' and 'self-loathing' (irks me that they never ever felt down THAT much before in their lives, guess people have it luckier) and maybe even philosophical stuff, Lucky Star does not go that far and does not fail to deliver simple everyday things or zanier things but still make it interesting. To haters: simply put, any slice-of-life anime does not depend on plot. They depend on their characters and how much you can relate to them. OP does not matter, ED does not matter, what matters is how much you can relate to them and don't let any fangirls get the better of you and make you hate it. I've always been trolled with Naruto by my friends but I shrug it off, who cares really? Honestly, my point is if you can't relate to it, then you won't like it. That's my view of what slice-of-life animes really should be like. Why do I love t? I truly love the Konata and Kagami's personalitie and chemistry. I can relate to Konata and Kagami the most too. I don't express myself that well and yet I'm very much a Konata without the-- oh wait maybe I do act lazy. Really, to be honest, if you watch it from episode 6 and skip 1 - 5 you probably won't be lost anyway. P.S I AM NO LOLICON - I don't love them for their loliness thank you very much. Who ever said we love loli anyway >_> Side note: I love Shiraishi Medley and Orewa suremono :D
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all Jun 7, 2009 Recommended
Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi (ZnT2 for short) is a sequel to the adapted anime Zero no Tsukaima and deals with their stories right after the first season's ending.
ZnT and ZnT2, for me, is generally a breather away from the harsher animes and just to have fun with (similar to how I treat Hayate no Gotoku!) but the 2nd season has improved greatly in terms of drama and, well.. deteriorated in some departments This season is actually good but the respectable male lead, Hiraga Saito, has gone from manly guy to pervert, I mean seriously, this spoils a whole lot of everything. Whenever huge boobs ... show up, he MUST notice it. Hell I don't even remember being such a perverted guy when I was his age, I know he's a healthy boy but MUST HE NOTICE EVERY BREAST IN THE WHOLE WORLD? The second thing, Agnes, a new character, almost literally took half the season away from us with her arc, although it ended in a grand fashion that started a chain of other dramatic things. Let's get on to the real thing: Story Well, in this review, I am mostly going to compare this season with last season and maybe some other shows too but I won't be comparing it to the higher standards. The story is pretty average, the first arc, a girl has village burned, wants revenge, yawn. Its ending was rather epic win though, I have to admit. Second arc is about the war, this arc is quite a bit more awesome because of everything there. There is pretty much nothing wrong at all with the story. I brief you no more, no less for it is pretty much that. The whole thing with Agnes, although pretty interesting, is not totally that great compared to the 2nd half. Seriously, I was thinking of giving this season a 6/10 with that arc but the 2nd arc totally turned it around for me, it was like the impact player in a football match that won the match for the team and that half did it. There was also another aspect I liked from the series. The fact that the character development of the main pairing didn't take a full 2 seasons (AHEM Shakugan no Shana) really pleased me. Or maybe that was the novel itself. Either way it's still a contributing factor but that keeps the score at average. 6.4/10 Characters I have always loved Hiraga Saito for his manly acts and healthy teenager behaviours because well, we don't get a lot of that in Animes. He's unique, you can say. For example, you can see he's not that generic when you see someone like Yuuji from Shakugan no Shana (although he isn't totally generic, you get the point) or some other wussy from some other Animes (although Yuuji is actually not a wussy after he got used to life with Shana) Aside from the last badass episode that made him King Badass alone in the series, he hasn't gone all too badass himself. Hiraga Saito has been, as I've hinted, toned down to a perverted badass (but not those bad people types who raep women) who cannot live life without huge boobies dangling around his life in every corner. If you are Hiraga Saito, you will encounter breast hams at every corner of the street. If you are Hiraga Saito, you are Dr. Boobs - no, you are Mr. Boobs. If you are Hiraga Saito, you will be beaten/exploded to death by over-used slapstick stuff