Jul 5, 2011
This anime pissed me off enough that I wanted to review it. The story opened with great visuals and fantastic animation. I loved the kabuki openings which summarized previous events. In short, Kurozuka started with great promise.
*If you're worried about spoilers, you should probably stop reading here.*
Alas, that promise was quickly broken. I don't mind a bit of confusion when it serves the purpose of the story, especially when it originates authentically from the character's perspective. There's a limit, however, and Kurozuka drives past it, swerves off the road, careens down a mountainside, and explodes in a fantastically animated and entirely gratuitous fireball.
I watched to the end, and as Kuro promised, all was revealed. Unfortunately, the ending leaves us with a plot hole so large, Karuta could drive his magic bus through it. (Apologies for packing my driving metaphors so closely together.) So are the two main characters immortals or are they immortals and time travelers? Clearly, there's a time "reset" that happens in the last episode. This reset seems to fall into the category of "wouldn't it be cool...". In answer, "No, it wouldn't." Absolutely nothing in the previous episodes suggests a time spiral or Ouroboros or that little infinite loop of paper whose name escapes me at the moment. This is laziness or stupidity on the part of the writers.
The show should be praised for it's interesting take on vampire folklore. And also for bringing a genuine touch of horror to the fate of the main character at the end. In spite of these good things, where's a barge of cliches loaded in this anime. Here's one I'm f-n sick of: generic demonic bad-guy shoots tentacles or spikes from his/her body. This anime does this not once, but three frickin' times with different characters. That's when the show became risible to me (or was it when Karuta turned his bus into a rocket and blasted up a nearly vertical drawbridge...).
Speaking of characters... What characters? Another barge of cliches: The femme fatale. The dashing rogue. The hooker with a heart of gold. The amnesiac hero. Shall I go on? The "best friend" betrayer. The nature-magic wise-woman. The gun-wielding bad guy acting as foil to the katana-wielding good guy. The two main characters never really say much of anything. Why should I give one damn about anyone? When a certain chick gets bulls-eyed near the end, you know what I felt? Nothing. Not a thing FOR HER. I felt massive annoyance at the writers for f-n with me, but that's it. This is bad storytelling, simple. I don't have to like or love the characters, but I do have to be interested in them. Did not happen.
Without a compelling story and characters whose fates we're interested in, excellent art and animation is purely gratuitous. I'm sorry this anime sucked; I wanted to like it.
Your mileage may vary.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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