from Louise. Alright Louise is definitely a tsundere. I might be biased because I kinda like tsunderes when they get really dere dere (e.g Taiga from Toradora!) but trouble is she's almost tsun 80% of the time. The 20% of dere-ness are nice moments but then 10% of the tsun will come out from the aftermath of the dere which results in over-used slapstick which is getting frustrating sometimes. There are people who love this and I say to you,"DAT WAS FUNNAY LOL but please, the internet is serious business. I know you're joking with me >_>" During the most dramatic episode I've ever watched in the series (which I cried at, yea lol I'm a sissy and I'm a guy), after the sweet moment, for no reason at all, Hiraga Saito said something about huge boobs. What was the result? Does he ever EVER learn? Louise makes him explode and we see another slapstick that ruins the mood YET AGAIN. Brilliant directing [/sarcasm]. The slapstick immediately reverted me from butthurt sissy mode to normal, a bit pissed mode. It had such a huge effect but they totally ruined it by including another routine slapstick crap. How charming. There are also some absurd changes. Siesta, from a good and like-able girl, has gone to a camera-whore, almost literally. She is not afraid to walk around in a bunny suit with cleavage in front of Saito because, oh, you know, it's for Saito and she's convinced slut = win. The queen is still the same like-able queen. She hasn't changed much and all her actions in this season has not made me note of anything different at all. She's still the same queen in my opinion, the only time Henrietta went totally ballistics from her original character was in her ploy to draw out an enemy and that was actually justified so it wasn't too unexplainable to me (aside from, oh.. you'll see). Then new characters Julio and Agnes. Julio, to me, is one of my favourite types of stereotyped characters. He's the cool-headed nice guy who knows everything. He knows what and what not to do and is knowledgeable in the arts of teasing too. In a sense, you can compare him to the cool guys from other romance Animes you know (e.g Ikuto from Shugo Chara, Nomiya from Honey & Clover) but he generally radiates more friendly aura than most of them. Agnes however, is a different case. I didn't care much about her. Oh sure if she was more beautiful I'd pity her more but that still didn't justify the ridiculous amount of screentime her repetitive story got. I know it's impressive and all that your village got burned and shitloads of revenge is stuck in your mind but why take more than half a season? The arc's ending was awesome though, Agnes in my opinion is not really needed, she comes off as someone you don't even care about at the end of the day. Then previously focused-on characters like Kirche and Tabitha are left out a lot more with the long arc although they were both regulars in the first season, that's a real pity given that Kirche was definitely a fine favourite of mine. It's also a pity imagining Tabitha's seiyuu going through all the trouble as going to the recording sessions and only to record approximately 3 lines an episode (and I'm being generous here). The quality went more down-hill than it went up-hill for me, 7/10 Art & Music The art is still very much the same, Shakugan no Shana-esque maybe, since the whole cast does seem Shana-like and even the animations too. The art is OK and deserves a pat on the back for fine consistency. The music is also well done. I am planning to get the OST sometime later but honestly, I still find SnS and Toradora!'s OST to be better (I'm only using those 2 animes because they are both tsundere-themed and feature Rie Kugimiya as well). The music was well-suited for everything. From the silly and funny moments, to the overtly-over-over-over-over-used slapstick to the saddening dramatic moments, it blended well. Usually it takes good emotional music to make me cry with a scene and this Anime is probably the 2nd one in my book. Maybe that's because I watched the whole thing in one go and maybe because I don't really like watching fully romantic stuff (e.g La Corda Passo D'oro). The voice acting was not bad. Kugimiya Rie has lived up again to her title of "Queen of Tsundere" as her voice brings in the adjectives pampered and childish into mind, just like how Louise acts. Although I didn't like Yuuji's voice in SnS (who has the same voice actor with Saito, if you haven't a clue) too much when he's hurt and doing stuff (you know, the cracks and the heaves and the hos and the breathing in breathing out when he's shouting and/or yelling) but Saito's voice is really well done. No fault there. Other voices didn't bother me either. Excellent ones in my opinion are Henrietta, Colbert, Kirche, Julio, Siesta and probably her cousin. 8/10 Direction & Enjoyment Now here lies some problems: I have no goddamn idea. What the hell is up with the boobies. I mean seriously. I see boobies everyday and I don't go around staring at them perversely every single day of my life. That is how Saito has degraded into, your everyday huge-boob-lover. I cannot get what the hell is the obsession with boobs that this guy has. I know he's a healthy kid, but please know more shame, what the hell are you doing staring boob after boob as if you're on a relentless task of seeing every big boob you will ever encounter in your life? And what is the after-effect of this boobspotting sport you ask? Oh I don't know, ANOTHER ROUND OF OVER-USED SLAPSTICK MAYBE? This ruins the mood. Especially in some episodes when Louise went dere and they had a nice couple moment with each other, boobs are mentioned or something akin to that and boy oh boy, here comes the wonderful slapstick. Go to hell slapstick, it was kinda funny the first time but not the 300th time (for example, in season 1 episode 9 where she drank the love potion, there was slapstick at the end, I could live with that, it was reasonable, what is NOT reasonable is the f-ing ridiculous reasons she would beat him up for). Some people love this, I don't get it, the joke's on me huh? The drama is also very good ever since the end of the first arc. It was especially in its prime at the grand finale (that was the one that made me cry). The other ending of the first arc was also really sad to me. The new-found dramatic points in this season, when compared to the first season's drama, is a great improvement. The relationship though, is progressing at a good pace but in some cases almost totally ruined by, again, you must be bored of hearing this from me, the "I has a boobs trauma because I has a flat chest and Saito is a boob fetish LOL!" slapstick. Sigh, so low. Almost every time, the direction turns to huge tits. I don't get what's so funny about huge tits being shoved around my screen the whole day. I know tits are great, tits are fun but STOP SHOWING ME TITS PLEASE BECAUSE I WANT ANIME, NOT TITS. If I were looking for tits I'd go to a bar or something. Hell even Shakugan no Shana never focuses that much on Yoshida's TITS, except for Shana-tan Returns because, well, it is a PARODY so they focused on her ridiculous boobs but in the normal episodes, her tits are not mentioned a million times. The first season had a number of tit-savoury mentions but those weren't that bad. The director must've looked at the storyboard and said,"Hey! WRITER! WE NEED MORE TITS DAMMIT! ANIMES AREN'T MADE WITHOUT TITS YOU KNOW! What the hell is anime without TITS GODDAMIT? Oh I know, stinker anime!" Go figure. You director, must have a huge boob fetish to make the series become a boob-fanatic festival. You know you could just go to those sites and quench your thirst but don't put tit after tits up the screen and make even worse slapstick jokes. 8/10 Overall: 7.7/10 (not average) If you've liked the 1st season and you like drama, the last half of the season will totally redeem everything you've watched in the first half but just watch the whole thing because it's not really itself without watching the whole thing. I know lots of people are saying the 2nd season is far less superior than the 1st season but the last half of this was worth the score because I love teh drama :) In any case, if you love the drama in season 1, want more Saito x Louise-ness, totally gay for boobs and over-used slapstick, you will definitely like (or maybe love) this season, depending on your preference because some people think the first half was too much crap for the other half to handle and blah blah blah so who knows, it's pretty much preference. I recommend you try it first. I only love the last half of season 2 more than season 1 in general because of all the built-up drama but the score suffers from the immediate boring old slapstick right after the effective drama. Meh -_- On the other hand, if you hate every Tsundere character on the face of the Earth, hate season 1, hate drama, hate the love-hate relationships of the couple (Saito and Louise), totally despise slapstick and are traumatic of huge, surreal and impossible boobies and the booby-watchers, then you will hate this season 'till you cringe tl;dr 1st review kthxbai!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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